My name is yeti776 and im a pokerholic......

Posted 8 years ago

Its been 1 and a half years since i made the mistake of opening a poker table online and things haven't been the same since, I cant go more than a hour or two without thinking about a hand i played or article i have read or chapter of a book that has not quite sunk in, Im addicted there is no doubt.
So before i start my roller coaster ride to ruin a little history.
I was minding my own business at work one day goofing off on zynga poker as you do and the light pops on!!!!
I can win this why cant i win for real money hmmmmm seems legit eh ?
So the weekend rolls around and me and my girl decide not to go out, so bottle of wine and i pop the question.
Want to play some poker baby ?
Sure why not
Ok then.....
first site on the net of course its stars click click click and where on,
tbh we didn't do that bad lasted the night still had some money left after being bum hunted all night by the regs on 2c cash games but anyhooooo

So i start to play a bit more, an hour here a hour there, after work before work, but there is a problem im not wining im losing badly.

I played zoom and 6 max 9 max cash and went through money quicker than stu ungar.
I come from an online gaming background and am very competitive and do not like losing, So i start to read anything i can get my hands on (i have roughly 250 poker books in pdf) im watching anything on youtube cash game related, my favorite book and the one that turned me around from a losing player to a sometimes break even player is blackrain79s crushing the micros book. Eventually i see the light there is more than 1 online poker site... Bye bye pokerstars hello Unibet and tiger gaming, which brings me to the start of my roller coaster ride and hopefully i can drag a few of you along with me for some laughs and crys.

I dont want this to be an results orientated thread, I want this to be a thread full of good lessons to be learned for others as well as myself, a guide into the world of grinding the micros the highs and the lows.Anyone is welcome to share there thoughts and knowledge books,beats anything you wish along the way to enlightenment (And hopefully turning my game into something resembling good poker )

I also have pushed my addiction on to my partner who you can find sat at the sng,s on tiger gaming most nights lol my bad!!!!
So we have two sites Tiger- sngs grinding and Unitbet- micro cash grinding

Both started at 20 bucks or euros and both are sat at 31 -32 bucks after 1 week and 3-4 1 hour sessions..

So lets begin get the popcorn out and the beer cold this is going to suck !!!!!! Laugh


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Posted 8 years ago*
Ok so things have not started so well,After a 4 hour session on 4 euro cash on unibet im down to 24 euros, was ruining good 4 tabling , pushed up to 39 euros then 2 suck outs,one cooler, queens against kings with a manic was one them,then i get donked in to on the flop when i holding top pair AA and a nut flush draw only to be out flushed on the river, runner runner sniff sniff (i will be ok), have to check poker stove for the odds on that one, there was no way i was mucking it , Im down again but still free rolling which is good, i think i played ok, kept tight out of position re raised a lot of middle pair flops and got some folds, kept my positional range in good order,Pushed a lot of flush boards with air and got folds, think it just was not my night,so tomorrow is another day.
Me and andrew seidman Easy game vol1 are gona go spend some time together in bed Smile

Rolling on the floor laughingPukeRolling on the floor laughing
Posted 8 years ago*
Hey, just stumbled upon this blog and yours was the first post I read Smile

Sounds like you're very dedicated and motivated to learn poker the right way. That is a great starting point and I'm sure with enough work you will find your success!

One thing I noticed is that you seem to be playing with a very low bankroll. If you have 24 Euros in your account and you're playing NL4 that is only 6 buy-ins. There isn't a player on earth who can play their best poker with a bankroll that thin. Any standard loss will tilt you super hard because it eats up a significant portion of your roll.

You won't like hearing this but the absolute minimum you should have for any game is 20 buy-ins. I actually advise all my students (I'm a poker coach) to have at least 40 buy-ins for any stake. Having a big bankroll will give you piece of mind and you don't have to worry about downswings. You will go on downswings of buy-ins or more many times in your poker career so you have to prepare yourself for those or you will go crazy.

I hope this helps and I wish you success at the tables!
Posted 8 years ago
Haha epic story man and seems like you are doing everything to go in the right direction which is massively important. You realised 2 very important things:

1. you can make money playing a game.

2. there are soft sites out there where the money is much easier.

2 invaluable lessons learnt early on!

Does your gf still play any poker?

Will be railing this all the way! GL
Posted 8 years ago*
Thanks for the positive feed back guys, I know what you mean about the low bank roll it can be difficult and i cant play the way i want to for now,but i just see it as a lesson in tightening my ranges as sometimes they silp so,Not much going on in the week as we both work but i have put in a hour tonight and ruin back up to just under 30 euros picking my spots carefully, When i get up to 40- 50 the gloves will come off then i can crash back down to 20 again.
Ive been getting my video study's in manly a 2 part vid on you tube about the mental game of poker by Jared Tendler because like you say with such a small roll i feel the rage!!!!!!!! and a bit of edd miller on Hand reading in the headphones at work shhhhhhhhhh the boss dont know thinks im in calls,Books wise im still on easy game but i think its a bit advanced for these stakes, everyone says play abc poker which im trying to do but this seems more medium to high stakes style i dunno, I am new to the game so i could be way off the mark.
Im going to finish the book then sit down and get a list up and see what people recommend to read as i have quite a few books waiting in pdf to be read and i know i have to put the book worm time in.
My girlfriend is still playing, she played 2 sngs tonight on tiger, 1st one was down to 3 peeps and she gets sucked out on and left with 25 chips i think well thats that ............................... NO she gets her war face on and fights back all the way for a win , she played very very well and keep her cool and focus.
Second game same focus all the way to heads up where she gets it all in and he turns trips, so 2 games 1st and 2nd her bank is just under 40 now so shes rolling nice and steady.

Well that's all i got for today bring on the weekend Smile Happy Grinding........
Posted 8 years ago
So quick update not much playing being done played a free ticket and scored another free ticket, bankroll is still sat at 30ish so gona play a few games today.
Tasks study wise this month is read Harrington on cash book 1 and 2. Then the next book is the mental game of poker and going to try and work on my tilt control as its not under control although watching john get sucked out on time after time on the unibet videos helps hehe
Posted 8 years ago
Do you think the Harrington books have any positives to show you for todays games? I can't say I have read them but they were wrote in 2004 so I can only imagine how terrible they are?
Posted 8 years ago
Tbh John in a word No, But as a great man once said -Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own, so Ive read the first one and am quarter way through the second, same as i did with brunsons super systems, i read it, didn't think i could make it work in todays games, but there are still some golden nuggets in these books, well i hope or its just a waste of time,:P
You do bring up a good point tho, A lot of the books in my folder i have done some background on and most from various reviews say there just well shit, The poker brat books Ive been told are not worth wiping your arse with and poker moves so fast that most are just too far behind now to have anything but a negative affect on your game,I will finish the second one i think as like the system books i find it interesting to see how poker has evolved.
then the list for the start of next month if not before is.
Easy Game vol 2 and 3
The mental Game of Poker
and my note book Crushing the Micros

As for my grind on unibet i played some cash and crashed down to 14 euros, went on a mega monkey tilt, left it alone for a day then came back and played all the free tickets i had sng etc, finished for the day at 41 euros which was nice.
Played a 1 hour session today 2 table only ,pushed up to 48 euros on cash, Just started another mtt so im going to finish up,I will post if its ok the list of books i have then you can see and maybe point out the good the bad and the Fugly ?

Happy grinding Wink
Posted 8 years ago
So what were the golden points from the Brunson Super System books?
Posted 7 years ago
Well im finally back online............ dont know where to begin really,
Lets just say life in 2016 was not my year.
but positive news im back in the uk and ive got my accounts back open, Smile Unibet woot woot !!!!
Sky poker and tiger gaming.:)
So hopefully fingers crossed i can continue my grind,
I have a bank role of 100 euros on unibet,
I have 30 dollars on tiger for my SNGs,Havent played proper for a few months apart from 2 live games in europe at the local club.
lets dust off the old lappy and get cracking!!!!! Party
Posted 7 years ago
Ermm tbh i dunno Jon was ages ago when i read it,I send you the pdf if you like Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
Yes, this game is very addictive. But I'm loving it! All this emotions, excitement and the best feeling, when you won the party.... That's why I like to play this game. I know that we should know the limits but nothing ventured, nothing gained!