Hello, my name is RegiTime and I'm a Pokerholic

Posted 8 years ago

Hello pokervip.com

I have been looking for a new poker community to join for some time since a uk poker forum I was a longstanding member of pretty much died in 2013.

I have been relatively active on 2+2 (toxic environment) Reddit (slightly less toxic) Cardschat (friendly) but never really felt settled or established.

I was alerted to this site by long term member, Russ, who told me it was a very friendly and busy site. He wasn't wrong about it being busy! I feel as though I haven't even scratched the surface yet and probably won't for some time.

A little bit about me.

I'm 41, I have been gambling for as long as I can remember. I played pontoon and rummi as a kid. When I left school, I spent way too much in my local bookies (eventually ended up working for him when I was 18) and was like most punters, losing money on a weekly basis without it ever being particularly damaging.

In 2003/04 (around that time) a colleague introduced me to online poker. I just created a bunch of new accounts on pacific poker (they gave free money to new accounts and didn't seem to care about the fact that you could open account after account, burn the $$ then open another) and started playing very small stakes SNG's.

I didn't know my arse from my elbow and I didn't care much about getting better either. I did however start to develop an addiction to the game that has stayed with me to this very day.

After a while, I moved to Betfair on the old Cryptologic network and played SNG's there. I was winning money in the SNG's and losing it back at the cash tables, I was losing approximately £200 per month (which was not a problem) but poker had cured my addiction to sports betting, which was the first step on my path to becoming a profitable gambler.

In around 2007, I found a UK poker forum called eatmystack and that is when poker changed for me.

I started to understand that it was possible to actually make money long term from gambling (always been my dream but never a realistic proposition) and I began to work on my game seriously for the first time.

I moved to Paddy Power and started grinding their double stack SNG's. They were insanely soft and you could frequently fold your way to the bubble and still be plenty deep enough to not be at a significant disadvantage.

I built a roll for the first time ever in those games and never really looked back in terms of needing to deposit fresh money to poker but there were a lot of ups and downs along the way.

In around 2008 I went on a roll in deep stack MTT's and slow structured rebuys playing across multiple sites, having at least six $1k+ scores in a six month period. The best of those was when I won the $10 deep stack on stars for a shade over $3000.

I transitioned to ring games around 2009 as I was having tilt issues in MTT's (I couldn't handle the variance well) and started playing on Betfair again when they had their own very soft stand alone software. I played mostly $50nl Full Ring and crushed it pretty hard. There weren't many regulars and it was literally like printing money. This went on for around 18 months until Betfair joined Ongame and I again found myself homeless.

I moved to 888 in 2011 to grind $50nl Full Ring games and remained on 888 playing a mix of Full Ring an 6 max games until Autumn 2014 when their Snap games started to become popular. This sadly led to a decline in traffic in their regular table games. I stuck with Snap until spring this year, when I started to feel burned out/demotivated and started flirting with Sky Poker, Unibet, Party Poker etc..

In August this year, I decided to make Sky Poker my new home and I can be found playing £20nl - £50nl on there under the SN The--Don (horrid name created years ago that I wish I could change).

Outside of poker grinding, I make videos for grinderschool, I offer budget coaching to inexperienced or long term losing recreational players and have recently started streaming on twitch. My stream can be found here

I am hoping to build a friendly community of like minded recreational poker players hoping to improve their game whilst retaining the fun element of the game.

The purpose of this thread going forward is to have a place to call home. I will be using the thread to alert people to when I am streaming which will mean there will be a steady stream of low content updates but I also intend to make high content updates at least once per week and hope to make some new friends on here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I would love this thread to become interactive, much as I want my stream to. I believe the social aspect of online poker has been lost since Black Friday and I want to do my bit to start recreating a social side to the game I love (and know others do too).

I hope this hasn't been tl;dr for you but those that have made it this far, thank you. I look forward to getting to know you over the coming weeks/months.

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Posted 8 years ago
Awesome intro man and it is so good to have you blogging here with us!

Man the olden days of poker eh - god i wish those days would come back! The MTTs and SnGs were so easy to win and no one had a clue what was going on. Damn these kids who figured out stack sizes, shoving ranges, ICM and stats! The old wild west days were way more fun Smile

Can i ask roughly how much you make per month on Sky? Pretty personal i know but just curious how much money you take from those games. I know they are very soft and a lot of fun. I play there quite a bit myself - FACEPALM is my sn.

Where are you from btw?
Posted 8 years ago
I'm from South Cumbria, a small town called Dalton in Furness.

Beautiful part of the world, somewhat remote, which is a minor inconvenience but I wouldn't change it for anything,

I'm not sure I can put a number on how much I make per month on Sky yet as my sample size there would be too low to accurately estimate and there is no software to track my results.

As a wild guess, I would say playing a mix of £20nl and £30nl (my current main games on stream) I can hope to have a winrate of 12.5bb (probably higher but erring on the smaller size is sensible) getting probably 175 hph would for 100 hours per month would yield around £600.

If I played exclusively £50nl, I would expect to have a much lower winrate because the fish:reg ratio is significantly less favourable there and I would expect to have a winrate of 6bb at best. So, my expected profit would be the same only I'd have a lot less fun making it.

If I didn't stream most of my sessions, I could probably play 4-6 tables and double my profit theoretically but again, I wouldn't enjoy it as much and I almost certainly would put less hours in.

£5-£6ph isn't anything close to special but for doing something I really enjoy whilst having a decent craic on stream, I'll take it.
Posted 8 years ago
Good to have you on the forum! I'll need to check out your stream when i get a chance. Post on here whenever your on Yes

Got to love Sky poker Laugh Its softer than a marshmallow in the sun! Is that your main site right now? Do you not miss using a HUD or do you prefer not using one?
Posted 8 years ago
It's my main site right now and will be for the forseeable future, I just don't see any softer sites out there and I enjoy playing in soft games much more than tough ones Smile

I don't mind playing without a HUD. I have been doing it for a year now as my last main game was Snap on 888 which is HUDless so it's not much of an issue for me.

About to start streaming soon on my channel so I hope you can make it.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh is this your full time job as such or do you do anything else?
Posted 8 years ago
My main income comes from a 4 days per week job as a support worker. I support three gentlemen with profound learning disabilities.

The pay is not good but the work is so rewarding. Poker is probably responsible for approximately half of my income.
Posted 8 years ago
Time for a little update.

It's been an amazing week.

Starting on Saturday, my preferred candidate, Jeremy Corbyn won the Labour Party leadership election in the UK. As I have got older, I have become increasingly politically aware and despite being a poker player, which I guess is quite greedy in many ways, I lean very much to the left politically and I was delighted to see a staunch socialist go from rank outsider to landslide winner. If he's given a chance to succeed by his own MP's, I genuinely think he has a chance of winning a general election in 2020 because he's reached out to a whole new group of people and got them involved in political processes in a relatively short amount of time.

In poker terms, it's also been a great week.

My stream on twitch has grown. I'm not getting 20+ viewers every time I stream and have had more than 30 viewers twice, which I think is fantastic in just 10 days streaming so far. On top of that, I'm currently on a roll with my poker profits and am on course to have my best month since March!

The success of the stream and it's growth has reinforced my belief that there are plenty of people like me, who still want online poker to have a social side. I firmly believe that I can continue to develop a fantastic community feel to my channel and my goal is to try and reach average peak viewers of 50 by the end of October and of 100 by the end of the year.

It won't be easy but I think it has a decent chance of snowballing as more and more people join and spread the word, so why not take a look yourself tonight when I go live at 11pm GMT? I'm sacrificing watching my favourite TV show to stream, such is the commitment I have to the channel Smile

Posted 8 years ago
RegiTime: My main income comes from a 4 days per week job as a support worker. I support three gentlemen with profound learning disabilities.

The pay is not good but the work is so rewarding. Poker is probably responsible for approximately half of my income.

My cousin is a support worker and i can't praise him enough for doing it. Well it is not the doing it bit i praise him for but his attitude, care and just pure professionalism and going the extra mile. It is a tough job from what i hear so mad props for that man.
Posted 8 years ago
Great to hear the streams are going really well man and yeh there is deffs a market for it and we need to make the game more fun and social again. Poker was always an 'every mans game' but is now kinda not as most new comers will see stats, insane strat talk and hearing all about triple check raise river ranges. We need to start these players off in a more fun place and then help them develop their skills over time.

Keep at it!
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks, I intend to.

Just been a victim of my first troll. I quickly banned him from the chat.

I don't mind anyone commenting on my play, positive, or negative but I won't have any unpleasantness in the chatroom because it's just not the environment I want to foster.

Also, dropping £150+ in a session didn't help my mood lol
Posted 8 years ago
RegiTime: Thanks, I intend to.

Just been a victim of my first troll. I quickly banned him from the chat.

I don't mind anyone commenting on my play, positive, or negative but I won't have any unpleasantness in the chatroom because it's just not the environment I want to foster.

Also, dropping £150+ in a session didn't help my mood lol

I think i caught the end of this session or near enough to....Q8ss vs AK all in on K89ss i think?

What's a big loss for you btw? Where is the threshold?
Posted 8 years ago
I stand by that hand Smile

I made a small 3bet to try and isolate a very weak player with Q8s, got cold called by a reg in the blinds.

I guess I could check back the flop (I was IP) but show me a pair and a flush draw and I'll happily take a stab at the pot hoping to pick it up and take the consequences when I get played back at. I got some stick for that, which I have no issue with but I do have issues with people being anti-social in the chatroom when I'm trying to create exactly the opposite of the environment that tool appeared to want to be in.

I don't have any financial thresholds. I'm pretty sensible and usually quit when I feel I have started to play poorly. This has not always been the case Smile

If I drop more than £100 in a session, it bothers me slightly but I'm careful with BRM so I'm fine that way. I just hate losing.
Posted 8 years ago
Flop is a very meh whatever standard get in. We are actually gonna be ahead a good amount of the time anyways!

sorry i meant pain threshold which you answered below about £100......that is only 3 buy ins tho so i would say MBN if that is such a rare occurrence that it hurts if it happens! -3bi for me right now is the first 200 hands of an average session lol. RUN GOOD ONE TIME FFS
Posted 8 years ago
It's rare I drop more than 3-4 buyins in a session. Maybe thats just a product of good game selection? I play a slightly more passive, lower variance style than many of my peers too I think, which probably helps me limit my losses in the bad sessions.

I have been having some thoughts lately about how to make my stream more interactive. If anyone has any likes/dislikes about streamers they watch and would like to share them with me so I can improve my stream, please share them with me.

I want to build a friendly community, I'm happy to chat about poker hands but I don't want to overriding theme of m commentary to be poker strat related, so any ideas about how to promote viewer engagement would be appreciated.
Posted 8 years ago
RegiTime: It's rare I drop more than 3-4 buyins in a session. Maybe thats just a product of good game selection? I play a slightly more passive, lower variance style than many of my peers too I think, which probably helps me limit my losses in the bad sessions.

I have been having some thoughts lately about how to make my stream more interactive. If anyone has any likes/dislikes about streamers they watch and would like to share them with me so I can improve my stream, please share them with me.

I want to build a friendly community, I'm happy to chat about poker hands but I don't want to overriding theme of m commentary to be poker strat related, so any ideas about how to promote viewer engagement would be appreciated.

How many tables do you play? It is often just 2 right and mostly on Sky? I guess then it becomes hard to really do your nuts as your not playing many hands, super soft competition and just generally being the best at the table. Table selection of course helps.

Maybe get a webcam so people can see you - this does help with interaction! Also show the chat in stream so people can see how long your delay is and see which questions you are answering.
Posted 8 years ago
How do I show chat in my stream? I'd like to do that.

Yeah, I stream close to 100% of my play these days so I only 2 table, which is part of the reason for my recent return to Snap as 2 tabling reg games really is just too little at the microstakes.

Posted 8 years ago*
Time for a little update.

Since returning to 888 Snap this week in an effort to sharpen my game and get it back into decent shape things have been going well.

I have found that playing on stream has really helped me manage my mental game way better than I have ever managed it before. I have had tilt issues pretty much most of my poker life. These have been less prevalent in recent times but they have still occurred from time to time.

However, since starting to stream, I have managed to keep a lid on them and not once have I had any kind of blow up, which will have an enormous effect on my profitability and motivation.

During my summer slump, I found myself quite demotivated and prone to frequent bouts of mild tilt. I couldn't be bothered to play a lot of the time and I was feeling quite negative about grinding. Fortunately, I was able to replace poker profits income with cramming in tonnes of coaching but much as I enjoy coaching, I am primarily a poker player and I am glad now that I'm back on a schedule that means I'm going to be playing at least 100 hours per month.

I really do want to grow my twitch channel. I'm never going to be able to monetise it, which isn't an issue but from a personal point of view, I would love to stream to 30+ people on a daily basis and right now, I'm quite disappointed that I appear to have plateaued for the time being at an average of 10-15 so if anyone can give me some tips on how to promote my channel, I'd appreciate it.

Now I'm back on 888, it means I can start producing graphs for updates, the first of which looks a little bit like this.

Posted 8 years ago
​I have set myself a challenge for October and I plan on updating this thread on a daily basis as I chart my progress.

The key components of the challenge are as follows.

Spin £200 to £1000 on Sky Poker in one month by two tabling ring game tables.
Increase my stream followers from 204 to 400.
Have an average number of viewers by the end of the month of 30+
To play at least 120 hours in the month.
I may play occasional MTT's on the side and any profit/loss from them will be added/subtracted from my total profit.

On top of that, I intend to run at least 4 coaching sessions per week with new and existing players.

The next 6 months are traditionally my best months of the year for poker earnings and I intend to set off like a steam train with my work rate.

I think the hardest part of the challenge will be the first half of it. Starting from £200 means just playing £20nl, so if I get off to a slow start, it probably means I won't get up to the £40nl/£50nl tables in time for the final push.

Why am I doing this?

Because I have multiple goals. I want to have a good month in terms of money made (anything £400 or more is great but setting small goals makes no sense)

I also want to build my twitch channel, I don't have any immediate intentions to monetise twitch (and maybe I never will) but I'm enjoying the challenge of building a friendly community of friendly regs and recreational players where the regs help the recs in a positive and engaging manner.

Finally, I want to really up my work ethic. I lose a lot of motivation to grind during the summer and I want to get it back for the winter months.

It will be hard but not impossible to achieve all four goals, if I don't achieve them, I won't see it as a failure. Failure in my eyes will be if I miss the goals but feel I could have done more to achieve them.

Please feel free to support me either by this thread or by joining me on stream and helping keep me company during the long hours grinding.

Thanks for reading,

Posted 8 years ago
You know i bet twitch has brought a new sort of love and motivation to the game for you. Obviously you always want to make money, get better, move up etc but having like a little baby you want to grow and put effort into must really help. It helps me a lot having something which involves me playing poker and just gives me a refreshing feeling.

The goals look great and i think you will smash past that 400 barrier mark in no time!