The push to becoming financially self-sufficient

Posted 8 years ago

I haven't had my own journey on her for a long long time and with my new goal for the coming few months I really want to start one up again to share with you all.

Quick recap of where I am right now:
- Played poker for 3 years currently at 50nl
- Past mental fish which massively held me back!
- Work full time on an apprenticeship
- live with my girlfriend renting a flat

My plan for the next 3-4 months
- Move up to 100nl
- Study trading stocks HARD
- do not stay at my job when my apprenticeship finishes
- Move in with my mum (bringing my girlfriend with me) for the next 6 months

Why move back in with in mum?

Simply put it takes away the risk of not being able to pay rent, takes away a lot of the stress and housework and it's really the best time to chase my dream to make a living for myself.

When back at my mum's in hoping to stay around 6 months and in that time see how much I can make and have a clear idea of I can do poker and trading professionally.

Hope you enjoy the journey and hope I can share some success stories with you all!

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago

Good luck with the life element bro. I'm sure you'll smash poker/trading but I'm concerned about the EV of moving your girlfriend into your mums (basement). Especially if the goal is to reduce stress! How do your mum and girlfriend get on now?

Posted 8 years ago*
Pics of gf imo

Posted 8 years ago
Haha gf and mum get on great so that should work out fine, she used to sleep over quite a lot before we moved out Smile

Pic of gf... Not sure she would let me lol, can't be sharing her 'innocence' on such a forum Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Had my first live session today, nothing special +£45 at 1/2 but felt great. Was dwon 100 at one stage so happy session Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I like your style of taking a step back to take 2 steps forward
Posted 8 years ago
Happy with my weekend, not looking at results or cashier ATM so haven't a clue if I made much, but I played well and had a great mindset.

I went back to focusing on my mental game, energy and focus while playing for my note taking rather than the different spots that came up. This had a great effect on my game as it made sure I was in the best mindset to play, the playing then largely took care of itself. It also made me not tilt when I lost an aipf and set over set spot whilst getting 3bet every other hand. Was pretty proud of that!

This week I'm going to continue to focus on my mental game and treat my sessions like a professional would, no throwing money away, I must be 100% focussed as much as possible!
Posted 8 years ago
Get em Cookie!

I had a good weekend as well. Not sure how good but I played my A game for way more than normal. The only times it dropped were as I was finishing a couple of sessions and had clicked sit out next BB. I noticed on reflection that I was completely gone as soon as I hit that button and I then missed a value bet on one of the hands that would have been worth probably 15bb or maybe more. Its an extra mistake that I could have done without. If I'm playing 4 tables say and I lose my focus when I hit that button, that's like 12 hands roughly. Given I do this every break or new session that could be 12 in every 500 hands or so. That's 2 to 3% when I'm completely gone that I should be able to correct to my average at least if not absolute A game by just being aware of it.

I also dropped a bit when I was posting a HH on here while still playing and that was pretty dumb. I lost track of the action more than once before I recognised how dumb it was and clicked sit out (and then lost all focus as mentioned above anyway!).

I did run decent I think though and jams with the best cards held up so will be winning and above EV. Always easier to keep good mindset in that world right?
Posted 8 years ago
Nice thread and I think moving in with your mum is a good idea - short term pain for long term gain.

Obviously privacy is such a great thing but I do think it today's times working an apprenticeship it will always be the best route and you are still super young.

In for the ride!
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks Jon Smile

I had a pretty cool epiphany yesterday where I really undwrstood all the stuff I've listen to about living life to the fullest. I realise now that working at a job I don't like, for a company I don't even want to represent and with people I don't enjoy being with is pretty fucking dumb. I can 100% see how people get stuck but I'm not going to be one of those people!! Even if I have to leave dirt cheaply when we move out of my mum's, if I have my freedom and do things I enjoy I will be much happier!!

Played a great session last night. Had a regfish pay me off in a super weird spot early on and he then deposited another buy ins worth to my account in the next hour. Honestly, it was embarrassing if he classed himself a "reg"! Ran pretty good in general and played in the zone for a lot of the session.

Problems came about after I estimated how much I was up in the session. I then got a bit previous over my winnings and the two stacks I lost in coolers really srung more than they should. Going to take my goal of not looking at cash to the next level and will not estimate how much I'm up or down at all in my sessions.

I'm aiming to take a shot at 100nl in the coming weeks but haven't a clue what my exact bankroll is ATM so could be really close to my target for a shot, or still 10buy ins off it! In terms of skill level, I think I'm beating 50nl comfortably and the edge I have in mental game, that I am also constantly working on, will be crucial for 100nl.
Posted 8 years ago
Great to hear it's going well!

What does your girlfriend think of this plan? Supportive?
Posted 8 years ago
Very, she knows that if we stay as we are we will live a fairly average life and have very little freedom, work our entire lives to retire and have 15 years of maybe some fun....

On the flip side, this gives us the chance to make ourselves a living and potentially very rich. It will be more fulfilling and we will be able to do a lot more with our lives.

Also we take the risk out of it by moving back with my mum so it's a no brainier tbh Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh some people don't have such an easy choice so when you do have that choice fucking take it and set yourself up for something much better.
Posted 8 years ago*
Been ill for the last few days so no poker to report on for me...


Check this out:


My first video on how to study for 15 mins a day and crush!

Let me know your thoughts on it!

Posted 8 years ago
Whenever I start making videos for PVIP I always begin running shit and completely lose any affection for the game. Probably a pretty good sign I should not make videos
Posted 8 years ago
Just catching up with all this, seems like you know where you're headed.

My other half is so supportive of me playing poker it's ridiculous, so when I take a break for an hour or two she wants to know why I've given it up!

Watched the intro vid you posted above and looking forward to the next one proper, as it were. Nice job.

I'd also suggest, given you make good videos, rather than give the video producing up, just try not to run like shit instead. Easy game. Giggle

Gl making it all happen!
Posted 8 years ago
Presume thats a joke. If not confirmation bias and tilt in action right there.

Need to make that part of your warm up Cookie. If you are holding that belief you are burning money!
Posted 8 years ago
Haha, it's not really a belief, I wasn't thinking about that, but the last time in started making the pokersnowie videosbi went on my biggest ever downswing and since starting this series I've ran into the nuts ridiculously often :')
Posted 8 years ago
Absolute mental game fish lol
Posted 8 years ago
Haha, I'm putting it down to being ill this week so probably shouldn't have played at all, not really thinking about it at all was just a lash out comment really.

Best thing is my bad sessions are now only dropping probably 2-3 buyins and my bad plays are not actually anywhere near to bad bad just mis timed bluffs or calls. Going to study hard this week untill I stop being sick, play 20nl to build some confidence and then get back on the road to 100nl by July/August Smile