Posted 10 years ago
Won just over a BI in the afternoon getting allin for 82bb with two red Aces, the board ran out with 4 spades and I feared the worst but alas he had no spades and KTo!!

I decided to quit for the day just to book the win although its not something I like doing but I done it for confidence sake I guess and back to it today.
Posted 10 years ago
One step forward and one step back at the moment won a BI in the afternoon but lost 2BI at night, so back to where I was. Everytime I think I am making good headway I just end up back where I was.
Posted 10 years ago
sounds like ur beating urself up over really small samples and losses. Its not a big deal to lose a bi here and there as long as u think ur doing ur best. maybe post some hands in the strat section or do a video
Posted 10 years ago
Your right I am beating myself up a little bit, its just hard to see how I can turn it around right now, I do feel I am playing okay or at least to my level but not sure where the profits are gonna come from. I have definitely improved some the last month making the odd little play that I could never do before and such. I am still lost with the whole 3 betting stuff and I am still only 3 betting about 5%. There are not that many articles that nail 3 betting that I have found to date.

Played yesterday and won $13 !!
Posted 10 years ago
Won 34$ in my first session this afternoon, then going well until I lost this 120bb pot, and finished up 8$ on the day, if I could hold on here it would have been my best day to date, ah well.


Party Poker
NoLimitHoldem $0.1/$0.25
Hero's cardsAJ

Small Blind Post SB $0.1, Big Blind Post BB $0.25, Under The Gun Folds, Hijack Folds, Hero Raise $0.75, Dealer Call $0.75, Small Blind Folds, Big Blind Call $0.75

Flop Q4K
Big Blind Check $0, Hero Bet $1.5, Dealer Folds, Big Blind Raise $4.75, Hero Call $4.75

Turn T
Big Blind All In $26.51, Hero Call $26.51

River Q
Big Blind Main Pot $61.87

Attached Image
Posted 10 years ago
Unlucky hand there! Seems as though things have improved for you a bit? Keep at it! Smile
Posted 10 years ago
I didnt play Saturday its football day! Last couple of days won about 1.5 BI so moving forward a little, its welcome!
Posted 10 years ago
Just lost a couple of dollars the last couple of days, I butchered this hand v tight reg who was 14/11 over 202 hands with a cut off open of only 14%, so I elect to flat on the button as opposed to 3bet. Feel I got this hand wrong on all streets really. Flop TP on wet board but have to call once, he cbet 45% so I thought he has at least TP here. I turned 2pr and raise but now in hindsight I dont know why, what will he call my raise with here that I beat and if he 3 bets then he likely has me beat, he just called though so now I feel he hasnt got a set anyway. River completes the flush and he shoves, why did I call the river, what am I beating against a tight reg who bets 3 streets, feels like I just threw away $14. I was shocked that he showed A3s for the flush, I didnt even think he wold be raising that even from the co. I should have considered ATs or AJs though. I think I should probably just called the turn and played from there. Totally messed up this hand without clarity of what I was doing or why.


Party Poker
NoLimitHoldem $0.1/$0.25
Hero's cardsQA

Small Blind Post SB $0.1, Big Blind Post BB $0.25, Under The Gun Folds, Hijack Folds, Cutoff Raise $0.75, Hero Call $0.75, Small Blind Folds, Big Blind Folds

Flop 9Q7
Cutoff Bet $1.32, Hero Call $1.32

Turn A
Cutoff Bet $2.84, Hero Raise $8, Cutoff Call $8

River J
Cutoff All In $14.93, Hero All In $14.93, Cutoff Show $14.93, Hero Show $14.93, Cutoff Main Pot $47.84

Attached Image

But then a few hands later this happens against a 59/31 whale, I decided to get 3 streets of value verses him and it paid off.


Party Poker
NoLimitHoldem $0.1/$0.25
Hero's cardsAA

Seat 5 Folds, Small Blind Post SB $0.1, Big Blind Post BB $0.25, Under The Gun Raise $0.5, Cutoff Folds, Hero Raise $1.5, Small Blind Folds, Big Blind Folds, Under The Gun Call $1.5

Flop Q39
Under The Gun Check $0, Hero Bet $2.4, Under The Gun Call $2.4

Turn 4
Under The Gun Check $0, Hero Bet $6, Under The Gun Call $6

River 4
Hero Bet $15, Under The Gun Call $15, Hero Show $15, Under The Gun Show $15, Hero Main Pot $47.65

Attached Image

Nice indeed!! I guess I should just shove the river but sometimes I feel that fish will not always call when its for all their money but if you leave them a little they can call, maybe thats wrong or silly but a lot of them just dont reload so idk.
Posted 10 years ago
Hand one is a clear call preflop and a clear call OTF. OTT I think raising is probably best as well. His FD's will consist of a LOT Axs so he is likely going to call and he isn't barrelling TT,JJ and possible not KK either so his range is very Ax dominated. We are only scared of 33/99 but tbh I think his bet sizing is a little small for sets here. If he has AK he probably calls turn folds to a big river bet so we don't lose value from that part of his range either. Most tight regs like this won't bluff river either so I don't think we lose value from bluffs. Sizing is good Smile Based on our read villain is getting it in OTT wiht all the hands that beat us and might call with AK/FD. When he shoves OTR I think it is a fold yes. Because its a big bet he has to bluffing a decent ammount of the time and we've already concluded he probably doesn't have any bluffs wiht this line and x/f the hands we beat anyway.

Hand is 2 is great Smile Might make it 1BB bigger OTF means we can go 1.5bb bigger OTT so we can get a little more value nh Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Thanks Stewie, appreciated!
Posted 10 years ago
I didnt play Saturday as I make it a day off away from it all and won just over a BI today so still moving forward. Things seem to be going okay and another week like this and I could be pretty much break even since I started, but I dont want to pre-empt the judge,I just want to keep on learning and my god there is just so much to learn isnt there?
Posted 10 years ago

I didnt play Saturday as I make it a day off away from it all and won just over a BI today so still moving forward. Things seem to be going okay and another week like this and I could be pretty much break even since I started, but I dont want to pre-empt the judge,I just want to keep on learning and my god there is just so much to learn isnt there?

haha yer man it never ends. I keep thinking have i got it yet? Do i understand everything? The truth is we never will and only the elite 0.1% ever will be close to it. The game is just always advancing and we need to mvoe with it. Also somethings we used to know and dont use anymore we need to re-learn and refresh our brains with.

Whats the main thing you have learnt recently? What is the best bit of info/tip you have ever had?
Posted 10 years ago
I dont know if there is any one main thing I have learnt lately, I still dont really understand so much of this game, why I am betting, what hands can call, when to river shove, when to check behind when to raise flops and so on, I think I just mainly focus on the weaker players and remember that I can get 3 streets of value verses them with TPTK or an overpair(unless I get raised of course), whereas verses the regs it becomes only 2 streets of value, unless I have a read that they call off with worse. I feel I need planty of help to know why I am doing things and more understanding of why etc.
As far as best tip goes I dont feel I have had one, definitely no aha moments for sure.

I played this afternoon and lost back yesterdays profits, the good old two outer came along on the river, the turnaround of these is huge. So on to tonight and see what that brings.
Posted 10 years ago
Lost 2 BI last couple of sessions, got KK allin pf v AA, set up or cooler seems not a lot you can do about it for 100bb. I know I have had KK allin pf 10 times and 5 of those 10 were v AA!
Doesnt seem to happen the other way round. Another rivered 2 outer cost me dear too, so in general play I was doing okay, I have made a few little plays that previously I couldnt have done so at least pleased with that. I thought after nearly 19k hands I might start to get the right side of variance but it seems not, still well behind ev, especially on allins pf.
I will keep on battling though!
Posted 10 years ago
Keep at it Smile
Posted 10 years ago
I didnt get to play over the weekend at all, firstly I took Saturday off as usual and then when I tried to login to get cracking yesterday the site had technical issues and I just couldnt login. I gave it about half hour and just gave up for the day. I did have a decent day friday winning 1.5BI thanks mainly to flopping a boat with QQ on a Q44, and being lucky enough that villain had 64o and eventually stacking off to my river raise!

Posted 10 years ago
A couple of small wins each session since last posting means that I am softly slowly moving forward and not too far away from believing that I can get to parity in the coming weeks if it all continues. Would be nice to finally reach parity after my first 20k hands, but perhaps I shouldnt tempt fate...................
Posted 10 years ago
Small sessions no good! BIGGGGGGGG sessions needed Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Hmm they were small wins not small sessions.

Still on a mini roll winning about 11BI on the trot, hope it lasts. Run outs seem to be good and holding on more is helping the cause. I am gonna graduate to 2 tabling very soon and see how that works out.
Posted 10 years ago
11bins very nice, hope it keeps going for you and glad to see you doing well! Smile