Posted 7 years ago
Im playing on poker stars atm i figured i prefer to track my results and progress and with out a tracker i can not really review hands as easily which would be pretty time consuming with out it, i am thinking about iPoker but want to find out what the traffic is like on my usual playing hours and how soft the site is as i have never really played there.

So Today im 4 hour`s in (halfway) and im about to take a break with about a buy in down but playing well made a few mistakes that i will look at but i am running way pretty badly but them`s the breaks, guna take a bit of a break then get right back at it.

How are you running/playing ? and what is you`re volume looking like ?
Posted 7 years ago
Thats cool. Funny, I was just talking with my coach about the tracking vs non tracking on Monday. It is tough being at micros and being in development stage and not having an easy way to review your hands and look at your stats to find leaks etc, track volume and winrate. He basically said that its not all bad and that to some degree poker is sort of diverging into these 2 sides. So kind of need to decide what you think is important. I think a good mix will work, so I may start looking for a site that allows HUDS to mix in with MPN. The challenge that comes up is if you play only tracking sites and ever had to move to non tracking or if poker went that way, you might be at a severe disadvantage and vice versa: if you play all non HUD sites and move to sites that have tracking you might find that you get hammered by the regs on that site that have been using tracking for years and know how to use the HUD to exploit you, so once again I think maybe balance is key.

Gotta do what feels right for you and your game. Your volume is sick right now, well done.

I feel like I am running about average. Having my fair share of both sides of variance at the moment, but still managing to win overall. I think mostly cuz I am playing fairly well. I still have my fair share of mistakes each session, but overall I am playing very well and even more so I feel very confident at the tables. Feel like my decisions overall are quite good which is what I want to be focused on primarily. Using the info and experience that I have at that moment to make the best decision I can in that moment.

For obvious reasons I don't really know what the volume is, but feel like it is where I want it to be. I am not trying to do your kind of volume. I want to be 30K+ per month right now. I am not full time and still have a lot of other commitments so I can't dedicated 8+ hours a day to poker. So I feel like my volume is where it needs to be.

Posted 7 years ago
yea its a double edged sword so to speak, if poker does go that way you are deffo at a disadvantage when the HUD is gone but i feel like pokerstars wont be changing its stand on them anytime soon so i wont worry about that, volume wise, it has only been recently i have been able to get in this much volume, and i figure while the free time is there take advantage of it Laugh when i was with bpc/cfp i was getting in around that same volume as you are now 30-40k per month. do you have a link to check out the CFP you are in i would like to check them out, not thinking of joining or anything i will be going with bpc but i tried to find them before and could not find anything on them.
Posted 7 years ago
sent you a pm with the link
Posted 7 years ago
Played a stunning 8k hands yesterday and a insane 11 hours Laugh did finish in profit but nothing worth mentioning had a bit of a sick run of it and ran way under EV but its part of the game, going to get in to the grind today and play 6-8 hours as a minum, for the amount of hours i put in my hands are lacking but that is cos every time a spot comes up that i feel i need to see or i think is note worthy i sit out of all my tables to watch and take the note as it is not easy trying to write notes when tables keep popping up with hands xD
Posted 7 years ago
So done 6h so far today going to take a break as the first part of the session was pretty sick i was cruising pretty hard and it seemed i ran like a god and made some really good disciplined folds when i needed to, the second half has just come to an end when i flop middle set and got it all in on the turn vs trips on Jc 8h 4c Js board ran it twice as 84% fav and lost em both and a few hands earlier got it in with mid set vs top set so bit of a cooler there, decided a little bit of a break would be good, i don`t feel like im tilting but better safe than sorry.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeh always good to stop at any point that you feel like you are tilting!
Posted 7 years ago
Still grinding it out and getting in a ton of volume have nearly 40k hands this last week which im really happy about but keeping at it have decided when i get back on CFP im going to be doing the zoom course and i have thought about this long and hard, its still 6 max cash and is harder however 4 tables of reg cash get in between 500-700 but 4 tables of zoom is around double to triple that so tho the games are harder you generate more rake and i have worked out if i keep playing the hours i have been i can get supernova playing the micros which will be brilliant for the rakeback which just adds to the winrate

May seem ambitious but it is deffo doable and i aim to do so, i was a bit weary about geting on the zoom program as it is not what bpc is famous for but the coach is a long time winner and reg at the 100-200 nl games and i have done some research and feel this is the best move for me right now in poker so within the next week i will be on that and will update here when i get the chance gl in the grind guys!
Attached Image

Posted 7 years ago*
Good luck with your choice for the Zoom tables, it's up to you how you go about your grind.

It's easier said than done over the long-term.

I just think think in poker it's best not to be a 'busy fool'. And what I mean by that is playing hour after hour after hour aiming for what will be (at least for a good amount of time at micros) small cash. You can get good rake back deals at other sites and play far less hands and beat softer games with out having to spend hour after hour grinding like a robot. And even if you are 8 hours a day grinding at other sites over less hands, you will win a lot more for it. This is of course just my own viewpoint. But for me at least it also makes the game more fun too. As long as you spend time working on your game then that's the main thing. But trying to grind zoom for Supernova will take a long time at micros on its own. Let alone not getting burnt out and stressed with variance from the tougher games and it generally being less fun. On top of that, I don't think playing a gazillion hands per hour helps you improve your game. You don't get chance to think about a lot of spots and will miss many opportunities to bluff, or even remember the action that happened in the hand because you have so much going on. It naturally makes you start to 'nit it up' and you just become one of the thousands of others playing the same way. I'd suggest talking to others that have been or are Zoom pros and figure out exactly how they go about it and you might pick up some great tips.

I'm not trying to discourage you, I'm just saying I've tried these things myself and just think there are easier and more enjoyable ways to go about making money at this game. But at the end of the day everyone is different so go for it if it's what you feel is right for you here and now.

Good luck and hope all goes well.
Posted 7 years ago
Appreciate the feedback and advice and i will take it on board,i do not think that there is too much danger in me just nitting it up like everyone else as i will be receiving coaching from 1 of the best 100-200nl zoom regs as well as working on my game in other ways so hopefully that coupled with time i put in at the tables and goals of getting supernova will all help, but if it does not i have will still be learning more and improving my game, i in no way depend on poker for money so it is something i can afford to do right now and would like to do.

It also keep`s poker more interesting and fresh i find to learn the different styles and strategy's needed to beat the game in different formats so its not like im just jumping on 4 tables of zoom grinding 5-8 hours a day and not doing anything else.

Good luck in you`re grind pal
Posted 7 years ago*
No worries man. Not having to depend on poker for money is definitely a good thing. I think you can test the waters without having to be worried what happens if something fails, and maybe play better as a result. If you're getting top coaching too then all is good. As I said, whatever works for you right now buddy. Gl and hope you run good.
Posted 7 years ago
Finally back on the CFP program 6 max zoom, but i have a ton of work to get in so will not be updating often but i will try once a week, gl all in the grind