Motivation Now!

Posted 7 years ago

Hello everyone!

Greetings from Slovenia! I am starting this challenge to try and motivate myself to finally take this game seriously! I am playing poker for over 6 years now but never had a required discipline to actually succeed. However, I was able to make some extra bucks over the time along with my easy, ok paying "student" job working at the archaeology company doing easy computer tasks. The job is not available anymore so I have two options, to either learn the game and get rid of my bad habits or get a job.

I will be posting my progress playing 6max NL on Microrgaming with a 200€ starting balance. I will use a rather aggro BRM starting at NL10, moving down if I lose 8 stacks. So the first $$$ goal is to get comfortably rolled at NL10 so a little bit of an upswing would be highly appreciated but obviously wont happen Raining .

More importantly, there are goals necessary to get this thing working:

Tilt - I still get easily tilted and A LOT of work will have to be done here. Hopefully this challenge will keep reminding me not to be results oriented too much for now.

Motivation/work ethics - I have to find a good way of having those but for now, I have to work ONE hour a day on my game, because honestly I wasn't able to keep my own promises regarding working ethics my entire life so I don't want this goal to be too high at the start to push me away.

Party less - Another leak of mine, I've been partying way too much over the years drinking too much so I have to turn more of those weekends into something productive!

Good luck to you all and lets do it!!

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Posted 7 years ago
What a crazy first session! After 2 bad beats and a cooler I was down 3 stacks in no time but managed to stay motivated enough and turned it around Smile . I only play 6 tables right now since I only have one monitor (I threw a mouse into my second one when I was tilting and it died Handshake ) but I'll get a new one on Monday. Playing less tables at the moment and being more focused is probably not a bad idea tho. Another coffee and lets go!

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BR 211€
Posted 7 years ago
It's a good start! 9BB/100 isn't bad at all!

If I can recommend anything as a novice (I know that's somewhat ridiculous) it's to spend time reviewing and studying. You said you were hoping to work on your game for an hour a day, I assume you mean to do this?

Anyway, keep me informed of your progress; I like tournament play but it's refreshing and interesting to hear about NL Ring players' ambitions.
Posted 7 years ago
When I went down to 4 tables I started playing A LOT better and my game improved a ton too. I always advise people at the lower stakes to play less tables and focus more on lines and getting better. The more tables you play the more robot you become. If you're prone to tilt then less tables is going to be better.
Posted 7 years ago
Feldheimer1: It's a good start! 9BB/100 isn't bad at all!

If I can recommend anything as a novice (I know that's somewhat ridiculous) it's to spend time reviewing and studying. You said you were hoping to work on your game for an hour a day, I assume you mean to do this?

Anyway, keep me informed of your progress; I like tournament play but it's refreshing and interesting to hear about NL Ring players' ambitions.

Hey, yeah I'm studying "The Grinders Manual" book now to get more theoretical knowledge of the game for now. GL with the tournaments!
Posted 7 years ago
Harvie: When I went down to 4 tables I started playing A LOT better and my game improved a ton too. I always advise people at the lower stakes to play less tables and focus more on lines and getting better. The more tables you play the more robot you become. If you're prone to tilt then less tables is going to be better.

I will do that for sure but for now I want to see where I stand with my current skill
Posted 7 years ago
Horrible volume so far, so much stuff was going on IRL but that's always an excuse, I could do way better! I finally got a new second monitor so life is a lot easier now!

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BR 239€
Posted 7 years ago
It is an excuse yes but a good one. Sometimes life does get in the way which is not a massively bad thing.

Just really try to set some times for some solid sessions and remove all distractions during those periods. GL