Posted 8 years ago
Hey, you can pm me if it's too crazy to talk about on the forum, but what kinda brain parasite? That sounds crazy! That's thankfully one thing i've never had try to kill me. Glad you're better. Puke
Posted 8 years ago
I have no idea what it was but the consultant said it was particularly nasty and I have to confess I thought I was in trouble at the time. I don't normally do ill but had to stay in hospital for a week or so and haven't been quite the same since. I was more concerned about my other 1/4 who gets all panicky and to be truthful has a little bit of learning difficulty, which makes her pretty useless in an emergency.
So at the moment my balance is like a drunks on a skating rink and I'm at home a lot. Had to turn a job down this week because I would be no good on my feet for hours. I like sitting anyway! Smile

Having to work on my concentration skills since to get them back to where they were before January, getting there and just the balance and dizziness to deal with now.

Anyway, it gives me a chance to work on the old poker a lot more so there is light. I was going to 'Take the Positives' but the football managers took them all. From what I've seen nearly everybody's taking positives these days, but only after losing of course! Shake

Thanks for taking an interest by the way.

Have fun.
Posted 8 years ago
Ya Dude, Coming from a guy that's been laid up a ton, it's just good to hear you're back on ur feet even if it's wobbly drunken feet (Being WOBBLY DRUNK is fun, dunno if being sober wobbly is). ATM i've got a super painful inner ear infection, been like that for a week, It's slowly getting better but I know what ur saying. I've also Perforated my Inner Eardrum surfing, and when i got to the beach and stood up, i literally fell over. LOL, i know exactly what you're talking about. #GETBETTAH #CRUSHPOKER in the mean time! My lips are sealed
Posted 8 years ago
Jeeze, take care bro, that's nasty stuff. Oh and wobbly sober sucks, one of the worst bits being sat on a bus stuck right at the back with 4 bags of shopping, getting off next stop and the driver's got diving boots on. That's the time I look really drunk and I can see people looking at me sideways lol!

Pokerwise I was very kindly given the opportunity to join the staked gang and so far I would have to say, jump in, these guys are so approachable and helpful it would be impolite not to, not even to mention they really know their stuff, I mean really.

I've posted a couple of replies in the hand history forums so feel free to pop over and correct me, I'd appreciate that a lot.

That's it for today except I tried the anon tables and they were a lot more interesting than getting 3 and bet to death by the regs on the 'normal' ones. I'll save that crap til higher...but I'll be back.

Good night, run good and have a great weekend.

Posted 8 years ago
So I was just reading the Interview with Marc Kennedy and came across a bit where he says he likes to find weaknesses in peoples ranges and take advantage of them. Must be fun to be a crusher. Bowing

I'd like to do that but it's probably a bit above my payscale at the moment, maybe later. So apart fromthinking 'It must be fun to be that good,' it got me thinking about what he meant.

Say villain shows down a hand I wouldn't think of playing from that particular position in the way the villain did. My first thought would be, well what a fish, that surprised me! But my second thought most likely wouldn't be to think how I can take advantage of that, I'd just most likely carry on with my usual strategy and maybe be a little more careful postlop versus this particular villain.
Does that make sense? I'm not even sure at this point if I even understand what he meant at all.

Anyway, part of the problem is that I wouldn't know how to exploit the situation properly. Yes I can adjust my range and my bet size and my aggression blah blah but I'm mostly - maybe not guessing entirely - but certainly not confident I've adjusted my game correctly. I'll think more on it.

Anyway, just my ramblings on a Sunday morning with not enough coffee down me I suspect.

Run good.

Posted 8 years ago
That was a great ramble sir, thankyou for sharing that one. "With not enough coffee down me" -@Pwll LoL!
Posted 8 years ago
When it comes to exploiting we need a sample of something to be able to make it totally accurate.

An example:

A tight guy playing 22/18/6 actually opens 20% of hands UTG - we can exploit this by 3betting him more say on the BTN.

Another one could be :

A player opens 50% on the BTN but folds to 3bets 85% of the time. Now to exploit this we can 3bet pretty relentlessly from the sb and bb
Posted 8 years ago
Yes I understand it a bit more now, thank you. I think I confused myself a bit, no surprise there.

Wait 22/18/6 is tight? Erm, oops! BlushGiggle
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: Yes I understand it a bit more now, thank you. I think I confused myself a bit, no surprise there.

Wait 22/18/6 is tight? Erm, oops! BlushGiggle

Bwahaha, awesome.... Here's a link to help w/ basic understanding
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: Yes I understand it a bit more now, thank you. I think I confused myself a bit, no surprise there.

Wait 22/18/6 is tight? Erm, oops! BlushGiggle

Not all of us can be super nits like yourself playing 12/10/2 Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Right you lot, I'll have you know I'm presently a solid lag-nit at 20/16/5 so there! Muscle

Been watching a few of the streamers on twitch lately and it's been fun but often a bit at the wrong time for me. I do try to attend on occasion and support the coaches.

My game might be progressing a little but I don't think a lot. I have a recurring problem of bet sizing, mostly not betting big enough - so, trying to do something about that. I moved from normal tables to anon but sometimes they can be reg infested to and those regs are so passive, just sitting around trying to trap poor old me with a set. Sorry, not gonna happen, I'm a tightwad nit guys. No, sorry, lag-nit! Cheeky

I do pay a lot more attention on anon tables though, so that can't be a bad thing. Oh and I take notes to. Good boy me.

That's about it really, not sure what the winrate is, around 9bb maybe? I'll see by the end of the month anyway after a better sample. I'll pop a graph out by then to, it's looking ok for now... doomswitch alert anyone?...

I'm off to the vet today with the muttley, she's 9 and her back legs aren't taking the weight properly. If it gets worse we can't take her to the beach anymore because we have no transport and it's about a mile or so. She'll miss that, she even heads straight for any tiny puddle to have a splash about, but try getting her in the bath...

Rambling again, tired today.

You run good now people and post those hands. I'll definitely be hanging around there for a while yet.

Mal Ingerer out.

Posted 8 years ago*
Well I've found a problem with anon tables, it's when the no-foldem-holdem gang turn up. There is a special FE calculation required for tables full of people having fun playing 45+/35+/3, it's called the NFC or 'No Fkn Chance' equation - and it works fine to keep it at the front of your mind at all times. Oh and pay attention, I mean REALLY pay attention, no auto-pilot in these games!
My graph for the day usually drops down quicker than a drunk slapper at a stag party on those days.
What days like those have shown me is just how often I can totally whiff a flop with a big hand. It sucks to fold KK on the flop, but 4 handed and action on a 789 is time to wave goodbye to my lovely hand.
Strategy in these games is easy enough, nit it up, iso-raise huge - and remember, the fold button is your friend. Don't go checking the BR every few minutes in a panic though, it'll tilt you bigtime to realize how many times you iso-raise...fold flop...iso-raise...fold flop...iso-... Sleepy It doesn't take many wins to make a profit because the pot is huge all the time.
I used to get so frustrated, like I had some sort of entitlement to win because I'm 'better' then the villains. Now, it's just huge fun and seeing what they show down is crazy entertainment.

Anyway, 'nuff of me talking bollox, we all like animals so here's the giraffe of my journey so far at my first go of NL10:

Attached Image

Mostly it's going 'ok', but as you can see, I lost some at the end of yesterday versus the above described villains of course. It does crush your winrate short term to. Meh, something to work on.

Just waiting to watch my first review vid. I doubt I'll need to plug any leaks, probably coach will just suggest I get a new boat.
Might be hard to understand him over his laughing out loud though.

Run good. Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
LoL ya, nobody folds ever. #ValueTown #LagNitFTW
Posted 8 years ago*
Not lot happening but the dog needs a cancer op which sucks a bit and she gets horrendously stressed in he vet to the point she can't breath properly. Sad to see so hoping she gets well but the op isn't any time soon.
Poker kinda got me stuck a bit last couple of days. Yesterday I think I gii with QQ pre versus the 65/45/25 gathering of balugas 4 times, only to find the poker gods had presented them with aces every time.
Been winning in little bits for 10 days straight so I was due for a reality check. Meh, rigged obviously. I'm in a little competition and it's fun but I think somebody must have backhanded the RNG lately.

Anyway, all this shenanigan stuff means my giraffe is now going up and down like a porn stars arse but the confidence isn't waning yet so it's not a total car crash.

So, more of an update on whether I won anything in the comp which finishes tonight, but I doubt it a lot, some of these guys are beasts.

Run good and have fun. Yes

Posted 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about the dog man, really sucks and hope she gets better soon.

As for the poker for anyone who doesn't know Mal had 10/10 winnings days on the stake HOWEVER he lost 2.6buying yesterday to make it a pathetic 10/11 Laugh . What is really funny about this is the entire team booked a win yesterday apart from Mal! How is that for timing buddy!
Posted 8 years ago*
Gee, thanks bossman, that's really cheered me up! Angry

...and I was right then, they all rigged it!
Posted 8 years ago
I'll call this my 'Nice Job' post.

So, a very nice guy and good nl10 player won the competition and now gets a 1-1 coaching from the mighty mingthemerciless93 - and - moves up to nl20 because he's a baws! Nice Job sir!

Of course, if it hadn't been for the rigged variance the last two days of the comp, our hero would have won as we all know. Nice Job RNG.

Anyhooo, there's always next time and it was fun and I learned a lot so thanks to everybody who took the time to answer my fishy questions and posts. Nice Job indeed!

So here's the graph of the competition, I was up nearly 9BI and then 'someone' not to mention any names specifically of course - but see winner's vid coming to a cinema near you soon - , decided it was time for the break out the Doomswithch strategy. Nice Job comp winner! Smirking

Giraffe of comp below:

Attached Image

From +9BI to +0.3 BI in two days. I now use my EV line to keep the rain off me. Nice Job dealer! Speechless

Back on the horse today again, hopefully my 80/20 stuff hoooolllldddd this time round, although it's mostly not about those, it's all those little/medium pots and being cold decked for an hour bits that dig in.

Pokerwise I'm getting used to not playing scared money and playing at nl10. I really can't see any difference between nl4 and nl10 overall. Some decent regs for the limit at both stakes but I'll get em all in the end. Punch

Quick, insert class here:

So now I know what I want from Mrs Mal for Christmas. Do you think she'll mind? Angel

Have fun Smile

Posted 8 years ago
I'm in. Just read through and really enjoyable journey so far.

Well done too on your efforts in the staking competition that was just run. Great effort.
Posted 8 years ago
Hi there MinerBoy23 and welcome to the dark side! Thank you for visiting and my apologies if you read all of my drivel, although I suppose if there are too many decorating or cooking programmes on t.v it's understandable; I count the patterns on the wallpaper myself. I will of course reciprocate.

Not much to add today yet, except it seems that the day after the competition finished I was back in the groove and some poor old reg donated me a couple of stacks because, well, just because really. Must have seemed like a good idea at the time I suppose.

Anyway, today I shall start to take a look at ranges and how to estimate them in game. It'll be slow progress I expect and I really need to get out of this 'feel and population tendencies' way of playing if I'm to progress. They do help but they're not the way to go if I'm to move up are they. I'm such a fish.

So here's a technical question for all you I.T. nerds out there. I use PT4 on BetVictor anonymous tables but when I load it up and open BV I have to wait for it to import all my hands before I can use the HUD. This now takes around 15 minutes to load my 17K+ hands before the Table Finder shows up and often longer. Is this standard? It's gonna get a bit boring after 100K hands given my machine is clockwork.

Down the bottom you can see the numbers counting up in the 'Duplicates' box under 'Import Status'.
I don't mind not having the HUD, I mostly only use it for an indication and reminder of who villain is, so if it's good enough for the coach it's good enough for me that's for sure, but it would be nice to have for later.

You stay alert now people ok? We need more lerts.


Posted 8 years ago
You did a fantastic job with the competition and yeh it is a shame about the downswing at the end but just one of those things. Looks like you jumped straight back on the horse and rode it back into profitville.

These competitions will now be a monthly occurrence so be ready for the next one.