Posted 8 years ago
May i ask what your deal is on the coaching for profits? You don't have to same the names or anything just the numbers and what you get out of it
Posted 8 years ago
Hey Jon, I`m not allowed to share details in public but I`ve sent you the link via PM about program to not break any of the forum rules.

Anyways, here are my results so far :

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Posted 8 years ago
Not running really good. Had some coolers, bad straights over nut straights, lost KKvsJJ, set over set in MW 3bet pot but still like $10 in profit after RB :

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Posted 8 years ago
Wouldn't worry too much about that just a lil dip in road

Do you only play on Party?

What do you think of the new software? Any good?
Posted 8 years ago
@Fat-Sunny , I used to play at Party ( stopped 2 weeks ago since I joined CFP ). I like the games there.
If by new software you mean masked player names before you join the hand. Well for those who use seating scrips/table scanners it sucks, but for me - not really.
Posted 8 years ago
And the bad beats continue, another stop/loss day.
Lost 2x all in QQ vs AK ( people are 3betting like crazy ), 33 on 345 flop all in, guy hits higher set on turn. JJ vs 33 on J83 flop. Guy hits runner runner flush.

Overall graph

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Posted 8 years ago
What do your coaches say about the losses?
Posted 8 years ago
Not much @Jon-PokerVIP since I`m aware that I`m running bad. Not loosing after RB. Managed to finish 33cents in profit after RB lol Laugh
And plus I`ll get $10-15 from this month's pokerVIP rake race.

Anyways, 3days ago I moved to pokerstars since speed poker is full of regs at iPoker ( not many fish around ). Started really bad but today was amazing day.
I was down 6 buy-ins but managed to go UP to 9 buy-ins in profit! ( was 11 at some point )

Stats for PS so far :

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Posted 8 years ago
That is a very interesting move - I heard iPoker games were super good atm?

Do you think the Stars VIP changes will change their overall player pool? No more SNE and rake has increased i believe.
Posted 8 years ago
Not really, fish is hardly seen at speed tables. At least at 5nl ( not sure for higher limits ).

Regarding Pokerstars, if you think on :

I guess that will decrease the player pool, specially mid/high stakes players who loose a lot of benefits.
Posted 8 years ago*
Didn't really had time to update the blog since I've been busy at work and I was struggling to put in hours at the tables. Still managed to play 137 hours in november and november was great!
I ended up with total profit of 555e in november! Around $250 was from bonuses, rakeback and managed to finish 3rd in $200 GTD with free ticket and shipped $23.

I moved up to 10NL, mixed my play between zoom and reg tables and last 10 days played only reg tables.
Unfortunately, my SSD hard got messed up when I was exporting hands from HM2 to PT4 and I`ve lost hand history from Stars. My friend might be able to fix SSD but I do have hand history from Party saved so here is the graph :

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Posted 8 years ago
Looks like a pretty solid month man! Must be well proud looking at those results.

Whats the December aims?
Posted 8 years ago
Yes, results are great at those stakes. | improved my game a lot since I joined coaching for profits program.

December will be slow since coach moved me to higher level and I need to study a lot off-table stuff. But will do my best to hit tables as much as I can.
Posted 8 years ago
I’m not satisfied with my volume in december since I’ve got sick and couldn't keep focus on more than 2 tables.
I did managed to put some hours in since job allowed me, but volume is low – around 12k hands so far.

However, I’m satisfied with the results, running good and fish is paying off my good hands. I also moved to 25NL today.

Party stats :
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Stars stats :
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Posted 8 years ago
Nice work buddy! Both graphs look super solid. Will you be leaving Stars or do the VIP changes not affect you?
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks Jon!

I`ll most likely stop playing on stars as soon as I clear my deposit bonus. I`m eligible for one more deposit bonus so if I choose to deposit - it might take a while.

Anyways, small update on my 25NL road.
Still struggling to put in volume, played 3,1k hands so far and I`m one buy-in overall in profit combined on 2 networks ( not counting bonuses ).
Had bunch of coolers and bad beats and didn`t played that great overall.

Posted 8 years ago
Well, finally got time to update the blog. I kinda have tradition to have drinking marathon on start of the every year so first 2 days I was completely wasted Laugh
Anyways, here is the december overview :

Total profit: 906€ ( around half of the profit was from bonuses – rakeback, promos and deposit bonuses )
Hours played: 171
Hands played: I’ve played blaze poker on microgaming for a week during their cannon promo and hands are not tracked but total amount should be around 80k I guess.

Almost double profit amount when compared to november but overall I am not happy with my play during december.
Yes I didn’t run so good, had 1 failed shot at nl25 where I lost 8 buy-ins, then grinded nl10 back and I am now about stable at nl25 and have confidence that I am beating it. I even have the bankroll for nl50 for a while already but I don’t mind staying a bit more at nl25.
In december I’ve had bunch of bad plays, missclicks, missreads, timeouts, crying calls and I also had some donkey plays on tilt.
Good thing is that I am aware of that and I will drastically lower the mistakes in this year!
I was also sick for a week and could hardly keep up good mental game during that time.

January goals:
January will be really busy month for me so I will create somewhat reasonable goals but still challenging ones that will keep me pushing!

– Profit at least 1,000€
– Play at least 130 hours in total
– Play at least 60k hands
Posted 8 years ago
+1 to being to wasted for far to long lol. I literally have 1/4 liter of vodka left and 1 can of beer. Once that has gone i will buy no more this month! Good riddance right? lol

130 hours, 1k winnings, 60k hands

Posted 8 years ago
Ahahaha Jon, so having similiar fun like me Laugh
Thing is that I have christmas and couple of holidays in january ( I`m orthodox christian ) and 31st jan is my birthday.. So during those days there will be lots of alchocol.

Anyway, year started bad for me poker wise.. I`m 8 buy-ins down so far and most of it was from coolers and yes.. I didn`t played that great.
But small boost from free ticket helps Smile Betsson gave me 1 free ticket and managed to finish 1st Wink

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Posted 8 years ago
Love a random tourni bink like this. Just gives you the obvious bankroll boost but a really good feeling also.

Keep it up and dont worry about those losses. Happens to everyone!