ShellysAshes - Spinning for a Better Life

Posted 7 years ago

About Me

Hello, my name is ShellysAshes. I'm a 27 year old man from Stoke-On-Trent in England.

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I enjoy/have interests in; reading books; watching films/TV series/documentaries etc; listening to music (especially listening to LPs); playing the keyboard; cooking; nutrition; meditation; ebay selling; fitness; self-improvement; poker.

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I love playing squash. I love my family and I love Stoke City.

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Poker Background

First took an interest after being invited to home games whilst working at a bar way back in 2008/2009. Started taking it quite seriously around 2010/2011.

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From 2012-2015 my main games were 180s and turbo MTTs on Pokerstars. Despite receiving backing and guidance from some very hard-working and talented guys (most are still active and doing well, one is a nosebleed MTT reg now) I've never had the discipline to max out and capitalise on whatever potential I possess. I never truly moved beyond the micros and, despite excellent results down there, it's something that I deeply regret because the paths to success have been kindly lit by the torches of others on many occasions. For reasons that I will get into, I just didn't have my **** down and as a result was always unable to take the necessary steps to success.

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I've had several threads on 2+2's PGC forum in the past and they've always ended abruptly, and mostly in a destructive blaze of failure and negativity.

Why will this thread be different?

I've spent the last two years working low-paid, menial type jobs. I spent well over 6 months in a trophy manufacturer's warehouse, standing in the freezing cold, building 100s of the same trophy (whilst literally being timed for productivity) and getting paid minimum-wage. It was hellish.

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Most of last year I was in a 3.5t van doing long-distance delivery driving across Britain. We dealt in laminate flooring. I've travelled to most places on the island and looking back it's an experience I'm grateful for.

I decided to leave that job because the hours were crazy. Even though I was earning more than enough money to live comfortably I wasn't able to live the life I need to be happy.

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I could write a decent piece about how not to be a professional poker player based on having made every mistake in the book. It's almost cliche' but the importance of a healthy work/life balance is critical for happiness, not just in poker but in any job. You need to work to support your life but if you don't have your **** down outside of work then your job will suffer, and if you are working too many hours and not living a good life away from your job then you will suffer.

When I was playing as my main source of income I was deeply unhappy. I lived at home still, didn't pursue any meaningful interests in my leisure time and suffered from severe social-anxiety and mental-health issues that negatively impacted on my social-life and my desire to go out and build/strengthen human relationships. My physical health, whilst never terrible, was nowhere near what I wanted it to be. My financial situation was never enough to justify my self-appointed title of "professional poker player".

I had to travel to my brother's house to grind as the internet connection at my mum and dad's was abysmal and this was far from an ideal situation. Coupled with all the other mistakes I made, I was stuck in a perpetual cycle of depression, failing on my short-term goals, more severe depression, feeling pressure to grind to pay for my bills, failing to hit targets, more depression, self-loathing, not pursuing more important interests in life on a consistent basis as I always felt a pressure to grind, etc etc etc. I was in a dark place.

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In the last two years however, things have gradually changed for the better.

I moved out of my mum and dad's whilst working in the trophy warehouse and, even though it was a horrible little flat, I started to learn how to look after myself and finally started to feel like an adult for the first time in my life.

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I received therapy for my mental-health issues and am currently in the process of being diagnosed for Asperger's Syndrome, which makes a lot of sense looking back even to my early childhood. In a strange way I want that diagnosis to be confirmed as it would provide a huge sense of closure for me.

I've learnt a lot about proper diet, nutrition and exercise and am currently in the best shape of my life. I'm a member of a local squash club and there's a flourishing league structure down there that I absolutely love being a part of. I base my whole fitness around becoming a better squash player and it gives me a huge sense of joy and accomplishment, plus the social aspect of course!

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I express my creativity through learning to play the keyboard and I have a few other ideas of areas I'd like to try in the future. At the moment I'm still very much in the beginner stage but I have a genuine dream of being able to create my own electronic album one day. A fairly well known MTT reg impressed on me the importance of creative outlets a few years back and I'm grateful to him for that advice because he is 100% correct. I think he said something along the lines of "many people are depressed because they are creators but don't know it and don't create".

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I now live in a really nice little terraced house that I rent from my parents, live a much healthier and happier life than I did a few years back, have much better social relationships and social interactions (greatly reduced anxiety, higher confidence), I'm much better at setting goals and achieving them and most importantly of all I'm slowly but surely learning to love myself.

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For all these reasons, I believe I'm finally ready to come back to poker and give it my best.

Why Spins?

The idea of returning to my old habits of grinding from the afternoon to late at night and living nocturnally does not appeal to me whatsoever.

I also don't like the idea of settling down and being locked into 10hr+ grinds with only 5min breaks. You can't really split your sessions if you grind MTT or even MTT-SNGs, it's just not practical.

Spins offer the opportunity to play at all hours of the day, and to break up your sessions into several shorter sessions. This is important for me as poker needs to fit in with the life I'm looking to live. It also offers a truer sense of flexibility.

Obviously spins are an extremely high-variance game but I think that, mentally at least, it's a different type of variance to MTT type variance. I think with spins it's much easier to detatch yourself from the session to session results and focus more on your game and your EV. As someone who was always big on studying and gaining confidence in my game that way, I find this prospect very attractive.

I also like the idea of essentially building up to a point where I know that, if I grind x amount of hours in a month I'll earn roughly x amount in rakeback. The prospect of making a giant sum in a few minutes is always there but the much more realistic prospect of being able to make a fairly accurate estimate of earnings based on time and effort is enticing.

Results So Far

I deposited $600 and have been grinding the $3 games. Started off by running hotter than the sun, including binking two 10x multipliers. (though lost in a 25x)

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I believe I've already improved and adjusted to the level. I've bought an ICMizer 2 license and am enjoying studying again for the first time in a few years.

The Purpose of This Thread

I've created this thread for several reasons. Firstly, I'm currently looking to get backing and coaching (there may be developments on this soon) so I'll use this thread as a place to show what I'm about.

I also want to make my poker goals accountable. I probably won't set other goals in this thread as I have all those bases covered already, though I may talk about other stuff I've got going on if people show interest.

More than anything I love poker blog forums. I love reading threads and seeing people grow and progress, and I love how supportive the majority of people are compared to other forums on poker message-boards! Laugh

My Goal

My goal is to reach a point where poker is, at the very least, my main source of income (I may find P/T bar work or something) and where I can live a nice life without financial worries. I can live well on £1.2k a month so if I can get to (then past) that point it would be amazing. I'll probably need help to get there but I don't think it's an unrealistic goal.

In the past I always dreamed of becoming a millionaire and in a way, I feel like having a dream so far away only served as a hindrance. Since then, I've come to know myself a lot better and I now realise that this crazy notion that all my problems would melt away if I became successful at poker were, quite frankly, insane.

My priority in life now is to just live well and find contentment by making small consistent steps to progress each day and I believe that, with hard-work and guidance, I can mostly cover the financial side of life through poker. I'm just looking for a platform that allows me to live the life I need to live to be happy.

Thankyou for reading and I will drop in again soon with some goals and developments.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
3 Players

DHero 561
SB beaner5757 500
BB megapoketer 439
360Hero is BTNAT
Hero raises to 80, beaner5757 calls 60, megapoketer calls 40
beaner5757 checks, megapoketer checks, Hero checks
beaner5757 checks, megapoketer checks, Hero bets60, beaner5757 calls 60, megapoketer calls 60
beaner5757 checks, megapoketer checks, Hero goes all-in421, beaner5757 folds, megapoketer folds
Final Pot841

Hero wins841 (net +280)
beaner5757 lost 140
megapoketer lost 140


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
Hey Tom, glad to see you decided to share your journey over here on VIP! Awesome OP, was a good read and best of luck to you. Will look forward to seeing how you progress. Fingers crossed for that big bink!! CashMuscle
Posted 7 years ago
CrazyKeri: Hey Tom, glad to see you decided to share your journey over here on VIP! Awesome OP, was a good read and best of luck to you. Will look forward to seeing how you progress. Fingers crossed for that big bink!! Cash (flex)

Thankyou for the kind words Keri! Really appreciate it and yes I will be crossing my fingers too! Smile


Played for over 6hrs today and did well. Won another 10x, definitely running sick in those! Generally not running as hot but in a sick way I actually enjoy getting a few beats as running over EV from the outset is always a tad embarrassing.

MTD Graphs

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I've got an interview with an exciting looking stable on Saturday afternoon so I'm going to hit it hard over the next four days and (hopefully) have a nice pretty CEV graph to show to them.

Goals for 15/02 to 18/02 (next 4 days)

[ ] 20hrs+ total grind

[ ] at least four 30min+ study sessions

[ ] update this thread at the end of every day

Cheers, ShellyAshes.
Posted 7 years ago
Your name rings a bell on 2+2 for way back in the day, I may have commented on a few of your hands, can't remember. Graph looks sick.

I have not played SNGs/MTT since forever, how do the games compare to cash, more fish or is it pretty reg infested?
Posted 7 years ago
Harvie: Your name rings a bell on 2+2 for way back in the day, I may have commented on a few of your hands, can't remember. Graph looks sick.

I have not played SNGs/MTT since forever, how do the games compare to cash, more fish or is it pretty reg infested?

I'm a regular on 2+2 and have posted in the hand history analysis forums in the past. In fact this blog is also on 2+2! And thankyou, hopefully can make it even sicker! Smile

To be honest there are that many players in the pool at $3 spins that I've probably fish-marked more than 50% of the players I've encountered, and haven't yet reg-marked anyone. I'm guessing there must be 100s of games running simultaneously at the level.


Decent day. Studied for 45mins and played for 6hrs 10mins to make a solid start to the goals I set yesterday. Split my session into three 2hr sessions, definitely a huge plus point being able to take an hour off to chill and eat and whatnot!

Ran a bit aidsy in the second half which tbh was more than due considering how hot I've ran so far, but CEV was through the roof today which is awesome! Laugh

Definitely the best I've played since starting up again. The grinding and studying is starting to pay off. Ninja

Todays Graphs

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Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SB vertolet71 680
BBHero 820
245Hero is BBAT
vertolet71 raises to 60, Hero raises to 150, vertolet71 calls 90
Hero checks, vertolet71 checks
Hero bets100, vertolet71 calls 100
Hero checks, vertolet71 goes all-in 430, Hero calls430
Final Pot1,360
Hero shows high card Ace AT
vertolet71 shows high card Queen JQ

Hero wins1,360 (net +680)
vertolet71 lost 680

Posted 7 years ago
Can you walk me though the last hand because I have NFI why you called Laugh , I don't play SNGs so I'm sure there was a valid reason.
Posted 7 years ago
Harvie: Can you walk me though the last hand because I have NFI why you called Laugh , I don't play SNGs so I'm sure there was a valid reason.

I can't remember the exact player but I'm pretty sure they didn't open loads. Lots of limps with mid-range type hands. It probably makes my 3b questionable but when they open then just flat it's fairly safe to rule out stuff like AJs, AQo, most of their strong pps. They just shove that stuff though maybe they get tricky with AA and KK and just flat. The way they played post though rules those two hands out.

I felt like there was mainly broadway and suited broadway in there and maybe some middling pps that choose to flat.

When they just flat turn I reckon we can rule out most sets (not even sure if this player would min with 55 or 33?) and even 99 probably makes a raise with the board looking dangerous. Also, do they really jam river for value with 99? Seems more likely they'd either shit their pants and check, or make a smaller value-bet as I look so weak post-flop.

I also feel like they might jam with their broadway flush draws (it's really hard for them to have Axss remember as all the non-broadway Axss might not have even raised pre) so when they jam river in my mind it's difficult for them to have many flushes or even straights.

I'm finding it hard to explain as the specific information about this player has been lost now but, as silly as this sounds, I put them on pretty much exactly the hand they had. Maybe I'm really smart or maybe I'm just a broken clock that's right twice a day? Laugh


Another productive day. Studied for 51mins and played for 6hrs 28mins in total.

Don't feel like I played anywhere near as well as yesterday. Also felt like I was running **** so was surprised to see I'd made money at the end of the session, and extremely surprised to see I'd ran way over EV! Surprised

Todays Graphs

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Basically polarised to quad aces, kings full (which we block) or a wheel. Maybe some really strong Ax, (do AQ/AJ/AT even bet flop?) but not folding against this player.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SB seif1988 1,085
BBHero 415
245Hero is BBK3
seif1988 calls 15, Hero checks
Hero checks, seif1988 bets 30, Hero calls30
Hero checks, seif1988 bets 60, Hero calls60
Hero checks, seif1988 bets 300, Hero goes all-in295
Final Pot835
Hero shows two pair, Aces and Kings K3
seif1988 shows a pair of Aces 67

Hero wins830 (net +415)
seif1988 collects 5 (net -415)


Back tomorrow, looking for another solid study session and 5+hrs of grinding to close in on the goals I set.

Posted 7 years ago

Decent enough day in terms of productivity. Don't feel like I played particularly well and sort of feel like I'm running bad in ways that don't show up in graphs like getting bowled over by LAG-fish HU or not being able to hit flops against fun players, etc etc. Keep making money so can't complain really.

Studied for 35mins and played for 5hrs 4mins today.

Todays Graphs

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Nice hand in a 4x. If they show up with QJ or Ax I prob cry. Sweating

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SB DHSFalleN 971
BBHero 529
260Hero is BB8Q
DHSFalleN calls 20, Hero checks
Hero checks, DHSFalleN bets 120, Hero calls120
Hero checks, DHSFalleN checks
Hero checks, DHSFalleN bets 240, Hero calls240
Final Pot800
DHSFalleN shows a pair of Fives 97
Hero shows a pair of Fives - King+Queen kicker 8Q

Hero wins800 (net +400)
DHSFalleN lost 400


Just need one more 30min+ study session, about 3hrs of grind and one more post in this thread tomorrow to complete that set of four day goals. Should achieve this comfortably.

Got an interview with a stable at 3pm so I'll try to get all that done beforehand and hopefully they'll take me on and move me up.

Thankyou for reading.
Posted 7 years ago
You not thought about getting staked and playing in the bigger games? How much is the rake at this level and how many games do you need to cash to breakeven. IIRC Stars increased their rake for SNGs not so long ago.
Posted 7 years ago
Harvie: You not thought about getting staked and playing in the bigger games? How much is the rake at this level and how many games do you need to cash to breakeven. IIRC Stars increased their rake for SNGs not so long ago.

Hey Harvie I'm currently applying to stables as I'll mention in my post. The rake is 8% at 3s. It drops to 7% at 7s, 6% for 15s and 30s and 5% for 60s and 100s so it's quite large but with the amount of fun players certainly not insurmountable!


Goals for 15/02 to 18/02 (next 4 days)

[X] 20hrs+ total grind

[X] at least four 30min+ study sessions

[X] update this thread at the end of every day

Goals completed! Smile

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Last 4 Days

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Pleased with the effort. Got all my grinding hours in and studied for the best part of 3 hours in total. Only disappointing thing is I slacked a bit on my non-poker goals so it's a case of figuring out how to be a bit more economical with my time. I'm sure I'll find a good schedule and rhythm soon!

I had an interview today with a staking team and I'm 99% sure they'll offer me a contract tomorrow so could be moving up very soon. Will drop by tomorrow with more information regarding that.

Cheers, Shelly.
Posted 7 years ago
Nice little sample you have there.

Not hit any jackpots as of yet? I've not played a Spin and go but my friend has won $100k+ twice because of the jackpot.
Posted 7 years ago*
Harvie: Nice little sample you have there.

Not hit any jackpots as of yet? I've not played a Spin and go but my friend has won $100k+ twice because of the jackpot.

Cheers man!

I think the odds of hitting the highest multi are a million to one! Tell your friend he's a lucky sea-nut. Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
So I've decided not to sign with this stable today. Main reason is that, I'm >99% certain I crush the 3s for winrates that are way higher than most stables would view as acceptable for new horses. I have little doubt some of these stables have players in the 15s who aren't as good as me. That might make me sound like a knob but it's most likely true, so with that in mind there's little point in signing away 50% of my profits to play the same games I'm already crushing on my own dime. I may as well grind and move up on my own accord until I reach a point where I feel I now need guidance to break through glass ceilings. I can remember dabbling in 6max cash a couple of years ago and 25nl was the stake where I realised I needed help. I'm assuming it will be the 15s in spins.

Also, the stable I was looking at has removed some of their appealing terms since I've applied so I think I'll hold out and try to get in a different stable that told me I needed 3k games at 3s with a cev of 60 per game, in 8 weeks. Right now (early days I know) I'm over 100 cev per game and I've played close to 700. I feel like I can still improve a fair bit on my own.

I'm averaging about 13.5 games an hour so far. My strategy is to play a max of two tables, but if I fire up the first game and it doesn't land on a 2x multi then I'll refrain from firing up a second and just concentrate on that. Theoretically I never play two games with multis >2x at this point in time.

My plan for this week is to grind the 3s hard and if I have a decent-week profit wise I'll move up to the 7s for next week. Obviously my bankroll isn't great (just over the right side of $900) but, despite the high-variance it's been hard so far to have huge losing sessions like you so often get grinding MTTs and 180s and whatnot.

I'll grind the 3s for one more week and, as long as I don't lose I'll move into the 7s... for a few days at least! ;P


Goals for Monday 20/02/2017 to Sunday 26/02/2017 (the next week)

[ ] 40hrs+ Total Grind
[ ] 3hrs+ Total Study


I'm not going to update every single day but maybe I'll drop in a few times over the next seven days. In the meantime here's some sexy house music.

Posted 7 years ago
Goals for Monday 20/02/2017 to Sunday 26/02/2017 (the next week)

[ ] 40hrs+ Total Grind
[ ] 3hrs+ Total Study

I've managed just over 15hrs grind so far and about 1.5hrs study.

Today has been disrupted because I've agreed to go down to London delivery-driving for my old boss tomorrow. Obviously I'm making nowhere near a living from poker at this current time so, when they call me and ask me to do the odd day I have to take it.

I managed to grind for about 3hrs today before an afternoon squash match and I would've been grinding all night but for the fact I've been sorting out my day of work tomorrow (food, transport, logistics etc) and I'll be leaving The Potteries in the wee small hours so grinding this evening is out of the question really.

The grind itself has been a lot tougher than previously. I've ran crazily bad in ways that graphs don't represent (the EV line is a lying whore!) but I'm still managing to turn a profit. :cool:

I'm fairly convinced the standard at $3 is so poor that it's close to impossible to have big losing sessions like so often happens when you run **** playing MTT and MTT-SnG.

Last 3 Days

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Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SBHero 934
BB juicychriz 566
260Hero is SB78
Hero raises to 80, juicychriz calls 40
juicychriz checks, Hero bets60, juicychriz calls 60
juicychriz checks, Hero checks
juicychriz bets 160, Hero goes all-in794, juicychriz folds
Final Pot1,234
Hero shows three of a kind, Sixes 78

Hero wins1,234 (net +300)
juicychriz lost 300

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Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SBHero 821
BB KooLAID1488 679
260Hero is SBK6
Hero calls20, KooLAID1488 checks
KooLAID1488 checks, Hero bets40, KooLAID1488 raises to 120, Hero calls80
KooLAID1488 bets 163, Hero calls163
KooLAID1488 goes all-in 356, Hero calls356
Final Pot1,358
Hero shows a pair of Sixes K6
KooLAID1488 shows a straight, Deuce to Six Q2

KooLAID1488 wins 1,358 (net +679)
Hero lost679

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It's basically impossible' for my aggressive friend to have Ax here so this one stung a bit. Sucks when you know that they don't know that you know but you get pooned anyway! Laugh


I'm told I'll probably just be working tomorrow so the plan is to grind hard from Friday-Sunday and not just hit these goals but beat them comfortably. Obviously if I end up working Friday, unless it's only a short day then the goals become slightly out of reach but I'll do my best regardless!

Thankyou for reading, ShellysAshes.
Posted 7 years ago
Solid day today in terms of effort. Put in 9.5hrs at the tables and another half an hour studying which is very tidy indeed. I can feel my poker stamina re-emerging!

Feel like I played good for the most part, a few silly mistakes here and there but that's to be expected as I am just a 3s grinder afterall, for the time being at least...

I ran very well in the early morning session (gmoded a 10x!) and decently in the night session but the one in the middle was carnage. If that had been sweet then today could've been huge. There was another 10x where I lost a standard flip early on IIRC. Pretty sure I'm like 3/5 or 4/6 in them so can't be too disappointed, especially considering only 5/1k should popoff on average and I'm already above that figure.

10x heat

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Todays Graphs

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Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
3 Players

DHero 320
SB GoPOKERnow 768
BB na4alnik469 412
345Hero is BTNQT
Hero goes all-in320, GoPOKERnow folds, na4alnik469 calls 290
2655, 1 all-in AQA
2655, 1 all-in Q
2655, 1 all-in Q
Final Pot655
na4alnik469 shows a full house, Aces full of Queens A6
Hero shows four of a kind, Queens QT

Hero wins655 (net +335)
na4alnik469 lost 320

Awful river for making this thin-value jam. Even if it's a blank river, the problem with this push is that there's no guarantee the few hands we're looking to get called by will call so we might only ever be getting called by better.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
3 Players

D Alexander13M 500
SBHero 500
BB michle.uxaxa 500
330Hero is SBTA
Alexander13M calls 20, Hero raises to 70, michle.uxaxa calls 50, Alexander13M calls 50
Hero checks, michle.uxaxa checks, Alexander13M checks
Hero bets110, michle.uxaxa folds, Alexander13M calls 110
Hero goes all-in320, Alexander13M goes all-in 320
Final Pot1,070
Alexander13M shows two pair, Tens and Nines T9
Hero shows a pair of Tens TA

Alexander13M wins 1,070 (net +570)
Hero lost500
michle.uxaxa lost 70

He told me his hand before jamming. xxxxxxxxx said, "4 k". What a jolly nice chap! Not sure about my bet, obv all better pp call but then the way they played flop it's hard for them to have pps.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
3 Players

D brounos80 645
SBHero 565
BB Boris2652 290
330Hero is SB33
brounos80 raises to 40, Hero calls30, Boris2652 folds
Hero checks, brounos80 bets 100, Hero calls100
Hero checks, brounos80 checks
Hero bets250, brounos80 goes all-in 505, Hero goes all-in175
Final Pot1,230
brounos80 shows four of a kind, Kings 4K
Hero shows a full house, Kings full of Threes 33

brounos80 wins 1,230 (net +585)
Hero lost565

Maybe I should fold the river? This player was wild though as you can imagine from this hand alone. Looking at it now though, 130 flop, pile non-d turns. Could even just overbet pile the turn as played. Bad hand.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SBHero 864
BB spungal 636
260Hero is SB8K
Hero raises to 80, spungal calls 40
spungal checks, Hero bets100, spungal calls 100
spungal checks, Hero bets120, spungal calls 120
spungal goes all-in 336, Hero calls336
Final Pot1,272
Hero shows a pair of Kings 8K
spungal shows a straight, Deuce to Six 32

spungal wins 1,272 (net +636)
Hero lost636


I'm still about an hour of reviewing and 14hrs of grinding away from hitting the weekly goal but I'll hit it hard and aim for another 7hrs+ tomorrow. Will definitely be playing the silverstar freeroll!

Will leave it until Sunday before updating again.

Thankyou for reading.
Posted 7 years ago
ShellysAshes;51746419: Goals for Monday 20/02/2017 to Sunday 26/02/2017 (the next week)

[ ] 40hrs+ Total Grind
[ ] 3hrs+ Total Study

I've decided to call it quits for the week. Failed both of these goals but considering I basically lost a day and a half to the delivery driving on Thursday I'm satisfied with the effort.

Played for 33hrs 58mins and studied for 2hrs 35mins in total.


Graphs for the Week

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As you can see my CEV hasn't been great. Part of this is definitely down to variance. There's been a lot of coolers, getting outdrawn post-flop, not getting action on big-hands, going card-dead HU against fish, getting run-over against LAG-fish opponents etc etc. All very standard and of no concern.

However, part of this decline is also down to me. I've not played as well as I would like and have made quite a few FPS spews. I also seem to be trying to make way too many hero-calls.

The problem is, there's so many spots where I'm able to identify that the lines of my opponents make very little sense, so I'll call and then often find out that the reason their lines don't make sense is because they don't have any sense of what they're doing. I'm not saying this to be arrogant or with any air of superiority, obviously I'm grateful to be playing for real money against these guys but it is just a simple fact that if you're at level 2 or 3 or w/e and you're trying to view the actions of your opponents through level 1 or 2 eyes but they're actually at level 0, then you're going to **** up your own adjustments.

It's also dumb for me to make these calls because I seem to be decimating my stacks against guys that are calling jams way too light against a shoving-range that has already adjusted to their light-calls. They're such high-variance spots that most of the time there really is no need for them at these stakes. I'm hoping that I can keep an eye on that and really think things through a bit more this coming week!


Here's some hands.

One of the aforementioned attempted hero-calls where I view their bet as highly-polarised but they're actually just doing something completely wierd.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SBHero 980
260Hero is SBA2
Hero calls20, BLACKLARGO checks
BLACKLARGO checks, Hero checks
BLACKLARGO bets 40, Hero calls40
BLACKLARGO bets 240, Hero calls240
Final Pot640
BLACKLARGO shows two pair, Queens and Sixes 69
Hero shows A2

BLACKLARGO wins 640 (net +320)
Hero lost320

FPS raise then giveup. The hand they called the raise with then took to showdown makes my play really really bad.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SBHero 750
290Hero is SB86
Hero calls30, BLACKLARGO checks
BLACKLARGO bets 60, Hero raises to 166, BLACKLARGO calls 106
BLACKLARGO checks, Hero checks
BLACKLARGO checks, Hero checks
Final Pot452
BLACKLARGO shows high card Ace 76
Hero shows high card Ace - Queen+Jack+Nine+Eight kicker 86

Hero wins452 (net +226)

Got this hero-call right. To be honest, the way things have gone this week they could have easily been ahead here.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SB TarLeeLowTwo 1,030
BBHero 470
230Hero is BBQJ
TarLeeLowTwo calls 10, Hero raises to 50, TarLeeLowTwo calls 30
Hero checks, TarLeeLowTwo bets 100, Hero calls100
Hero checks, TarLeeLowTwo goes all-in 880, Hero goes all-in320
21,500, 2 all-in 5
Final Pot1,500
Hero shows two pair, Kings and Sevens QJ
TarLeeLowTwo shows two pair, Kings and Sevens - lower kicker 23

Hero wins940 (net +470)
TarLeeLowTwo collects 560 (net -470)

Really dumb hero-call because the 5 makes sense. Obv I just don't expect them to do this with any of their 2pr hands or turned Kx so that lead me to click the button.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
3 Players

DHero 672
SB Kapt.Ankka 74
BB Falsemind 754
330Hero is BTN7Q
Hero raises to 40, Kapt.Ankka folds, Falsemind calls 20
Falsemind bets 30, Hero calls30
Falsemind bets 75, Hero calls75
Falsemind bets 300, Hero calls300
Final Pot900
Falsemind shows two pair, Sixes and Fours 46
Hero shows 7Q

Falsemind wins 900 (net +455)
Hero lost445

Their bet credibly reps 3x on the flop because lots of fish will do this on these paired boards. Not sure how they don't just pile pre but by the river they're credibly repping very little as the majority of players don't play any of their value hands this way.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
3 Players

D norbertb2 680
SBHero 405
BB McLaF 415
345Hero is SBQA
norbertb2 folds, Hero calls15, McLaF checks
Hero checks, McLaF bets 60, Hero calls60
Hero checks, McLaF checks
Hero checks, McLaF bets 180, Hero calls180
Final Pot540
McLaF shows a pair of Nines 8A
Hero shows a pair of Nines - Ace+King+Queen kicker QA

Hero wins540 (net +270)
McLaF lost 270

Got this guy marked as a fish because he does some pretty poor stuff, but I suppose he's a bit of a fish-reg as I've seen him a few times now. It's the most violated I've felt since father last paid me a late night visit. (last Tuesday)
Flop-raise probably gets the job done there and then. He tank/called river so would love to know his thought process. FWIW I think it might be bad as I'd very recently decided to check A2s vs his limp and that went to sd, so I can have Ax or some flopped 2pr.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
No Limit Holdem Tournament PokerStars
2 Players

SB jurredinho 610
BBHero 890
260Hero is BB9J
jurredinho calls 20, Hero checks
Hero checks, jurredinho bets 40, Hero calls40
Hero checks, jurredinho bets 80, Hero raises to 180, jurredinho calls 100
Hero bets400, jurredinho goes all-in 350
Final Pot1,270
jurredinho shows high card Ace - King+Queen kicker QT
Hero shows high card Ace 9J

jurredinho wins 1,220 (net +610)
Hero collects50 (net -610)


Ok that'll do for now. I'm taking tomorrow off from playing but I've got some HUD work and some studying and whatnot to get on with.

I'll drop in and set some goals for the week ahead. Also, as mentioned before, I'm going to have a bit of a shot-take at the 7s so on Tuesday. I'll just single-table and reduce my variance/figure out the level. Have about 150BI for the level which isn't an awful lot, but the monetary downswings at the 3s are very small as the playing standard is so weak, so hopefully the 7s won't be too different!?

Thankyou for reading.
Posted 7 years ago* a friend who is an affiliate told me about some private tournaments they had running tonight with money added to the pools.

Managed to run deep in the higher buyin one and made it into the money comfortably 1/4 against a nit and two really aggro but good players. The payouts were so ****ing ridiculous, almost a WTA tourny.

I doubled up one of the aggro players by limping Q6dd OTB. I'd been careful with my opens against these two because they weren't afraid to attack, but I'd also busted a guy by open-limping ATo in the sb and snapping off his bluff-jam so I at least have a semblance of balance.

Anyway, flop comes 5 4 3 no diamonds. I bet, sb folds, bb calls. Turn is a J, I bet basically a sizing that puts bb in a shove or fold spot and they push, I call and they have 76 and hold. Don't hate it to be honest. I think they just c/f a lot on that turn and we have equity against any hand.

Soon I find myself 4/4 with about 18bb.

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I open A2o from CO, really aggro player who has 3b me a few times already flats BTN. Flop A J 9 cc, I decide to check and they check behind. Turn 6x, I bet less than 1/2-PSB and they call. River is another J. I blocker/vbet 13.5k into 30k and they pile.

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So I go into the tank and my thought process is "there's a bunch of missed draws that are in his flatting range, my bets are really weak and does he even always shove the J for value here? Probably not. Does he have boats in his range? Once against probably not" so after being a retard for 40 or 50 seconds I click the call button and say goodbye to a shot at an amount of money that would be huge for me at this current moment...It would basically stave off the prospect of having to find menial work for another month at least.

The thing is, if he has any draws on that flop of course he bets flop because I fold all my pp, prob a bunch of my 9x, prob TT. He can't have draws and the line I've just taken means, even if he's the sickest ****er alive it's super credible for me to have a J the way I've played so there's very little chance that this guy is some Isildur type player splashing around in an $11 tournament who's gona somehow know I can't be strong and push as a bluff.

So annoyed with myself. It's the easiest fold ever. No way I'll be playing those tournaments again the payouts are too ****ed up. Tried to get a deal 4-handed but only one guy replied. They probably knew I was going to do something retarded.....

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Posted 7 years ago
@stokiepmre89 a friend who is an affiliate told you about our private tournament? Sounds interesting Laugh

Yeh we have no idea why all the pp went to 1st place on top of the added value. We are making sure this does not happen again in the future.
Posted 7 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: @stokiepmre89 a friend who is an affiliate told you about our private tournament? Sounds interesting Laugh

Yeh we have no idea why all the pp went to 1st place on top of the added value. We are making sure this does not happen again in the future.

Hahaha, I actually C+P this thread (with small adjustments) from 2+2 so I guess I wasn't in a mindset to adjust for the fact it was an affiliate of this site when I came to posting! Laugh


Sup whoever might be following.

I've signed up with some backers which was one of the key purposes of this thread. It's to play spin type games on a different network and I'm really pleased and excited about the deal and the opportunities that come with it. Smile

I've understandably been requested to keep the divulgence of details to a minimum so I'll just say now that I won't be talking about the specific terms or what site I'm on. However, I think I can reveal it comes with a 90min 1-on-1 coaching session each week, support from the backers of course and a very nice rakeback deal. The games also have a faster structure and lower highest multi so, although it will seem a bit of a rb grind month to month it's not unreasonable to expect to hit a few top multipliers each year. With hard work and good volume of course!

I'll still make some updates in here but they may be more infrequent than they have been.


February Review

It's been a pleasing month all-in-all. I've got back into a grinding rhythm and have achieved one of my primary short-term goals, which was to advertise myself as a horse and attract interest for backing. I'm super excited at having the opportunity once more to become self-sufficient.

It's been a long and, at times, often bleak and torturous road from the dark period I endured from late 2014 when I believed my dream of making a living in poker was finished, through all the menial, mind-numbing jobs I worked in that time often feeling like this is basically my life now... to where I am at this moment on the cusp of a new adventure but with much healthier mindset/expectations working with me, not against me.

Whilst this is clearly hyperbolic, I do feel a bit like Morgan Freeman's Red at the end of The Shawshank Redemption.

"'s an excitement only a free man (freeman?) can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey, whose conclusion is uncertain."

Great ****ing movie! (tears of joy smiley)


February Graphs

99%+ is $3 spins. I also played twelve $7 games and one of the special $10 spinners.

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I've cashed out my roll on stars and ended up with close to £1000, which is basically a month of living expenses. I believe it's completely possible, even without a massive amount of heat, to quickly reach a point where poker is providing enough money that I won't be forced to go out and find real work.

I'll drop in again tomorrow and set some goals for the month. The hard work starts here!

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Posted 7 years ago
Sup guys.

Had a shaky start to this stake as my PC got annihilated for reasons I won't go into. (not virus related!)

I took it into a local shop and the PC issues were eventually fixed, and they managed to save my data, but it was still a ballache setting everything up again. I was pretty bummed out whilst this was all going on and maybe didn't do myself any favours with regards to maintaining the good habits and routines I'd managed to implement previously.

However, I'm now past that blip and fully ready to push on for the rest of the month! Smile

Had my first coaching session on Friday and found it pretty darn useful. There's a lot to think about and it'll take a lot more time before I'm implementing the strategies exactly how my coaches desire, but I feel fairly confident that if I work hard off the tables and churn out some high-quality volume then it won't be too long before they move me up to the next level. If I get to the next level and up from 2-tabling to 3 then I believe I'll be in a position to actually make a decent living! :shocked:


Graphs so far

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