Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: Some odd stuff going on with snowie's plays I really don't understand, definitely above my payscale. I'll most likely look into it a bit more but not for me at nl10 I think; at least for now, I'd only end up spewing more stacks than I do already!
I used to know a prof guy who was analyzing it using an artificial game of some sort but can't remember where it is now.

Use the opposite logic Wink

Look at Snowie as a tool people use to improve and those people being at an OK level like 50nl-200nl. They don't copy Snowie but use it to improve thought process etc. If we offered someone playing Sunday league football the chance to train with a championship team once a week how long would it be before that played was the best player in his team? In the league? Few months maybe?

Same here, you've referre, a few times I thin, to sticking at 10nl/20nl thinking and that is not moving you up! If you practice Sunday league football you get good at Sunday league football, but everyone in the league is doing this so you have to do it better than everyone else. Train to be in the championship and you know that no one in your league or the ones above are going to be doing that.
Posted 8 years ago*
thetallpaul: I thought you were joking and responded with a joke. Don't talk about the relationship I have with my wife or my kids for that matter. Not because its beyond the scope of this thread but because its private and no-one cares what you think about how right or wrong my life is. .

Oh no it definitely was not a joke. I also stated "I will leave at that" but since you reopened the avenue for discussion i will say this proudly. It is obvious you are the submissive one in your relationship. Your own words confirm it don't need to misconstrue nothing. Smile Therefore, it is a fair inference to draw your wife makes all the important decisions in your house including, parental, financial, holidays etc. She probably tells you when you can play poker, and when bedtime is LOL! However, if you enjoy your life as a subservient male then that is all fine and dandy to me.. More power to you sir.
Posted 8 years ago
Why you'd even care to make such a condescending post is beyond me.
Posted 8 years ago*
duplicate post
Posted 8 years ago
@trollord59 Do you consider yourself a happy person?
Posted 8 years ago
Oh do fuck off @trollord59 . I've defended you a couple of times on here but take your childish attempt to be validated by getting a reaction elsewhere. Will just ignore you from now on.

Let me make an amazing deduction from your words. In real life and in forum life , you think you 'tell it like it is' and read people like Derren Brown and everyone else thinks you are a prick. Apart from maybe one or two friends who tell everyone 'he is alright when you get to know him'. You might not care because you don't care what people think but it will limit your opportunities in life. Not letting what others think of you hold you back is a skill. Not caring about people and offending them all constantly is not.
Posted 8 years ago*
thetallpaul: Oh do fuck off @trollord59 . I've defended you a couple of times on here but take your childish attempt to be validated by getting a reaction elsewhere. Will just ignore you from now on.

Let me make an amazing deduction from your words. In real life and in forum life , you think you 'tell it like it is' and read people like Derren Brown and everyone else thinks you are a prick. Apart from maybe one or two friends who tell everyone 'he is alright when you get to know him'. You might not care because you don't care what people think but it will limit your opportunities in life. Not letting what others think of you hold you back is a skill. Not caring about people and offending them all constantly is not.

Oh Paul i am so sorry man.. Here have a box of issues and use those tissues to cry on "wawawawawa". You have defended me? Did i ever solicit or ask people for defending? I didn't know i was ever on trial for something. It gets better though. Even if i was, i don't think PokerVip would constitute a place where one can get themselves "legal advice". Although , i would not give you a cent even if the above assumptions were true. I think its safe to assume you are living on another planet Paul if you believe this as anyone with the most elementary level of intelligence will realize this.

Yes, I will admit there are people out there who think i am prick you happen to be one of those and honestly i don't care. Why would i want admiration from people i view inferior to myself though, or anyone for that matter? I am who i am and i am proud of myself, and if people want to associate with me they have to offer me value not the other way around. However, your a subservient male so i can understand where your viewpoints come from about caring about peoples delicate feelings, making sure you come out as a good person, and wanting to please others anyway you can putting others wants above yourself. However, having said all that. With success in life, there are always going to be some people who despise or detest you, which is just a fact of life i accept. I don't think there is a individual in this world who is liked by everyone though and even if there was, i don't know of such a person yet :D.

Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Popcorn time!
Couldn't resist, sorry Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Pretty sure people get banned for what Trollord does constantly,

Consistency VIP?? Where is it.
Posted 8 years ago
SJLogic: Pretty sure people get banned for what Trollord does constantly,

Consistency VIP?? Where is it.

Woah i missed a thread for 20 mins and didn't ban anyone! My bad!!!

This is generally contained to Pauls thread which he has never been bothered about before.

As it goes looks like its just getting silly so @trollord59 you are no longer welcome to post in this journey. Any new posts will be deleted.


Posted 8 years ago
Ha,didn't mean instantly,sorry.

I've just read the majority of posts of his that's all,I kind of meant he's got away with personal tirades for a long term with no consequence.

Not the fact you'd been away for an hour 😀
Posted 8 years ago
What is it about my thread and this sort of thing?

Bit weird though, I felt we had had a decent interaction, and even a couple of PM's in the past. I do feel for him, even if he doesn't care what inferior mortals might think. The mask covering up the crazy slipped hard there.

In other news I came so close to breaking a 4 min km on my run last night. Not a long one but I'm making progress. Got my 5km PB down to 21.30 as well.

20 mins will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine.

169 km down for the year which is good start but disappointing after mega January. I wonder if this increase in exercise is correlated with my mental game improvement. Me from last year would have flipped out about losing even the small amount I have to the loonatics on Unibet. Especially as my account I set up, just for the rake race is still not properly set up so all my Feb rake will be wasted. For some reason it ended up be a re-tag even though it was set up through here and was never tagged anywhere else. As a result of not flipping out I've kept my losses low. When I get the right side of it its going to be golden.
Posted 8 years ago
SJLogic: Pretty sure people get banned for what Trollord does constantly,

Consistency VIP?? Where is it.

Woah i missed a thread for 20 mins and didn't ban anyone! My bad!!!

This is generally contained to Pauls thread which he has never been bothered about before.

As it goes looks like its just getting silly so @trollord59 you are no longer welcome to post in this journey. Any new posts will be deleted.



With respect to yourself and this forum Jon i will no longer make any meaningful contributions to this thread if it is so desired.
Posted 8 years ago*
I second Matt Laugh

Always provides me with a laugh Cheeky

Paul just chilling and then out no where the troll lord bored and lustful for some kind of negative feeling pounces. At least he is able to taste his own breakfast again, tongue so far up his own arse :') honestly, I've never seen such a nasty self centred person in my life, like you seriously have no consideration for anything or anyone but yourself.

Oh well, best you live alone with poker forever, it suits you well Smile
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: Popcorn time!
Couldn't resist, sorry :D

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Great stuff on the running Paul. Really need to crank mine up again.

I'm also going to be looking at cracking sub 20 for 5km. I did around 20:18 mid last year but haven't been concentrating on that much since, especially with cricket. Once the season finishes soon though I'll be heading back to the timed weekly 5km Parkruns and hopefully over a month or two can start getting back around that time and hopefully improve on it.
Posted 8 years ago
At least some bit of 2016 goals is going well! Unibet continues to crush me. I'm running horrendously. Today I also made a major mistake though to lose a stack.

Called SB 3bet in the CO with AQs. Flop AT6r and goes check check. Plan was to get him to bluff. Turn puts 2 to flush and he bets half pot and I call. River blanks and he jams. Tank and call like an idiot. I know he has me 95% of the time but still called. I had a full mind blank. In hindsight I took my time but at no point in that 'thinking time' was I actually thinking about his possible range. I just had my plan of inducing him to bluff and couldn't get past that idea. Flop and Turn plan I'm totally fine with but river he never jams a bluff there after checking flop even with my check back.
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: At least some bit of 2016 goals is going well! Unibet continues to crush me. I'm running horrendously. Today I also made a major mistake though to lose a stack.

Called SB 3bet in the CO with AQs. Flop AT6r and goes check check. Plan was to get him to bluff. Turn puts 2 to flush and he bets half pot and I call. River blanks and he jams. Tank and call like an idiot. I know he has me 95% of the time but still called. I had a full mind blank. In hindsight I took my time but at no point in that 'thinking time' was I actually thinking about his possible range. I just had my plan of inducing him to bluff and couldn't get past that idea. Flop and Turn plan I'm totally fine with but river he never jams a bluff there after checking flop even with my check back.

That is the exact same thing that keeps happening to me. I am also playing on Unibet. Whenever I think I have finally cracked it and start building my bankroll I make a couple of silly all in calls pretty much knowing I am beaten and its back to square one . That is when a losing session hurts the most, when you know you should have folded.