0 Deposit to....?

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

Evening all.

So I made a thread on here (two years ago now) talking about trying to make it to 50nl on Unibet from no deposit.

I managed to post semi regularly for a couple of months but never really put in the hours either on or off the tables whilst I was at uni and slowly but surely the thread became increasingly neglected.

I did however not brick the account entirely, I ran it over 1k a few times, hopped in games up to 100nl and dabbled around in early twitch streets (me and Mr Stapler used to host each other back in the day Surprised so I probably should have kept that up in hindsight)

During the final year of my Uni course in late 2015 and most of 2016 poker had to take a back seat and my unibet account was left pretty dormant at around €200

After everything was finally handed in by August and I'd somehow managed to pass, we took that month to spend as much time as humanly possible in various fields around the UK serving cocktails at festival bars and getting pretty spangled.

Once I came around from that debauchery and got through graduation, I thought giving poker another go might be a good idea before I had to go out into the real world and find an actual job.

So I found 11c and about 700 stars coins in my stars account, got the ticket with coins and took down the hot 4.40 for 1.2k, 1 table, 2.4k runners stars turbo. Biggest spin of my life.

I also had another go at running unibet back up, which is where we currently stand, aftering working through the 10nl and 25nl streets the account is at 1449 (we peaked at 1641)

The aim for this thread is document my progress as I try to get some real cheddar in my account.

I'll try to post everyday, or at least every couple, go over spots, track wins and losses, etc, which will hopefully motivate me more.

So lets put down some early goals:

- Break 2k barrier and trasition to purely 50nl
- Sat into the Sunday entitled every week, that tourny is just too good to miss.
- Play the daily 25 deep stack every day, again too juicy to miss.
- Make top 100 in the rake race (although my points havent been updated in over a week now Sad )
- Play as many Unibet open sats as I can, insane value and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't sat into the next one in London in Feb. The same goes for the UK tour stops.
- A least four hours of 4-6 tables of cash, 5 days a week, though ideally more volume than that.
- Make good notes on players using a spreadsheet, even with the ability to change usernames multiple times a day on Unibet a ton of regs don't do this and i've noticed the same names at the tables for over a month, so use this info and make mad notes.


New thread, same idea, make cheddar, leggo. Unibet balence at 1449.


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
LOL how on earth did you luckbox that tourni win? Amazing mate and what dreams are made of. Great to see you back and can't wait to follow this one!

First question is what do you think of the new UB software?
Posted 7 years ago
I was super excited for the new client but after it's release and it essentially turning out as a bad reskin with exactly the same back end aimed more at the mobile experience I haven't been very impressed.

- The new table size tiles terribly on a 1920x1080 monitor.
- Can't stand the new four colour deck.
- The old table themes contrast really badly with the new chips and bet info.
- Tourney and cash lobby is even more clunky than before.
- Ton of old bugs still there as the back end hasn't been changed at all.

I could go on, but at the end of the day I've gotten used to it and I guess I'll have to live with it as the games are still way too good to not play.
Posted 7 years ago
Day 1 Report:

We started today by creating this thread I guess and I didn't get around to playing any poker till about 3pm

I only played about 2 hours of cash today so we're already falling behind! (I had planned to play a lot more this evening but we'll get to that)

I played 3 €5 step sats to the Sunday entitled and cashed 2 so I've now got 2x €25 tickets to play the next level which are direct sats into the €90 4k GTD

I also won 2bi at 25nl so the account stood at €1491 with €104 in tourney tickets (i already had a €50 UB open sat ticket)

Took a break at 5ish and decided to wait to late reg the daily 25 at around 6.30 whilst eating dinner. I ended up pretty much 1 tabling that and not jumping in any more cash for the rest of the night, the only other thing I hopped in was Uhlens €200 freeroll spin for a laugh.

Everything ran pretty smooth, built a decent stack (this tourney is insanely soft) broke the bubble, made the ft 3/6. Got down to 3 handed play as the shorty vs 2 guys I'd pretty confidently say I have a decent edge over, doubled up to a comfortable position of just over 30bb so we're just getting ready to put the hammer down on these spuds.

Annnnd then I finally experience a bug I've heard a lot about since the new client got released. It essentially means you are unable to make any aggressive actions pre or post flop, your raise button is just 100% null and void, you are only able to call or fold. So it renders the tournament pretty unplayable at this point. (reaaaaally good spot to be in when I'm playing for an amount that could put me within touching distance of my 1st goal)

The only option was to close and restart the client as fast as possible, but that didn't work for some reason I couldn't even get the client to reload. So I was forced to restart my PC whilst 3 handed and playing for a potential €220 (you can probably see where this is going)

When I'd finally restarted and loaded up the client I logged back in to find 4bb and ripped K7 on the btn into KT and ended up getting 3rd for €239 though that's not even the important part really.

The point is a bug in the software had genuinely cost me equity, 30bb deep vs these two opponents I'm pretty sure I had a sizable edge so my equity in the tourney was definitely more than 3rd place.

Anyway, contacted support and they were pretty understanding and fingers crossed something will come of it, but I'm way too tilted to get back in the 25 or 50nl streets tonight.


Account is now at €1711 with €104 in tickets so we are peaking.
Posted 7 years ago
Day 2/3:

Yesterday I didn't play as much as I wanted to but I did receive €65 from the rake race and Unibet did a pretty cool thing because of the bug I had during the daily 25 on Thursday. They took my stack as it was before the bug and worked out the value of my stack according to ICM and gave me the difference which came to just over €50 so gg Unibet but I hope the bug is fixed by now!

That left the account at 1830 ish, but after a small session yesterday including bricking the €25 deepstack we won a few 25nl buy in's and the account was peaking at 1885. We did manage to also brick a €50 UB open sat I had a ticket for but going to keep at the sat grind.

Today after waking up late and insanely hungover I didn't get online until about 4pm. 1st thing I jumped into was a €25 sat to tomorrow's Sunday Entitled which we promptly shipped, obv super happy about this as I'd like to think my ev in that tourney is pretty damn good.

Fired up a few 25nl tables, binned off 3 buy in's in pretty quick fashion and managed to soft bubble the deepstack (AJ to ATo for about 25 bb, wah wah) so the day wasn't looking so great after all. But I decided to keep at it as I've been annoyed at myself for quitting sessions too fast and not putting in enough volume.

I managed to grind it back to nearly even and the account currently stands at €1850 with €119 in tickets.

My rake race points also got updated finally and I'm currently ranked 106th for $120, so if I keep this pace up and put in a few extra sessions there's no reason why I shouldn't break the top 100 this month.

Not going out tonight, good sleep, plan on getting up at a human hour, food shop, exercise and then smash a full Sunday grind, the deepstack, sats, Sunday entitled and I'll probably add a couple of 50nl shot tables.


Posted 7 years ago
So I haven't talked about any specific spots yet but there was one during today's session where I made a turn hero call vs a reg that, one I get to brag about, but it's also a pretty interesting spot and I think an example of a call we can only make vs a competent reg.

I just looked through my UB hh for the day and it looks like it only saves a certain amount so I can't just put up a replay although I remember the spot accurately and it's the thought process that's important anyway.

So we get dealt 44 on the BTN sitting at just over 200bb, a reg opens 3x for 75c in the CO off of 100bb and I think we have a pretty obvious overcall which we make. The sb 3bets to €3 and has around 160bb if I remember correctly, the CO calls and again I think this is just a standard call all the time, we have a pair, closing the action, in position, pretty deep with at least one opponent, let's see a flop.

With just under €9 in the middle after rake we see an 868 rainbow flop, the SB checks, and the CO checks, with the SB checking here they have almost always just given up on the hand but they can have some XR in their range and the CO's range isn't defined either yet so I think with 44 we should be checking back almost always, try and guide it to showdown and just hope to be good.

The turn is a 2 (i can't remember the suit) but it does being a BDFD, the SB checks again and so does the CO. Now, we can almost with a 100% certainty say that the SB has given up on the hand by this point and is just looking to XF, the same goes for the CO imo and we can also be pretty confident we have the best hand with 44, not that our hand is strong by any means. But I still like a bet here for protection from potentially 4 overcards, both villains here are pretty much capped to ace highs and random broadways which we'd love to deny equity to. So I bet about €5.80 into just under €9.

The interesting thing about this bet for protection is that we should be aware that we are betting with a very, very capped range our hand pretty much looks like 33, 44, 55, I guess I have a couple of traps too, so 66, 68s and 88, maybe some AQ, AJ type hand but most of the time I'm checking that back on the turn too (I probably shouldn't be in hindsight but we can sort that out another time.)

The SB folds and the CO goes into the tank, and eventually jams for just over €21, so what does his range look like here? For value we have.... 22? probably folds pre more than 50% and bets turn at a very high frequency. 68s? probably bets flop and definitely bets turn. 66? same story as 86. Quads? I mean maybe they'd double check the stones but that's one combo that could make us look stupid and in a multiway pot the point is that all of his value hands and hands with any real equity (turned FDs, 97s, 99, 10 etc etc) are going to bet turn when checked to twice either for value, protection or as a semibluff.

Aso as I said before I have a capped range with the line I've taken in the hand, and I'd expect a reg to recognize this and attack a range this weak.

Therefore we've created a whole they know, that I know, that he knows, that she knows dynamic, and I can also conclude from this that a very large percentage of his turn jams as played here are going to contain a ton of suited broadways (often not ones with a fd as we decided these are mostly betting turn as a semibluff) and ace x combos, most commonly AQ, AJ, AT, that's a lot of combos that we beat that have a maximum of 9 outs versus us.

9 outs once, roughly 18%, we are calling €15 into €36, giving us over 2.1, vs a range that we've decided we're pretty damn often ahead of.

We call, they roll over AQo and we hold for the cheddar.

I want to stress that we can only make this call vs a thinking reg, but I think vs that kind of opponent we almost have to bet call the turn here.

Posted 7 years ago
I am terrible at updating, Christmas break excuses etc etc.

Played a decent amount I guess... bricked some things, didn't brick others, played some 50nl, the swiiiings, overall slightly more positive than negative swings.

Account at: €2051

My rake race stats haven't been updated in like 9 days I think (mine only ever seem to update 2 or 3 times in the month?) so I'm currently ranked 199th for $55 but that definitely isn't accurate.

I'm going to smash in a chunk of hours tomorrow and before the NYE festivities on Saturday night to grind out some 50nl cheds and those final rake race points fammmm.

Posted 7 years ago*
End of December mini wrap up:

Just finished my final session of 2016, I probably put in between 10 and 12 hours in the last 2 days so pretty decent volume but I definitely need to keep that up and keep track of hours better.

Had a decent few sessions though and the account is now peaking at €2291 with €46 in tickets (I've hardly been playing sats for the last 2 weeks really)

January plans:

- 100% 50nl, lets keep moving up.
- 200 hours on unibet across the whole month, 50 hours a week, keep track of time spent, don't fall short.
- If we break 3.5k then start taking 100nl shots, but only at that point.
- 5 hours of study a week, good study. I have access a RIO account so lets use that.
- Play more UB open sats you fool.

I know 200 hours sounds like a lot but it's pretty much fulltime job hours with overtime, and since I get to sit in my pajamas and don't to travel to an office I don't see why it isn't feasible.

If anyone wants to get in on this 200 hour challenge and maybe wants a side bet then holla at your boy.

gg glgl in 2017 everyone, I'm off to get really fucking drunk now.

Posted 7 years ago

This is doable and super ready to watch you crush it allllllll!!!! Have you watched the 400nl Unibet guy on Twitch before? I forget this name?!?!
Posted 7 years ago
Very impressive progress and ambitious goals. You're another person on this forum with journey thread that seems to go against the prevailing, pessimistic, 'no money in poker everyone's solid' attitude. Looking forward to your future posts.
Posted 7 years ago*
50nl softer limit than 25nl conf.

Okay that's a gross exaggeration but I've had a decent start to the month so far, it definitely feels much less nitty than the 25nl pool.

I've put in around 11 hours so far this month so I'm already slightly behind schedule!

Although the 1st was pretty much a complete write off after NYE and I'm essentially having a dry January apart from the occasional end of session whiskey, so I'm still confident I'll be knocking on the 200h door by the end of the month.

My December rake race standing is still sitting at 214th which was last updated on Dec 14th so I've talked to support on here and hopefully that will actually get updated as well as my stats for this month, because by the looks of things I'll be raking a pile going forward.

I've got a spreadsheet going in drive to track the roll and hours logged and I'll chuck an updated graph in here weekly.

The roll currently stands at: €2510 with €77 in tickets.

@MattVIP and @Jon-PokerVIP cheers for the support gents.

And with regards to the Unibet twitch crusher, yeah I know him pretty well, he's a genuinely really nice guy called Uhlen. ( twitch.tv/uhlenpoker )
Obvious poker boss and he's also starting a beer company, which if I pull my finger out I'm hopefully doing some design work for, so things going on all over the shop.
Posted 7 years ago
Evening all, time for a 1st week of 2017 mini wrap up.

This week has been a slightly profitable emotional roller coaster the 1st four days were spent mainly winning at a reasonable rate, peaking at €2523

Then yesterday happened, 3 hours of pure BR destroying hell and crying at my desk, 3 lost flips (standard, 2 AIPF, 1 FD and open ender vs overpair on the flop, whatever meh meh) Took a break then came back to it for half an hour, running even ish, feel like we're playing well then get nearly 200bb in on the turn with 99 on QQ98 vs JJ, river Q. Yesterday was not my day and I gave up there, booking the biggest daily loss so far of €248

Ran markedly better today, made some hands, held, all of that good stuff. 4 hours of feeling like I can still win at poker and the br is back to €2460 So we did win on the week!

Here's a graph of the week, that insane dip was Friday. Sadface.
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With regards to last months rake race, the stats have been updated and we did make top 100! (below) Barely made it, landing at exactly 100 and bubbling the next pay jump.
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This months rake has been updated once for me and I'm currently 67th for 200 so if i keep up this volume I'll smash top 100 and maybe even be knocking on the door of top 50 if I actually put in the hours.

HOURS PLAYED: The real question here. Yes, I'm already behind, really behind Muscle 27 hours total. 200 hours is a long long way off but back at it next week lets at least see if I get over 150 or something.

Not sure how to put up a quick video right now but I've got a couple of funny hands I wanted to show from today so I'll put those up later or tomorrow once i work it out.


Posted 7 years ago
Another weird few days, not going to go into detail but we peaked at 2695 and then reactivated the doom switch back down to 2325 in one day Muscle

Yeeeeah, so probably shouldn't be experiencing such massive swings in such a short sample size so I get the impression I've got some leaks to get plugging so I've backed off the 50nl tables and am putting a few days of review and study in.

However, I received the $125 from last months rake race so that put the account back to 2440ish and I can't exactly not reg the daily €25 deepstack so I played that and a few other small tourneys, there's a decent €10 500 gtd that and a €500 added €1.20 which are all prettyyyy juicy. I ended up min cashing the 25 and min +ing €1.20 for around €90 (the €1.20 had like an 18x bubble because of the money added)

Annnnd we took down the €10 for €216
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Awh yisssss. Account back at €2702 thanks to the tourney week savers.

Back at the 50nl tables in a few days after some serious game reviewing.

At this point the 200h challenge is pretty much out of the window for this month, but with me swinging around all over the shop like a mad man, I'd rather put in quality over quantity and work on my game till I feel like my autopilot B game is still profitable at that kind of volume.

Posted 7 years ago*
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so i just chopped the big 22 hu for 6.9k Drink
Posted 7 years ago
Even though I hate online MTT's with a passion of a thousand suns (exaggeration for comedic effect) and even though I haven't played that many of them in my lifetime, I had the chance to win four figures in a donkament at one point in time and I can still remember how good that felt. Congrats sir!