Posted 8 years ago
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Finally back!!! Long month as usual! Been dying to play some poker! My wee boy looks like he's grown 3x since the lat time I seen him!!

I'm going to download Party Poker and give that a try this month, which means I'll need to sort my HUD out, which I haven't used in a while, being on UniBet! I'll be able to post some graphs and it will be a lot easier for me to post hands and review them! I'll update every 10K hands, with smaller posts in between moaning about how unlucky I am Cheeky

GL at the tables!
Posted 8 years ago
Did you bring a Fork?
Posted 8 years ago*
Had wee mess around on Bwin and I really like the software and the look of things.

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..And I'm glad to be back using a HUD, graph to follow!!
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Will upadate if I manage 10k hands this week! I now have to go through the pain of configuring my HUD!!
Posted 8 years ago
Make sure you're not hungry at the tables, it's bad for concentration. #Spagetti
Posted 8 years ago
Oooh that table felt and all black layout really appeals to me. Would love to just sit and grind on that all day long
Posted 8 years ago*
Yeah I really like the blackness of it. The software is really good. Just finished my first session and will definitely be staying here for a while. I also downloaded 888 which I'll be pissing about on from time to time, depending on traffic!

I downloaded this warm up sheet from Felix Schniders website and I'll start filling it in on a daily basis. Here is a screenshot of a blank one:
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I was at a table today with this kind of shit going on:
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The fuckers still managed to take a buy-in off me! I'll hopefully see them again! Had one guy donk pot every time he had something and x/f when he missed Smile So as mentioned, I'm very much enjoying Bwin and will be staying there. I don't want any of you sneaky bum hunters heading over there Cheeky I should really delete this and tell you its shit and reg infested!

I've only just found out that I can't my my HUD on the fast fold game....would it be best to just stay away from these instead of trying to play without one? I would like to get back in to fast fold, but that may mean just buying a PC! I don't even know if a HUD works with fast fold on windows??
Posted 8 years ago
You can use hud with fast fold buddy. YouTube a how to video you'll see it, essentially need to give bwin authorisation on Windows to run as admin - only takes a few mins. Gl with grind
Posted 8 years ago
Choves: You can use hud with fast fold buddy. YouTube a how to video you'll see it, essentially need to give bwin authorisation on Windows to run as admin - only takes a few mins. Gl with grind

Ah thanks dude!! I hate playing these games knowing I'm at a disadvantage not using a HUD!

I'll post the video here for anyone in the sand position.
Posted 8 years ago
I couldn't find the video, but there is instructions on the PT4 website, and at the bottom it said "not available on Mac"! I'm a step closer to just buying a PC! I'll stick to regular tables for now.
Posted 8 years ago*
Ah Kings, we meet again Punch

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As a warning for anyone who reads this thread....I apologies in advance for the constant hate for kings Cheeky I'm sure you all have your own problems with a certain hand!
Posted 8 years ago
Ha what on earth is happening in that hand? How bad were these players?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Ha what on earth is happening in that hand? How bad were these players?

They were terrible, most of party poker/Bwin player are. I manage to get a lot of money from them in the end!! I have saved a few strange hands which I'll add. My jaw drops when I see what they are holding lol
Posted 8 years ago
@BarraBod I love those "Reaaaallly????" moments... LoL, happens all the time Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Looks like I'll be playing at 888 until this shit gets sorted. Already sent them a scan of my passport, twice. I think the problem is I stupidly signed up using my nickname lol

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Posted 8 years ago*
I am on a fucking heater right now!! Only played about 4k hands, 10 BI up! graphs will be uploaded at 10K. Seems like I hit everything, No one has out drawn me in ages! But what goes up, must come down, so Im going to ride this for as long as it lasts!

Got an email from Bwin saying the ID I sent doesn't match my name so my account will remained blocked. I've emailed them back explaining the situation, again. Fingers crossed!!
Otherwise I hope I get my money back and I'll just stick to 888 for the time being!

Edit: I nearly forgot to hate on Kings! Here you go Smile

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Posted 8 years ago
BarraBod: Looks like I'll be playing at 888 until this shit gets sorted. Already sent them a scan of my passport, twice. I think the problem is I stupidly signed up using my nickname lol

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When it comes to creating accounts and verification you my friend are one of a kind lol
Posted 8 years ago
hahaha Its my own fault this time! I stupidly put Bod and not Michael, and obviously my passport says Michael, so they emailed saying I sent someone else ID and they want mine It wasn't me!
Posted 8 years ago
I'm back in action on Bwin SmileAttached Image

But I'm not gonna lie...I'm loving 888!! I'll change between the 2 for the next 6k hands!
Posted 8 years ago
The run good came to and end, just as I moved back to Bwin, so I went back to 888 ( because its Bwins fault I'm losing and not mine Cheeky ) But I still kept losing. Managed to scrape a few BIs back towards the end!

A couple of shitty hands. This hand I potted the flop, 70% bet the turn and checked back the river!
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I don't think any of my posts are complete without Kings Laugh This guy 5bet all-in with 77, and I had my fingers on the screenshot button as I knew what was coming Cheeky
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It's not all been doom and gloom, I feel I'm playing pretty well, and running well also. I'm at 6K hands. I'll try get another 2K tonight but then I'll be traveling back home to Barra tomorrow, so play will be minimum while there sadly! I'm sure I'll be able to sneak a few speed tables in while the gf isn't looking Smile
Posted 8 years ago
He 5 bet jammed 77? This is still happening in 2015? So beautiful! Any info on this player btw was he playing reckless all game?