Posted 6 years ago
Grocker6: So... I've been doing some hand analysis of a session from a few days back. And I found this hand.
It interested me because I've been pulling the trigger a lot more these days and thinking a lot more about how I can force my opponent into shitty spots, which I'm happy about.
I thought this hand though was worth talking about because there's so key things that you need to think about when making bluffs, and although I got creative here, I don't think it was the right spot. So I thought it would be good to share my thoughts and hopefully it helps others as much as it has been helping myself. I missed a couple of key ingredients here that I'm trying to drum into my mind.

All I'd say is keep looking for these spots and applying pressure because I think population will for sure be over folding to river raises / check raises. Realise when you've arrived at the river with the bottom of your range which obviously you have here and turn hands into bluffs, don't over do it and make sure its against the right player type.

Keep it up man, decent thought process, maybe should be giving villain a little wider range but other than that pretty solid.

Posted 6 years ago
Hey there @Curl-1-out

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!
You mentioned something interesting. About people over-folding. I think I've said it in a previous post but the idea that people think you can't bluff much at microstakes is ludicrous. In fact it can usually be easier because people will make nit folds out of frustration without looking at the big picture of how the hand played out or using their blocker/unblocking cards to help their decisions.
Posted 6 years ago*
Right, so an update on today.

It's been a fun day, been streaming a new OBS setup. Had to basically redo my setup because I was using OBS classic which Streamlabs no longer supports. But I think it's a lot smoother than it was after I put the time in to figuring out how to do everything efficiently. A lot easier than it was.

I have my past streams on Grocker6 Twitch if anyone wants to take a look at whaty I've been up to.

Well I had 2 sessions today, Stars kinda got messed up at one point and the NLHE Zoom games stopped for some reason so I took a break and came back a bit later.

Here are my graphs for firstly the day as a whole, and the bottom one is 5nlz as a whole so far. Still about 8 or so BI below ev but have a decent winrate none the less despite it. Shows how much 20k+ hands isn't a much of a sample really as far as variance is concerned.

Anyway, I've had fun today. Time for a chill! Gl fellow grindees.

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Posted 6 years ago*
Looking good champ!!. You are a NIT!! I knew it. Well almost! CheekyMy lips are sealedGiggleThinking
Posted 6 years ago
Well I do try... Muscle
Posted 5 years ago*
Had a quick 1.5 hour stream, or about an hour and 20 mins playing a couple of tables today before I have to go to work in a few mins. Just checking a couple of new things I've added to the stream viewingness. I'll be having a proper stream tomorrow though for hopefully at least 3 hours.

I'll post tomorrow when I plan on a time so if anyone want's to watch then they know when it'll start.

So here's today's session anyway.

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Also check out how little I went to showdown today, not often a session looks like this when it's all the red line doing the job. Basically I did have some big hands in spots when a fair bit went in but people never called the last bet.

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Catch you lot tomorrow.
Posted 5 years ago
I'll be streaming within the next hour at my Twitch channel

Should be playing for a while today if anyone wants to say hi!
Posted 5 years ago
Just finished my stream for today. About 6 hour long stream.

Had a tough time for most of the stream but we picked up and put in a couple of buyins in the end.

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Posted 5 years ago*
I streamed again tonight because I was just in the mood. Felt like it would be an easy session. But it wasn't. The pool seemed super aggro and I had a lot of tough spots where I was facing 4bets vs the nittiest players with just about the hands I hated to continue with and got raised in the ugliest of spots over and over.
It took a lot of patience on my part, but I just took it easy and ended up taking a profit after all of the crap.
Good job I enjoy it enough to have the patience haha.

A good 3800+ hands today.

Anyway, here's the graphs. 1st is the last session and 2nd is 5nlz as a whole up till now.

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Posted 5 years ago*
Played a good 1800+ hands today. Session was tough, 1st 2/3s of it I couldn't do a lot. Pity I was 3.5BI down when I started to do well haha.
Fun stream and session though. Good times.
Shout out to a guy on Twitch called ShroomTheRiver who gave me a host again. Another fellow cash grinder having fun on GG Poker. Great guy with a great attitude to the game!

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Time to relax now anyway. GL all.
Posted 5 years ago
Made myself a new setup for 4 regular tables. Which is the format I'll use for 10nl I think.

So I had a stream today to test it at 5nl.
Session was generally shitty. One hand was where I flopped the nuts with an Ace high flush and got stacked on the river to a straight flush from someone with 45s. That was the only hand I got stacked in. But outside of that I didn't have much going for the session at all. Here's the graph. Annoyingly I had to manually place in a key hand at the end because for second time now PT4 has missed a few hands whilst importing and it just so happens that I always stack someone when that happens. Annoying, but I easily get Stars to send an automated email of my HH. So my graph might be like 50c to a dollar out or something because I couldn't track every single hand that was missed. At these regular tables you get some overly aggro donkeys and some call station fish, so it's hard for me to bluff anywhere near as much as I'd like. And basically the majority of the spots I was in today were just crappy. You get the idea... turns you can't barrel. 3bet pots where you are aggressor and flop smacks the caller every time in the face and not much equity or fold equity. The bad runouts with your strong hands. And then the cooler. So overall I'm happy to be down just a few dollars considering the session reeked!

I gotta head off to work in a little bit. So gl and see you lot soon.

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Posted 5 years ago*
Played another 1004 hands today. Nice to see some of the same faces saying hi and playing along in the zoom pool. Had a fun spot or two vs a viewer at the tables.

Enjoying the streaming and the session went a fair bit smoother today.
Gotta head to work in a bit so getting the hands in whilst I can.

Here's the graph and chow for now!

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Posted 5 years ago
Nice updates mate! Nice to see a few trending upwards graphs and the overall graph is looking very nice indeed!
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks @AshVIP , and hope things are going well for you!

Well I've been putting in some hours between work and all that. Managing to play a fair few hands.

Just finished another stream. Ran very bad in 2 big AI pots where I was crushing (KK vs QQ, and KQ supernuts on 7JT9 vs JT who rivered a J on the 2nd of the run it twice runouts) , but just as I was finishing up I managed to put in an ok profit in the end. The games are actually pretty damn soft, and I'll look forward to some sessions where I run like god.

Seeya later all.

Today's session

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Posted 5 years ago
So when are the giveaways starting?
Posted 5 years ago
So when are the giveaways starting?
Posted 5 years ago
daveo: So when are the giveaways starting?

Hah, I'd love to do giveaways. Maybe when there's enough regular watchers and I learn how to actually do them.
Posted 5 years ago*
Ok! So today I have the 1st month update. I played my final 5nl session of the month and have a couple of graphs to post. The first is today's session, the second is the whole previous month's graph.

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I've been saying for a while that I'd make a boost deposit to play 10nl. I decided I'd get a months worth of 5nlz played. And I passed my target point for making the boost deposit anyway. I won just under 18BI I think, and ran 8.5 BI below ev, but that's ok.

So I did make a £100 boost deposit and played 10nl for my second session to get a few hands under my belt. The games tbh seem pretty much the same as 5nl. Not more difficult really. So here's how the 10nl session went.

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I didn't have an easy time today at all really. A lot of annoying river spots and I made an AI call at 5nl which I'm not that happy about. But hey. It happens.
Hope you're all doing well anyway.
Let's get crushing 10nl! MusclePunch
Posted 5 years ago
Nice graphs keep it up. Should include your rakeback, I know stars isnt great for that but every few dollars helps. I had a quick session last night and its a different world to reg speed tables. Il drop a host on Twitch when I can.
Posted 5 years ago
Hey all. Having a busy weekend right now. Had a couple of small sessions of 5nl to chill even though I've made my boost deposit to play 10nl. I did want to get to 50k hands at 5nl though and see how my sample looks. I might just get to $400 and then fully play 10nl. I'm currently at $369 so seems like a simple target to hit and get a few more hands in for my 5nl sample.

Had 3 small sessions in between the things I've had to get on with. So I'll post them all here. Actually been a good 1500 hands or so. Just not had time to post up.

Session 1

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Session 2

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Session 3

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Still having a good time. Thanks goes to a regular cash streamer called "ShroomTheRiver" for another host.

Seeya all soon!