Get Rich or Die Tryin'

Posted 7 years ago

Dear Diary,

Was looking for a forum to create my personal poker/lifestyle blog and pokervip seems very friendly and very active so i think i can get help and improve a lot in here!

Will start by introducing my self. I'm 24 years old student finishing my master's degree and currently on vacations so with a lot of time to poker. Have been playing poker for the past 5 years. I used to play mtt's on pokerstars but unfortunately i can't play them anymore (because of lack of time) so i changed to cash games. At the beginning it seemed a little boring because mtt's have lot of actions and ups and downs while cash games are more "smooth". But after some months playing I'm really liking them. They are full of skill and the fact that i can start and stop every time i want is really good. The main problem is that the skill is different and i'm not really used to play so deep pos-flop so i make a lot of mistakes and miss a lot of spots. But i think that with help and a lot of study i will figure a way to fix all my leaks and move up on levels fast.

Off poker i really like to do physical activities and go out party with friends. I really like to go to the GYM, its my shrink and one of goals is to get leaner and shredder (atm i weight around 77kgs with 20% bf). Also study music and play the sax (its cool to relax after some bad sessions) and love to read! If you can please recommend some really good books (on and off poker).

With these blog i pretend to put some goals and try to achieve them and motivate myself towards them and also share some hands and strategy with you guys so you can help me improve. At the moment i am playing nl5 on bcp.

My goals for this month are:
- Meditate 15minutes every day
- Move up to nl10
- Get to 18% body fat.
- Read 3 books
- Play around 50k hands
- View 3 hours of videos per week
- Review 2500 hands per week
- GYM 3x week


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Posted 7 years ago
Dear Diary,

Today was the day i putted more volume in cash games in my life. Played around 6 hours. Was used to play 6+ hours in mtt's but when i used to play cash i played maximum 3 hours.
Here is the graph of this crazy sess:
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Overall i think i played it fine. Was really carefull with all spots and my main problem is auto-pilot. I start listening to music and wandering around and i loose focus on the game and this costs a lot of money. Was really carefull with this situtation and most of the time i was really focused and thinking on every hand.

My red line is really down. The main problem of this is playing pos flop after 3bet, specially OOP. Have a lot of problems playing pos-flop after 3betting and getting called by btn or wtv. this situation is costing me a lot of $ and will be the area i will focus my study on next days.

One great thing i discovered with this sess is the time to play vs donks. Figured whats the time that as the same amount of regs but a lot more donks so i can start my sess later and wait for the donks.

Overall today was a good day. Reviewed a lot of hands from yesterday sess, saw a video and went to the gym (surprised myself and instead of chest made leg day!!!)

Hope to get my red line better next days.


gl boyz!
Posted 7 years ago
Wow a player going from tournaments to cash games - normally it is the other way round in this current climate!

Love the intro and welcome to the forum!

Few people to call into here as they also meditate, eat clean and grind hard: @CrazyCookie@MattVIP@colly191091@CycleVancouver

Posted 7 years ago
Nice introduction man! Looking forward to following your journey Smile

So many questions for you Cheeky

Where you from? Doing a Masters? Surprised Very nice! In what subject?

Interesting you play the sax! How did you get into that?

I'm currently reading Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham and it's amazing! I'd recommend that or any of his books! All thrillers

What Poker training videos have you been checking out lately? So many great training vids on this site! You've came to the right place Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Hey @Jon-PokerVIP Thank you.

Yeah, right now everyone is moving from cash to mtt's. I really like mtt's but unfortunately don't have the time to play them. But for the few time i have been playing cash games i have really like them.

Hope to crush Cheeky

Ty for the introduction!

PS how do you mark people on threads? Can't figure out this one
Posted 7 years ago
I switched from mtts to mostly cash about 18 months ago, I think it's the right call. That having been said, I'm excelling at mtts this year and barely breaking even with online cash, so ignore pretty much all advice I give.

@Jon-PokerVIP says I eat clean, I usually do, but the last thing I crushed was a bag of cookies. Puke
Posted 7 years ago
Hey @colly191091,

Thank you man.

Sorry but because of legal purposes i can't where i am from but we are at the finals in the euro Cheeky

My master's degree is in civil engineering. Its my last year. Only missing one subject and the internship and i am done. Dunno if i'm going to follow this as profession. Atm civil engineering in my country is really bad for employment and the few ppl that get employment in the area are really bad paid (and average of 600€ per month). Thats why my main goal till the end of my degree is to be playing nl100+ and then i can make a confident choice about what employment is going to give me a better and stable life.

About the music carrer when i was young my mom signed me up for a lot of things so i be busy all time (swimming classes, music, football). When i entered to music world i didn't have any goal or favourite instrument so my teacher put me playing a bunch of instruments (guitar, drums, trumpet, sax, flute, piano and violin). Through the times i gave up the ones i didn't like and kept the ones i liked (violin was my first drop. hated it). In the end i really liked sax and jazz so decided to proceed with it and i'm not regret. Bought my saxophone and now sometimes i play to relax. is pretty cool.

Today went to the library and took some books. One of them is from Grishman: The street lawyer. But will put Rogue Lawyer on my to-read list Wink

The videos i saw was from Adam Jones. The nl100 6m pokerstars live play series. Already saw the first two eps and hope to see tomorrow the third. Not sure what the best videos are so if you please recommend some of them!

Hope i crush and this can be a really cool and dynamic blog with lot of interaction.

Thank you and gl!
Posted 7 years ago
Hahah Cheeky Do you faith that Portugal can take it? Hopefully will be a good match!

Would you ever consider leaving to pursue a career elsewhere?

Adam is great for theory! Any videos by @Komododragonjesus@fergrberger and of course @Jon-PokerVIP. @CrazyCookie has a great study guide series too.

Even if the grind isn't going too well, share it all! Lots of ups and downs to come. Hopefully you will stay motivated Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Some awesome goals in this thread, nice to see a balance between poker goals and life goals!

Looking forward to more updates!
Posted 7 years ago
@w34z3l is creating some special OG classic theory presentations this month so if there is anything specific you want to see now is your time to shout it out!
Posted 7 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP@w34z3l Good stufff! Maybe something like check/calling vs. betting? Or when to double barrel with equity vs. checking? Smile
Posted 7 years ago
@colly191091 i think we have a chance at this. We are not playing great football but our defense as been playing really good, cutting every ball. Pepe Is a big boss and if he is good i doubt France will score.

I never considered moving. Poker was good and i was making some good money. I think i was 20k up in mtt's (even though when poker was banned i was with a 10k make up). But was almost finishing my master's degree and i never saw poker as my life choice. Poker was a complementary work to my studies so i could go out, pay my university and make some vacations without spending more of family money.
My plan was always finish school and improve the most as i could on poker and then make a life-wise choice about witch carrer would give me more money (poker or civil engineering). And this was also a great option because i knew if i failed in one of them i would always have a back-up. So with 1.5 years missing to finish my master's degree, changing country was never a option and i don't regret.
Posted 7 years ago
Btw, anyone here plays on tonybet poker?

Is there any way to get the hh's to our computer to review later.
The site is amazing but the fact i can't review my hh's and study sucks :/
Posted 7 years ago*
Hey boyz!

Today not going to make a poker-wise update but more a life/charity-wise update.

Want to talk about 2 things.

First of them is blood donation.

It doesn't cost you anything to make a blood donation. You can help a lot of people that are suffering and in need and i think it should be everyone moral obligation to give blood each 3 months. Hospitals are full of people and the blood reservoirs are each year less and it isn't enough to everyone. Just think that for now you are giving to someone else but in the future maybe you will need blood and someone is going to do the same for you. I just came from the blood donation center and you have a great feeling after donating some blood. So if you don't donate please think about it and if possible start donating. You are doing a huge favor to society.

Second thing i want to talk is Charity Miles.

Charity Miles is an app available for every cellphones (android, ios and windows). The main goal of this app is that for each mile that you run, you give money to a charity of your choice (it can be to cancer research, homeless people, water for African countries, etc.). There is a lot fo charity available and each time you start the app it will ask you what charity you want to help today.

It as 2 features. One of them is outdoor running/bicycling. For each mile you run you give $0.25 to the charity you choose and for each mile you bike you give $0.10. For the outdoor running/cycling you have to turn on the GPS and it will track your miles. Since most of the people running already use some app to track their run it doesn't cost nothing to have at the same time Charity Miles on and help some charity.

The other feature is indoor running. In this feature for each mile you make you give $0.25 for the charity you choose. This is a grate feature because you can use it anywhere where you don't walk a lot but move a lot for example your arm. Imagine playing poker. If you have one of those arm bands for cellphones and use charity miles during the 4 or 5 hours you play poker or any online game i bet you can make like a $2 donation for a charity.
This feature is also great for the gym. Usually people are always walking from each side to other and moving a lot their legs during the exercises. Most of people at the gym already use cellphone in pocket to listen to music so it doesn't cost anything to have charity miles on and rake some miles. I can say that for each time i go to the gym i use this indoor option and always rake around 5 to 6 miles.

This is a great app that doesn't discharge a lot your cellphone and makes you feel even motivated to make physical activities.
At the moment i already raked 500 miles for lot of charity (main one i use is cancer research). This converted into a $125 donation that i already made without a lot of effort. I already use the cellphone on my pocket on gym or for a run so it doesn't cost nothing to have charity miles on and rake some miles.

If you want to visit the site enter here:

Please give a thought about this two things guys. It doesn't cost anything and it can improve your karma and maybe get over that terrible downing you were getting through.

gl all!

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Posted 7 years ago
Dear Diary,

Totally missed July goals.
I already knew it was going to be a lame month because it was first month of my vacations so i wasn't very harsh with myself. Let things go smoothly and took some time to relax.

My goals for july were:
- Meditate 15minutes every day - missed
- Move up to nl10 - done
- Get to 18% body fat - missed
- Read 3 books - done
- Play around 50k hands - missed
- View 3 hours of videos per week - missed
- Review 2500 hands per week - missed
- GYM 3x week - missed

Only achieved 2 goals: Move up to nl10 and read 3 books.

Unfortunately formatted my computer yesterday and as dumb fuck i am i forgot to save all hand histories so i lost all my poker data (hands, notes, even hud)

Since i missed all my July goals, my August goals are going to be a bit the same:

August Goals:
- Meditate 15minutes every day
- Move up to nl20
- Get to 18% body fat.
- Read 5 books
- Play around 75k hands
- 3hours of study daily
- GYM 3x week
- Stop bitting nails
- Wake up around 8-8:30

Its going to be a bit difficult to achieve all this goals specially the move up to nl20. I just moved to nl10 so dunno if i can in one month make the jump to nl20 but will try.

My plan for this month is to wake up at 8-8:30 eat a healthy breakfast and start reviewing or go to the gym. The days i study in the morning will try to start grind around 2-3pm play till 7pm stop to dinner and then start again from 8pm till 12pm. The days i go to the gym will have to put the 3 hours study in the afternoon so will start grind later.

Will try to take at least one day off per week, sometimes maybe two. The day off will be prob during weekend (Saturday or Sunday) depending on the day i go out to grind pussy/alcohol/. Its bad to play hangover so will take this day to rest and comeback next day stronger.

Still not sure but prob there a weekend that i maybe go on vacations so my days off will be a bit larger but hope to play at least 24 of the 31 days.

If anyone is interested in making some reviews with me and share study/sweting/wtv send pm to share skype.

Gl boyz and legooo for a epic month.
Posted 7 years ago
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yesterday session

Love this days!!!!
Posted 7 years ago
I think from just looking at journeys over the years maybe 1/10 people hit monthly goals...maybe 1 goal should just be to smash it?
Posted 7 years ago
Instant like for Man on the Moon reference. I think your goals might be a touch too ambitious and if you really want to achieve so many of them a careful planning has to be involved. Focus not on the goals but more on the way you're going to achieve them. For example "3hours of study daily" and "GYM 3x week" are solid goals, they are well-defined and give you agency. You can make them even better by putting those 3 hours of study in a specific place in your schedule (so for example between 5-8 p.m.) and attaching a workout program to those 3x per week gym sessions where you will be tracking progressive overload. "Move up to nl20" is not a good goal because it's an unnecessary way of putting pressure on you by writing down something that's just a function of your volume and education. If you study a lot and play a lot you'll move up to NL20 so there's no need to include it on the list (especially with a time limit). Same goes with 18% body fat goal. Sure it's good to know when you're going, but again bodyfat is just a function of how well you eat and train so your goals should be centered around those two (besides body fat is kinda tricky to monitor anyway unless you want to do a DEXA scan every month). You can change "Stop biting nails" into "I'll incorporate a rubber band technique in order to eliminate my bad habit of biting nails" (in case you don't know rubber band technique is used in trauma therapy and it basically consists of wearing a rubber band on your wrist and snapping it every time you indulge in a bad habit in order to create a negative feedback loop - surprisingly effective) etc. etc.

BTW I was researching the topic of charity on my own recently and you kinda helped my decide to pull the trigger on blood donation so thanks for that. Hope I'm eligible (I have a genetic condition that might disqualify me, but it's minor and hasn't really manifested yet so fingers crossed).
Posted 7 years ago
Hey @MattVIP

yeah, you are right about my goals. i can make them better and take some pressure out of me. and thanks so much for the rubber band technique. had no clue about that, seems very interesting and will try to incorporate them on my life.

Glad i helped you with the blood donation. Sorry to hear about your genetic condition, hope its nothing bad.
Posted 7 years ago
The Poker Gods have been nice to us the last 2 days!

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