Posted 10 years ago
I had another good session. This is the fourth consecutive session in a row that I win. Reducing the number of tables (thx Stewie!) has allowed me to focus more on playing poker and not just waiting for good poket hands and just click buttons.

I played pretty well. Maybe did a few mistakes like calling a couple of all ins prefloop with middle pairs against shorts stacks and algo a river bluff I tried against a nit player (he made a low bet on the river).

But well, regardless that, I think I played pretty well. All my money here came from non-showdown line. Played at NL5, 6 tables.

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Posted 10 years ago
I've been having some crazy sessions. In one of them y had a great winning of 4 buy ins (at least great for me) but lost 2 in next session and so on. Balance was positive though.

But well, I've been chatting with StewieStag about some possible leaks I could be having. As I mentioned before, he told me it would be a good idea to reduce the number of tables. Afer that I noticed an improvement in my play as I would focus more on each hand.

Later he told me we could have a sweat session. I had never done one so was looking forward to it. And it was great. I played for 25 minutes and then we analysed my game and how I was playing every hand. I received great feedback and tips so when I played by myself I realised how important is to play every hand totally focused. At first it was tough to think about every single decision. Then I got used a little more but no I'm fighting for every pot, stealing blinds much more (when they call they usually fold post flop) and stealing small pots. That counts a lot at the end of the session.

I'm feeling more comfortable with my play. I'm not stacking out as much as I used to and even though I'm rasing more and trying to be more aggressive, I'm controlling that aggressiveness much more so I don't find myself at the river stacking out with not so strong hands.

This is my morning session. Very proud of it =)

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Posted 10 years ago
Great work bud! Should be on a great path now to get you up to 10nl asap. Just b careful not to fight for EVERY pot, its great to win small pots often but if you fight for every small pot you end up losing a few too many medium sized pots as well. Pick your spots, keep a controlled amount of aggression and be focused at the tables Smile Great graph keep it up Laugh
Posted 10 years ago
Well, hope so! I'm almost back to my bankroll peak. But still need more in order to play at NL10. Step by step! I feel I'll have solid winnings this month.
Posted 10 years ago
What is your bankroll at now out of interest?
Posted 10 years ago
Around $360
Posted 10 years ago
Been having great sessions since I fixed some of my leaks (sorry to repeat it so much but Stewie... might have been something little to you but big to me!).

These are my last sessions after started playing 6-max and after my sweat session:

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And after a LOT of struggle, not only am I at my bankroll's peak but also reached again my cash winnings peak!

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Which is great because I was having a lot of ups and downs. Now I feel my game is much more solid. And I focus more on playing poker post flop and not being too aggressive with certain hands preflop.

I feel very confident. Hope to be able to go up to NL10 soon.

What do you think about my VPIP and PRF these sessions? It's 6max.
Posted 10 years ago
GJ Viper!! Great to see your results, and I know from our session that your dedicated to get moving up. I think we have the roll to go for 10nl now mate and I'd be more than happy to sweat it for you because moving up on your own can be tough. I think we still need to be opening more hands you're still on the nitty side of tag and the gap between PFR and VPIP is too big with such small numbers. If you were playing more like 35/25 then its ok so long s post flop is strong. Moving up you HAVE to open up more as the regs will blast you away otherwise relentlessly stealing pre and just giving up as soon as you have a strong hand. Great to see progress man keep at it! Laugh
Posted 10 years ago
Thx, man! I have a tough time trying to improve my VPIP and PRF. I just don't get it how usual should I be opening. I can't open with trashy hands. I feel that's way too loose (example Q5 suited). But well, I will go on tyring.
Posted 10 years ago
aha don't go crazy like that, just open a few more hands like K9s Q8s 23s from the CO and BTN. Also to close the gap between the 2 try 3 betting a little more especially v bad players who will call with random hadns we crush pre flop and some more random ones as a bluff v regs who will either fold their bluffs or 4bet/call their nutted hands then x/f flop unless you flop a crazy J22 with J2 Wink
Posted 10 years ago
Gave a shot to NL10, 6 max. Only 30 minute session. I must say I feel a little scared because betting ammounts are obviously bigger. I don't want to lose all these last days winnings. But well, I guess it's normal when you go up a level to feel a bit uncomfortable about money involved until you get used to it, right?

This is today's graph. Not quite a good red line.

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And the best hand played in this session. Villain was holding A9os.


Hold'em No Limit $0.05/$0.1
Hero's cardsQA

Small Blind Post SB $0.05, Big Blind Post BB $0.1, Hero Raise $0.2, Hijack Call $0.2, Cutoff Folds, Dealer Folds, Small Blind Folds, Big Blind Call $0.2

Flop A9K
Big Blind Check $0, Hero Bet $0.3, Hijack Folds, Big Blind Raise $0.8, Hero Call $0.8

Turn 3
Big Blind Bet $1.3, Hero Raise $3.2, Big Blind Call $3.2

River J
Hero Bet $4.1, Big Blind Call $4.1

Big Blind mucks
Hero shows QA
Hero Collects $16.09

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Posted 10 years ago
keep on grinding buddy! don't be scared. Take a deep breath, play your A game, take an extra couple of seconds per decision and always remember :

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Posted 10 years ago
Haha! Thx, man! I know it's a little chicken to get scared and it's definitely not the mindset to have in poker. But this only happens to me the first sessions in a new level. When I get used to it I just rock!
Posted 10 years ago
Haven't played yesterday and not the ammount I would've liked before yesterday.
Today morning I had another session in NL10. I'm trying to play a little looser but still respect the level too much.

I feel villains 3bet much more here and for the moment I think I'm being way too careful.

Today's session was positive result but nevertheless I didn't play good poker.

In fact, my EV is negative:

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Started pretty bad but then could revert that:

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I'll continue playing at NL10. No matter if a downswing comes. I'll try to play my best poker and see If I can get used to this level.
Posted 10 years ago
you will get it, just keep calm and grind those bastards to the dust!

Best of lucks buddy
Posted 10 years ago
Well, finally had an awful session after an upswing of around 8 sessions. Too bad, lost a lot for my bankroll. I played most of these hands in NL10 and then a couple in NL5. Had some bad beats but the truth is I played really really bad so decided to quit for today.

I don't know... can't find a correct way in this limit. Maybe it's because I feel I need more bankroll (at present I have $404) or maybe it is because I get overplayed. Villains 3bet me too much and sometimes I'm not sure about what to do.

I think I'll go back to NL5 until I build a bankroll of $600 and that way maybe I'll feel more comfortable playing NL10.

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Check out my overall graph. I was going up like a rocket!

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Posted 10 years ago
Don't be disheartened by this Viper! Everyone goes through bad spells, and if you're finding that you're getting into a lot of tricky spots where you're not sure how to approach them, I would suggest playing the limit you feel most comfortable at. I'm sure Jon and our other Pros will be able to help you out as to why you feel you are playing bad Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Thx, Ryan. I dont get disheartened. I will struggle as much as I can and as long as it takes ultil I find my way up to the top. But I know the path won't be easy. Each level represent new challenge.

I just feel insecure about my bankroll when I play at this limit. I feel I need more buy ins in order to play so that makes me feel insecure. That's why I think I might go on playing NL5 until i reach a bankroll where I feel comfortable. Some people think 30 or 40 buy ins are ok. I think 60 is the ideal number. Maybe too prudent but well...
Posted 10 years ago
I think 60 is the ideal number. Maybe too prudent but well...

Yeah sure, some people think 20 buy ins is enough, but it just depends how much the money means to you and how much it's kept apart from your money in real life. I suggest getting it up to 50-60 if you feel that will make you feel more comfortable. 60 is a lot, but there's nothing worse than playing, and constantly thinking you don't have a big enough bankroll, no matter what it is. Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Taking shots is always hard and you need a lot of hands to get comfortable. Today for example I played 30nl for the first time in a week and I am used to the games but because I've been playing 20nl for the past 4-5 days the money seemed a lot, took me about 30mins of playing before I was comfortable. I would advise you to stick at 10nl, you will improve playing better players and you have a big enough roll to handle varience Smile Keep it up bro ur getting there Smile