Risk-FREE coaching

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

What is Bestpokercoaching (aka BPC) and what makes us different?

Quick introduction to Team BPC and Head Coach Gordon BPC:

(click below to play the video)

We are a group of poker professionals (players and coaches), who came together to create an awesome poker community (13 204 members, and counting) for all motivated and ambitious poker players.

Our mission: Prove that ANYBODY can make $10k+ per month playing online poker.

We have two ways of improving your poker game:

1) We offer a unique coaching program, for which we do not charge any hourly fee. We believe we only deserve to get paid if what we teach really helps you win at the tables. So you only have to pay for coaching, if you win. This guarantees you, the player, that your coach will do everything in his power to make you win as much as possible, as soon as possible.

We have assembled arguably the best poker coaching team for different game formats on the planet, and have continued to bring results to our students for years. And we keep improving every day.

And the best part? You only have to pay us for coaching, if you WIN.

Click HERE to get more info + sample materials

2) We create premium poker courses. All of our strategy is tested in our coaching programs, where hundreds of students play at the tables each day. We observe and spend a lot of time and money analyzing what works best at the tables. (We define "best" as "most profitable", by the way - we love this beautiful game, but we play to win; and we want you to play to win money as well.)

When we find the best strategies, we summarize them and offer them to the wider community. The result are our premium courses, labeled as the "no-bullshit" poker due to the direct style of play with no unnecessary "fancy" moves.

Click HERE to get a free 6-max mini course

SUCCESS STORIES: We will post case studies in the future posts, for now you can click below and watch testimonial videos + see graphs of our students:

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Click HERE to see success stories


6-max & Heads-Up Head Coach and Founder of Gordon BPC:

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After coaching and producing some of the most wanted videos, among them the record-breaking series “Champions stand up one more time than the rest” (yes, he is the famous “Raskolnikov” from Pokerstrategy,com), translated into many languages, the work became so inspiring that he decided to go big with

Online poker’s enfant terrible has created the leading educational force on the market, built on his “no-bullshit” methods and a champion’s mentality. He remains personally involved and continues to mentor players to unprecedented success.

Click HERE to read an interview with him by HighStakesDB.

SNG Head Coach Ben "bencb789"

Bencb789 is known as one of the best SNG and MTT players out there, and has been crushing the games for years, and tops the world rankings in 2015 across all SNG formats, and all stakes on Sharkscope.

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Ben also just won the biggest tournament in online poker history, the $102,000 Super High Roller on Pokertars, and collected $1,172,461 in winnings in the process:
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PLO Head Coach John "KasinoKrime" Beauprez, WSOP gold bracelet holder

From his exploits at the tables, to coaching over a hundred players, even ones as infamous as “Alien Slayer”, WSOP winners and world-class cash game players like Ben Lamb, and has been producing videos for Deuces Cracked for years.

John has been around PLO for a long time, and he has been consistently crushing the games, year after year.

He has coached over a hundred players, even ones as infamous as “Alien Slayer”, WSOP winners and world-class cash game players like Ben Lamb, and has been producing videos for Deuces Cracked for years.

For those of you not familiar with the world of PLO in the last years, you can catch up on our PLO 6-max head coach by reading his interview with a member of our press team or just watch his quick interview with PokerNews below:

Detailed success stories to come soon! If you have questions, feel free to post below!

Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
Case Study #1: HansTheGreat.

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About Sascha aka Hansthegreat today:

He is the best poker player in Croatia, one – if not THE – best poker player at his limit right now in the world. He is a true inspiration not only for the BPC community, but for every poker player in the world who wants to achieve something great. However, it hasn’t always been like that…

Before Entering Coaching For Profits (CFP):

Hans has had small success, but was a micro-stakes player with no real net-worth. He would win some, then go semi-broke. He was an early member in the BPC community. He already improved a lot through the courses. He had a good month due to his ability to grind, but he did not make money consistently.

The challenge:
Start with $50 at the lowest limit (NL2) and work his way up

Here is a link to his blog on BPC, where you can read his fascinating story and every detail from day 1.

Not every community is as helpful and positive like BPC. However, this does not mean that we should not spread our positive message, because among some negative people, there is always the silent majority of smart readers who will be inspired by you.

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What i want you to understand is that there are LOT of guys like that on forums. This guy had more than 300 posts, was a member for almost 4 years and talks like a parent giving “advice”.

I cannot tell you (the reader) how important it is to NOT listen to advice on forums, unless you know the poster is very successful. It is typically the hobby of some messed up idiots to post their poor-people thought process, which sounds “reasonable” to many, because let’s face it: MOST PEOPLE SUCK and will never achieve anything.


On of the first things Gordon told to Hans is that he can not listen to what the idiots on the forum will say. He has to develop the ability to ignore and/or do the opposite of what others say.
If you want to make money at this game, you can’t listen to the propaganda of the losers who never made any money in their life.

Here is what happened a couple months later (after a LOT of struggles which you can read in detail about in Hans’ blog):

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Here is the graph for the whole challenge. Keep in mind the $100k consists of $72k made directly on the table (see graph below) and $28k through bonus & rakeback.

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Keep in mind that Hans made the MAJORITY of his money once it made “click” in his mind and he fully understood AND applied what his coach Gordon taught him. He played high volume, but as you can see for about 400.000 hands (!!!) , he did NOT make much serious profits.

400k hands seems like an eternity and there are a lot of students who “got it” faster, but i bet 99,9% of readers like the idea of $100k profits after 9 months , starting with only a $50 bankroll.

The point is, most people would have given up. But at BPC we are DIFFERENT. We keep on providing updates even when we’re not crushing from the first day on.

There is a reason why you don’t see publicly documented success stories from day one anywhere else. It takes a lot of dedication and absolute will to never give up. Another reason why students document their progress publicly on blogs is because if we just told the world the results without proof, nobody would believe it’s real.

Because we’re BPC, you don’t have to just hope we’re telling you the truth. It is all publicly documented on independent sites and we’ll present more of those success case studies to you.

You ask why we’re different? Well, there is a reason why you have never read anything like this somewhere else…

The (amazing!) result:
In just 9 months, Hans has turned $50 into $100k.

Hans with his 6-max coach Gordon (Head Coach & Founder of BPC):

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By the way, by now, those original $50 are actually becoming half a million - Hans continued his project after completing our 6-max coaching program, and kept writing his blog.Check out his latest updates here.


Want to know more about our coaching? We coach 6-max, PLO, SNG, and Heads-Up - for ALL skill levels. Find our more here.
Posted 7 years ago
Simply epic!!

And nothing surprising from 2+2 posters, that's why I love this place, just positivity and any trolls or negative posters are soon persuaded away!

The BPC coaching is a great concept and makes it affordable for regular players, only problem for me is that security deposit would be too big a chunk of my bankroll lol
Posted 7 years ago
I'm really thinking about this. Smile
Posted 7 years ago*
Ok guys, it's good to see some inspiration cooking up - time for case study #2!

This time we present a heads-up player, Jan aka "Somebody".

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Jan joined our Heads-up coaching for profits program about a year and a half ago:

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He made the €60k necessary to finish the program in 9 months - here's the graph:

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It could have been a lot faster, but he was so happy about his 2nd consecutive 10k+ month after a few months in the program (actually made 14kEuro) that he decided to go lazy and party the first 10 days of the next month with some of his university friends and BPC guys.

Funny/weird/annoying nickname:

SOMEBODY is definitely a marketing genius for giving himself the nickname “somebody”. He has caused so much confusion in the past year, it was amazing.
Every time in coaching when i said “can somebody do xxx or yyy” i had to justify myself and say “somebody in the group, not SOMEBODY SOMEBODY” . Here is his (deeper) explanation with which i fully agree:

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The Future:

If we follow on what he said in his last post, then the poker world should be veeeery scared that he’ll turn into another somebody. On the other side he’s started to explore many different things as he has mentioned (developing a board game, work as BPC coach, his own software addition for BPC).

His first month after Coaching for profits - 20k:

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In the 12 months since finishing the coaching for profits program, he scored €10k or more on 10 months! And the best thing - it's 100% all for him now. For those interested, you can check out his blog from day one, how he started as a SNG player making a few hundred per month, and in less than 1 year developed into a 10k+ per month poker machine.

What he had to say about the coaching for profits program last month when we the BPC inner circle met up on Malta:

If you are inspired by what you read here, we publish interviews with our students on our blogand youtube channel regularly.

Want to know more about our coaching for profits program in general Get your info pack + sample materials here.

Good luck at the tables to all!
Posted 7 years ago
Case study #3!

I want to introduce you to another one of our students - ImaChampion.

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"Champ" was broke when he joined our coaching program.

9 months later, he also finished the $100k coaching program (like Hans, whom I told you about above).

He finished the program with two back-to-back $30k months.

His record month during our coaching program was $35 217.

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He came to us for coaching as a broke donkey...

Today, he is on a mission to crush the high-stakes and some day also the nose-bleeds.

Posted 7 years ago
What sites does he play on?
Posted 7 years ago
Different sites, in general it's not something that a HU pro will easily reveal to the general public.

He is always on a lookout for battles, though, so if anybody is interested, it could probably be arranged.
Posted 7 years ago
Case study #4: Meet Nubson: From the micros to $10k+ per month with BPC

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Before joining our coaching program, Nubson was grinding the micros, and his record month was around $1k.

During his first month in our Coaching for profits program he made over $5000.

By the end of the program, he had a $10k month twice already. Below you can see his total challenge graph (60k Euros, rakeback is not shown on this graph).

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On his last day in the Coaching for profits program , he made over 4k EUR at the tables, and finished it in style.

Yup – at the end of our Coaching for profits program , he was making 4x more in 1 day, than his record month before he joined our program was.

And that’s just the start. Recently he had his new record month - $17k month, this time already outside of our Coaching for profits program .

You see, the skills you will learn with us , will stay with you forever!

Today, Nubson is also a coach on our team, helping out newcomers follow his footsteps.

Here's another graph of his, aka "How to make $20k (pre-rakeback) in 70k hands:

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You can read more about him and see more of his graphs here, and here.

Or check out his interview with HighstakesDB here.

What he says about our Coaching for profits program:

P.S. What one man can do, another can do. If it has been done, it can be repeated. There are many, MANY more stories like this in the BPC community. You can learn more about them here.
Posted 7 years ago
Case study #5: Atvars. Or "@vars", as he is known in the BPC community.

@vars is our 6-max record holder. He finished our €60k coaching program in 5 months and 24 days.

You can see his graphs below.
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Simple math tells us that his AVERAGE was higher than 10k Euro. This is insane considering it was during the learning period.
The truth is we could have even been faster, but we decided that towards the end we would rather focus on some detailed quality work instead of him grinding himself to death.

You can read more about his achievement on our blog here: LINK.

Atvars explains why joining Coaching for Profits was the best decision he ever made:

Posted 7 years ago
Very inspirational! hope to one day become successful in poker!
Posted 7 years ago
Gordon explains the #1 reason why poker players get paid:

Posted 7 years ago
Is poker still too good to be true?

Posted 7 years ago
Is Coaching for Profits for you?

Posted 7 years ago
How does the security deposit work?

Posted 7 years ago
Clever business here at BPC. No matter how the player plays (loosing or winning), BPC always makes profit. Smile
Posted 7 years ago
If you don't want to join Coaching for Profits, there is the BPC Academy.

Posted 7 years ago
You can also join BPC Club:

Posted 7 years ago
In this video, Gordon will explain to you the difference between BPC Club and BPC Academy:

Posted 7 years ago
Gordon will explain to you in this video the difference between BPC Academy and the Coaching for Profits programs: