The ONLY Way is - UP!

Posted 8 years ago

So, here we go then!

Had to take a break from poker due to a virus in my brain, but downloaded Avast so it's all good now and I'm ready to roll!

Been playing nl5 since 1842 and own it, moved to nl10 and beat that before getting ill.

I have flopzilla and HM2 and PT4, I purchased a HUD from the mighty w34z4l and I have equilab and a new(ish) pc.

I got given a wonderful excel sheet with those macro things so when I put my ranges in I just have to click and it gives me my ranges by position and actions preflop; I'll post a screenshot if I remember.

I play BetVictor nl4 6max with some FR nl4/nl10 thrown in when it gets quiet, starting with a br of $200.
Looking to move to nl100+ this time as soon as I can. It's not just needing the money, but my game has stagnated being at the same limits for so long and I can't seem to get out of it on my own no matter how aggro I try to be I always seem to slip back into 'Safe Mode'

I will most likely request staking since the coaches seem to be very approachable and I have more leaks than a Welsh allotment.

To cut to the chase, here's what I want to achieve by next year, for whatever limit I play at:
I wanna to be able to talk and play in a way that makes people worry when they see my avatar sit down! Punch

Anyway, I've played my first 10K hands so graph and stats coming up next post.

No laughing in the cheap seats please, I know I'm a nit!

Run good everybody. Yes


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Posted 8 years ago
Attached Image

It's a nice winrate and I can sustain it there or there abouts, but let's face it - I really am a nit aren't I? (rhetorical question).
Surely I could get that to 11 or 12bb/100 with some tidying up?

Agression overall is a fail but I am trying to change, just sometimes at the wrong times of course! Giggle Luckily for me people are lolbad.
Going to study some regs today and see what they're about. Some are ok to be fair but they nearly all get a bit tricky and trappy and passive if you push them around so you need to pay attention.

You nl50 guys may feel free to laugh now... Blush

Stats next time round for the lols.
Posted 8 years ago
haha what a wonderfully written intro that was. Virus in your brain?

Double figure win rates are deffs achievable at these stakes and tightening a few things up can lead to that for sure.

What do you think your problem areas are? What is your playing style like?

Pics of the HUD?
Posted 8 years ago
Have to say out of all the poker journeys I've saw, this is one of the few that made me laugh and feel compelled to reply to!
Very interested in your excel sheet which gives you your ranges/actions. A friend and I talked about creating things like this but we never got round to it, computer science friends are even lazier than poker players! Can you tell me more about it? How effective/more profitable is it?

I'm on the staking team and would recommend it to anyone, I have to saw its very good getting into a proper structure of playing regularly and setting goals for the month!
Definitely improving my game!
Posted 8 years ago
Excuse me sir, that's my life you're laughing at, IF you don't mind! CheekyLaugh

If it's allowed I can certainly post the HUD for you, but is it allowed? I have no idea.

Right, stats post for the main man below:

Attached Image

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I hope that's big enough to read.

I'll make another post for the Excel sheet now.

Posted 8 years ago
You basically wanna loosen up more, to begin with I'd say look at Opening wider - there's an OR chart that you can dl from this site which can help with that. You absolutely have to 3bet more, we make a lot of money in 3bet pots, so you don't wanna just be doing it for premium hands - again, there are "defense ranges" you can find online to help you to get the right frequencies for 3betting and Cold calling - I would recommend weazel's one for that. Once you sort out the pre-flop stuff, we can move onto post-flop - for instance atm you aren't calling or bluffing anywhere near enough on the river.
Posted 8 years ago
So here's the Excel sheet with macros to activate each range. It's useful to have around for 3bet/4bet bluffing ranges mostly these days and they're all on one sheet.

Clicking the UTG button on the left gives us:

Attached Image

MP shows:

Attached Image

and clicking on BB yields:

Attached Image

Click the other buttons on the left as required. For example this is my reply to CO OR:

Attached Image

Simples. I can't claim credit for the construction of the Sheet though.


The ranges are obviously not static but they give me a solid baseline. If I remember correctly the ranges are adapted a little from w34z3l's as well. We like w34z3l Bowing

As for my style, well I do try to adapt to each player now so I sit at less tables, generally 4 - 6, but again if they are reg infested I add a few FR because people are really really bad there. I haven't played anonymous tables yet.

I'm a huge fan of iso-raising one limper IP or OOP but I can be too wild with my ranges. Having said that, the regs don't punish me for it so a RR from them is value nearly always so no probs there.

I'm trying to steal a lot more but then again the regs do like to defend their SB quite often. Why the SB and not the BB I have no idea, perhaps it's a maternal thing Kiss

That should do it to start this off with for now. Please feel free when you stop laughing at my stats to make some sort of attempt to reply. I like replies.

Run good people. Smile

Posted 8 years ago*
Thanks for the reply Hitchhiking, I couldn't agree more with everything in your post - and no laughing out loud either, kudos points!

I'm valiantly trying to 'put my foot on the gas' a bit more as it were, but old habits die hard. I'm looking at expanding those ranges I have.

As is easily seen, my agression generally isn't happening which I would say is my main weakness.

Thanks again.
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: So here's the Excel sheet with macros to activate each range. It's useful to have around for 3bet/4bet bluffing ranges mostly these days and they're all on one sheet.

Clicking the UTG button on the left gives us:

Attached Image

MP shows:

Attached Image

and clicking on BB yields:

Attached Image

Click the other buttons on the left as required. For example this is my reply to CO OR:

Attached Image

Simples. I can't claim credit for the construction of the Sheet though.


The ranges are obviously not static but they give me a solid baseline. If I remember correctly the ranges are adapted a little from w34z3l's as well. We like w34z3l Bowing

As for my style, well I do try to adapt to each player now so I sit at less tables, generally 4 - 6, but again if they are reg infested I add a few FR because people are really really bad there. I haven't played anonymous tables yet.

I'm a huge fan of iso-raising one limper IP or OOP but I can be too wild with my ranges. Having said that, the regs don't punish me for it so a RR from them is value nearly always so no probs there.

I'm trying to steal a lot more but then again the regs do like to defend their SB quite often. Why the SB and not the BB I have no idea, perhaps it's a maternal thing Kiss

That should do it to start this off with for now. Please feel free when you stop laughing at my stats to make some sort of attempt to reply. I like replies.

Run good people. Smile

Honestly, if you know weazel's stuff, just dl his ranges to equilab from his skydrive and copy them. You can't go wrong with that. If you don't feel comfortable opening quite as much from the BTN and SB yet then just loosen up gradually but most of the ranges are totally fine to flat copy.
Posted 8 years ago
Well I took a shot at nl10 6max today, woohoo! It was all going so well until the first hand when my top set Ks ran into rivered quads. Guy was playing something around 75/25/33 of course. Dealer chat said, 'Hi there, and welcome to the dark side!' Gee, thanks dealer! Angry

Nothing special after that, got chk/r by a couple of passive regs and the 65/35 guys played like superusers. Meh, drop back and try again later, it's all good.

Anyway, took a look at my ranges and stats etc trying to move it up a gear. In partial defense of my nittiness I would say that there are a number of fr tables in there to so I'll see if I can filter them out.
I do agree that I'm so nitty need head lice treatment but what other line can I take versus a 19/15/9.9?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

UTG rasmusk $11.12
CO vampiz $10.05
DHero $10.26
SB vejasbs $9.71
BB MiaKotta $9.66
5$0.15Hero is BTNQA
1 fold, vampiz calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.40, vejasbs calls $0.35, MiaKotta calls $0.30, vampiz folds
vejasbs checks, MiaKotta checks, Hero bets$0.85, vejasbs raises to $2, MiaKotta folds, Hero folds
Final Pot$4

vejasbs wins $4 (net +$1.65)
vampiz lost $0.10
Hero lost$1.25
MiaKotta lost $0.30

Doesn't seem any harder at nl10 on here so looking forward to it.

Had a weird thing happen. I had 42 points I could cash in on BV and 13 I couldn't. Went to cash the cashable ones yesterday but they had been added to the non cashable ones so no rakeback. Wtf is that all about? C'mon ref get a grip!

Posted 8 years ago*
Tried out a nooo improved aggro reg style today - and got punished for 2BI at nl10 of course. It looks like a bit of a jekyl and Hyde site, either the tables are full of droolers and maniacs or nitregs and stations; today being the latter scenario and my red line was the only one above zero. I did own them though, just not my day for most of it although I played one hand at least like a sardine.

Here's the obvious one where the nit/passive station gets me.

Yep, my rr was too small I know, I was supposed to make it enough to shove any flop but ran out of time. I knew the bb would call any sort of fit. Fun hand though... Puke

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
8 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.108
UTG $7.35
UTG+1 $9.90
MP1Hero $10
MP2 $11.18
CO $10
D $3.73
SB $13.61
BB $11.76
8$0.15Hero is MP1KK
2 folds,Hero raises to $0.30, MP2 raises to $0.90,3 folds, BB calls $0.80,Hero raises to $2.20,MP2 calls $1.30,BB calls $1.30
BB checks, Hero goes all-in$7.80, MP2 folds, BB calls $7.80
2$20.45, 1 all-in A
2$20.45, 1 all-in 6
Final Pot $20.45
BB shows AQ
Hero shows KK
BB wins $21.14 (net +$12.04)
Hero lost$10
MP2 lost $1.30

Got a $400 bonus that appears to be impossible to clear. I'll be lucky to get one payment out before the deadline. May as well not chase that one and just get on with the job at hand.
Off to study a reg or three and see what I can do tomorrow. If today is a standard nitreg day then I should be ok.

run good Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Good journey! I wouldn't worry too much about being a nit at these, it seems to be working Yes
Posted 8 years ago*
Hi BarraBod and thanks for visiting! I'll assume by your joined date you have much more experience of nitness than me! Just joking, no doubt you graduated from that long ago. Cheeky

Now, as for my poker, coincidentally I had been reading w34z3l's article about the mental side of the game and it must have clicked something or other into gear because that's just about how I played last night.
The problem of course is remembering how I did it so I can rinse and repeat! Another problem is getting the nitregs at nl4/nl10 to put their money in the middle. Still, if they do get busy it means I can fold big hands a lot easier - when I'm on form of course - too often I'm not.

Note to self: find out why not then ya fish!

The population (at nl4/nl10 at least) seems to be composed of mostly nitregs mulitabling nl10 as well as nl4 and quite a few play FR at both limits to. It could be they just multitable for volume though because traffic isn't so great sometimes. It makes table selection a bit redundant a lot of the time but when the good games do turn out they turn out in force, as the above hand demonstrated! Laugh

This isn't a problem because you can play how you want to and apart from the odd aggro-reg they leave you alone to get on with it. We like... In love

So, enough waffle from me for now, I'm off to buy crisps for she who must not be named, who will be watching Strictly Come Dancing AND Big Brother AND Big Brother's BIt on the Side tonight. Puke

I feel some Enigma and a loooonnng session coming on guys. Clap

Play in the zone, run good.

Posted 8 years ago*
Not much to report here since I haven't played much. Got stuffed for a few BI the other day but still at around 7bb/100, so as long as the winrate holds up I'll ride it out easy peazy.

Well, it seems my application to join the ranks of the staked is on hold, my docs were rejected as being rubbish so I had to send more. Here's hoping, I really want to do this a lot and the coaches and staff here seem to be helpful and nice.

Given my family history, if I don't get accepted, I will probably be the only one of my family who hadn't been staked. Then again, our house is the only one with mirrors and garlic bread... Worried

Big Brother eviction night tonight, woohoo! - > sounds like beer and Pink Floyd Live at the O2 I think...

...and more evictions on Friday - > ergo, more beer and some Black Adder - or maybe some class like Stan and Oliver, that might be nice. I used to have the whole remastered library of them.

Perhaps I'll just punish myself with a boy band instead. Ooooh, come on Doris, wack me wiv a wet Woman's Weekly init. Kiss

I'm waffling again; have a good whatever. Yes

Posted 8 years ago
The best part about me working away from home is not having to watch Big Fucking Brother!! The only advantage is I can play poker, sneakily while she watches it. I think it will still be on when I get back next week Sad How do you cope!!

How is the BR looking now? What kind of volume do you usually put in?
Posted 8 years ago*
Cleared everything out mate so no br at all now - it was only very small anyway for nl4 - was expecting to be a part of the gang but if these docs fail I'm a bit stuffed, I haven't got much else. No driving licence or whatever, not needed them in ages because I'm a bit ill.

I play around 1K on BV but traffic can be a bit slow sometimes and Blaze is dead. I used to play Stars at about 50K a month, but I was practicing volume to get ready for a supernova run and got up to around 150K a month for 3 months. Got ill though so had to postpone that.
Pretty sure I can manage the volume though, but I'd like to be a winner doing it instead of a break even vpp whore as usual. See below for my reason to go for SN Laugh

As for BB I don;t cope I dodge. My poor old doggie who is 9 now has her little paws walked off. She's actually curled up on the floor by me right now, totalled. Took her to the beach today and it's a 5 mile round trip plus she loves the water = ruined. Laugh
The mrs loves programmes like Come Dine With Me as well which is hilarious given she couldn't boil an egg and is virtually banned fromthe kitchen anyway. Oh and things like how to build your dream house kind of progs and Through the Keyhole or some decorating a house in 14 seconds.
Generall anything where she can nose into other people's houses.

...Then there's Strictly Come Dancing and Eastenders and ...Oh don't I'm getting all tilty now! My lips are sealed


Posted 8 years ago
Haha man the document thing is such a nightmare and @BarraBod was actually in the same spot with us. Little fact he was out first signing for Staking Part 2 but had to leave due to moving Sad Cant wait to have him back one day tho!

As for the documents on my end there is nothing i can even do to help which sucks. BV just said for this to happen we have to comply with the rules and that is that!
Posted 8 years ago
Ye, no probs, I've been a teacher and those police checks and security checks and... just gotta keep at it is all.

Posted 8 years ago
Yeah I had problems signing up too, I got them resolved in the end but then ran in to bigger problems lol
@Jon-PokerVIP I didn't realise I held the crown for the first to leave Blush Not the kind of crown one would want but I will redeem myself when I return!
Posted 8 years ago
Confirmed by the poker site today that I have been cleared to gogogogo! It was nice of them to accept what I sent and shows even the security man doesn't always wear a jobsworth hat.

So, I gotz a HUD, PT4, HM2, Flopzilla, Equilab, calculator, blah blah blah, now all I need is a little skill and I'll be good to go! Clap

I'm also excitedly waiting for my review, even though the tables were a bit of a nitreg-fest and I played like a mackerel.

See you at nl10,

Have fun.