Posted 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply!!

Thats a nice roll you got there!!

I never buy in for a full stack so out of the £250 I get roughly 30-35 bins for nl10 plus it converts from pounds to euros which is also a few extra credits. I also have no problem to drop down to nl4 if I hit a down swing to build it back up. Had to do this many times, just part of the game, I dont believe in depositing!! Im pretty confident in my game at these levels so feel pretty safe with that amount.

I would have liked to grind it up a bit more so I could play nl20 but financial reasons at the moment say take the cash.

Thanks again for the reply, feel free to drop in any time to give advice or pointers they will be greatly received. Yes
Posted 9 years ago
Aha thanks Smile just through grinding brahhh!

I remember when I was at your stakes tho, it was the best feeling ever when I took out around $400 after a $50 depo before I went on holiday Laugh

The way I see it is whether poker is a job, decent cash on the side or pocket money you gotta enjoy both playing and spending the money! Beer tastes beautiful when its money from my BR that paid for it Wink
Posted 9 years ago
Awful session today over 5k hands played and down £40 bucks, back tomorrow!!
Posted 9 years ago
Fat-Sunny: I have decided for the moment I am going to keep my roll at £250 and withdraw everything above, if there is any, just to for a few extra pennies each week.

Does anyone else keep their roll level or is do you just let it grow? Or do you just pull out cash as and when you need it?

Be interesting to here from Jon on this one, as he seems to be constantly smashing it.

First of all, great blog and great taste of music Cool

i myself also like to keep only a certain amount online spread on different sites. If you know that you don't intend to play higher and just keep the roll that you need for your limits, you should be doing fine.

it's also not necessary to cash it out directly to your bank account imo. You can also just store everything over 250 in your skrill for safety. Like this you are more flexible if you want to take advantage of a reload bonus, don't have to wait for a cash out in need of money if you have the skrill card and just in case the site or due to a regulation your funds get frozen, you havent lost all.
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks dude I love my hip hop!! Thats pretty much what I do. I dont have a bank account anymore just use skrill, the cash out times on Betsafe are so fast aswell, probably the quickest site I have come across. What I plan to do once I get out of this terrible downswing I am in is to keep my roll at a fixed level and if I need to top it up I will convert some of my rake back points, but not yet.

It has been a disastrous couple of days managed to rattle off the best part of 7k hands but just losing everything at the moment. So many hands going against me on the river and the favourite situation we all love.....Kings into aces, 3 times yesterday this happened so frustrating. I also lost with aces twice to jj. It seems over the last couple of days every facker is hitting sets on me. I know it shouldn't affect my play but it does, go through a bit of what I call fear tilt, and start playing to passively or it goes the other way and I over play my hand and up losing to trashy holdings.

So I have decided to drop down to nl4 with a couple tables of nl10 instead of 6 straight tables of nl10. Should still be able to get this month back on track with a couple days of solid grinding and a little run good.

So here is my brutal asshole of a graph, and it was looking so good too!!

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />

Keep grinding bitches!!

Posted 9 years ago
Sorry but that song sucks (but I know very little about music).

I hate mountain poker graphs, but look on the bright side, you're still up for the month and with RB your doing even better.

Best thing to move down whenever you are on "fear tilt" or stop playing for a day or two. As it makes you play your B game and you end up making the wrong decisions that end up affecting your red line a LOT!
Posted 9 years ago
Fat-Sunny where are you hiding? We are missing you on the forums In love
Posted 9 years ago
Fat-Sunny: Thanks dude I love my hip hop!! Thats pretty much what I do. I dont have a bank account anymore just use skrill, the cash out times on Betsafe are so fast aswell, probably the quickest site I have come across. What I plan to do once I get out of this terrible downswing I am in is to keep my roll at a fixed level and if I need to top it up I will convert some of my rake back points, but not yet.

It has been a disastrous couple of days managed to rattle off the best part of 7k hands but just losing everything at the moment. So many hands going against me on the river and the favourite situation we all love.....Kings into aces, 3 times yesterday this happened so frustrating. I also lost with aces twice to jj. It seems over the last couple of days every facker is hitting sets on me. I know it shouldn't affect my play but it does, go through a bit of what I call fear tilt, and start playing to passively or it goes the other way and I over play my hand and up losing to trashy holdings.

So I have decided to drop down to nl4 with a couple tables of nl10 instead of 6 straight tables of nl10. Should still be able to get this month back on track with a couple days of solid grinding and a little run good.

So here is my brutal asshole of a graph, and it was looking so good too!!

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />

Keep grinding bitches!!

Ah man never fun to see but you can tell its not down to tilt or anything. Just one of those annoying downswings which we cant do much about. Looks like it is on its way back up tho.

Hows things going now?
Posted 9 years ago
Hi everybody,

Ive not gone missing or gone bust, just haven't played for the last week or so. The reason being is after a long fight with cancer my dad passed away on the 21st September. I was gutted I was planning to go see him on that day and he passed in the early hours so didnt get to see him one last time.

Its funny, you know its going to happen and you think your prepared for it, but when the time comes it still kicks you right in the bollocks. One minute I am fine next thing you know something pops in your head, then the emotions kick in.

Cancer is a horrible disease for the last few months my dad deteriorated at an alarming speed. One day I saw him and he was in his arm chair watching Sky Sports, then less than a week later I could barely recognise him lying in bed unable to move. It broke my heart seeing his body just disappear while his mind was still sharp, and when it got to the point I could lift him up in my arms as if he was just a doll I knew it wouldn't be long. He didnt even look like my dad when he passed he had lost that much weight, and seeing him in the Chapel of Rest just done me right up, Im ot one for crying but I did that day.

Im not going to go into the whole euthanasia debate, but I can see why people do it. Its horrible when you see a loved one like that and all they keep saying is I wish it was over. What do you say to that??

Anyway, sorry, enough of the depressing stuff!!

My dad was a great man, he had many problems with alcohol when he was younger and it cost him his marriage to my mum and his two kids. He then joined AA and was clean and sober for 30 years even tho he still referred to himself as an alcoholic. He put on loads of fundraising events for them and over the years raised thousands for them. He helped anyone he could who had problems, I even remember as a kid a well known celebrity at the time, who I wont mention, being in contact with my dad and them having loads of chats about drink, etc and my dad helped him through his problems. This was the sort of man he was he had nothing to give only kind words and advice and would talk to anyone.

I spent every summer holidays and Christmas at my dads and I thank my mum for doing this. She would put me on a train to London and I wouldn't see her for 6 weeks in Summer, then all of Christmas, and she never once complained. I never actually had spent a Christmas with my mum till I was 17 and she never complained once about it, amazing woman as I have had many fights with my daughters mum just to be able to see her for a weekend, and as any parent here knows its horrible not seeing your kids.

I have so many great memories of my dad, he would take us down every year to Clacton and we would stay in a horrible little caravan but for 2 weeks that was home and we had great times there going down to the fun fair at the pier. He took me to more West Ham games than I can remember and when we went we went in style!! If the game started at 3pm we would be there at 12 having a drink in the players bar followed by 3 course dinner in their restaurant, mingling with minor celebs, then watch the match from the executive box. One game I sat next to Mark Fowler from Eastenders but didn't at the time have a clue who he was!!

He even give me the opportunity to be the mascot for a game. So on April 1st 1991 I got to run on the pitch with the whole team and shoot the ball at the great Ludo Miklosko, the best ever Hammers keeper. It was a great day I got to meet the whole team before the match in the dressing room collecting their autographs and chatting to them. We played Barnsley at home and went on to win the match 3-1. One of the greatest days of my life so for that one memory alone I thank you Dad!!

I could give you a million good memory stories but would be here all day!!

The funeral is on Monday and I am dreading it but I will have my beautiful daughter and girlfriend by my side, who have been great, to get me through it. So a big thank you to them and a bigger thank you to my brother Liam for arranging everything, he is a bigger man than me because I wouldn't be able to do it.

Thanks for reading this and Im sorry if i have depressed anyone but enjoy life and if you see your family tell them you love them!!



RIP my Dad, the Great WJ aka Daddy Cool

Love you always X
Posted 9 years ago
Amazing heart felt post there Sunny and i hope it helps you move forward as writing these things down can be a real help sometimes.

Sounds like your Dad had some troubles when younger and its amazing that he then went 30 years sober which not many people can say. Its good that you have some amazing memories of him and i know how shit it is to see someone so big in your life deteriorate cos of Cancer. It really is a brutal disease!

I hope the funeral went well and you spent the day smiling and laughing about the good things. This is something i never expected to happen at funerals but with the tears is also a lot of happiness. It brings back some memories which you might have forgotten as well.

Cheers to your Dad buddy and take it easy! RIP
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks for the kind words Bossman, I dont think I have ever written anything like that in my life before man, must be going soft!

The funeral is this Monday coming, so have to drag it up again then time to move on, without sounding harsh.

Thanks again mate

Posted 9 years ago*
Lovely post mate, it seems you and your dad had a very close relationship which you should cherish, many people don't have sort of bond with their parents. Sorry to hear about the loss, it always hurts when something like that happens. I have a family member in a simliar situation currently and nobody know what the outcome will be, but it doesn't look too good.

The football story made me feel warm inside for some reason, maybe because it reminded the times me and my dad went to football games when I was a kid. I hope everything goes well on Monday and it's a good ceremony.


Posted 9 years ago
Thank you Harvie appreciate it.

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Back soon!!
Posted 9 years ago

I haven't updated this for ages so will give you a quick catch up on what's been happening.

To be honest I have played a few hands here and there as I had to use my roll for expenses so actually had to make a small deposit so I could play. Over the last month Ive played little cash games but mainly for fun rather than profit, and its been nice. I have just been playing smaller sessions as and when I choose rather than just grinding all day like a robot. I know im never going to make any decent money or move up stakes but sometimes nice to remember at the end of the day it is just a game.

But I do feel a one man LOCKDOWNNN coming on!

Ive played a few tournaments on 888 which Ive had a few small cashes but nothing worth bragging about that's for sure!

I have been spending loads of time with the family which has been nice as its given me a chance to catch up on some movies. Bullet to the head, Chronicle, Anchorman 2 to name just a few, and got the new Xmen to watch tonight.

So thats about it really, so hope everybody is running good and making bucks and I will update some more poker stuff soon.

Heres my graph for the month nice little upswing after a long patch of break even poker.

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />

Posted 9 years ago
Sunny! Why on earth you think you would never move up and make decent money I don't know. All I ever see is sick graphs from you! Seriously, I know you are enjoying life and taking it easy with poker but I think you should adopt a more positive frame of mind for poker and I believe you would do very well if you put your mind to it. Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Haha, to be honest Crazy I was not being negative in that last post and thanks for the graph compliment made my head swell lol.

The reason I say this is because of my financial situation at the moment is not good so any profits are being taken out almost immediately and being spent just to keep the boat floating. I dont plan on doing this forever but with bills to pay and Xmas around the corner every little helps! By rights I should be playing higher stakes but Im happy at the moment taking all the fishes money at the stakes I am playing at, so just going to stay where I am for now as its pretty consistent profit for me, but thank you for your kind words as always xx

So back to poker, bit pissed really as I have managed to play very little this week as our internet is down but have been promised it will be back on by Friday so will have to do some serious catch up on the weekend.

It has been quite nice though, I have been watching quite a few split suit videos that I downloaded ages ago and never got round to watching. I have to be honest I had heard the name but didnt know too much about him but hes seems quite a clued up chap. I also bought myself a little notebook to make notes on certain things while watching as I have a tendency to watch a vid and then thats it, so have been taking a more active approach to this. My goal is to use the notebook as a learning diary and an early resolution is to get this book filled by end of next year, (its a big book!). I am hoping it will improve my game and also be interesting to see how much the game changes over the space of a year strategy wise, as I do think games are getting tougher.

Anyway enough shit chat good luck at the tables all and I will leave you a pic of the beard!!

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Posted 9 years ago
Hey no worries!

Ah I see. Sucks when its like that hey. Bills etc are just endless, I know that feeling! Nice that you have the money you've made from poker for that little bit of extra cash though. Smile

That's a great idea about the notebook! This is something I should do also. I'm so lazy when it comes to studying. Keep saying I'm going to do more but I just end up playing instead! Cheeky

Hope you have a great Christmas!

P.S The beard is awesome haha!
Posted 9 years ago
No internet for a week but now back up and running, so come 8pm its........

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Will post updates later (maybe)!!

Enjoy your weekend and

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Posted 9 years ago
Small update played all day sitting in my pyjamas to break even on cash tables at Betsafe but up on PKR (really not keen on their software) by about $30 but cant seem to get HM2 to work there so if anyone can help please do.

On a brighter note managed to make 2 final tables today which Im happy about, no major profits but I feel my tournament game is getting better all be it very slowly lol. Going to play the 3k freeroll on Betsafe tomorrow, had a few nice cashes in that so hoping I run good for it.

Night all!

Posted 9 years ago
Hey Fat Sunny, welcome back mate!

Lol'd at the fry pic, not sure why black Friday has become a 'thing' in the UK now. Any plans for December? I.e saddling up the horse for a grind month?

Do you know Keith Jardine? you look like him in the pic above, and he's a dangerous mo fo!