Posted 9 years ago
Hi Harvie, just going to be chilling with the family this xmas will squeeze a few hands in when I can. I had to google that bloke as I had never heard of him and hes a pretty hard bastard by the sounds lol.

Decided to play a few tournaments tonight and did ok.

I made final table and busted in 3rd AJ in to 66 and just couldnt hit!! Got lucky in this one though as at one point I was down to 500 chips!!

£75 in the bank though so happy days!!

Cashed in another on PKR which was only a few bucks but covered my losses on the cash tables there. Just had so many sick rivers that I had to walk away in the end, hence why I decided to play a tournament in the first place.

But the night is still young so going to have some snacks then hit the cash table at Betsafe!

Keep on grinding!!

Posted 9 years ago
Damm woke up this morning with the most painful eyes ever, sat down to play and had to switch off, not sure why though as have not being playing loads of tables so god knows. I even had an hours kip this afternoon thinking it might help but it hasn't, anyone else had this and whats the cure??

Posted 9 years ago
After a shite day at the cash tables I just come 1st in a £200 guarantee for £75. I battled back from 3bbs and then overcome a 4-1 chip lead to bag it! Feeling well chuffed!

Posted 9 years ago*
Painful eyes? What you mean they are just generally hurting or light sensitive or what? Maybe you are not well? Loads of bugs and stuff going round at the moment. Do you wear glasses? If not.... maybe you need them! Cheeky

P.S nice win! Clap
Posted 9 years ago*
Hi Crazy Thanks!!

My Mrs says its because I sit in the dark grinding so I got one off them SAD lights that are meant to imitate natural light, expensive but seems alot better so far, but have not done any major sessions so will just have to wait and see. Oh yeah and I do wear glasses I got Specs-appeal baby lol!!

I said before how Betsafe was the quickest site I have ever withdrawn money from (normally 20 mins) but now I have been waiting 2 days for a cashout from Betsafe to be processed and then get an email this morning that I need to verify my account. Now normally I am fine with this when playing a new site, but I have been at Betsafe for a good few months now and cashed out loads of times with no problems so why ask now??

Sorry I am a bit pissed off as that was for my daughters lunch money!! Sandwiches for you now princess lol
Posted 9 years ago
ID verification......Failed!! Ha what a joke, you need to see all 4 corners of the passport and then its too far away to read, are you being serious??

Going to be one of those days.....
Posted 9 years ago
Fat-Sunny: ID verification......Failed!! Ha what a joke, you need to see all 4 corners of the passport and then its too far away to read, are you being serious??

Going to be one of those days.....

lol. I had this once, it was so tilting, you need to show all the passport in the picture. Even when I sent them my debit card, a peice of it was cut off, they waited 24 hours then told me to send it again.

Raged, but I guess they are just following the stupid law.
Posted 9 years ago
Havent updated for a while but basically breaking even at the moment cash wise on Betsafe which is shite but smashing up PKR which is cool, but cant get hm2 to work there so flying blind.

I played a strange ass tournament last night, it was a 3.50 rebuy on PKR, anyway playing away and made it to the add on period, blinds 200/400, thinking not going to be long before push or fold mode, then all of a sudden the blind reset and go back to 50/100!! I thought I had smoked far too much stinky green and had to double check the lobby, but yep they reset!! Never seen that before in a game but have to admit I liked it and suited my playing style.

Went on to final table it but busted in 6th which I was gutted about but if I had won the hand i would've had a massive chip lead but fack it there's always another one!
Posted 9 years ago
lol'd when you said 'I made it to the addon' in a rebuy. Laugh

What was the name of the MTT, seems odd that the blinds go backwards, makes players have less incentive to add-on no?

how much did 6th pay out?
Posted 9 years ago
Cant even remember now Harvie about $70 I think, its the $3.50 rebuy at half 8 uk time on PKR, crazy man never seen this before but practically bubbled in 2 nights back.

As for rest of update I am lazy and just copy and pasted it from late night grind thread, sue me.

Thats me done for now wanted to put in a bit more but starting to play sloppy.

I won a $25 pot on PKR which was nice give me a lil buzz, could have got an extra $8 bucks too as I rivered full and him a straight, so missed a bit of value there. Overall up about $35, I cant seem to get Hm2 to work for some reason but actually enjoying playing with no hud.

ACR a fun little site plenty of traffic, similar look to stars, with some crazy players there won about $3 playing 2nl lol

Betsafe down about £2 after being up about £8 so bit gutted there but overall good little session.

Posted 9 years ago
I read this and thought I had de-ju-voo.

How many sites are you on bud? I tend to stick my roll on one site usually and grind it like hell. Mainly because It allows me to get better reads on players. You are a man with hands in many pies I see.
Posted 9 years ago
Ha thanks Harvie I think lol, on about 30 sites in total!! I like to play full ring as much as I can but unless you play somewhere like Stars I struggle to get some games going thats why I spread my roll, and guess what Im moving again lol.

I have been looking at Yachting poker and they have quite a bit of traffic at 8 handed tables so I have cashed out $100 from PKR (which I am loving playing on at the mo) which once cleared will be sticking it in there and spinning it up.

Most people are setting goals and targets this time of year but I only have two and that is to grind like a bitch and to play more tournaments. Always considered myself a cash player but have had a few good scores at tournaments and seem to be cashing and making final tables quite regularly at small buy ins and would defo like to try and take a few bigger shots at some point, so if anyone wants to stake me lol

I am also going to try and update this thread a bit more as its good for self motivation, letting off steam etc. I dont know if there is a still a VIP skype group but if not could be good to set something up, would really like a mentor if there are any volunteers? Just feel that I need a kick up the ass at times and kept on the path, would love a coach but that is well out of my budget, and I feel there is only so much I can learn from videos.

Anyway Happy New Year all and best of luck at the tables in 2015!!

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Posted 9 years ago
Hey bud, I can't be your mentor but I am always happy to kick you up the ass when needed. Not sure if there is a PokerVIP Skype chat either, so I guess you're stuck with me.

How's the new year treating you?
Posted 9 years ago
There is no PokerVIP group chat right now, well not one that I am aware of anyway lol. Good idea though, we should definitely get one going, the old one used to be a laugh during sessions! Cheeky

Posted 9 years ago
Thanks Harvie lol always need a kick up the ass and yes Crazy used to be funny on there but also good for opinions on stuff too.

The new year has been ok so far, playing mainly on yachting at the moment and the games are very soft and traffic is alot higher than I expected which is good but having a bit of confusion at the moment over the rake back deal on there but there is a thread about already so not going to moan about it here lol.

Made a nice little profit from grinding cash on there up about 100 euro and also come second in the depositors freeroll for 25e, so off to a good start. I'm also really enjoying playing without a HUD and never thought Id say that but I really dont think its needed on there, just simple ABC poker works a treat. I'm hoping the rakeback thing gets sorted tho because Im really liking playing there but feel I am missing out on a bit of extra value there so will probably be on the move again lol.

Ive got my daughter this weekend so no heavy grinding for me as I just like to do stuff with her when shes over. I will play a little cash tonight but nothing major but will certainly play the 3k freeroll tomorrow on NetBet as I seem to do ok in that badboy havent won it yet but had a few final tables and best place is a 2nd or 3rd i think.

As of right now though I am just about to sit down to a fat roast dinner made by my old dear, do love a Mum made roast!!

Good luck all!!

Posted 9 years ago
I am always torn between a HUD. When I play on a site with no HUD, I feel more like a proper poker player, making reads and doing my hardest to see how people play their hands. But then when I move to iPoker or something and get the HUD back, I don't know how I lived without it.

If you signed up with a RB deal via PokerVIP I am sure all your RB will get backdated, that's how it usually works ( I think).

As for the 3k freeroll, how long did it take you to kick every one out and ship first place? Punch
Posted 8 years ago*
Wow over half a year since I updated this thread. I was thinking about starting a new one but I might as just continue this old bad boy.

Quick update - After a few months of moving around playing on various sites and skins I have decided to pretty much spend most of my time at Gala. They seem to have good tournaments, good traffic and pretty bad players which is a lovely combination for me.

It has been a crazy few months for me in my personal life, the main being that my 13 year old daughter has decided to move in with her old dad after having enough of her mum lol so things have changed quite a lot for me. Long sessions are few and far between now and if I want to play a tournament I have to give her and the Mrs notice or I will not be left in peace, so mainly been playing cash as and when I can.

Another big change is that I got a night job which I really didn't want to but to be fair I am loving it, its working in a care home but it is so funny I could do a blog on that but would probably get sacked. All of the residents are pretty cool but one lad just has me in stitches. He is nice as pie until he doesn't get his own way then he is only able to use a few words, those being FUCK OFF and DICKHEAD which at 3am is quite amusing, and its also doing my poker the world of good.

When I was not working I was constantly withdrawing my roll for life little expenses so my it never really got the chance to grow. For over a year I played NL4 and NL10 of a £50 roll, any time I made a few quid, withdraw and keep the roll at the £50. This is all good as long as you don't lose which is obv impossible, so many times I dropped down to NL2 to rebuild but I never went busto so I was doing something right and obviously rake back helps with that too.

So now things have calmed down a little, my daughter has settled in, schools going good, I've settled into my new job and on the quiet nights can squeeze a few hands in, so overall life is good, busy but good, so now the goal is just to water my roll every time I play and hopefully watch it grow and bloom!!

I wont make some commitment that I will update this everyday and Im not going to make some statements saying I will be 50nl by Xmas or Supernova or any of that stuff, at the moment I am just enjoying life and enjoying my poker which is a beautiful thing, I now look forward to playing rather than playing because I have nothing else to do or my daughter wants some pocket money!!

Anyway enough of that
Good luck at the tables!!


Leave it up to me I'll be livin proof

Posted 8 years ago
Sooooo happy to see this thread back up and running and you 100% have to keep the content in here. F starting a new one!

Seems like your life has really taken a turn for the better. Having your daughter around you must just take so much of the previous stresses away and also just make you feel insanely proud daily. There really is nowt better than family.

Job sounds dope and that guy sounds hilarious. He reminds me of my Grandma bless her who had some pretty hefty sayings and just general abuse when she wasn't happy either.

Any graphs to show off?
Posted 8 years ago
Ha nothing I want to show you but will bang one up at the end of the month for you to laugh at! In other words this month is not looking too good!
Posted 8 years ago
Little result from last night, got a nice £375 gtd freeroll to play tonight that Im going to win again I hope, got 1st in it 2 weeks ago for £150 with a lil help from my new coach!!

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