Posted 8 years ago
Feel free to post some spots up - I am semi-decent at MTTs and feel a lot of the spots can become super standard so happy to discuss them anytime!
Posted 7 years ago
Hello all. I was going to take it easy with the poker this trip, like I have been with the past few trips off work. But after seeing This great promo from Party Poker and Bwin that Jon brought to my attention. I decided to give it a bash and join in the challenge!

The wife was out with her fellow teacher friends (as its the last day of term) which gave me a little time to play. Only got 500 hands in so far and made a little profit - nothing worth bragging about as its 500 hands Laugh

I doubt I'll actually get many hands in, as I have a busy day tomorrow packing for holiday and then sunday will be a travel day as it takes up around 8 hours just to get off this island and to the city! Monday will be a run around Glasgow and get everything ready and then Tuesday is another travel day to Majorca to join the cruise Smile

If I can get 30k hands in, to bag myself €150 then i'll be happy, as long as I don't lose more than €150 trying to do that! I found €160 in my Bwin account that I had forgotten about so that's like I've won already Laugh

GL everyone who is attempting the challenge! I will hopefully have some decent graphs to show along the way!

Posted 7 years ago
My second day of grinding (I say day, its really been no more than 2 hours) and I've already made a big blunder. I miss read villains stack thinking he had 15bb so I jam over his raise with AQo and it turns out he had 150bb lol oh, and he had AK. I have actually been struggling to read stack and bet sizes. This may be my eyes finally giving up on me or my laptop screen is too small....its definitely nothing to do with the 2 large whisky's I had before playing WaitMy lips are sealed

Only 1.3k hands so far. 30K seems a long way away! I seem to be running pretty good, even tho my graph says I'm under EV, I've had my fair share of decent cards PRE-flop! I'll get another few in before bed time!
Posted 7 years ago
Another day, another blunder. Im away from home so decided to download the Bwin app and play on my phone. 3Rd hand in I get JTs and the flop is 789ss CashCash I bet and villain raises 4x Giggle I then try to figure out how to bet a certain amount and in the process time out Angry

I have to say the app is really good. only problem with playing on phone is PT4 won't be tracking these hands.
Posted 7 years ago
I couldn't play on a phone, my eyes just aint that good anymore. I've already done the A4 all in thinking it was aces - and 86 all in thinking I had a set on 6xx flop. RIP stacks all round.

I thought you said I'd be easy meat, Mr Timeout! Laugh

Have fun.
Posted 7 years ago
Laugh I think that was karma because it happened straight after I posted that lol Our game would be a mix of run bad and time outs Cheeky

Playing on a phone is definitely not a thing to do all the time. But desperate times and all that. The app is quite smooth. I'll get a screenshot during an important hand so I time out again Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
Ha I don;t think I have ever had a profitable phone session!
Posted 7 years ago*
There was a small poker tournament on the cruise last night. £25 buy-in and £150, 3 scratch cards and 3 lottery tickets for the winner. Only 8 of us entered and I must have been the only one under 40 years old. It was a limp fest. I was card dead until I shoved 3 times in a row,. I got 2 folds but picked up AK and shoved again as the blinds were stupidly big compared to stacks at this point. I got called by KQ and bust in 4th. At least I got my poker fix Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago*
Do you ever register for a tourney late at night and then immediately regret the decision? $22 $4k GTD on BWIN. $900 up top so I might as well try! 7am is the usual time the wee one is bright eyed and bushy tailed, so I better not bubble, or min cash. I want the $900 and nothing less....or a quick exit Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
A very quick exit lol TT < QQ with 18bb.

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Bed time. GL!
Posted 7 years ago
See, just be careful for what thou ask, unfortunately sometimes thy wish may just be granted Crying

run good next time Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Decided on more late night poker before bed, but played speed on BWIN instead and lost 3 buys in < 80 hands! Standard stuff like AK < TT, JJ < AA but this one was the icing on the cake:

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These things happen and thats poker. My graph since starting the challenge on BWIN isn't looking in very good shape. How long is it acceptable to say "short sample, so doesn't matter"? Cheeky But it is a short sample and I will keep saying that until I'm in profit Smile

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The losses are actually more as I lost some on my phone. Looks like I've picked up where I left off in long as I'm enjoying myself Dancing
Posted 7 years ago
90% on the turn (emo), is that all.

Just had a tough time at Blaze during a promo, it felt like over a month I ran at about -59bb/100 and I played quite a lot, but all fixed now I'm back at 'normal' tables.

Since 'lifetime' is the sample size generally bandied around for this game, I'd agree that using 'Short Sample' until you're winning is perfectly acceptable - or until you're at least 84! Muscle
Posted 7 years ago*
Pwll: 90% on the turn (emo), is that all.

Just had a tough time at Blaze during a promo, it felt like over a month I ran at about -59bb/100 and I played quite a lot, but all fixed now I'm back at 'normal' tables.

Since 'lifetime' is the sample size generally bandied around for this game, I'd agree that using 'Short Sample' until you're winning is perfectly acceptable - or until you're at least 84! (flex)

It must be speed games. Its worse that I can't use a HUD because I'm now getting 5bet light from the regs who can see my stats and I can't see theirs Sad
But good news is I can now start using a smaller sample to make me look like a winning player Laugh

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I forgot what it was like to have a winning session. It's weird that it was a winning session as I did some stupid things during it. But I'm not going to complain. I almost forgot what it was like to win a session!

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Tomorrow is the "Barra Games" where we have a range of sports, like racing, wrestling and weights. Its a laugh and I'm going to sign up to it all!! Weather is terrible for tomorrow but hopefully its still a success! GL all!
Posted 7 years ago
Ye I'm glad I've had a few winning sessions since the Blaze promo finished, I was losing 4-5BI a day for days at a time so often I couldn't tell if I was a winning player or whining one, but I continue to be a wining one that's for sure.
As to those games, I doubt you tough nuts out there will let a little weather bother you Emo , so have a great day and post a pic or twelve! Cheeky

Posted 7 years ago*
I noticed your post in the HH forum about not knowing whether to cbet or not so I got this link about board textures for you. I'm working on cbetting now and it's very useful for that kind of thing imo, he knows his stuff.

Posted 7 years ago
Cheers Mal, I'll give it a look when I sober up Laugh

The games were a massive success. The weather was shit but there was a good turn out. I managed to get 3 bronze medals and a silver. I'm absolutely fucked!! I got a few injuries in the wrestling and the sprinting. I thought I was still young to 27?? Never felt old like that in my life.

The dance is now on so I better shine ny shoes. Will speak when I recover from all thid!!
Posted 7 years ago*
A few pics from the day:

Here is me trying to throw 25kg over an 8ft bar. I managed the first one but couldn't do any higher. which got me 3rd Laugh as you can see I'm absolutely soaked!!

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This was me in the wrestling where my mates put me out in the first round lol
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This is where it all went wrong. I could hardly walk after that body slam!
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This is what I got for the other events Smile
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Posted 7 years ago
Proper Scottish weather I love it! Nice job on the games, I think I'd have enjoyed that, it looks very community spirited. A well done goes to Barra organizers I say. Cool
Posted 7 years ago
Hahaha this looks amazing and a great day out although I am surprise nobody gets seriously hurt at these things lol. Nice work!