Grinding and Streaming - This time Tracked!

Posted 6 years ago

Hey there everyone one, I've just finally put PT4 on my PC and I wanted to make a new journey thread that I can track hand by hand. I put £100 worth on Stars which is = to approx $131 and played around for a few hands and then started a new stream. I've recently fixed an issue on my PC caused by an audio interface I've been using my guitar through, it's caused a lot of lag so things are working a lot better when I don't have it connected. Though listening to music through it did sound better.

Anyway, I wanted to track my streamed sessions and link it with this thread. I'll also post up hands of interest and talk about any interesting life stuff as per usual.

I feel people are more interested in cash streams where they can see results, it seem like part of the fun for some viewers. So I'll always have the session graph on screen. I'll be having a lot of fun anyway.

I put in a test stream today starting at $145 and realised after that I had no audio! Purely because I've been going through a different sound driver after disconnecting the other one! Ah well, at least that's sorted now.

Was a test stream anyway just over an hour long, but poker-wise it went bloody perfect for a first session, got all my bluffs through and even got lucky in a cooler spot. I'll be having streams whenever I can so keep tuned. I'll try to remember to post on here to give times on the day.
Gonna be heading out for a musical jam night soon so I'll head off. But here's the session graph for day 1's short session.

It's 5nl for now.

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It's nice to be back anyway now, and got lovely weather to keep me feeling good!


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Posted 6 years ago*
Hey again all!

Phew! Yesterday I put in the most hands I've ever played in my life in one day. The Majority was at 5nlz. At least 8k I believe.

I tested out a few hands of the new Showtime thing for fun, which I think is an interesting and fun concept to the game, but I didn't do so well.
The problem is if I want to play with a $5 starting stack, it puts you in a .05 .10 game to do that with 50bbs. I'm not keen on that, and I lost a few few dollars over the few hands I played.

Firstly I played a 5nl regular game session that was literally the opposite and more of my first session... typical huh?

But I'm eager to build a database of my play and I'm actually enjoying doing that at the Zoom games. I know it might not be the most profitable game, but I had fun and put in a lot of hands that I can analyse lots of spots in, which is what I'm focusing on right now.

So I'll share 2 graphs, firstly my whole graph, even with the Showtime and all that. Ans secondly my 5nlz graph where I'm spending most of my time.

I had some absolutely AIDS periods that were usually followed by periods where I won most hands. It was constantly one extreme to the other and I wasn't seemingly playing any different, but that's how it often goes. I had a lot of fun playing and riding the waves!
I played a little 2nlz too which I broke even at after winning 5bi then losing 5bi haha.

So yeah, I have a few more hands now.

Full graph

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5nlz graph

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Posted 6 years ago
Hey there buddy, nice to have you around again. Smile

If you post up your stream I'd like to pop in for a visit now and again when I'm either taking a break from the tables - or had my butt kicked! Doh!

I think that 80bb/100 should be sustainable long term too! Laugh

Posted 6 years ago
Hey Mal, cheers. I might have a bit of a stream in about half an hour or so. So feel free to say hi!

Not gonna stream for a long time today because I have a few things I have to do later.
Posted 6 years ago
Might be good to put a link to your twitch or youtube for the lazy folks out here that don't want to go searching for you
Posted 6 years ago*
Yeah i was think that earlier @fawltyfelix haha. I just forgot. How are things going for you these days?
I took a break over winter because I just didn't feel like playing. But enjoying it now, especially since I can use PT4 to help myself improve and analyse my play, which is what I lacked the ability to do before.

Anyway people can check out some past streams and join in the future here

My Twitch Stream

I had time for a quick session today before I have to get ready to go out and play a wedding gig with the band. Should be fun.

Started slow but all hell broke loose and I took off. Managed to induce and catch out a fair few bluffs which was cool too.

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Ok it's time to get ready, catch you all later!
Posted 6 years ago
Welcome back Grocker!! Looking forward to catching up and watching some twitching!
Posted 6 years ago
Cheers Ash! Hope to see you around!
Posted 6 years ago
Just wanted to throw something out there, not to be a party pooper or anything. I notice you are playing zoom and at 5nl its probably fine, but zoom will get really hard to beat as you move up. A guy in my coaching group did some analysis of rake and the rake on Stars is super high. He got it calculated out in bb/100 you pay in rake. 100NLz it was 6.9bb/100 that you pay in rake. So I took my sample and start to run numbers on Stars for 10-25nl. The rake there is over 8bb/100. That is on reg tables on Stars.

So why is this important. Well he also did analysis on fish and figured out how much fish lose in bb/100 based on there VPIP. So like a 30-35 VPIP fish lose Xbb/100 and a 35-40VPIP fish loses Ybb/100 etc etc. He actually figured out that if you had 5 regs at 1 table, you being one of them, and 1 fish, that he would need a 40+ vpip fish at every table to beat rake, seeing as you are going to be splitting what the fish loses between the 5 regs.

Like I said at 5nlz you probably have enough fish in the pool that you are always sitting with one, but I think as you move up to 10nl and 16nl and then 25nl you will find there won't be enough fish to beat rake in zoom and may want to consider moving to reg tables so you can table select.

I mean none of this takes into account beating the regs, which you will do, but that will get more and more difficult to do as you move up. So like this guy figures that he can't beat any of the good regs at 100nlz so he only makes his money from fish, so 100nlz is not a viable option, so he moved to reg tables to make sure he can find a 40vpip fish every table to be able to profit.

Just some food for thought as you run through your bankroll challenge.
Posted 6 years ago*
@fawltyfelix im aware of the rake, but right now I’m making a stream and trying to compile a fair few hands. I’ll moce away from Stars when I start moving up. I just got sick of the lack of traffic on other sites when I had time to play. And for a 5nl roll, I want a tonne of hands. I feel I can beat it, we’ll see though. There’s enough punters out there too at these games.
Posted 6 years ago
Followed on twitch so i can snipe Wink
Posted 6 years ago
Hey peoples!

Not played poker in the last couple of days, but that's because I've had my computer sorted out.
So more hard drive space now, as it's been a long time problem, it should hopefully help me get on with some things that I really haven't been able to do properly.
I've got a few plans ahead for poker but I won't get into them now. For now I'll just bee grinding out some more hands on stream and having fun as usual. I'll get back to it today before the weekly musical jam night.

Been at work and playing a gig in the last few days, but managed to enjoy a bit of sun time with the better half yesterday which was good.
There really are some picturesque places pretty much on my doorstep!

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Anyway, I'll be off for now, I'll have a little stream later and a larger one tomorrow!

Posted 6 years ago*
Hey again, so gave the 5nlz tables a whizz again for a bit today be fore I have to go out.

I didn't make a lot, but I had a fun time. Ran bad in my flips, AKs losing to TT for full stack, and 99 losing to a 2/3 stack fish with KJ running it twice... yeah I lost both.
My all-in game was rusty today, will have to work on it for tomorrow Wink

Anyway here is the session graph and my 5nlz graph up till now, you can see how I'm running so far too with the AI Adj stuff. Which is all short term of course, hoping to have a good decently sized sesh tomorrow! And I'll post here when I'm going live if anyone is interested to rail.

Today's Session
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5nlz up till now
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Posted 6 years ago
Nice, looks like it's going well! Followed on Twitch so I'll check out the stream sometime.
Posted 6 years ago
Planning to stream in about 15 mins for a while today at Grocker6 Twitch
Posted 6 years ago
Hey again!

Had a fun few days, played a decent session on Thursday, worked on Friday and then yesterday the Stereophonics were playing in Wrexham in Wales. Our band played a pre-show party in a venue in the Centre which was crazy fun! And I didn't have to drive either. Had a few drinks and played the gig and went off to watch the Phonics after at the Football stadium. It was such a great day! Shattered at the end!

Some photos below.

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Ok well pokerwise, I had the streamed session which wasn't a good one unfortunately, the only losing 5nlz one so far but I lost a fair bit as you can see below hah. I played fine I think. Didn't punt off anything or do anything stupid or different to previous sessions. I just couldn't win many pots at all in 1500-2000 hands... shit happens. I'll have another stream later and get back on track I hope MuscleEvil grin

Right I'm off for a relax for a little bit and then I'll stream in about 45mins at Grocker6 Twitch

5nlz up till now

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Posted 6 years ago*
Hey again fellow poker enthusiasts!

Just finished up my stream for today. I'll post my graphs below.

I wanted to talk about something that I know I've had problems with in the past, and that's about running bad.
I really want to use this post to show how you need to stick at this game with confidence and know that if you put in the hands and time, that you will do ok. Many people get caught up with playing 10-20k hands and trying to figure out their so called winrate. But this is something that takes a lot of dedicated and focused time on to really understand that you will not find a winrate over small samples, and small samples definitely means 20k. This doesn't mean you should be over-confident with your game and just put all your losses down to variance and sample size and therefore not study and learn from your mistakes. THIS is the reason I'm going to post my bottom graph here. You'll see how much my AI Adjusted equity has affected my overall profits at 17.2k hands, by over 2.5x my actual profit. This shows you how much your winrate can vary over this amount of hands. It should, if anything, help people understand that playing a solid game and working on you mental game to get you through the tough times whilst still playing well, is possibly one if if not the most important factors that you need to get good at, and I know this from my own personal experience of playing the game. I've had my mindset issues, and it's been a past downfall for me for sure.

So I'll post my session today. I had a lot of fun. Just ran a bit poo but I do think the games are pretty soft. I won't be playing zoom at games above 5nl though.

Anyhow, I'll catch you all soon! Maybe tomorrow!

Today's session

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AI ADJ inclusive graph for 5nlz so far

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Posted 5 years ago
So... I've been doing some hand analysis of a session from a few days back. And I found this hand.
It interested me because I've been pulling the trigger a lot more these days and thinking a lot more about how I can force my opponent into shitty spots, which I'm happy about.
I thought this hand though was worth talking about because there's so key things that you need to think about when making bluffs, and although I got creative here, I don't think it was the right spot. So I thought it would be good to share my thoughts and hopefully it helps others as much as it has been helping myself. I missed a couple of key ingredients here that I'm trying to drum into my mind.

Posted 5 years ago
Hey all, just thought I'd post up today's session. A bit less handswise, but I was playing 3x Zoom tables instead of 4. I think possibly this helped my non-showdown game today as I did a heck of a lot better with that little bit of extra time to focus. I was bluffing a ton and a the majority worked out as I seemed to read the situation well. Also though it might have just been a good session that happened to work well bluff-wise. Who knows, I'll probably be taking the 3-table format with replayer showing from now on as I've played a chunk of hands, which was one of my first aims after getting PT4.

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Posted 5 years ago*
Quick 1.5 hour stream today before I'm off to work in a bit.

Had some fun, couple of funny hands here...
I just don't know what to say about the second one...

$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /PokerStars

$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /PokerStars

And here's today's little graph, kinda had a lot of tough spots today.

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