Posted 6 years agoEdited 6 years ago

Hi guys, I'm Cristi (but you can call me Chris if you want), I'm 19 from Romania studying Marketing and this is my second journey. I've kind of abandoned the first one since I wasn't really playing anymore because I found it stressful (switched to LOL instead). Now I am back for good hopefully and ready to put in volume.
I'm playing on Unibet since I find it to be soft enough for me, might consider switching to Betcoin in the future.
I am playing 4-10nl mainly but I kind of struggle to win at 10nl. I am winning around $3.2/hr at 4nl on 6-8 tables and roughly -$0.8 at 10nl (mostly 4 tables). Pretty big discrepancy as you can see. Since I can't track stats on Unibet I'll just make an aproximate guess and say that I am probably 25/19/7. I made a 20min recording of a 10nl session for you to glance at if you have the time, any advice or opinion is greatly appreciated.

Some time stamps: 07:40 top left, 11:34 bottom left, 13:35 bottom left (here I was just trying to iso the short stack).

This is my graph (it's and excel graph that i've made by tracking the number of hours I put in each day and the change in bankroll that happened that day).
Attached Image

The first sudden drop happened at a very bad 10nl session and the second one when I withdrew around $50 then I switched back to 4nl.
If anyone is curious enough I will also upload the excel file.

Regarding goals for this journey I'll start with these ones and change/ add more later:
-Put in at least 40hrs a week of volume and study combined
-Start winning at 10nl
-Make a living out of playing poker

I will keep this thread updated as much as possible. Will probably add some off-topic stuff as well maybe.

Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 6 years ago
Hey Cristi,

Great to see you start another journey!

Nice results at 4NL. Is always a struggle moving up, have you watched the Unibet series of videos on here?

I started playing LOL but couldn't really get into it!

Do you work as well or just study?
Posted 6 years ago*
Hey Ash, yes i did watch them, it's how i got started on uni perhaps I should watch them in detail one more time.
If you ever wanna go back to lol hit me up i'll give you some nice coaching, I was Diamond 1 season 4 and dia 5 this season.
I don't work, I used to have a scholarship but idk if I'll get it this year too (it was around 130 euros so even if i don't get i should technically make that amount in like a week of good volume at 4nl). In terms of savings, I used almost all I had to invest in crypto, I'll post what I invested in if you're interested.
Posted 6 years ago
What's the average salary in Romania?

I think generally in countries around that area it is much easier and realistic to make a living out of the smaller stakes than it is in more expensive like the UK
Posted 6 years ago*
I think the average salary is around 470 euros. So yeah, you are right living is pretty cheap, I currently live in a place where I pay 130 euros (I share with a roomate) and I need only just as much for other expenses so basically I could just grind around 40-50 hrs of nl4 and I'd be set.
Maybe I'll just do that, grind for one and a half week 4nl, cash out 130 then focus on improving on 10nl.
Posted 6 years ago
Wow that's sick Laugh Western culture is so expensive! Can't event rent a place for 470 round here!

Can see why a lot of online pros move to other countries to make it affordable!
Posted 6 years ago
Yep, we have 1 euro beer and 5 euros pizza, God bless Romania. Smile
Posted 6 years ago
Quick update:
-Didn't manage to get that much volume this week (only 26 hours except reading random stuff from time to time)
-Doing a bit better at nl10
-Got a better understanding of my flaws in terms of mental game
-Current graph Attached Image
(around day 39 I also had an 85euros withdraw, also, the last 10 days are nl10 only)

Short term goal:
-Make an 1hr video for that cool free coaching thread
Posted 6 years ago
It's a nice graph and 26 hours isn't to be sniffed at!!

How many hands do you get from that?
Posted 6 years ago
Idk, on unibet you can't track stats like that, it only gives you the amount of flops seen, I'd have to contact their support for stats like that.
But I do play 6-8 tables, if that helps.
Posted 6 years ago*
Update: I sent that video to @Jon-PokerVIP , I'll also link it here if someone wants to give it a look, I don't have times stamps for it though.
Decided to add an extra goal of reaching 1k$ bankroll by January 1st.
These are the current graph (33.5hrs volume in the last 7 days) and the video:
Attached Image

Posted 6 years ago
€1k by January is a sick goal! Looks like you know what you're doing though so certainly achievable! What I would say is don't get too focused by a monetary goal and make sure you keep concentrating on your play hand by hand and I'm sure the money will follow.

Good luck!
Posted 6 years ago
Thx man, that's actually something that I always struggled with, I get focused on the fact that I lost some stacks and start doubting my play style. Will definitely try to be more aware of that!
Posted 6 years ago
+1 on that Ash, far easier/better to set time related goals eg play x number of hrs/week, x number of hours for study

Tends to mean you don't chase bad spots to keep up with the monetary goals
Posted 6 years ago
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Posted 6 years ago
Quick update: Nothing special to report, didn't manage to put in that much volume this week either (32hrs), seems I am slacking from this POV. I did hit a 500euros bankroll milestone a few days which was nice but went down 100 after taking some shots at 25nl. Not really mad tbh.

I've recorded a new video for that coaching "promotion" going on the site since the old one was crappier quality than i tought. This one I recorded while playing 4 tables of 25nl, hopefully I'll get some good feedback and will fix my (many) leaks.

Here's the current graph:
Attached Image
Posted 6 years ago
Got a pretty strong hit in the bankroll but we're getting back there. Was wondering if I should switch to another site. I feel like unibet doesn't reward medium-high volume players that much ( according to this site I am getting 12% rakeback at 60k points), a site which pays rakeback weekly sounds more appealing (partypoker perhaps?) but I wonder if I should switch now or after I climb to higher stakes. Perhaps one with no HUDs as I am already used to that but if there are better options on sites which allow HUDs I'll also consider those. Maybe you can help me with that @AshVIP ?
Time put in in the last 7 days: 31hrs
Current graph: Attached Image
Posted 6 years ago
Hi mate,

Do you already have an account on partypoker?

If not, if you sign up now HERE, and then pass me your details we can get you 40% flat rakeback for your first month (on top of all the other promos)! After the month you revert to the standard 25-40% rakeback!

This is only for new accounts opened between now and the 31st December and lasts for one calender month from the date the account is made!

Any questions let me know
Posted 6 years ago
I have an account but it's very old, I didn't even get verified on that one so I think there wouldn't be any problems with creating a new one.
Do you think it'd be worth switching given the fact that I will mostly play nl10? I mean I never really played there seriously so idk how tough the games are.
Posted 6 years ago
If you PM me your details we will be able to get your account re-tagged to us. Maybe not worth the risk of having multiple accounts. If they come back to us and say no account exists then you can go ahead and make a new one.

Deffo worth switching, good rewards, and pretty soft player pool. If you win on Unibet you can win on Party