Posted 8 years ago
Sick swings! Yeh how was the mental game for that session?
Posted 8 years ago
Mental game wasn't bad. I was surprised how fast it all happened, it was only a few hundred hands. I did shut down the session after that as I was feeling tilt coming on.

Last night I played another 1.5k hands and it was very swingy as well. I'm going to reduce tables to 6 tonight and have a more focused session.'

This is my overall 25NL graph (only 10k hands)

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Posted 8 years ago
Results wise this week I didn't do very well, but I still think I held my own through the downswing. I'd say my mental game was an 8/10. I went to Niagara Falls on Saturday, it's only 45 minutes from my house. I was with two other close friends so I put my name on the 1-2 list, had some beers, and watched my buddy play roulette (both friends don't play poker).

After waiting about 2 hours, my seat was ready. I only had like 2 hours to play and crushed pretty hard. I had a soft table, only a couple good players, the rest were limping, playing horrible post flop, calling light. I just ISO'd pre in position and took down a lot of pots with air. I made $500 in the 2 hours so not bad at all.

This weeks 25NL graph

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Posted 8 years ago
Live poker is so lol! Do you ever think about grinding it as much as you do online?
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP Lol I'm going to book off a few days and just grind in Niagara 12 hours per day. Should give me more an idea of how much live I want to play.
Posted 8 years ago
squadgrinder: @Jon-PokerVIP Lol I'm going to book off a few days and just grind in Niagara 12 hours per day. Should give me more an idea of how much live I want to play.

Man I wan't to play a live cash game so bad. Only ever see tourneys unless at a casino. Would love a good ol' cash home game...
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh I wouldn't mind a big deep stacked high stakes game for sure Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Okay finally back from Florida. Pretty awesome 12 day vacation (with some but not much work) Went on a 5 day cruise out of Miami to the Bahamas and got to swim with the dolphins.

They had a 1-3 game going in the casino for a few hours every evening. I played one night and it was hilarious. Worst players I've ever seen. There was maybe two players at the table who actually knew what was going on, everyone else was a huge whale. I ended up breaking even, got it in really good twice and still lost LOL Laugh

Here is my view from the room on the ship. I would wakeup, put in a few hours of work and then go do whatever I wanted for the rest of the day.

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Another view from top deck when leaving Miami:

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Just got back to Toronto. I decided to withdraw a few hundred dollars from my roll and go play 1-2 live poker in Niagara Falls this weekend. My goal is to play all day Saturday and Sunday. Obviously anything can happen but I feel I have a great shot at doing well and all around just want to have a good time. I really want to experience a mini "poker trip" I guess.

After running semi bad at 25NL and being $250 under EV over 20k hands I've decided to move back down to 10NL. My roll was $1050 but after withdrawing its about $600. I'll play 10NL from now on until I feel comfortable about moving up to 25NL again. I have a lot of work off the table to do before becoming a winning 25NL reg.

I honestly believe I'm probably a slight winner/break even player at 25NL. I know I can beat 10NL at 5+bb/100 over more than 100k hands sample.

Last night I played one of my first sessions back 9 tabling and ran like a god. Always good for the confidence Smile

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Posted 8 years ago
Wooooow what a view! I'm a graphic designer so a perk of the job is being able to work from pretty much anywhere in the world! All you need is a laptop! I need to get exploring
Posted 8 years ago
You make me sick

Posted 8 years ago*
Haha @Jon-PokerVIP! Yea man its a great perk that's for sure @colly191091

I played 1-2 live poker for 12 hours on Saturday and 12 hours on Sunday. I had a really good time. Saturday I did well and was up about $800 at one point. I proceeded to lose 2 flips QQ vs Ak (I had QQ both times). I also reshoved my QQ in the SB when a MP open shoves 60 bb over the utg raise. UTG about 120 bb had KK and called.

So Saturday ended up being about $400 in profit. Sunday was $250 profit.

Best pot of the weekend was when villian and I were 250 bb deep (about $500). I had AA in the SB, villain is an aggressive reg and in CO opens 5x. I 3 bet to $45. Flop comes 5d8s10. He donks the flop and i call. Turn comes J of clubs. He donks again for $160. At this point my senses were telling me he's drawing the flush because I couldn't imagine why he would play a set the way he did.

I shoved over his bet and he thought for 2 minutes, I knew I was ahead at this point. He ended up calling and missed the flush on the river.

I think I'll go play live there on weekends regularly.
Posted 8 years ago

Complete boss life buddy and keep at it
Posted 8 years ago
Put in some nice volume over the past few days or so. 5k hands yesterday Smile

Here is the graph for June so far. Running kind of bad, but not terrible. Mental game is a 9/10 at 10NL. The swings don't bother me so i'm pretty happy to say it's hard to tilt me playing these stakes. I look back at the last 40k hands and I'm well over $350 under ev. I know ev is just one form of variance and doesn't really tell you how bad or good you are running (we talked about this before in the thread).

Back when I first started I would be mad as hell and wondering why is this happening to me. Now that I understand it's just a part of the game and the only thing I can do is control the decisions I make.

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Posted 8 years ago
Posted 7 years ago*
Its been 3 weeks or more since my last post. I haven't been posting much because I've been absolutely crushing the live 1-2 games and not playing a whole lot online at the moment.

I recently got a new car last week and can now drive to play live whenever I want so it's been great. I'm playing mostly tight pre flop, 3 betting mostly for value but sometimes light on agro pre flop regs that will call light and fold to cbets, and post flop just going to value town. I'm not bluffing into several people but looking to play pots in position and ISO the fish. A lot of people fold turn so I would compare the quality of games somewhere between 5 and 10NL.

Seems to be working well. I'm averaging $350 profit per session over the past 10 sessions.
Posted 7 years ago*
Alright so finally experienced a downswing playing live. It was 7 BIs (about $1400) and then I managed to grind it all back over two or three sessions. Things are still going well, I'm adjusting more to the games. There are a few things that matter a lot online that don't mean anything live. For example, the average player doesn't pay attention to ranges, limps pre flop and only thinks of players as tight or aggressive.

There is usually 3 decent regs at the table. Maybe 1 that can really play.

Most pots online are for very small dollar amounts so it doesn't matter if you make a few mistakes or 3 barrel off your stack.

I'll keep this thread updated every week or two with how things are going. Live poker can be very boring at times when your card dead for hours. Still need to continue adjusting a few things in my game to maximize EV.

Withdrew 3 BIs with my online roll to get started playing 1-2 and now the roll is currently $3k. Highest it's been is $3400 so far. My goal is to hit $10k so I can move up to 2-5 and play regularly