Posted 8 years ago*
Hey all, another video of hands for the thread!

Posted 8 years ago
Fellow English 10 NL Grinder - In!


1:50 Like the sizing. Think we have to go big here to get Jx to fold but was really worried the bluff wouldn't work here - why wouldn't we fire our 2 pair/set value range on the turn? After checking the turn it looks like we have OE/2 overs+GS bluff but I still think by bombing river we get loads of folds on like weak Jx hands.

5:04 Folding ATo UTG 5 handed is tight imo but you know that.

5:50 I would call with the AJ too.


Interested to hear from yourself and others on this thread, do we have a flatting range in the sb vs. a BTN open?

I take it you 3b hands like 88, 99, KJ, KQ, AT, AJ in sb vs the BTN. Can we take a hand like KQo and 3b it some of the time and flat some of the time? I would say this is what I do. How do you guys play sb vs btn when btn is standard 10nl regish player?

Keep up the good work Smile

Posted 8 years ago*
Yeah @5amue1 I was talking to someone about this hand. The turn is great for my AJ and sets so I should be double barreling really and my big bet looks kind bad as I probably wouldn't bet this with my value hand. So it's a thought for me take forward and think about my bluffs and perceived ranges in general.

Vs btn I'm 3betting KJ all day, especially KJo. I think the SB calling range isn't clear. Some have a few hands like A8s-A9s, KTs K9s, QTs QJs, JTs, T9s and 6's to 9's. But I think I'm just 3 betting more of those. And maybe 99 and 88 is a call (shhh don't tell). But maybe create a thread about it and I'm sure there'll be some discussion.
Posted 8 years ago
Personally I would want to flat hands more like KQ, KJ, where we have them dominated a lot (but if they 4b/peel our 3b then we are dominated), and 3b hands like SCs, suited gappers.
Posted 8 years ago
56 second: KJ I like the line

1:00 KQ spades. I like the flop check raise but also check calling is totally fine. I don't think I like the river bet once we check the turn. We rep nothing at all and looks like a bluff. Guess he has 810 or something like that as i think any J snaps you and even a 9 calls sometimes.

3:25 J6clubs: We are fine to Cbet here with our gutter, over and bdfd

Man you have improved. Honestly just WOW wp
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP Yeah as said before, this was a hand that made me think a lot and had a chat with a couple of people about it. The conversations have been great for improving my game.

Glad you can see improvement too. I've been trying hard on my game Smile
Posted 8 years ago
KQ I agree is a bit iffy imo but fun when it comes off. I've tried a coupel fo these lately as well but they'e not easy to get right are they.

Not much I can add except at 3:30 I'd probably cbet J6cc witha gutshot, one ovecard and bd fl dr.

Nice job.
Posted 8 years ago*
Ok so an update on my feelings lately.

I'm really enjoying my time in the staking team. January was negative winning-wise, but I learnt a heck of a lot, settled in and February turned around big time.
Less hands were put in, but I was focusing a lot and spent more time studying.

Right now, March seems pretty positive. Main thing is I'm enjoying the game so much.
Today I ran pretty darn bad early on, but then took a bit of a break. Went down to NL4, then mixed NL4 and NL10 and posted a v small winning day from what started pretty badly, not too far off stop-loss. I really enjoyed the session and that's what excites me the most. The strategy of going down a limit when I lose 2 buyins has been paying off.

Also stuff like this doesn't harm you when you're getting out the hole...

Player 4(SB) $3.91 - VP:43 PFR:0 AF:5.0 W:23|71 STL:0|64 3B:0|100 CB:|63 N:-0.11 Hands:86
Player 5(BB) $4.08 - VP:42 PFR:25 AF:1.0 W:33|50 STL:0|50 3B:0|0 CB:100|50 N:-4 Hands:12
Me(CO) $9.98
Player 6(UTG) $1.04 - VP:27 PFR:18 AF:3.5 W:18|50 STL:17|75 3B:14|50 CB:100| N:-0.16 Hands:56
Player 1(MP) $3.96 - VP:0 PFR:0 AF: W: STL: 3B:0| CB: N:-0.04 Hands:2
Player 3(BTN) $3.94 - VP:0 PFR:0 AF: W: STL:|100 3B:0| CB: N:-0.06 Hands:3

Pre Flop: Me(CO) with [Ah,Js]
Player 6(UTG) folds,
Player 1(MP) folds,
Me(CO) raises 0.12,
Player 3(BTN) folds,
Player 4(SB) folds,
Player 5(BB) calls 0.08

Flop: (Ts,Kc,Qs)(2 players)
Player 5(BB) checks,
Me(LP) bets 0.16,
Player 5(BB) calls 0.16

Turn: 7h (2 players)
Player 5(BB) checks,
Me(LP) bets 0.36,
Player 5(BB) calls 0.36

River: 3d (2 players)
Player 5(BB) checks,
Me(LP) bets 1.30,
Player 5(BB) raises 3.44,
Me(LP) calls 2.14

Me(CO) wins 8.06
Me(CO) shows [Ah,Js]
Player 5(BB) shows [Jd,Qh]

But, yeah I'm hoping March will turn out to be awesome and enjoying chatting with the other guys in the group. Everyone seems super nice and everyone is keen to talk and help each other out and share ideas.

It's what I was looking for, as I spent a lot of time playing alone and never had people to talk to about the game. So I'm feeling great and @Jon-PokerVIP is top notch as always.

Anyway, I have aching eyes now and must rest them.

Goodbye for now peeps.
Posted 8 years ago
Glad you feel happy man and that is the main thing honestly. I feel players just quit to easy, get down and don't see the bigger picture. Maybe sometimes my fault for nagging hard but as you will have noticed I have not been hard on anyone as....EVERYONE IS GETTING SHIT DONE.

Will get the Feb numbers over to you all asap! Sorry again for the delay.

Lets crush March Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
Hey all, made a new Leak Busting video.

Just a 10 min one as is usual. Again, feel free to comment and criticize!

Also if @Komododragonjesus and @eroticjesus are about and have a spare few mins then all your input is greatly appreciated! Cool

Posted 8 years ago
KT I don't like the big bet OTF. We have a mid strength hand which is one of the weakest in our value betting range. When we bet big we want to polarized our range and this just isn't doing that. 50-65% size is fine and I do this with a lot of my draws/ hands that block hands that will call on this board (which will often be draws also). OTT I think calling is better than shoving as we should only get called by better but I think players at 10nl are bad enough to tilt call with a draw here so probably okay.
Posted 8 years ago
@CrazyCookie Yeah I put this hand in a line check thread. Thanks for the input. I guess we;d be making the bet this size if we flop real strong and want to protect then rather than a hand like this? Such as 2 pair or a set.
Posted 8 years ago
Those and with a hand like k5s that probably should bet as we otherwise just fold wayyyy too often ott after checking. This is certainly a range I have two bet sizes on. 60% pot with tpsk over pairs fd SD anything that blocks TJ 9t and pot with my sets, straights two pairs and the hands towards the bottom of my range that have some kind of equity (kx, qx out bdfd some small pp).
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyCookie: but I think players at 10nl are bad enough to tilt call with a draw here so probably okay.

This is the main consideration imo between shoving and calling the turn. I personally like the shove Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Hey again, another month starts and putting in the study and focus.

Made a short video as part of my leak busting series, I don't think I play all the hands amazing. But the idea of course is to see what others think and why I could have played this or that differently.

Hoping for a great month as always and seems like the rest of the team is crushing so far.

Good times!

Posted 8 years ago
Ok a Friday night and I can play! Usually busy at weekends so it's a pleasure.

I made another vid anyhow, enjoy if you like Smile

Posted 8 years ago*
Hey guys, another vid. Ya'll probably board of these by now but they are here and anyone can chat about the hands.

I have a bit of a chat about how things affect you when variance goes bad too. And keeping a good vibe going.

Posted 8 years ago
1:00 - A7 just bet the flop or bet the turn. It does not matter that we beat his hands like any 2 cards but the fact he has equity. We want 910 to fold.....

2:07 - A10 - Looks like a very good spot to re-iso. I do this a lot in my videos, weak player limps/posts, good player 4x's in position, we have blockers to strong hands and can just make it like 1.50 and get tons of folds.

9:21 - JJ - I like this cbet vs this weak player. Quite often we can check call down or delay cbet but here i think a straight up value bet is good.

Posted 8 years ago*
Thanks @Jon-PokerVIP Yeah I'll be trying to look for more spots to re ISO with. I do do it but I'm sure I miss a few spots quite a bit.
Posted 8 years ago
2:07 - A10 - Looks like a very good spot to re-iso. I do this a lot in my videos, weak player limps/posts, good player 4x's in position, we have blockers to strong hands and can just make it like 1.50 and get tons of folds.

9:21 - JJ - I like this cbet vs this weak player. Quite often we can check call down or delay cbet but here i think a straight up value bet is good.

These 2 things are something I need to do more of. The re iso is huge, only question would be how to proceed post flop. I find the decent regs and the rec players as well get fairly sticky post flop in 3bet pots. Obviously if you spike your A or a good draw or top pair with the T you are in good shape, but can you start cbetting relentlessly here in such a bloated pot. If you do end up checking are you giving up, controlling pot size, etc. I would also assume that re-iso's work best IP. I would think it would be fairly difficult to proceed post flop in such a large pot if you get called

In regards to the JJ hand I didn't see the hand but talking about the delayed cbet. I watched Adam's most recent leakfinder vid and he went over missed, skipped and delayed cbets as auto profit centers, which effectively mean you can do them with almost ATC, as the majority of the micro stakes population fold far to much to these bets. On the river as high as 80-90%. Need to explore this.