Posted 9 years ago
Yeah i was having a siesta each afternoon after too much sun so just logged in bored occasionally! It was all inc so didnt really sample any 'traditional' food outside hotel but food in the hotel was lovely! Yes there was alot of people drinking that strange looking tea in the mini jug type thing! Didnt try it myself! I will get some pics up when i get chance!
Posted 9 years ago
Hey guys! Back in the saddle today played abt 1.5k hands! I have been planning on starting a second br on an additional site for some time now and today was that day! Im back on ipoker as i wanted a ff variant game to up my volume and having looked abt it is pretty much the only option with RB! Have also got myself PT4 so i should have some graphs etc to post but will wait until i have a decent sample! Played abt 1k hands on ipoker and won a cpl buyins! Played 500 hands at sky and broke even!

The main aim is to increase volume and really start and cash in on the deals! With a bit of luck i can get in the top 200 on both sites and cash in the small stakes race too Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Small stakes race should motivate you like crazy! Which then leads to you cashing in the TOP 200 also. Sick win win for you there.

BTW your video didn't send to me correctly. Could you check you followed the instructions and send again please. You sent in some sort of file or something so not sure what went on there.

Keep up the good work and will look forward to doing the review
Posted 9 years ago
God dammit ha I just saved the file the program created to my desktop then sent it! I will just make a new vid and send it accross this week!
Posted 9 years ago
Posted 9 years ago
Hey guys! Havent updated this week but have been busy pokerwise! I have re deposited on ipoker and i am playing 20nl speed! Really enjoying it and getting in a load more volume! Also got PT4 to track my progress! Here is a graph of this week!

Just under 10k hands most of which have been this weekend! Going forward my aims are volume, volume, volume!! I know i am a solid winner at these games so the more i play the more i win! Gonna aim for 15k hands per week which i think is pretty good volume with a full time day job, Gf, house, gym etc!

Reasonably happy with the results this week considering I havent played these games in months! I have a few big adjustments to make which will hopefully increase win rate a chunk! I think you get played back at soooo much now in these games opening from the button that it is no longer profitable opening 70-80%.......any speed regs wud love to hear your thoughts..??

Think thats all for now folks gl at the tables!
Posted 9 years ago*
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Got there eventually Smile
Posted 9 years ago
I still open alot from the button at smaller stakes. When they start 3betting me a lot. I will 4bet them so often with blocker type hands, people don't know how to react to that a lot. Better to min raise the button if you are getting played back a lot too.

As for the graph, good volume and nice $$$.
Posted 9 years ago
Yeah im still opening blocker type hands its the lower part of my range like 6-7, j-8s etc that I have tightened up a bit on!

Just had a nice little session up $50! Really think patience is the key at this level! Peteoaten said the other day on his blog that the key was to fold ALOT haha! Sounds ridiculous but people just play so face up it couldnt be more true!
Posted 9 years ago
Mate if you keep going like this, you and your GF will be back on holiday!

Well at the lower stakes you just gotta to know when to value bet and when to fold strong hands. There's quite a few nitty regs who just nut peddle and you need to know when to fold against them guys.

What's the BR at now? Any signs of moving up soon?
Posted 9 years ago
Hey Harv thanks for commenting! Havent updated as nothing special really happening! Volume hasnt been great and I have been running super badddd! Ill not bore you with the details haha! Anyway since last graph I have played roughly 8k hands and broke even!
Posted 9 years ago
I have set myself a Jon style challenge as I am defo guilty of being lazy!!

20k hands in the next 7 days while showing a profit!! Here we go!! 1k hands down 19 to go!! Oh and $1 profit Smile
Posted 9 years ago
My little challenge is going reasonably well volume wise! 8.5k hands in 3 days! However i am really having to grit my teeth and not be too results orientated! Here is my graph for today!

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Everytime i build up a bit of momentum the deck is just smacking me in the forehead at the moment! Looking at poker tracker I have been 2 outed once the money has gone in for a total of 170 euros over the last 2 days! Just gotta keep on grinding tho i suppose!
Posted 9 years ago
Had another bad day yesterday losing about 4bi! Of the 12k hands I have played since Thurs I'm down about 6bi! Was a bit pissed off yesterday but then when I worked out my RB over those 12k hands it is about 4bi! That is when you see the true value of this site Smile
Posted 9 years ago*
Just had a really short session as PP con keeps dropping out and doing my head in! Only 750 hands but won a couple of buy ins! I dropped from 4 to 3 speed tables and feels much better! Able to concentrate alot more rather than just clicking buttons! Posted a hand in strat section which i would love your opinions on..??
Posted 9 years ago
Seems like Mr Margo helped you out there in the hand. I agree with the fold, they can have so many hands that beat you here and by 3 barreling you yourself pre a pretty big hand.

I do like your river bet and it should always be a b/f if we are betting . c-c is good too if you think they have a FD.

Sound's like you need a few days off mate from the tables, have a few beers, say hey to the GF and come back on the weekend to destroy the fish
Posted 9 years ago
Yeah it was my 30th yesterday so went Go karting then for some food with the family! Karting was absolutely awesome! Proper 1200m outdoor track and karts that go 60mph! Never had such a rush in ages! Defo gonna go back soon!

On another note a mains water pipe burst in my parents street on Tuesday and totally flooded their house! They are gonna have to move out for up to 6 months!! Totally gutted for them! The guy next door to them had an 80k Beamer in his garage which had to be towed away!!!! Oops!
Posted 9 years ago
Jef147: Yeah it was my 30th yesterday so went Go karting then for some food with the family! Karting was absolutely awesome! Proper 1200m outdoor track and karts that go 60mph! Never had such a rush in ages! Defo gonna go back soon!

On another note a mains water pipe burst in my parents street on Tuesday and totally flooded their house! They are gonna have to move out for up to 6 months!! Totally gutted for them! The guy next door to them had an 80k Beamer in his garage which had to be towed away!!!! Oops!

Happy Birthday for the other day! Smile

Never been go karting but I reckon I would love it, looks like fun!

Posted 9 years ago
Keri it was great! Such a rush think im gonna start doing it every few weeks!
Posted 9 years ago
Jef147: Yeah it was my 30th yesterday so went Go karting then for some food with the family! Karting was absolutely awesome! Proper 1200m outdoor track and karts that go 60mph! Never had such a rush in ages! Defo gonna go back soon!

On another note a mains water pipe burst in my parents street on Tuesday and totally flooded their house! They are gonna have to move out for up to 6 months!! Totally gutted for them! The guy next door to them had an 80k Beamer in his garage which had to be towed away!!!! Oops!

Sounds like a good bday buddy, 60mph? Do you need to have a licence to drive them? I've only driven the slower ones and it's a total rush for sure.

Sorry to hear about your family, are they insured?