Posted 10 years ago
Hello VIP's!

I have to mention that ppl generaly wont find there gangsta stories, P.I.M.P stories etc etc, cauze
a) they are rarely lol
b) never been writting so even if there is anything intresting around i assume that i wont be able to write about it in a way that ppl gonna get crazy about it ;/

So i think at beggining i shall write something about myself. My name is Piotr, im a 26 guy from a Poland. I started to play poker like ~1.5 year ago on a Titanpoker with my old friend. We were playing SNG's but after like 2-3 weeks transfered somehow to a cash tables. Our game was totally lame like one day we had to make a decision if we shall SO TPTK, and another day we find that its lame and did not o.0 Vacation came parties started and as prolly most of you know parties+alkohol != good poker game. So i decided to wirthdew cash to dont donate every1 on a room, and found it much better to spent in somehow irl, and since it was vacation there was no problem with it.

After like 2-3 months i deposited few bucks on a p* and slowly (had a job and poker was more like a additional fun thing to do after joint with a friend or so) moved up to NL10. When i was close to nl25 (did i mention that i was playing FR?) i got hardly beaten by variance (or maybe a bad game?) and we with friend decided to move to SH. Never reached higher than NL10 mostly i think because of often cash outs, and playing way 2 less i think.

Few days ago i had to withdraw near all my funds and like always had so start from nl2 Laugh but well think time i decided i gonna work on my game, play more and be able to move up in stakes. Blog is made to keep me motivated track my results maybe disscus some on hands that i play etc etc.

Btw i was going to re-run (already had a blog but calling it in that way is way 2 much, i just made a thread there and wrote down few posts) it on another big world wide pokerschool but after watching Jon 3bet happy zoom session i knew this site is a new home for my blog.

Btw started some exercise maybe it gonna help some before summer fully shows up ^_^ click

Not like im a fat im like 188cm and like 72kg but some muscules on belly are always welcomed Laugh

So yesterday results (btw is there any way to use a spoiler or so?

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See you around
Posted 10 years ago

2nd day in a row writing there, so i find even this mine small success =)

Also seems i got 2nd day pretty good run on a poker. Red line isnt such good as yesterday (yesterday i had to have alot of luck since i generaly got redline somehow going down), but i dunno if its not about 4betting light too much. Gonna do it some less today and we will see how it gonna works.

And just when i was going to finish session, i noticed fish ~95/66 moved on a nl10 fr table. Played 24 hands and our friend got busted ;/ Kinda sad because of money but, well playing fr table is terrible, mega slowly etc etc

Here are 2 hands from this table.

PokerStars - $0.10 NL - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

UTG+1: $10.54 (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: -, Hands: 5)
MP: $7.00 (VPIP: 25.00, PFR: 25.00, 3Bet Preflop: -, Hands: 4)
CO: $10.20 (VPIP: 95.16, PFR: 71.19, 3Bet Preflop: 60.87, Hands: 64)
BTN: $13.08 (VPIP: 66.67, PFR: 16.67, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 6)
SB: $10.00 (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 6)
BB: $10.00
Hero (UTG): $10.00

SB posts SB $0.05, BB posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.15) Hero has JJ
Hero raises to $0.40, UTG+1 calls $0.40, fold, CO raises to $0.70, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to $10.00 and is all-in, fold, CO calls $9.30

Flop : ($20.55, 2 players) A83

Turn : ($20.55, 2 players) A

River : ($20.55, 2 players) 4

Hero shows JJ (Two Pair, Aces and Jacks)(Pre 81%, Flop 82%, Turn 95%)
CO mucks 89 (Two Pair, Aces and Eights)(Pre 19%, Flop 18%, Turn 5%)
Hero wins $19.63

PokerStars - $0.10 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: $20.85 (VPIP: 33.33, PFR: 19.05, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 21)
MP+1: $10.00 (VPIP: 8.33, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 12)
CO: $4.90 (VPIP: 92.21, PFR: 62.16, 3Bet Preflop: 50.00, Hands: 79)
BTN: $7.86 (VPIP: 68.18, PFR: 13.64, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 22)
SB: $10.00 (VPIP: 9.09, PFR: 4.55, 3Bet Preflop: 11.11, Hands: 22)
BB: $14.40 (VPIP: 18.75, PFR: 13.33, 3Bet Preflop: 20.00, Hands: 16)
UTG: $10.00 (VPIP: 14.29, PFR: 14.29, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 7)
Hero (UTG+1): $19.33

SB posts SB $0.05, BB posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop:(pot: $0.15)Hero has TA

fold, [color=red]Hero raises to $0.35[/color], fold, fold, [color=red]CO raises to $4.90 and is all-in[/color], fold, fold, fold, Hero calls $4.55

Flop:($9.95, 2 players)7KQ

Turn:($9.95, 2 players)6

River:($9.95, 2 players)A

Hero shows TA (One Pair, Aces)(Pre 63%, Flop 78%, Turn 68%)
CO mucks 54 (High Card, Ace)(Pre 37%, Flop 22%, Turn 32%)
Hero wins $9.50

And had to withdraw 50$ ;/ but well have to live with that =) so here is graph from yesterday and its time to start playing

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Posted 10 years ago
Welcome ! And good luck on your journey !
Posted 10 years ago
Hey good luck man ill be following your thread...nice graphs. can u tell us anymore about the hands you posted like any dynamic between you and the villains and why you chose the lines you did...
Great start to your journey anyway!
Posted 10 years ago
Welcome abroad mate! It's a short sample but your redline looks good, can see you getting out of the lower limits in now time. Do you work in Poland at the moment?
Posted 10 years ago
Thanks guys for replies, its great to know that some1 is reading mine blog, its motivating as hell =) On my last blog when i had near no replies i felt like, you know, like i was wasting my time, on writting it.

Just edited post, havent noticed there is no stats, hole cards are hidden etc so edited it and used mostly a PT format. And about dynamic between me and this guy )it was same person) cant tell you much since it was just a typical TABLE CAPITAN, as you can see on his stats Wink Ive seen him on NL2 (that are stakes im playin on) making big senseless bluffs, shoving silly cards etc etc, and when i got JJ i felt like im having nuts. C'mon that guy was 95/70 3bet 60 so i think that was only one way to play it. Even if i get HU with him i prolly will have hard time with him if i get any overs postflop + that UTG+1 flatting guy for sure will make me some more problems. So i simply shoved, if UTG+1 was strong somehow imo he would 3bet not just flat (by flatting i find his range like some PP to setmine or some big broadwas like AQ or so to flop strong against fishy CO) so by shoving i was going to drop him out from a hand and well, hoping that table capitan wont lose his balls. And well he didnt let me down =)

About a 2nd hand its same guy who shoving everyhand after that one with me having JJ, so with AT i find myself in a good situation. I have nothing against even high variance situations so that decision was also pretty easy for me =)

y0 Dancing

No im not working atm. I was working sometime ago but i got kinda badly RAGEing boss and after 1 of his sick actions when he raged @ me and whole restaurant, i simply turn around went out and never came back. Also quitted univ, cuz i didnt feel good on a subject i was on, gonna start another (computer science) on october.

About yesterday. Shame on me. kinda strange day i had to go to my friends house to take my wallet back (skrill's card was there and as u may know i had to withdraw some cash) so few hours was already wasted. He was out for sometime (went with dog to a haircut lol) so i had like 1-1.5h before going for a bus. Ive never liked starting such short sessions so i decided to watch some poker vids.

After getting back to home, i made a dinner. Was going to start session but my father was going to go clean out garage. What could i do, i went to help him and like another 2h wasted ;/ Anyway im quite happy that i did it cause it was kinda trying even for me, so dunno how he would menage to fix it alone lol.

Anyway came back to home sat infront of mine laptop, lunched PT4 and got phonecall. Friend of mine was calling to ask me if im going out for some beer and joint. And as i find myself being a very cultured person i simply couldnt refuse that proposition Wink And weather here since few days its rly great so sitting some time outside was a rly nice option. When i come back i was so stoned that i simply went sleep lol.

Here is graph from yesterday, as a shame graph

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Anyway since yesterday was lame of me im going to play atleast 6k hands on weekend.

See you around guys
Posted 10 years ago
Can I ask whats the average wage like in Poland? I have a few Polish mates in the U.K, they seem to like life better here, which is crazy because England sucks Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
Average for entire country is something like 3k PLN but that includes all those high stakes jobs like president of a bank etc. Median or "real life average" for young students and somewhat experienced people that are somewhat qualified is more like 2k PLN and bellow. Some shitty jobs that you can get as a student (fast food etc.) sometimes pay barely above 1k PLN... And 1PLN equals about 0.25 EUR or like 0.19 GBP. Of course cost of living in Poland is lower than in UK if you look at absolute values. Our food, rent and stuff like that is cheaper but oviously you can't buy stuff like electronics cheaper then in other countries. Also in relative terms our food and rent is definitely not 5 times cheaper then in UK. So if you can get basic job in UK it will probably pay the same in GBP what it would pay in PLN (that is 1 GBP to 1 PLN), and most likely it will pay slightly better which is already good deal for you since relative cost of living compared to your pay is better than in Poland. Way better deal if you're planing on saving up and returning to Poland after a while.

In poker terms if you're NL20 break even rakeback (50%) grinder (80-100k hands monthly) you're already beating the "real life average" (though not by that much) but as soon as you move up to NL50 and above things start to get pretty efin rad for ya.
Posted 9 years ago
Why do you say UK sucks? I've been there last april and loved the country. Well, only been in London.
Posted 9 years ago

Why do you say UK sucks? I've been there last april and loved the country. Well, only been in London.

It's a lovely place if you wasent born there and spent 25 years living there Laugh


Average for entire country is something like 3k PLN but that includes all those high stakes jobs like president of a bank etc. Median or "real life average" for young students and somewhat experienced people that are somewhat qualified is more like 2k PLN and bellow. Some shitty jobs that you can get as a student (fast food etc.) sometimes pay barely above 1k PLN... And 1PLN equals about 0.25 EUR or like 0.19 GBP. Of course cost of living in Poland is lower than in UK if you look at absolute values. Our food, rent and stuff like that is cheaper but oviously you can't buy stuff like electronics cheaper then in other countries. Also in relative terms our food and rent is definitely not 5 times cheaper then in UK. So if you can get basic job in UK it will probably pay the same in GBP what it would pay in PLN (that is 1 GBP to 1 PLN), and most likely it will pay slightly better which is already good deal for you since relative cost of living compared to your pay is better than in Poland. Way better deal if you're planing on saving up and returning to Poland after a while.

In poker terms if you're NL20 break even rakeback (50%) grinder (80-100k hands monthly) you're already beating the "real life average" (though not by that much) but as soon as you move up to NL50 and above things start to get pretty efin rad for ya.

very intresting, do you want to go pro anytime soon?

Posted 9 years ago
Hiho VIP's =)

Reactivating blog, reasons why i do this are listed on 1st post (lol hate writing this again and again lol) wish me gl, ill need it lol

11.97$ in roll, 46 vpp

So since i had some pause and well to be honest i nearly never worked off table, i decided to change it and start to build ranges, check ev of a chosen line etc. 1st thing that come to my mind is that i have near no calling range (except PP) so decided to at least try to build some.

And there come up some problems, which i hope ill be able to fix with ur help =)

Lets say im building calling HJ vs UTG

lets assume UTG range is: 22+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo (just assumptation not a disscusion start if its 2 loose or not)

UTG raise to 0.08 so i need ~42,1% eq to be b/e, 0,08/0,19----> 42,1%

When i tell pokerranger to show up hands with eq higher than 42,1% it comes with this range: 33+,A2s+,KTs+,QJs,A7o+,A5o,KJo+ (50,6%eq vs his range)
hands with with eq higher than 50% vs his range : 77+,ATs+,KQs,AJo+ 59,2%eq vs range

While all in expert says its profitable to call with 22+,A2s+,KTs+,K8s-K2s,Q8s+,J9s+,T9s,97s+,87s,76s,A7o+,A5o,A3o-A2o,K7o+,QTo+ (LOL @ range) 45,9% eq vs range

some of those hands are shown as a EV 0 so after substrating non profit hands : 33+,ATs+,KJs+,ATo+,A7o,A5o,KQo 53,25% eq vs range

Btw kinda big diffrence between range given by PR and allin expert (i mean this big one range). Maybe i shall use allin expert just in all in situations not like this one? Anyway...

Now im totally dizzy. Which one shall i use? Any tips on constructing it? Could not imagine flatting with 3rd (all in expert huge) range HJ vs UTG. Since range 1 (1st from pokerranger) and 4th (after substract from all in expert 1st range) are close to each other, i have to say i think it would be hard to play those ranges 2 ranges also. Only one range with sense there for me is 77+,ATs+,KQs,AJo+.

Am i correct?

How do i shall look for correct ranges? Shall i set those 42,1% eq vs his range or choose hands that have 50%+eq vs range after substracting hands that i do 3bet? Or there is any other, better method to do that?

Any tips welcome =)

Have a great day!
Posted 8 years ago*
Well 2 much parties around lol

Have to be honest with myself without setting goals i wont prolly move nowhere...

That how last week looks like lol

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So gonna play today 2k hands - fair enough i think as a start, especially ill have to play 5-6 tables at beginning
Posted 8 years ago
Regarding ranges... What you have done is find out a calling range assuming you are not going to play any streets. Ie they shove for 0.08 and you are figuring out what to call. In our situation we have the flop turn and river and other players behind so simply looking at our EV is not going to help. Do we have good implied odds? Will villain give up all the time when he misses? How does he play v 3bets? All of these change our decisions as they affect our EV.

I'd suggest calling in this spot (utgvHJ) with 99+ ajs/aqs, aqo+ then 3bet your kk+, aks and maybe one wekaer combo. You don't need to be balanced at 2nl! Defo try and find some videos on beating the micros as trying to use a strategy for higher games won't work and (no offence) you probably won't understand it Cheeky

Looking at your graph and your redline going straight up suggests you are not folding enough. I know people say its great having a nice redline but honestly you should have a losijgn red line at 2nl as fish call you down with loads of shit hands and you shouldn't be calling them down light. In other words you shouldn't bluff much and you shouldn't be calling down their big bets with medium hands.

Posted 8 years ago

So as far as i understand at least some sample (and prolly reads how vill acts) is needed to create ranges?

Its not like im charging redline, i think its more because i fold alot, and dont have occasions to have big drops down.

Lots of videos seen, but i shall focus more on vbetting vs fish, but often i find myself calling them down with like Ahigh or so lol

Thanks dude =)

2k done, proud of myself, especially because got kinda ass kicked and was forced to play on like 3-4 tables, and well... EV is forcing me to play on 3 tables for some more time Laugh

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Today gonna play at least 1k hands (7,5$ in roll=3tables :S, played satellite, 3/6 >.< )
Posted 8 years ago
haha yeh parties will often get in the way of a routine but so will pretty much anything. I find making set routines is almost setting yourself up to fail before you even beging.

Aim should be imo to just grind as hard as you can when you can!

Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: haha yeh parties will often get in the way of a routine but so will pretty much anything.

I have to 100% agree Wink

I find making set routines is almost setting yourself up to fail before you even beging.

not sure if i understood it Wink

Aim should be imo to just grind as hard as you can when you can!


Failed @ 1k yesterday Worried

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Have to build a br of 20+$ to play 9 tables as i generaly did, things going way too slowly for me like that. And its really pissing me off when i lose 1BI and im forced to leave table lol

Sometimes i think i shall play more TAGgy especially vs vills (generally another regs) on which i have not many hands. Ofter i see situations like i have 100-200 or even 300 hand samples on some1, and like no situations for fold 2 turn cbet or so.

Unfortunately cannot set any goal for today, have to leave home in few mins and gonna have a busy day, but gonna do my best to play some, have to go out as soon as possible from this swamp.
Posted 8 years ago
You know something which just dawned on me is the title of your blog.

2nl to a better life

I guess i just read this as it was but i assume there are much deeper levels to it? What are you not happy with now and what sort of life are you aiming for? Do you think money = a good life?
Posted 8 years ago*
Seems its start to reactivate blog. Last time.

Its getting like semi micros for living since i moved out to a friend.

Goals for this week are to play 2.5kh per day and post one (if i find any and i rly shall have no problems with) hand with no comments etc.

Dont wish me gl anymore, wish me to be strong.
Posted 8 years ago*
Fuck, 1st day of blog and ofc some irl problems have to show up. One of best friends (and a flatmate) have to leave country for some time. And prolly will have some problems with archiving goals for ~2-3 days Worried

Anyway seems 2.5k can be changed for 3k hands. Done yesterday goal without much problem, even including that i was out for sometime.

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PokerStars - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

UTG: $1.87 (VPIP: 15.32, PFR: 11.41, 3Bet Preflop: 6.84, Hands: 339)
MP: $1.68 (VPIP: 18.31, PFR: 11.27, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 74)
CO: $2.05 (VPIP: 21.88, PFR: 19.27, 3Bet Preflop: 5.48, Hands: 193)
Hero (BTN): $3.23
SB: $2.26 (VPIP: 22.37, PFR: 5.26, 3Bet Preflop: 6.06, Hands: 76)
BB: $2.40 (VPIP: 55.56, PFR: 5.56, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 36)

SB posts SB $0.01, BB posts BB $0.02

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has KK
UTG calls $0.02, fold, fold, Hero raises to $0.10, SB calls $0.09, BB calls $0.08, UTG calls $0.08

Flop : ($0.40, 4 players) 56J
SB bets $0.39, fold, fold, Hero calls $0.39

Turn : ($1.18, 2 players) 8
SB bets $1.77 and is all-in, Hero calls $1.77

River : ($4.72, 2 players) A

notes from PT4
[P] 3Bet Blind vs steals w/{KJo} (1)
[P] 3Bet range {KJo} (1)
[P] Called 2Bet from blinds range {K8s,QJo,J9o} (3)
[F] Donks flop with top pair or better (1)

PokerStars - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

BTN: $3.08 (VPIP: 21.43, PFR: 14.29, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 28)
SB: $2.10 (VPIP: 15.88, PFR: 10.61, 3Bet Preflop: 2.89, Hands: 883)
BB: $2.58 (VPIP: 50.00, PFR: 12.50, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 8)
UTG: $2.00 (VPIP: 9.52, PFR: 9.52, 3Bet Preflop: 16.67, Hands: 21)
Hero (CO): $2.12

SB posts SB $0.01, BB posts BB $0.02

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has AQ
fold, Hero raises to $0.07, fold, fold, BB calls $0.05

Flop : ($0.15, 2 players) 356
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn : ($0.15, 2 players) 6
BB checks, Hero checks

River : ($0.15, 2 players) 2
BB bets $0.07, Hero calls $0.07

Lol i think it took me like 1h or even more just to find how to paste hands with sense, i mean basic stats, cards images etc and finally find that prolly adding a " : " next to cards is easiest. Other ways are causing problems like no cards images, some txt in hh like [color=red]xxx[/color] etc

Going to sleep hard days commin
Posted 8 years ago
As i though played yesterday just 1k hands ;s gonna be repaid soon. Decided to post hands in a hands discussion forum.

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