Cant escape poker- my new journey

Posted 7 years ago

Hi guy`s, a few of you might recognize me as i used to be a regular on this site.

So i stopped playing poker as i just could not find my way out of the micro`s, i lacked real dedication and commitment and if i am fully honest would spend most of my time watching poker videos and lurking in forums as i was too scared of losing to play, to scared of being shown i am not as good as i think.

So in the end i thought enough is enough, this is going no where so i scrapped poker and started living life without it, that is until i received a email from BPC offering me a discount on their 6 max micro course, which at first i just ignored, but the more time went on the more i got the itch nagging me in the back of my head.

I decided nothing that is worth having comes easy, and that includes poker and so i joined BPC and am on module 3, part of the course if making a blog to track your progress which i have done and will leave a link to if anyone is interested in having a peek.

The reason i am posting on this forum with a new journey is that the poker room i will be playing on is linked to PVIP so i will be getting involved in the rake races and with that, the community again.

^ My BPC blog, And with that said, i wish you all the best on the poker tables, i will be updating the other blog daily and this one less often but i will still update it.


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Posted 7 years ago*
Alright i have managed to move past the first set of lessons in BPC after hitting my target amount of hands of 10k
I found the first part pretty good and informative and there where a lot of basic things in there that had not even occurred to me in all my years playing and studying which was a welcome surprise.

To anyone interested here is a look at my graph for my first 10k hands following the course set out by BPC.

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So im pretty happy with it so far but the first 10k is only the start and i expect to play hundreds of thousands if not millions of hands during the entirety of this course but a good start is always welcome in my book.

so now to send in my report and get feedback from the coaches on how i am doing according to the information i was given and continue on with the course.

GL on the tables everyone ! 64

For all those interested in following my progress directly from the BPC forum where i update a lot more than on here the link is here >> BPC Blog
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome back! Nice graph. What stakes have they got you started on? What are the hand requirements and time frames like at BCP?
Posted 7 years ago
Hey, and thanks! - well basically i am on the 6 max micro course, and you can start at whatever stake you are currently playing, coming of a break i decided to start at 2nl but you will be able to start where ever you are playing if you decide, but i would recommend dropping in stakes at least for the first few modules while you get used to playing the new ranges they give you.

As for the time frame, that really comes down to the individual - you put in as much time as you can and the more you put in the faster it is, but im personally not looking to rush as poker is a long term investment and i want to get the most out of it and go on to crush the games long after i am done with the course.

Hand requirement`s are pretty reasonable i think, 10k hands per module after module 3 ( first 3 modules are more about mind set and introducing you to the site and letting you know how to do everything and setting up a plan/pt4/hm2 etc,etc)

There is also live group coaching 3 or 4 times a week.

Where you thinking of giving it a go ?
I would recommend it from what i have seen so far but im pretty early on in the course and still have a lot to go through.

1 thing i will say tho is that i do not find any point in using their referral links for poker sites as the ones with pvip are better for me personally, may be dif for you tho.
Posted 7 years ago
Hi to anyone who find`s their way in here and are curious about BPC or how my time on the course is going Smile

Basically with work i have not had much time to play and study which has left with close to 0 time for scrolling throu forums and updating blogs etc,
However i decided i would update each time i hit a notable point in the course so here it is.

Its taken a little while to get this many hands in but i hit 53k hands and have moved up from 2nl to 5nl and will post the graph below.

I am running 8bb/100 but my bb/100 adj is 9.2bb/100 which is not the best for 2nl but deffo not bad.

So far i am enjoying the course and think it is very valuable in increasing poker ability and getting better at the tables.

Only 1 thing i would complain about and that is recently they added new homework after every training video, i wont go in to detail cos you have to pay to play and im not giving out info i pay for, for free xD but im sure it does help but its a bit annoying to do.

So yea i will update when i move up to 10nl for sure but will try update a bit more often than that if i have the time between work study and playing

GL on the tables!

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Posted 7 years ago
Graph is looking pretty sexy buddy!

I guess you just have to take notes and basically report back on what you have learnt and stuff. I think this is a good practice as if they are creating content it is

a) good to know it is being used
b) it is useful to their players

Keep up the good work!
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks jon, red line could do with some work tho but i guess that will come later Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
Looks good GS, missed this blog the first time around, but good to have you back! I looked at BPC but as a tournament player there's not much there, however I did consider the sit n go course but not for me. It's really great for cash players though.

Congrats on moving up and a positive graph is always good!
Posted 7 years ago
Failed the first time round on the move up, lost 10 buy ins in 3 days, hit stoploss each day and then moved back down which was frustrating.
After moving back down i hit stoploss again.

However its not all bad news, kept playing and studying, kept at it and after a few days sessions im able to take a 10 bi shot at 4nl on betvictor,
Strategy will be the same 10 buy ins or move down untill i win it back.

I was a bit frustrated with the miss but its pretty common to take shots and miss but in the words of gordon from BPC, Champions stand up 1 more time.

Keeping at it and will keep you updated at important points in the journey.

GL on the tables all !

Posted 7 years ago
Very nice journey thread. I'm looking forward to your future posts.

As for the downswing, unfortunately it's just part of poker player's life. Human beings don't react particularly well to them because we think we have a lot more control over our lives than we actually have and the volatile nature of results in poker (at least in the short run) seems to hint at the possibility that a great deal of that control might be an illusion. That being said, like with everything else in life if you work hard enough and if you're persistent enough the results will come.
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks matt,
As for future updates i have one right now,

First off the down swing was pretty rough and after hitting my stoploss 4 days in a row, my limit is 3 bi per day due to being tilt prone (3 of them where at 5nl while taking a stab) i have had 1 break even day and the rest have been winning, which im pretty happy about

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Here is a look at the overall graph and that nasty downswing was my first shot at moving up, just looking at it makes me cringe xD

But i am pretty happy with the upswing that follows, its not as sharp but still pretty nice after a failed attempt.

So right now i am playing 4nl i moved up 4 days ago today will be my 5th day playing and i have not had a losing day yet it will come i just hope when it does it is not too harsh (will prob be today i usually lose after posting in a thread which is one of the reasons i dont tend to update alot xD

anyways here is the graph

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Not that many hands for 4 days but im working on improving my volume but with work i dont have much time, (3 hours play vs some study per day) i just have to increase my tables at a slow rate to see it improve

That`s its for now, my next post will hopefully see me well on my way to 10nl with alot more volume

GL at the tables Everyone!

Posted 7 years ago
Ok Turns out i was wrong, did not have a losing day after this i have had 3 more winners, however 2 very short sessions yesterday and teh day before cos my ISP was playing up and everytime i sat to play withing 5 mins my net would die so volume so far this month is not as much as i want it to be but i am on course for beating my record number of hands and hours in a month so far while being a student of BPC.

Overall graph

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Nice recovery after my first stab at moving up Laugh

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And here is the 4nl graph, nice and steady she goes Cheeky

So atm im around halfway to moving up to NL10 and hopefully this can keep going, im deffo running good but i am playing pretty well too and making some really good fold (money saved is money won) fold i could not have made before i started on the BPC course

Will update again soon to keep the progress tracked, thats all for now GL on the tables all!

Posted 7 years ago
Another good day at the tables, went really well for the most part untill the end when i lost a pretty big pot with a straight vs a backdoor flush - not sure if i could have made the old their but i will have to go over the hand and see if i could have played it differently or made the big fold and will also get the hand looked at in my next coaching session with BPC, pretty interesting spot i thought.

But despite that i still finished the session just under 4bi up so can not complain i guess.

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Here is the graph, the Failed shot is starting to look less and less significant as time goes on, just hope that i am playing as well as i think and am not just on a heater (time will tell)

GL on the tables everyone and catch you next time !

Posted 7 years ago*
Hit stop loss for the first time in a while today after only 500 hands (3 buy ins) things just did not go well, hit top pair in a 3 bet pot with AKs on K99 and got it in on the flop and he called the 3 bet with A9os so pretty much a cooler so cant do much in that spot 100 bb deep and then i had 99 on a 82447 twotone he raised flop and barreled it off with 77 but got there on the river hitting the 2 outer, not sure if i could have folded the river given every draw missed but im also not sure he is bluffing their with his missed draws, was unknown villian but if he can raise 77 on that flop it cant be too bad but im unsure.

So now the losing day has come i can get rid of it as it has been bugging me in the back of my mind when it would come.
Hopefully can get back to winning now Cheeky

GL on the tables !64
Posted 7 years ago*
So today was a decent day finished 2 and a half bi up however i should have been winning double that but swings and roundabouts, goes both ways, put in a extra hour at the tables today as no coaching and my first hour i was only 3 tabling due to lack of games.

Glad i got in the extra hour cos at the end of my usual 3 hours i was BreakEven (< Also happens to be my screen name so take it easy on me if we meet at the tables:P)

Todays graphAttached Image

Think im guna watch a training video and do some hand reviews for the rest of the night and catch ya`ll next time and as always GL on the tables!
Posted 7 years ago
So its been a while since my last update but that is because i have not got in much volume due to going away to visit a friend, could not play poker as i spent most of the time intoxicated. i did play once or twice with a hangover which i do regret but its been pretty break even and i am still well on course to beating my profit in a single month by quite a bit, however as for hands and hours played the last week of has been pretty brutal and im going to have to get some serious time in at the tables to beat them.

Wont be playing today or even perhaps tomorrow as i cashed out my roll to take advantage of a deal on PVIP on another microgaming skin and now its just waiting for the cash to hit my account.

Anyways here is a look at the graph

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Been almost break even for a while but hoping for another upswing soon so i can get back on track for getting to 10nl
Was hoping to be at 10nl before the end of this month but the week off has really put the brakes on that and my time at the tables has been kind of a stalemate, hopefully the next update will have a bit better news and who knows, maybe i can pull out a miracle and get to 10nl before the end of the month with some luck and decent rakeback Laugh

GL on the tables guys and catch you next time

Posted 7 years ago
Couple of smart moves

- weekend intoxicated
- new deal taking advantage of deposit bonuses

Love the hustle buddy keep it up!
Posted 7 years ago*
So finally back at the tables, Had a bit of trouble depositing on the new site as they asked for I.D also i still have not recieved my VIP upgrade so with all that i decided i have waited long enough and will just throw my money on stars so i can get back to grinding.

Got in 5 hours at the table today 2.6k hands and im like .50c down and thats pretty brutal as i was over 3 bi up at one point but some sticky situations brought me back to even.

Lost the classic AA-56o - QQ-KK all in pre C.O vs BB KK-AA twice and QQ-KK BTN v BB and i also got flush over flushed twice so pretty much breaking even is a decent result considering all that but feels really brutal. Decided that if i keep playing i may be prone to tilting so going to study up and take a break before coaching tonight.

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^Le graph

Wish i could play more as i really need to pick up the volume due to 4 days in a row off and the need to break my monthly hours and hands played so far while in BPC but im sure i will manage and overall still running over 8/bb100 so also a positive Cheeky

Will update again soon.

GL on the tables all 64
Posted 7 years ago*
Alright so yesterday i got in a decent number of hours but hit a loss and today i got in more hours and hit a win the 2 days combined give me loss of just under half a BI and im running pretty far below ev for the 2 days.
However its not all bad news, i managed to break my monthly record of hours played while in the course (Currently at 46 hours was 40 hours) not bad for the amount of time i had off this month but i found the time in other places to make up for it.

Still not beat record hands but if i play as much volume as i have been doing the last few days it should eb a pretty easy thing to accomplish and as for record monthly winnings, still smashed my previous record and i would have to do something spectacularly stupid to fuck that one up xD

Monthly graph so far

(Edit)For some reason i can not upload or even link the graph so i will do it when i next update! Smile

Not bad but i cant help but wish the ev line was my green line xD

Chances are im not going to hit 10nl this month unless i hit some sort of miracle but can hopefully get it done before the end of next month,
and speaking of next month to keep me motivated im going to set myself a little challenge to play so many hands in the month, not sure how many i will put as of yet will have to try see what my schedule is looking like but im hoping to set a target of 80-100k roughly depending on what i feel is doable with work but yet still noit a walk in the park Laugh

Thats it for now GL on the tables all! 64
Posted 7 years ago
So i have done 3 hours today and had a winning session, still can not post graph which is a bit annoying but its fine.

So as for today, besides playing and attending coaching and doing some work on the 6max micro course i decided its time to get organised and lay out my plans and goals for next month in poker, the hand volume is not the best but considering there is only 28 days in the month i have work and other things on the list to take care of i think it is an achievable but tough goal. My plans are as follow`s.

-Play 70,000 hand (2,500 per day on reg tables = around 5 hours per day 6 tables) This may still be difficult but should i need to i will allow myself to hit the zoom tables for a maximum of 1 day per week just for volume and i have added 2 extra tables to my reg grind as so far i have been playing 6 for a few month`s.

-Attend atleast 2 coaching sessions per week

-Review tagged hands daily with PT4 and flopzilla

-Watch and do homework for at least 3 of the 6-Max micro course per week

-Update blog atleast once per week to track progress and see that i am hitting my target goals

-Watch at least 2 mind set videos per week

All in all i feel like this is doable but will be tough and will require a lot of dedication on my part but the only one who will improve my game is me, the rest is just tools for me to use to my advantage.

Also looking to move up to 10nl next month but i have not set this as a goal as poker variance can go either way and i remember being told once not to set monetary goals when it comes to poker as if you fail to meet them it can be pretty discouraging, I also would like to beat all my record`s for hands/hours and money won while in the BPC programs but given this schedule that should come with it pretty easily besides the money but hopefully i play good run good and move on up !

That`s it for now GL on the tables everyone ! 64