Posted 6 years ago
No I haven't and I have absolutely no idea what the problem is. I don't like posting people's screen names either, so it sucks a bit.

Playing on Guts this weekend and no, there aint any sicko promos on there at all, no no, no. I didn't lose 7BI at 10nl last week during a promo and still made 6BI profit from one either; honest I didn't guv. Seriously, get dealt aces and be paid an auto 5e, how fun is that!

So, I've split my roll between Betfair and Guts which means 4/5nl on Ipoker and take the shot at 10nl on Guts for the promos because you need to be playing 10nl and above.

20BI for Ipoker and 16BI should cover the Guts promos, I mean, what could possibly go wrong ... Cheeky
Posted 6 years ago
Good Luck!!
Posted 6 years ago*
Wow, what a weekend for the promo on Guts, just bonkers! Get dealt aces from 7pm Friday to 11:59 Sunday and receive instant 5e into your account, up to 50e, easy game init!

Got 7 x AA on Friday night for 25e and won 31e normal-like. I also won 4BI at 5nl on ipoker before that, what a great start to the weekend eh!

Sunday Morning - ...

Lost 53e in 10 minutes on Guts includes the 3 AA I got dealt, just brutal - and 5BI on Ipoker after I got fed up and shut Guts down.

Wft dealer, that's just taking the piss!

A little recompense, getting paid for this:

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Posted 6 years ago
Pretty decent flop
Posted 6 years ago
Yep, got stacks in v JQo and it cheered me up just a bit.

Back grinding my 220+ at 5nl on ipoker today and cashed a few bbs so still going in the right direction for now at least.

Ran out of beers so off to watch tv and early bedibyes. Have a nice Sunday.
Posted 6 years ago
Always wanted to know how to spell bedibye. Thanks for the clarification!! Giggle
Posted 6 years ago
Haha, it was my best guestimation!

So, not a bad week pokerwise, except for the break even Guts promo. Aparently this week's one is unsuitable for me so I'll likely give it a miss this time.

Sometimes of course, a facepalm just doesn't cover it ...

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Posted 6 years ago
Well I've been rather too busy lately to update this but I'm still plodding along.

Nice of Guts poker to put these promos on every weekend, worth around 20bb/100 I think if my sums are up to it. Of course that means, along with a few + days my br is building nicely and currently at £308 and comfortable playing 4 - 6 tabs of 10nl. Still can't make up my mind if moving there would be good for me, what with no tracking software etc., or pull it off and take a stab at 20nl. I'll probably wait till my coach says I'm up to it though and current limit isn't too tough.
On the plus side the rake race on here would by a bonus but not a great deal of difference (if any considering I would be unlikely to get up the leader board) for the volume I'm playing currently.

Had a nice coaching session recently, my third in all but the most analytical and the bossman says I should be doing stuff like check/shoving a lot more on good boards, so now all I gots ta do is find those good boards/villains and stop getting stacked by bad regs and the wrong boards,

...I mean, what could possibly go wrong!? SweatingGiggle

Have a fun weekend.

Posted 6 years ago*
So, I won a qualifier to play Powerfest $109 and ran like a man with one leg in a sack race, in the end shipping 22bb over an agrotard iso and my 9s ran into Ks; gg me.

Also been picking up the soap at 10nl, just brutal so dropped to 5nl again for a confidence builder. So much for 20nl by June then.

Apart from that, I'm making a hud and popups in hm2 and trying to keep it relevant to the limits I play and simple. I have the mighty w34s4l's hud but it's a bit packed with info for the trenches, so I'll mothball that one til later.

My game is stronger these days I think and I should be able to beat 10nl at least, results notwithstanding of course.

I'll post a vid of 4 tables of 5nl speed on youtube and see what my coach my to say, I think I'm playing my best lately but then I aint the coach am I!? Emo
I'll link it if here if anyone is interested in reviewing it at 2X speed. I wonder if a vid review is still in the offing on here?

Guts this weekend for the promo, get dealt aces 10 times, get a free 5e 10 times. Easy game. CoolCashCash

Well anyway, I'm not feeling great today so maybe I'll give battling the regs a miss for a bit.

Laters gators.
Posted 6 years ago
So I played really, really, well I thought, vidoed it and reviewed it with the mighty scrubx - only to discover I didn't play really really well at all, in fact, I haven't got a clue how to play really really well, just how to play meh.
I need to bluff a lot more than I do but then finding villain's who can fold isn't easy at 5nl. Yes, I'm playing 5nl until I get told I can play a bit better even though I'm rolled for 10nl.

Looking to be good enough for nl20 by July, which was my plan and I seem to be fairly close to being on track at least, if not there yet. Playing 'solid' poker just isn't as easy as people make it out to be, particularly when there are lots of multiway pots, which is just the time you whiff versus three 25bb fish of course; standard. Yeh, fish; there I said it, get over it. Cheeky

Took at shot at the plo10 promo on Guts last weekend but kinda broke even again and got 1-outered 3 hands in 5. Nice job dealer. Picked up 45e from the promo though, so it's all good.

Right, off to walk my tubby dog later when it cools down, we're not very used to so much sunshine here and I'm not keen on getting all sweaty and shit anyway so I hide from it when I can.

Have a fun week. Sun

Posted 6 years ago
Hey there Mal!
Hope all is well!

What BR management are you using for going up to 20nl? As in how many buyins at least per level do you want?
Posted 6 years ago
Grocker my man, how are you these days, crushing on and offline I hope, that would be nice to hear.

Oh and as for the 20nl shot, I'll likely give it a shot at around the 550 mark or so and drop back at 400 if it's a disaster. My main roll is 330-ish but I have 100 on Guts ready for the promos at the weekend and a backup of 100-ish in case of er, em, well y'know, stuff …

Still playing 5nl for now (mostly speed) but apparently my fundamentals are ok, which is good really, having your fundamentals pack in on you is painful.

Beer-o-clock so laters gaters, have a fun day. Beer

Posted 6 years ago
I’m good thanks Mal. I took a break over the last few months. Wanted PT4 for ages and have it now. So I can do a lot more analysis and work on my game in different ways which motivates me. I’ll see in a 100k+ Hands or so how much I’m crushing or not crushing hah. Looking forward to getting back at it and chatting with you lot again!
Posted 6 years ago
Guts upped the promos from 10nl+ to 20nl+ so I've given them the elbow for now. got my roll slashed paying a bill but back up again to around tree fiddy.

I'll need to think differently when I do move up, but for now I haz reads init. I play super exploitable and so unbalanced I'm surprised I don't fall over, but nobody (well seems nearly nobody) cares much.

Problems arise when I try to reply to a hand history posting of course; I'd overbet where everybody says chk/c, but that may partly be a function of player pool population dynamics as well me trying to be more aggressive whenever it seems logical Like how many 3-4 handed pots do you get at zoom5 as compared to ipoker fastfold? I know HU pots are definitely not the norm on ipoker 5nl that's for certain.

Nice to see the Grockerman streaming and chatting these days, even though I don't get to pop in as often as I'd like - oh and good luck with the application buddy. Yes

Well anyway, the old winrate stuff is going fine and the bankroll is moving in the right direction, just need to get a bit more and the all clear from the coaching bossman and it'll be 20nl shot by the end of July.

Let's do this … Punch

Have fun.

Posted 6 years ago
Glad you’re having a good time. Yeah it sounds like the pools you are in are prone to more multiway spots. Do you get RB?
Posted 6 years ago
@Grocker6 I get the 35% through PokerVIP but not in the rake race for now and no HUD on Fastfold obviously. Standard tables don't appear to be a whole lot softer but it's all relative init! not winning huge because I'm inconsistent but plodding along 'ok-ish'

Still not getting weaktight to work so given up posting for now; I even tried registering a different email but no joy.

Catch you in-stream again I hope. Gl. Handshake
Posted 6 years ago*
Nice, I've been considering my options about different sites. My only issue has been traffic. I just wanna hop on and play without taking half an hour to find the right game. Also I stream and people like to watch Stars for some reason. Even if you ask @fergrberger , he'll tell you that viewing numbers drop on other sties. It's a bit weird but hey. I'm considering putting in a BR boost deposit to play 10nl. I've just about built my BR to my goal where I will do that. But I'll play a little more and study first. It's nice to have a good amount of buyins to cushion a bad session when you move up. I feel I want at least 35 these days.

Hope it keeps going well sir!
Posted 5 years ago*
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So, you might say that was quite a bad session for 5nl speed and it puts me down around the 120 mark for the last week. Emo

On the plus side ... Bowing

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Not overrolled for 10nl now that's for sure, so sticking with 5nl for now.

Had a yawnfest sess this morning, 550 hands on 6 tabs for a 1/2BI loss and playing something like 15/9/0.5, just card dead for ages. Worse was the passivity of the pool, I nearly fell asleep waiting for someone to raise, can't 3b if they all limp can I(rhetorical)!?

Anyway, the weather is brutal, it's been around the 28c+ all week here and it's a well known fact my melting point is 22C! Sweating

Weaktight; pff, tried everything I can think of now and it still posts gibberish so fuck it I'll just have to do screen shots.
Think I might move to H2N soon when I can get the hud and popups and stuff sorted out it looks very good but obv wont work on speed.

Also bought Ipoker Tools for 30 bucks and it seems glitchy. The bet sizing thingy is a fucking mess and makes it 2.5bb on one table and 3.2 1st in on another for the same position, wtf is that all about? So basically I paid 30 bucks to see my chips in BB ffs. Angry

So, off to watcha vid on playing draws with a cold pint of lemon squash and the builders banging about next door.

Have fun.

Posted 5 years ago
Got ipoker tools working a little better but now hm2 has gone on the blink. I thought if I sync my hands on the cloud it would let me download them again after uninstal/reinstal but no joy, maybe I'm as fishy at that as most I.T. stuff these days.

Yet another clean db it is then; whatever.

Br was growing a little last I looked and no more disaster sessions to report since (see above)
Here's a 'thing', when the redline is flatt(er) and trending towards the zero line I have good winning sessions, the steeper it is the worse the session goes generally. Most likely I'm just crap at multiway, fishy tables, regs 3betting like it's going viral aren't a problem these days.

Anyway, gardening in the heatwave today, oh joy. I detest gardening. Sweating
Must try to pop into a stream or two when I can as well.

Posted 5 years ago
HUD issues seem to the bane of a lot of poker players lives! Least you don't have to pay for it Wink

Bit of rain last night FINALLY, needed it so badly. Off to Wales for the weekend today though