Posted 7 years ago
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Ok managed to get a pic of my monthly graph up by using a different browser ^
Posted 7 years ago
Taking the next 2 days off before i get in to next month as i have a lot on and i dont want to burn myself out before next month even start`s. The main reason for this post is a upload of my progress on bpc so far.

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This graph includes rake back etc, so thats why profit is much higher than on pt4.

Looking to break all them record`s next month hopefully, next update not coming until i have started my grind in Feb just wanted to wrap up this month on the blog.

GL on the tables all !64
Posted 7 years ago
Fast little update on the month so far,

So i could not play on day 1 due to my roll still waiting to be put on a site but on day 2 i managed to get in 2k hands and went shopping with the intention of playing more when i got back, but that did not work out as i ended up going out for a meal and getting drunk Wooops Worried

As for today i have so far got in around 800 hands in 2 hours and am currently having some technical problems on bet victor ( tables crashed and having trouble logging back in and can not open tables when i do get in) but both so far have been winning days

I decided that i want to move out of the micros as fast as possible and have topped up my BR so i am now rolled for 10nl and i spoke with my coach who told me if i am still beating nl4 and nl5 by over 5bb/100 in another 15k hands i can take a 5 bi shot at 10nl so fingers crossed.

So far i am behind on my progress for hands however i am putting extra time aside so i can meet my targets, on the downside i have decided that i will not be making up volume at the zoom tables just for the sake of volume and will be grinding out the reg 6 max tables only as i feel its better to do it that way as my winrate at reg tables is far higher than at zoom tables and i want to do it right not rush it.

Thats it for now gl on the tables and catch you next time! 64
Posted 7 years ago
Do not think i am going to be able to hit the 70k hands this month with how it has started out as i hit stop loss today after only 1k hands and the last 2 days i have only got in 2k hands each day and was not able to play on the first so im going to bring my target down to 50k hands as i feel it is more reachable with the amount of time i have already missed in order to hit 70 hands i would have to play 6 hours a day as i cant play zoom and still have to study and attend coaching, which i just don`t have the free time for so guna drop it down to 50k hands

GL on the tables
Posted 7 years ago
So today have hit stop loss for the second time in 3 days and with that comes confirmations that i will not be able to make 70k hands this month as when i made the plan i did not even take in to account stop loss which was pretty foolish, so right now im feeling a little deflated and frustrated.
Did not managed to get in even 600 hands before i hit it either, hit a few coolers and generally started playing like shit with tilt so decided tomorrow is another day so will get back at it then.
GL in your games!
Posted 7 years ago
Brutal month so far, hit stop loss a few times and just generally running like shit, have made a few bad choices due to tilting but at least stop loss has the desired effect in limiting such thing`s.

By the looks of things may not be moving up to 10nl anytime soon and my volume is no where near where i want it due to stop losses limiting my playtime by far my worst start to a month since getting on the course but it happens to everyone, just have to play, study, rinse and repeat

graph for month so far

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Hoping to turn this around and get the volume turned up, GL on the tables all ! 64
Posted 7 years ago
This month is pissing me right the fuck off, cant get in volume and running like shit, dont want to be a downer but over my last 30 k hands on a massive down swing when ev says it should be an upswing.

Only 12k hands in so far this month but still got to try get the 50k in but if it carry`s on like this will be a tough job anyways that`s enough crying for now, back at it again tomorrow hopefully with better results and will update again in a week or so, gl at the tables!
Posted 7 years ago
How you fairing now mate?
Posted 7 years ago
Hey, sorry its been so long but i lost the use of my pc which means i had to re-install windows which was a pain in the ass as i lost all my data from pt4 and a bunch of other stuff, but i am back playing and i am currently at 10nl, i wont be continuing with this thread but after the long absence i dont think it would make much difference Laugh

As for BPC i am no longer with them for personal reason`s but i still stand by what i said in saying they are a good community and are worth the time and money invested but there are a few things i didn't like in my time with them such as the coaching and learning materiel seem to get a bit repetitive but i assume that`s so you can really get it drilled in you i guess. i did not get my deposit back but in all fairness i understand that and think with the information i have walked away with is worth more than the 500 i left behind.

Well i am still continuing on my own and my next goal is 20nl which with some luck and run good wont take too long, esp now i do not have to give away half my profit xD gl on the tables all.
Posted 7 years ago
Yo bro good to hear from you and sorry to hear things came to an end over on BPC!

Please keep the thread going...although I am more of a lurker nowadays I do always check in and have a read...can tell from how many views this journey has how popular it is.

Where you grinding?
Posted 7 years ago
Got to 10nl on 888 and stars after a break cos of some life stuff, but i am switching back to betvictor in a few days once my roll is withdrawn just for the rakeback mainly how about yourself, where you grinding these days?
Posted 7 years ago
Im gonna have a follow. I think you will be happy with BV. I am on MPN 10NL now and beginning part of the year was meh, but they made some changes to the HUD and tracking rules a couple of weeks ago and I think it has made the pool softer. Not sure really, but this first part of May I am crushing. I am up probably about 12 or 13 buy ins in just the last few days.

Best of luck
Posted 7 years ago
So i have decided i will get back on the cfp course with best poker coaching that will put me back at 5nl for a bit but i don`t mind that so much,
I will update again when i am back on the course and making progress but the graph will be new as i did have to re-install pt4 when i had to re-install windows.
Catch you when i Start posting again (sometime next week) and gl on the tables!
Posted 7 years ago
Congrats on getting back with the CFP. I don't know anything about BPC, but I am part of a different CFP and have to say it is the best thing that happened to me in poker. Being part of a group of like minded individuals working towards common goals has a lot of advantages in a game like poker.

Best of luck. Interested in seeing your progress.
Posted 7 years ago
What CFP are you a part of? and do you have a journey about you`re progress ? would not mind having a look, As for the BV thing do you think that it has got softer since the new changes with pt4 as i am thinking about not playing there now unless its made it significantly softer
Posted 7 years ago
Its called i300. Its on another website similar to this that I will leave unnamed for obvious reasons. I do not have a journey. Would be nice to do one, but I find it hard to get in all my hands and theory work as it stands, so always felt like a blog would take time away from those, but who knows maybe it would add to my game.

As far as Microgaming goes, its hard to say definitively. I can only go off of my short term results, which, because of the changes, are harder to track. I still can see in my balance how well I am doing and would say that since the changes I have done fairly well. If I had to guess I am up 20+ bi since they changed. The challenge with that assumption is the upswing could be due to a lot of other things. In that same time I did a lot of work on my postflop game with calldowns, flop raises, bet sizes and barrelling. So I could just be better than I was, hard to say. It could be variance and I am just running really well. Although, it doesn't feel like that. I am definitely running decent, but I don't feel like I am in GOD mode at the moment. It certainly seems like there are a lot more fish at the tables, but, as poker player, we know that our minds can play tricks on us and make us think that things are happening way more often than they are or that we always get sucked out on or whatever, but when you go look at the spot it isn't happening nearly as often as you think.

It also kind of happened at a time when I wanted to play for a bit and not use a HUD. HUDs are great, but as @fergrberger just mentioned in a video recently, and its something @Jon-PokerVIP was always really good at and tried to teach in videos, that some regs just get too reliant on them. Sometimes you need to play HUDless for a bit so that you can get all the good fundamentals of the game down and learn how to just make good solid decisions in a vacuum. Not saying you don't, but for me, I wanted to make sure I got that part down. I also found myself making the mistake of giving too much weight to stats in the HUD and it was swaying my decisions too much in spots where maybe the stats didn't really mean much. HUDs are great if you have lots of stats and know how to use the numbers to make the right exploits. The challenge is you are rarely going to get a meaningful sample on anyone in Microgaming anyhow. On anon you could only ever get session stats, which would just help you see if someone was loose or tight and might be able to show you if they were aggressive or passive. You can usually figure that stuff out after a couple of orbits anyhow. On reg tables, the players can change their screen names every 30 days or every 1000 hands, so a lot of the players do that so the most amount of hands you will get is 1K, which is really not that significant to be using for postflop stats, especially beyond the flop. I know there are some guys who never change their nick and there are a few guys I do have 4k-8k hands on, but its only a couple and I am just never going to be making my money from them. I make the bulk of my winrate from the fish, who I am never going to get a significant sample on.

Lastly, I kind of look at it like this, and it may or may not be true: With the tracking so severely reduced there is a good side and a bad side. The bad side of it is obvious. You can't use a HUD, meaningfully anyhow. Additionally, it is really hard to track your own progress and win rate. This part of it does suck really bad and it is the part I hate most about the new rule. If I want to be a professional, not being able to track all my hands, my volume, my own stats to find my own leaks, my winrate, etc, makes it really difficult to figure out where you are at. The upside is that, a lot of regs fall into that category of using a HUD and tracking software as a crutch. Much like you are talking about, they are opting to leave MPN and other regs that are not a part of it that were maybe going to sign up, aren't now. This is great for those of us who are willing to put up with the sucky part of it. Just yesterday I think there may have been 1 or 2 tables out of my 6 that were me and anotehr potential reg sitting with 4 suspected fish, with at least 2 of them being obvious fish and I think on the rest of my tables I had at least 1 or 2 suspect fish. There was a lull in the middle of the day where it did seem kind of reggish and got kind of tight and boring, but most of the day was pretty action filled.

So a long winded way to say. I really don't know for sure if it is significantly softer than it was, but it sure feels like it and I am doing really well at the moment.

Hope it was helpful somehow and good luck out there wherever you may land!
Posted 7 years ago
Regarding the changes, I would be absolutely shocked if there isn't a substantial drop in the overall standard st the tables on MPN kind as a result of the new changes. The players that will not be willing to play there anymore will typically be the above average players.

As far as I know you can still track all your hands where ou have out money in he pot wth HEM2, I would imagine this will no longer be the case following the next update though as I would guess hey will follow the same path as PT4. (This is me speculating only, no actual facts to back it up)

You could always go old school and track your results via excel spreadsheets. Rather than having a bb/100 you'll just be calculating an hourly rate instead.
Posted 7 years ago
So been back at the tables playing the last 3 days, on the first day i managed 9 hours but broke even after a rough start
on day 2 i managed to get in 8 hours and had a pretty decent day finishing just under 6 buy ins up in profit
Today has been pretty gruesome am 7 bi down after 3 hours so going to take a little break to refresh and then i will get back to it a bit later and can hopefully turn that around, normally i would stop loss after 3 bi downswing but im not back on CFP just yet so im pretty much just playing and studying to get in volume before i do start with them again and get back in to the routine of playing for long hours.

Catch you all next time and gl at the tables
Posted 7 years ago
So i feel like i played the second half of the grind pretty solid but i had to laugh at some of the stuff going on, i mean it was pretty incredible, managed to get 1 buy in back after the 2nd half but i genuinely feel i should have been back at even or maybe even back in profit but swing s and round about, if i had not have played this morning session so bad i wouldn't have needed to win the buy ins back so just have to move forward and keep the grind and volume up.

Another 8 hour grind so in 3 days that`s just under 20k hands which im pretty happy with and break even for the 3 days, may get some more hands in later as i seem to be really learning a lot while i play, seem to be remembering things i have learned before and forgot also things seem to be just kind of clicking together (despite results) hopefully this will keep up and i can keep learning and improving (got to love a game when you have been playing it for years and you never stop learning)

GL on the tables all Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Where did you end up landing? What site(s) are you playing on?