Posted 8 years ago
Ok well this is an update of whats been happening. I've decided to post this stuff here because some people might be interested and I need something to do with this thread Smile

I'm feeling like I'm getting settled in to the whole staking thing. I have to admit I was a little nervous at first of not doing well for others and such.
But I feel more free now and the day today was a roller-coaster session which ended in the green. Not winning any of the PFAI's with strongest hands and all ins on the flop with leading hands, variance not on my side but keeping it going.
I feel like if I can keep a profit on a day like today then it gives me a good feeling when good days decide to hit. It's a confidence boost at least.

I didn't get chance to play much yesterday, but made a small profit, and today I made up for the hands to keep on track.
Also I've lost my royal flush-virginity today on BV as a side note... good old KQ of spades.

Managed a bit of guitar practice too which is always good. I think I'll chill and watch a coaching vid now so goodbye Smile
Posted 8 years ago
NIce post, royal flush eh! The first one is always nice! No pic of it??

Sounds like a decent day despite being on the wrong side of variance, good luck going forward!
Posted 8 years ago*
Hah if it's a pic you want, then it's a pic you'll get.

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Sadly not a board I could get much action from.
Posted 8 years ago*
Grocker6: Hah if it's a pic you want, then it's a pic you'll get.

Attached Image

hahaha yeh hard to get called there for sure!
Posted 8 years ago*
Ok well this is the other part of my life. Not much to do with poker, here but Jon did ask a while back.
Just a good old pub gig, singer was a bit ill, but It's all part of the fun.
We're a dirty rock band.
I'm Mr. Heisenberg shirt btw.

Posted 8 years ago
You guys rock, groupies and all !
Where the hell is this, and how much is the cover ?
Posted 8 years ago
Ok guys, this is what I've decided to do in this thread to make it more interesting and helpful at the same time.
I'll be making a video and narrating along with it and people can watch and post comments about certain spots I could have played better or just thoughts on certain hands.

So here is video number one!

Posted 8 years ago
Playing the same games as me so I will def have a watch and comment tonight!
Posted 8 years ago*
0:20 - A10 I would 3Bet bluff or fold this hand vs an UTG open. We should look at his EP VPIP and his f3B. If both high we can 3bet bluff. IF not this is just a fold. It is a fold as our hand plays poorly post flop.

1:20 K8 - Good raise. We should make it 3X-4X so WP

1:30 AK - good and fine for 40bb but do notice how tight of a player he looks. Always worth noting!

2.13 Q10 - You are in the CO and playing 4 handed. This is a must open!

2.20 A3 - We can also check back this flop to basically keep the pot small and induce leads on turn and river so we can call down. Also we can bet turn and think about getting turn/river value.

2.50 - KJ good raise pre vs limp

Timebank - Remember you cal hit the clock and get 90 seconds of time! Get into the habit of just clicking it when your speaking or concentrating elsewhere.

4.18 44 - I like this limp vs the bb limp. I think 66+ we raise to 4 x to iso/take it down but i also now just limp these small pairs OOP.

4.50 KJs - Fine to flat but can also use this hand to squeeze with OOP vs 2 opponents.

I will come back and do another 5 min of review later but so far that's all i got out of it.

Gotta say as a learning experience this is so nutted and everyone should do it. Like you say you are just putting your game out there, doesn't matter if you make mistakes and you just want to improve. Love that mindset and we will crush!

Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Playing the same games as me so I will def have a watch and comment tonight!

What's your screen name Jef?
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks, for the input Jon Smile
Much appreciated.

Yeah AT raise or fold pre I agree vs the UTG open.

The 4 hand QT spot I'd normally easily be opening so not sure what happened! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
MrMaximum - mainly been playing the blaze games at 10nl and reg games at 20nl!
Posted 8 years ago
Might be cool for us both to do some of these videos and comment on each others..............
Posted 8 years ago

Cool, yeah I still haven't touched the Blaze games! I've just not had the best time with those type of games in the past compared to the regular ones.

Sure thing about doing the videos! Not sure how regular its best to make them?
Posted 8 years ago
I know what you mean about speed games I have always found them to be a lot tougher than reg tables but the 10nl blaze is a gold mine! 90% of the pool just play completely face up so you can print money just playing complete ABC!

I will have a look at your vid tonight then do my own then we can decide from there how often would be do-able/most beneficial............
Posted 8 years ago
I could even do a blaze one to show you the games if you would prefer??
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: I could even do a blaze one to show you the games if you would prefer??

It would be great if you could do a blaze one yeah!

I think Jon said he'll be reviewing 5 mins of my vid per day, So I'll probably personally put out a new vid each week. Of course they're not just for Jon to comment, but everyone who watches and has something to say Smile
Posted 8 years ago

Do you find the Blaze games much softer than speed/zoom type games on other poker sites?
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah they are pretty dam soft! I'll get a vid done I'm sure you will agree Smile