Posted 9 years ago
lol what super donk
Posted 9 years ago
What did I just see?

Guy 3 bets and then 5 bets 82s? Then overbet shoves a flop with no pair or draws? That's mental.
You 4bet and then call a 5bet with A9o? Then call 2x the pot with just two overs? That's just as bad IMO. You got super lucky. Even if this guy was crazy and you had a 'read' this is really spewy.

I'm not sure who's line I dislike more.

Seriously. Wow.
Posted 9 years ago
You guys won't believe how often these spots occurs. Sure it looks super bad from my side, but you must understand that there is a reason why I think my play is +EV. Explo reads and stepping away from general strategy when you have one is how you make money in poker.
Posted 9 years ago
Lol that is not +EV :')

AND "stepping away from a strategy is how you make money in poker" is the biggest pile of bullshit ever. That would logically mean that your strategy isn't winning or is not optimal for your games. Sure deviate from your strategy based on reads but your strategy should be a solid winning strategy that we only divert from when we have a clear +EVspot v a huge whale.
Posted 9 years ago*
No doubt you have a reason. Your results indicate you know what you are doing. I have no confidence in anything I do, think or say so would never be able to do that even if I believed it to be the right play. I just can't see how this can ever be a +EV move. I guess he must have been betting and raising ATC and then donk shoving every flop regardless for this to work. He must also have been always folding to a 6bet otherwise shoving vs his ATC range would be a better bet than calling, planning to stack off with A high?

The only time I would take this line as the villain would be with QQ+, the hand immediately after getting stacked on a bad beat where I am looking to represent steaming tilt. Sometimes get your money straight back.
Posted 9 years ago
Ehh, this is getting too far.

Villain is on tilt mode, and at this stage he can't wait to get money in and gambool it up.

Villain 3bet clicks. He doesn't click pairs, broadways (traptrap) - this one does it with random atc, like Q8o, A6o, J3s and apparently 82s stuff as well. My 4bet is fancy, for value, and probably I should have just 6bet shoved. I'm waiting this guy to spazz, which he does on a very much blank flop, where 6x is top of his range.

Cookie - I don't have a solid 6 handed strategy. I'm just a b/e or small winner RB grinder when it's 5-6 handed standard poker. I'm not good at poker. 70% of my green line winnings comes from playing HU, 3 handed vs these guys. Of course I can flat pre, fold this flop and wait for a better spot, because this guy will give away his stack eventually, but he might give it to someone else instead.

"AND "stepping away from a strategy is how you make money in poker" is the biggest pile of bullshit ever. "
I don't get this.

You should check out some hands from this guy - he has much bigger heart than I do! And he plays NL1kz

My come back to Betfair wen't well, +100$ (EV+RB) in 1.1k hands bangbangbang!
Posted 9 years ago
Holy effing Christ! SID is back. I used to love that guys threads. He is the king of (h).

I may have to get back on Two Plus Two!

I think that he is generally making these threads to create image and dynamic and getting people to tilt and play bad against him though.
Posted 9 years ago
Oh an also its totally fine to have that much heart at NL1k. If you move up that high they respect your raises more.
Posted 9 years ago
"AND "stepping away from a strategy is how you make money in poker" is the biggest pile of bullshit ever. "

This just means that winning poker doesn't mean break even strategy and then you change your play to make money :') It is you have a strategy that beats the games and when it is a higher EV to take a different strategy you take that.

Even if villain is spewing getting it in with A high means you have either 74% v 2 random cards or yourself only have 26%. Not saying I hate coz its with a read etc. but saying it is +EV is stretching it :')
Posted 9 years ago
Turn it around buddy!

I believe you will be the next isildur1!
Posted 9 years ago
Cookie - you're just playing with words now. What I wrote was "stepping away from general strategy" and you understood well what I meant with it. No offence made / taken tho.

Thanks Jon! I doubt I can ever be isildur, for the reason that I don't like gambling and I don't gamble, but he's as degen as it gets. I've made like 20 slot spins in my life time with -5 EUR balance. BTW I'm finally going to make that video for you, since got my Betfair working.

Posted 9 years ago
MilfGrinder: Explo reads and stepping away from general strategy when you have one is how you make money in poker.
Dude you said this

What you are saying here is not true and logically makes no sense. IF you have a winning strategy then you only deviate from it when a higher EV spot comes up. So yes to make more money at poker you should say make a heroish call based on the read villain bluffs or go for thin value when they call way too light. Example would be that I am checking TQ on a Q52 board to protect my checking range on this board as part of my strategy say BTN v BB. If I know the BB is a whale and calling ATC OTF then I'm betting because its a higher EV play. I would also bluff with a fairly high frequency on this board texture- as I get a lot of folds but v this guy I wouldn't bluff with anywhere near my normal frequency.

So yeah moving from your strategy v a player which you have reads on is fine,. BUT say that is how you make money is wrong because you should be making money with your normal strategy and not rely on changing it up.

I would recommend strongly you improve your general strategy so you are winning more and more before trying to exploit everyone like crazy.
Posted 9 years ago
Maybe I miss-wrote, I apologize for that, but what I actually meant was "Explo reads and stepping away from general strategy when you have one is how you make MUCH MORE money in poker." I consider winning in poker = true, therefore point A, and 'making money' is anything above A. Retarded logic, but what can you do.

My HU hands on iPoker:
Attached Image

5-6 handed.
Attached Image

I'm decent winner 5-6 handed as well, but you can see my pont.

So the lesson today I give away for free (and probably the most valuable thing you will ever find in my thread) - start your own fucking tables, and pay attention.
Posted 9 years ago
Fair enough, I was just thinking that you implied that standard strat is losing and we win by making different plays which makes no sense Cheeky

Nice stats keep going Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Hey MilfGrinder, were we battling each other last coulpe of days at nl20? Smile
Posted 9 years ago
I don't know, what is your sn?
Posted 9 years ago
MilfGrinder: I don't know, what is your sn?

BudeLepsie, What is yours? I am not exactly sure, but I think I saw it somewhere around.
Posted 9 years ago
I've got 122 hands on you, and none HU, so we haven't battled yet Wink
I haven't mentioned my SN here, but it's not MilfGrinder. I'll say hi in chat box, when see you tho.
Posted 9 years ago
Do you think you shine at heads up due to your out of the box thinking and pure aggression? Most people say hu poker is dead but your results seem to say otherwise.
Posted 9 years ago
The answer is pretty simple if you think analytic about it. Who do you think will join a decent reg open sitting at 6max table?