Hundred Euro Quest

Posted 7 years ago

I've spent a bit of time playing around a few different sites. Seeing which ones I like and which ones not as much, and I've settled on Betsafe for now. I deposited here and then I took it off and gave SKY a chance. But I feel that the rake there and lack of time bank and a couple of other issues pushed me back here. Call me picky, but I just wanna settle somewhere for now. I made a bit of money at both sites either way. But now I've redeposited and am going to use my YouTube account to document my progress and try to get some streams going. I just need a new cam before the latter happens though, but it'll be soon enough.

So anyway, here is the start of my 100 Euro Quest. I aim to make it fun!


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Posted 7 years ago*
Very nice sir and my greetings and salutations to you and mrs grocker!

Have a fun time, I'm having a ball playing lately, I should maybe make a vid of me abusing those nasty varmints on Party but I'm crap at media stuff! Blush

Run good and post another one. Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Hey Mal! Thanks. I've made another one ready for tomorrow. Will try to get some tournaments in too. Hope you run well too. I'm still following your thread!
Posted 7 years ago
Watched the vid and think you left some money on the table buddy, but then I can't talk and play so what do I know. I do agree 4bet bluffing is overrated though, so use sparingly, the 3bet% of most players is too low!

07:50 Here's my thought for what their worth. On that board, given the casual player is very passive so far, I highly doubt they're 3betting that flop with a flush draw and nearly never with a 4, so it's a limped Ax and let's get the money in for me.
By calling we see a hx on the turn and it killed the hand because our friend there doesn't have a flush. I'm quite sure they'd go broke with Ax on that flop, particularly AQ/AK, maybe even AJ sooooted.
Think you left a stack out there.

18:55 you 3bet then checked back flop. I prefer to cbet around 35% to keep the initiative. If not on the flop then for definite on the turn. Gotta get some money in there or we just give them free reign to kick us off the hand on the river.

20:00 Jc7h v a limped pot, that's an easy bet out for me, I'm not giving freebees to a limper bvb. On a going day I would 4x preflop anyway.

25:20 TcTs I would 4be bvb and call it off. Tens are the bottom of m range for that though but that guy seemed to be reggish so I'm more inclined to do it. TT isn't a bluff 4bet bvb imo. Am I too aggro yet!? Laugh

There were a couple of other things I thought of but I don't explain myself very well and it's just more like how I would play the same situations is all.

Feel free to laugh at me, I can take it! Cheeky

Have fun buddy. Handshake
Posted 7 years ago*
Pwll: TcTs I would 4be bvb and call it off. Tens are the bottom of m range for that though but that guy seemed to be reggish so I'm more inclined to do it. TT isn't a bluff 4bet bvb imo. Am I too aggro yet!?)

As I said, if I 4bet this then I'm not folding. Which makes it not a bluff. We can for sure do that with TT if we feel he is very aggro and might 5bet bluff. But when we get action from a 5bet I'm not happy in these games with TT. So I usually chose JJ and above for 4bet. It's up to you though. I'm just going from experience. It's not really a big deal to include it as 4bet GII at these games.

The KQ hand that I checked after 3betting, didn't really make much sense as a cbet on AK8r. We fold out worse pretty much, and not much worse has much equity either so I'm just looking for a bluff from him on the river, I wouldn't be folding to a river bet either. He's going to have some AQ, AK (I know we block) some 99, TT, JJ. JTs. So we're either way ahead or way behind therefore on this flop we don't get value from betting vs worse which will almost always fold and it's not like we're getting a fold from an ace either. We can however possibly induce a bluff or get JJ,TT to call a river bet if we check twice.

The J7 hand, whatever really. Probably should be a bet on flop given some draws out there.
Posted 7 years ago
I like it when we see things in the game differently, we always have and it gives me a fresh look at stuff (usually a more correct one, lol ). Maybe I'm becoming a 19/14 lag! Laugh More likely I have the jigsaw pieces to hand, just in the wrong order.

Run good and keep having fun. Yes
Posted 7 years ago*
Nice vid Dan. Good to see you back at it!

I think you are pretty spot on with your thoughts on 4betting. At one stake up from you, I basically reserve 4b bluffing for the later position matchups. So the spot you were in MPvUT. I pretty much never 4b bluff unless the player is showing to be 3betting a ton. If I am in CO or BU i pretty much 4bet bluff any hand that is in my 4bet bluff range, especially against BU and SB. Against BB I might think about it first. I have done some pool analysis and looked at my own stats in the past and actually have found that people don't 3bet enough from the BB. Its too easy for them to just say,"meh, I close the action. I will just call." I might do the same from MP. If I am against an active BU or SB I will certainly consider it. I have to say my 4b bluffs work a ton, so they are profitable. So in a nutshell, my 4b bluffing has sort of diverged. I think you will start to find that the 3b% of a lot of these players isn't as low as it used to be. A lot of SBs are now using a 3bet or fold strategy and can get as high as 17-20% SBvBU versus a min raise. So 4bet bluffing in that spot can be very profitable, as most of them have learned how to use this strategy to 3bet, but don't have the proper defense to 4bets.

Interesting thoughts by @Pwll on the trips hand that ran out 4 flush. I think I would have played it the same way and would not have considered this guy limping AK/AQ and 3betting the flop with it. Even though I have seen those hands get limped repeatedly. Mal was spot on, so you probably could have stacked off there against that guy. Nice perspective.

I think the TT hand could go either way. Basically what my coach told me, which is kind of obvious, is that if you are going to 4b/stack of TT there, you need to be fairly confident that the BB is stacking off with worse. If BB is only ever 5b shoving for value with JJ+ AK you are in pretty bad shape. So you kind of need to feel like they will be stacking 99 off or some AQ or have some 5b bluffs to have the EQ to stack off with TT. So its a spot that is very player dependent i believe

I didn't really care for the 3bet with KQs COvUT. Its just such a good calling hand in that spot. You kind of touched on it in the video, is it a bluff, is it for value. KQo I defo use as a 3b bluff in that spot, but KQs is a call for me, unless I know the villain is a fish and I am switching to a depolarized 3betting range so that I can iso the fish.

Straight Flush!! BOOM!! Muscle
Posted 7 years ago*
Thanks for the comment @fawltyfelix . How's the grind going for yourself?

I agree about the 4bets. I also in late position use them a lot with certain hands, almost always with specific ones if I'm holding them. Also I've used some from MP vs CO as 4bet bluff with good success rate. If I know they are a reg especially as a lot of people will be surprised at how often they 3bet bluff these days, it's a pretty simple and well used concept these days. There are spots that I sometimes will fold vs a bad rec though since the fold equity you want in the first pace goes way down vs them. So I'd rather own the regs that way with 4bets and play more value weighted vs the recreationals.

Also the reason why I don't use TT as a 4bet GII much is purely because most regs or players in general at 4nl use a tight 5bet range. It's basically a tweak I'd make playing micros. Sure at higher stakes where more people use 'correct' ranges then we can use it. KQs yeah it's usually for me a call in late position.
Posted 7 years ago
Played an hour long session and split into 2 parts today. This is part one. Mainly anonymous tables. They proved to be soft, but how will things go for me?

I won't be posting every moment of my grind but I do like to put videos out there documenting my progress. Hopefully get a decent mic soon and polish things up presentation wise.

Posted 7 years ago
Grind is going really well. I am looking to move up in the very near future. Finally!!

Yeah the anon tables are super soft. I think it is due to the HUD changes. My theory is a lot of the regs who are very dependant on HUDs have left and rec players feel "safer" knowing they can't be tracked and you can't always see their cards at showdown.

I have had tables with me and 5 rec players on them. Just super juicy.
Posted 7 years ago
Seems pretty cool then knowing that the games are if anything getting softer. Hope it goes well when you take your shot! It's always nice to start on a heater and get a bit of a cushion settled in case of a bit of bad variance.
Posted 7 years ago
It's also nice to think it could be you guys getting better as well! Cool
Posted 7 years ago
Pwll: It's also nice to think it could be you guys getting better as well! B)

That is certainly possible
Posted 7 years ago
Quick tip for your bet slider buttons for preflop so you don't have to enter in amounts. If you go to the table options and set up the bet slider, for preflop, put the buttons at 2/3 pot, 3/4 pot and pot. If you are UT to BU and hit the 3/4 pot button, I believe it will give you 2.5x the blind. It might be 2/3 pot can't remember exactly, because I have a table helper that pre selects bet sizes for me. Then when you want to 3bet, the pot button works good, however, IP it can make straight 3bets a bit large. If you want to 4b the 2/3 pot and 3/4 pot button work good for 4b sizes.

You can set the post flop buttons however you like
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for the tips, will try it out Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Before I head out for my gig tonight, I'm posting the 2nd half of the session I played yesterday. Having some fun making these vids, and hopefully I can make them as entertaining as possible in the future.

Posted 7 years ago
Playing some nice stuff these days bud, never mind winning 100, we'll be seeing you at nl100! Clap
Posted 7 years ago
Cheers Mal, just doing what I can.

Got another session here from yesterday. Have a few videos to put up. This was a pre-gig quick session from Sunday.

Games are fun Smile

Posted 7 years ago

Games are fun Smile

That's for sure! Think I had a +13 buy in day yesterday. 3 buy ins were from 1 part of my reload bonus, but still a good day. Already up a buy in today on the first 1 hour session. If I can finish the month off strong I think some 20NL will be in my future.

I watched all the vids. Seem to be doing well. Were some spots I had some thoughts on but was watching on my phone and didn't have a notepad. I think there was an AJo hand that you 3b bluff MPvUT. You cbet flop, checked turn and XF river and were considering a raise on the river. I was actually thinking that that exact combo would have been a good bet bet jam hand. I don't think you have many worse hands with good blockers to use as a 3 barrel bluff in that spot, if you are 3betting AA, KK for value and something like a little bit of AJo and KQo and some A5s. If you don't use any KQo then for sure you don't. In that spot you had the A of diamonds blocker and the J for the nut straight. I can't remember the exact runout and if the flush came in or not. If the flush came in too then having the Ad might be good. If it didn't come in then that exact combo might not be good to bluff with, seeing as you would want him to have the Ad to be able to fold when the flush misses. Not that you should be bluffing off stacks at 4NL but I have done my fair share of it and it does work in the right spots vs the right villains. Spot that you can bet like 6-8bb on the flop, so like 1/3ish pot, then bet 20-25bb on the turn, around 2/3 pot and it leaves you with ~a pot size jam on the turn and would put anything other than the straight and Kx under a ton of pressure, so I think the board had a T, so his Tx and JJ and QQ would have a hard time calling that. Even Kx with a weaker kicker than TK would find it hard to call, especially if he is a tight villain, which I am sure you would not have known. Not a necessary bluff per se, but just a thought
Posted 7 years ago
Hey thanks for watching. I think I know exactly the hand, and if you listened to me chatting, you know that after the hand I was talking about how my hand might have been the best type of hand to raise bluff at the end. Was perfect hand really. Usually I'm pretty decent at just doing it but I just maybe thought the opponent wasn't the guy that would fold. I think it was a bit of an error, as I said in the vid later, but not in the way that it's an obvious mistake. Just that on more of an advanced level it was the perfect hand to make the bluff with.

It's actually been a +10BI day for me too given that I played a tourney for some decent profit and recorded it and made a bit at cash too. I'm not finished yet though, still gonna put in another session. Feels easy when you play well right? Hah.