Posted 10 years ago
Awesome graph man and wow what a trip that sounds like! Enjoy it you deserve it Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Back from my Euorpean trip! Played a couple of short sessions today and did well. Just played in 4 and 6 tables half an hour each session so as to warm up. I thought I would've probably feel rusty but didn't feel that way at all.

My trip in Europe was great. I've been to:

- London
- Florence
- Venice
- Munich
- Frankfurt
- Amsterdam
- Brugge
- Paris

Must say the two cities I most liked were London and Amsterdam. However, Florence also has incredible cathedrals and monuments. Every city has its charm, as probably many places around the world. I didn't actually rest that much because I must have walked many kilometers but the experience was great and would love to return some time.

Now back to reality and back to work!

And back to track in poker!

I've been doing great last month before my trip and think I must set some goals right now. I think my game for the level I'm playing is pretty decent since results are proving that way. But I will have to find time and discipline to study and improve my game.

Have a lot of videos to watch with great material. I hope I'll be able to reach NL25 this year.

Well guys, nice to be playing poker again! Must say I really missed this game, even though I didn't think much about poker while on vacations!
Posted 10 years ago
Hey ive been reading all of your thread great journey man! I fully understand what you mean about 5 and 10 nl at stars ive just moved to I poker and the player pool just plays a totally different game, I am getting used to it now but I just find when I go back to stars I definitely tilt less due to the software being so great to use and note taking being easy and so on... But I also just feel im understanding whats going on in each hand more, the fish there seem to do what I expect them to do....which is cool by me lol!
Posted 10 years ago
Totally agree, Lopticus, with you.
When I play at stars I feel I understand much more what I'm doing. A great software is so helpful that determines a lot of your game. I don't care about rakeback.
It's so easy to label a player, to take notes, to multitable. There are tables open 24 hours a day (on other sites that doesn't happen) and "easy sit" options makes it so easy to start a session and within just few second be playing as many tables as you want.

True also about reading villains. Don't know why but I feel I read villains so much better at PS. Not sure if it is because they do what I expect. It is probably because you're not focused on understanding an dealing with the software but on dealing with villains.

Another thing is that as each avatar is personalised, it is also easier to identify a regular player. On 888, for example, you might find a table with the same avatar for all players.

Thx for reading my journey!
Posted 10 years ago
Hey Viper great to have you back!

That trip sounds amazing but dont leave us hanging: SHOW US SOME PICTURES.

Always wanted to take my mum on a trip around Europe (will make this happen by next year) so would be great to see more of it so i can cherry pick the best places!

Was a break from poker nice?
Posted 10 years ago
Hey Jon! I WILL BE POSTING, ok! Just didn't post becuase didn't take the time yet. I arrived a couple of days ago.

Break from poker was cool. However I was doing great before break so actually I didn't need to take time off to relax from poker nor anything. YES I did need to have vacations from work and meet some cool placed I had never been to.

London is a great city. I really loved it. And looking forward to return sometime.

Just be patient and I'll be posting!
Posted 10 years ago
Good man. Yeh London is cool, been there a lot and tbh i think it loses its appeal.

To me now its just a super busy place although the food is better of course. My mum loves it there which is the main reason i go back, take her to the shows etc.

Did you do anything interesting in these cities? What was the best day?
Posted 10 years ago
Ok! So great news! At least for me! I didn't wait to have 60 buy ins in order to go up to NL10. So I took a shot these last days, and then other and then other.
It wasn't an easy beginning of month. Was pretty tough but however I managed to keep bankroll even.

Going up a level isn't easy. You have to get used to other type of villains. I found in NL10 much more aggressive ones. The bluff a lot. And what is strange is that fishes are much more fishy than in NL5. I don't really understand how come some call on the river with, for example, just Q high. It's crazy. I feel they're playinig like when I play a variant of poker I don't know: totaly blindfold.

But well... today I had a good session: 2,5 buy ins up. I feel so much more comfortable playing NL10 right now that I sense it's time to crush this level, after trying to play at it like 2 or 3 times before, doing bad and returning to NL5.

I'm very happy with my bankroll managemente. I think it's great I was able to admit NL10 wasn't for me at those times and being able to go down a level so as to build bankroll again.

ATM my bankroll is almost about to reach my all time top. Still need to win 5 buy ins so as to reach it. But I think I'll do it.

I HEM I'm about to stay even after being negative for around 160K hands. It was a good work and I put a lot of effort on it. ALSO my all in EV is almost even after being negative like -$250.

So, this is my overall graph:

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This is my month graph so far. We have a mix of NL5 and NL10 there. Doing better than EV.

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And these are just a couple of pictures of my trip to Europe:

Flying from Saint Paul (Brazil) to London (UK). By the way... what's the difference between United Kingdom, England and Great Britain?

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I don't like airplanes very much. But isn't it amazing?

And The London Eye at night. The day we arrived that's one of the first places we went.

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More pictures will be shown whenever I add more info to my journey! I have around 3.5K pictures so will have to be selective! =)
Posted 10 years ago
awesome man! Great to see some pictures and also killer graphs!

Looks like things are really working out for you which is so deserved: People who grind deserve to win! Keep on going buddy!

Man that blanket of clouds is amazing. I hate flying also but seeing a pic like that its hard to complain!

I will let someone explain about GB, UK and England properly!
Posted 10 years ago
England = country
UK= England Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland
GB= the old state which is England, Wales & Scotland

Sick graph mate, how much RB have you got in that time eh? Do you use your FPPs in the satellite tournies btw? I didn't the first time I played on stars then discovered them and made like $55 in one afternoon on them when I was a 5nl player great boost Laugh
Posted 10 years ago

Did you do anything interesting in these cities? What was the best day?

I did many interesting things, Jon. I've been to lot of places. I can't mention ONE day as the best. However I can mention two of the things that most shocked me in Europe:

- Florence Cathedral in Italy. It's just marvellous. Impossible to describe and to express what it is if you aren't there. When you see it you just can't imagine how come human being has constructed such a beautiful and detailed cathedral.

- And it's pretty interesting to go to Anne's Frank house in Amsterdam. You can't take pictures there and it's ok. You really leave that place feeling touched.

This is the Catheral. Picture is not mine. I took a lot of it but it's impossible to take a photo of the entire cathedral so better to look at a google's one.

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And this is what you see when you reach the top, after 114 meters of stairs! (this picture is my copyright!)

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Posted 10 years ago

Sick graph mate, how much RB have you got in that time eh? Do you use your FPPs in the satellite tournies btw? I didn't the first time I played on stars then discovered them and made like $55 in one afternoon on them when I was a 5nl player great boost

Stewie, I guess that by RB you mean the money PS returns after you reach certain ammount of VPP and FPP. Well, I'm not sure how much, but I think it must be around $180.

That explains why my HEM graph is almost even BUT my bankroll is positive.

At firts, I didn't know either that you could buy money with FPP points. Then a friend told me, after I had used them for tournies.

I used FPP to play some $11 tourneys or sunday storm. Never for satellites. For the moment Im not playing tournaments. Wish I could or would but hard to find the time.
Posted 10 years ago
Yes but you can play in the 225FPP satelites for the Storm and say u win 1/3 (which is what you should seeing as 2/6 get tickets) then you get $11/675FPP which is the same level as SN get. You just need to unregister for the tournies then sell the T$ here >>>[url][/url]
Posted 10 years ago

I will let someone explain about GB, UK and England properly!

Posted 10 years ago

Yes but you can play in the 225FPP satelites for the Storm and say u win 1/3 (which is what you should seeing as 2/6 get tickets) then you get $11/675FPP which is the same level as SN get. You just need to unregister for the tournies then sell the T$ here >>><<<

Its wayyyyyy more profitable than selling the FPP's straight up!!

Good info! Gonna do it!
Posted 10 years ago
BOOM! Today's sessions!

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AND I FINALLY DID IT! WHAT A COMEBACK!! Again positive after a long time in negative result!! I'm so proud of this!

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Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
Great job Vipes!! Keep on crushin bro!!
Posted 10 years ago
Hey well done man!!
Posted 10 years ago
Thx guys!!

Well, today I played two sessions and didn't do good. Stopped playing in the second one because I had lost 3 buy ins, which is the maximum I aim to lose in NL10 per session. So it would be my stop loss.

Today morning I lost 2 buy ins. I was pretty distracted, must admit. I should not play in that state again. And wasn't that eager to play either.

And today afternoon where I was eager to play but didn't do good. I didn't play that bad. Just made one bad push against a tight player and then a couple of bad calls + some coolers and some river beats.

Well, I didn't get mad. That's ok. Can't win every fucking session, can I?

So... as I mentioned before, I've reached the goal of making my green line positive in overall.

Now I have a new goal. I want to make it positive in NL10!! So I hope I'll be able to achieve it in a month.

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