Posted 9 years ago

Nice work man and hope your job goes well. When will you be back in the online poker saddle?

Will you miss it much?

I'm back from work on the 11th of December and I'll be hitting the tables right away! I always miss the game but a month studying i'll hopefully fix some leaks!

I have a good feeling about my next month off. I'll be adding 10NL tables if everything goes well!!
Posted 9 years ago
A month without poker. I think I would die! Cheeky

What do you do again? Was it work offshore?
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: A month without poker. I think I would die! Cheeky

What do you do again? Was it work offshore?

haha I seriously have withdrawal syndromes Cheeky I can play a wee bit on my phone for a wee fix Yes

Yeah I work offshore, not oil rigs tho, wind farm installation. The best part about work is we have every season of everything on our tv so that keeps me going! I think I'll watch sons of anarchy this time!
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: A month without poker. I think I would die! Cheeky

What do you do again? Was it work offshore?

haha I seriously have withdrawal syndromes Cheeky I can play a wee bit on my phone for a wee fix Yes

Yeah I work offshore, not oil rigs tho, wind farm installation. The best part about work is we have every season of everything on our tv so that keeps me going! I think I'll watch sons of anarchy this time!

I bet! Oh well that's not too bad then, at least you can play a little! Laugh

Wind farm installation... good for the environment so sounds good to me!

Must be pretty cool work? Is it well paid?
Posted 9 years ago
1 week down, 3 to go! Because I can't play poker so can't post graphs I'll just share a bit about what I'm doing.

We'r currently jacked up about a 2.5 chopper ride from the UK, picking up this:

Attached Image

And theirs not a thing in sight, in all direcrions!! Nice view tho.

Attached Image
Posted 9 years ago
Holy crap, awesome pics buddy, you must be getting paid a nice wack. How's it like working on there? Scary? Do you sleep well? I am not sure if I could live there for a week with not much to do.
Posted 9 years ago*
Harvie: Holy crap, awesome pics buddy, you must be getting paid a nice wack. How's it like working on there? Scary? Do you sleep well? I am not sure if I could live there for a week with not much to do.

The money is what keeps me coming back Cheeky
It's a good place to work. The ship is only 2 years old so it's up to date with everything. 2 pool tables (can only use while jacked up), 2 cinemas, a gym, 24/7 food, wifi (slow but can't complain) and a thing called a BazePort in every cabin which has every series you can think of!
We spend, 6 months here and 6 months at home, 4 weeks at a time so it's

kind of like a second home! Sleep isn't too bad unless I'm shifting from day shift to night shift!

4 weeks away isn't too bad, we usually don't spend any more than a week at sea. We'r on out way to Esbjerg, Denmark right now where we will spend
the next 3 weeks!

We'r kept busy working for 12 hours through the day so the time flys by!
Posted 9 years ago
How did you get this job? Do you have special skills or a degree? Any birds on board? Alcohol?

This sounds like the kind of job I wish I would be doing. Do you have any days off or is it 30 days on working? What happens if someone wants to go home?
Posted 9 years ago
I have a lot of mates who work offshore. Most up in Aberdeen! Seems like a crazy lifestyle but the money is super worth it from what iv heard.

Is the wifi good enough to grind on?
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: How did you get this job? Do you have special skills or a degree? Any birds on board? Alcohol?

This sounds like the kind of job I wish I would be doing. Do you have any days off or is it 30 days on working? What happens if someone wants to go home?

I joined the merchant navy when I was 16. A company called Maersk took me on a trained me up for 2 years, i was on terrible money but I was only a trainee so couldn't complain. Once I finished my 2 years I left Maersk and
got a job on a ferry for 6 years, it was an easy life and the money was ok but it got too repetitive.
when I heard about the job I have now I spend £2k on courses up in Aberdeen and sent them my cv and got the job 👍

Theirs 2 birds onboard, both married No it's zero tolerance to alcohol. We still go up the road maybe once or twice a trip, They don't mind as long as you don't over do it!

You can go home any time you want while we're in port, but if you take a week off you'll only get paid for 3 weeks and you'll only get paid for 3 weeks while at home, So you'd lose out on 2 weeks pay!! Unless you have extra
days saved up!

Jon-PokerVIP: I have a lot of mates who work offshore. Most up in Aberdeen! Seems like a crazy lifestyle but the money is super worth it from what iv heard.

Is the wifi good enough to grind on?

Yeah it's not a bad life considering we only work 6 months a year, but you miss a lot of stuff while at work, wedding and birthday parties. You get used to it.

Our wifi is terrible, no where near good enough to grind on. I heard their upgrading it so fingers crossed I'll be able to grind while onboard in the near future!!
Posted 9 years ago
Sounds like an awesome job, I am jealous. How is the bonding and stuff on the ship? Does everyone get on well? How is the quality of the food? Are we allowed to see pics of the cabins and stuff?
Posted 9 years ago
It's been a long month of no poker but i'm finally back and I'm ready for a solid grind!!

I'll be busy a lot this month so have to miss a few days out but here are my month goals (12/12 - 08/15)

Play 50K hands
Be rolled for 10NL
Study hand history 1 hour/day.
Buy decent Christmas presents
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: Sounds like an awesome job, I am jealous. How is the bonding and stuff on the ship? Does everyone get on well? How is the quality of the food? Are we allowed to see pics of the cabins and stuff?

This is one of the better ships i've been on for bonding. You will always get the odd person you don't get on with but over all its a good laugh! Here's a couple of pics.

Me lying on my bunk:
Attached Image

and here is us beside the sister ship;
Attached Image

Posted 9 years ago
BarraBod: It's been a long month of no poker but i'm finally back and I'm ready for a solid grind!!

I'll be busy a lot this month so have to miss a few days out but here are my month goals (12/12 - 08/15)

Play 50K hands
Be rolled for 10NL
Study hand history 1 hour/day.
Buy decent Christmas presents

Love the last goal. Who is at the top of your xmas list to receive the best present?

My mate has just been told he is doing the xmas shift this year off shore and hes gutted to say the least but they have all been warned that they cant come up with some excuse and take the time off. That would be the really tough part for me, when holidays come and you literally just have to do as your told.
Posted 9 years ago
Awesome pictures there BarraBod!

Ah yeah, working over Christmas would suck big time! What are your plans for Christmas?

Have you played much since you've been back? What is the br looking like?

Good luck for your goals, hope you smash them!
Posted 9 years ago
BarraBod: It's been a long month of no poker but i'm finally back and I'm ready for a solid grind!!

I'll be busy a lot this month so have to miss a few days out but here are my month goals (12/12 - 08/15)

Play 50K hands
Be rolled for 10NL
Study hand history 1 hour/day.
Buy decent Christmas presents

Love the last goal. Who is at the top of your xmas list to receive the best present?

My mate has just been told he is doing the xmas shift this year off shore and hes gutted to say the least but they have all been warned that they cant come up with some excuse and take the time off. That would be the really tough part for me, when holidays come and you literally just have to do as your told.

I'd have to say my gf will be at the top of the list. Only 1 week to go and I've still not even thought of anything!! To make things worse her birthday is on Boxing Day lol

This is my first Christmas off in 7 years! I got really unlucky with the way it worked, but I'm glad to be getting it off this year! You kind of get used to missing it.

CrazyKeri: Awesome pictures there BarraBod!

Ah yeah, working over Christmas would suck big time! What are your plans for Christmas?

Have you played much since you've been back? What is the br looking like?

Good luck for your goals, hope you smash them!

I'll be heading back to my parents for Christmas, the whole family will be there so that should be good Party

I've not even looked at a poker table since I've been back. A few of my mates got off work at the same time so we've been on a long weekend drinking session...I'm slowly recovering lol I might be able to play tonight Yes my BR was at £125 last I checked, I'll be disappointed if it's not over £180 before going back to work!

Good luck to you too, let's finish 2014 in style B)(punch)
Posted 9 years ago
nice updates Barra, your room looks cool expect for no windows? I need natural light or I'll go crazy.

How's the grind gone for the past few days? Got the missses her xmas gift?
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: nice updates Barra, your room looks cool expect for no windows? I need natural light or I'll go crazy.

How's the grind gone for the past few days? Got the missses her xmas gift?

there is a window behind me. I'm sure there is a UK law that your cabin must have a window.

I played poker once this time off Surprised I knew it would be a quiet month, but not that quiet. I bought 2 new poker books which I'll be taking away to sea with me! If I can't play I might as well learn. my 2015 goals are:

play a minimum of 300K hands
Buy a new laptop!!
...I'll think of more

Found out i'm going to be a dad at the end of July, which might get in the way of my poker playing Laugh I'm just going to have to grind extra hard until then!! That's me away back for another month. I'll keep you updated and hopefully My February grind will make up for this poor month! cheers Yes
Posted 9 years ago
Arrived in Denmark and joined the ship only to realise I'd forgotten to pack my new poker books haha nightmare!!

Looks like it's up to you PokerVIP to keep me updated !
Posted 9 years ago
Awwww congratulations! Smile Will this be your first child? Are you excited? Nervous?