Posted 9 years ago
Hey bud, both hands were folds , the turn in hand 2 is a call given pot odds. I used to get in these spots just like yourself and made the calls. In the long-run after playing 100k+ hands people at the micros play their value hands super face up.

This can affect your overall WR pretty bad in the long run, but it seems like you know you were beat but just could'nt find a fold,more of a mental thing than playing bad or thinking incorrectly...I think?
Posted 9 years ago
Yeah I told myself it was a fold but called anyway. Been on a bad run today and only made it worse. Back to the drawing board. I usually fold when I know i'm beat so its definitely a mental thing today. I've looked at both hands more closely and I will be more prepared for my next session!!
Posted 9 years ago
-5 buy-ins today. The first half was playing bad. The second half was running bad then playing bad. I was missing value bets. I even missing a value bet because I was scared of the full house when the board paired, and i had a straight!

Still in profit but not by much. I'll be at 10K hands tomorrow so i'll have a graph. Hopefully it will be a good one!
Posted 9 years ago
After my bad run yesterday I decided to do some late night grinding because I find most fish are on after 12am! Boy I was right Smile I had a massive fish on my table who had obvious betting patterns and terrible bluffs so I searched his name and found him at another table.

This is my graph on the second table, thanks to him and another fish (10NL)
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Thanks to hands like these:
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem/5PLAYERS /PokerStars

8+ bi after 200 hands Giggle I obviously ran good, which helps against these guys!!
Posted 9 years ago
BarraBod: After my bad run yesterday I decided to do some late night grinding because I find most fish are on after 12am! Boy I was right Smile I had a massive fish on my table who had obvious betting patterns and terrible bluffs so I searched his name and found him at another table.

This is my graph on the second table, thanks to him and another fish (10NL)
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Thanks to hands like these:
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem/5PLAYERS /PokerStars

8+ bi after 200 hands Giggle I obviously ran good, which helps against these guys!!

Omg what a nice 3 streets of value, they don,t often do that at NL10 anymore especially at Stars. Nice tablehunting !
Posted 9 years ago
Well that's my first 10K hands at 10NL over and its been a bumpy ride!! All was going well until I tilted off 4 buys in 5 hands today (3 buys to the same guy who kept shoving). But all in all i'm happy with the way thing went. Once I sort the short term tilt problem i'll be flying Smile

Here is my 10K 10NL graph, very bumpy but hopefully the next 10K will go smoother! I'm still happy with the way things are going, even tho it's a small sample 10bb/100 hands, looks good! I'm aiming for higher on my next graph Cheeky

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Posted 9 years ago

Omg what a nice 3 streets of value, they don,t often do that at NL10 anymore especially at Stars. Nice tablehunting !

TBH I find PokerStars really fishy, They have really good regs too but I find there are more fish here than Ipoker. I'm still going to try get back to Ipoker once I sort everything out! It might just be because i've started tabling hunting more since moving to Stars.
Posted 9 years ago
Playing my first SnG in a LONG time. Started on a $1 180 man. final table, 50$ for winner...I won't settle for second Cheeky

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typical $1 Sng hand - And this kids, is why you raise with your good hands:
Slow playing with TPTK
Posted 9 years ago*
Looks like I'll be settling for second lol

Happy enough for turning $1 into $32 but annoyed for losing it to the worst player at the final table. Considering there is a table full of empty bottles of Stella beside me i'll call it a success Wink

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Posted 9 years ago
I've just noticed i've doubled my bankroll this week too...another 2 weeks like this and i'll take a shot at 25NL. You never know Smile

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the only downfall is its in dollar so it isn't worth as much Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
Is this acceptable against a fish? Shoving $30 in to a $4 pot lol I posted one this guys hands before (its the 4th post on this page) where he calls down with Q8, which was was second pair.

once I river the nuts I feel a big bet will mean the same as a small bet to him. He only sees his hand

hand here

Posted 9 years ago
I had to go 4 pages back to find my journey...It will hopefully be full for the next month!

What's been happening since i've been gone
Last time off, I joined the steaking team, which was going fine until I went back to work in Denmark only to find BV isn't allowed there It wasn't me!
During my 2 weeks of steaking I had an up and down time (I had the graph on VMware which I no longer use so can't retrieve the graph). I started 3 bi up only to go on a -13 bi downswing!! i started to scrape some back (5 bi) before moving to Denmark.

This month off
Now i'm back in the Uk for a little over 2 weeks (got a holiday in Greece coming up (dance)(beer)(puke)) so I've moved my roll over to UniBet for the time being. I put 200e in to my account and it topped up to 270e, which is great Smile
No HUDs on there so i can only show my progressive BR.

Posting hand reviews will be a slight problem, mainly because I have no idea how to work UniBet. I'm sure I'll get there.

So here is my roll at the moment, I;m slightly up but not played many hands.
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I'll update this every couple of days. GL at the tables Smile
Posted 9 years ago*
One thing about UniBet. The site seems very soft, but the hand histories are very annoying! There must be an easier way to find a hand you've played. Also no note taking?

Edit: I just found out I can get hand histories in text. That saves some headaches Yes
Posted 9 years ago
BarraBod: I had to go 4 pages back to find my journey...It will hopefully be full for the next month!

What's been happening since i've been gone
Last time off, I joined the steaking team, which was going fine until I went back to work in Denmark only to find BV isn't allowed there It wasn't me!
During my 2 weeks of steaking I had an up and down time (I had the graph on VMware which I no longer use so can't retrieve the graph). I started 3 bi up only to go on a -13 bi downswing!! i started to scrape some back (5 bi) before moving to Denmark.

This month off
Now i'm back in the Uk for a little over 2 weeks (got a holiday in Greece coming up (dance)(beer)(puke)) so I've moved my roll over to UniBet for the time being. I put 200e in to my account and it topped up to 270e, which is great Smile
No HUDs on there so i can only show my progressive BR.

Posting hand reviews will be a slight problem, mainly because I have no idea how to work UniBet. I'm sure I'll get there.

So here is my roll at the moment, I;m slightly up but not played many hands.
Attached Image

I'll update this every couple of days. GL at the tables Smile

Great to have you back posting and welcome home. God the staking thing still saddens me but we will get you back one day!

Unibet is a great site coice and no doubt you will crush there. Just going for cash games right? 10-25nl?

Where in Greece are you going?
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks Jon. It's good to be back. Our company have secured a contract in the UK in January so hopefully I'll be back in the team then! I also hope I'll have made to it 50NL on my own by then Cheeky

Unibet is so soft but its taking me some time getting used to it. Just like Sky I try to out play people and pay for it. It usually takes me a few days to settle in to a new site. A few annoying things about it, but the players make that ok. Yeah just cash tables, with the odd SnG and tourney, because they keep giving me free tickets Smile

Me and 5 mates are going to Corfu! Its one last blow out for me before the baby comes (don't know how my GF let me away with that one) haha

As mentioned above, i'm not running too well, and when I run bad, I play bad Sad
I've been posting hands in the strategy form and getting some useful feedback. I noticed a leak in my game today, and that was when I have a plan on the flop, I stick to it all the way. I have no plan B for the board run out. Something I need to work on!

A couple of hands:

I should have put more hands in his limping range and not just flush and straight draws, with some kings.
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This hand, I wanted all the money in by the river, I think once I seen the river card i thought I was good, even tho he has plenty jacks in his range! This should have been a check fold.

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Kings are my enemy at the moment, just like last time was off. I've lost a fortune with them!

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Not looking as healthy. Really need to look at my play, which is difficult to do with Unibet Hand reviewer. Hopefully its just me adjusting. Will update in a couple of days !
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh man get away on that holiday before your life is ruined taken over by a child. You ever been there before?

50nl and back with us by January sounds pretty awesome bro and i will be ready and waiting for you.

37 os hand: I would be so sad when i saw all of that action come at me but probs still go with it as half expect to see AA.

Posted 8 years ago
Unlucky with the run bad man, hope it all turns around for you!
Posted 8 years ago

Kings are my enemy at the moment, just like last time was off. I've lost a fortune with them!

Come join the fun Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Yeh man get away on that holiday before your life is ruined taken over by a child. You ever been there before?

50nl and back with us by January sounds pretty awesome bro and i will be ready and waiting for you.

37 os hand: I would be so sad when i saw all of that action come at me but probs still go with it as half expect to see AA.

haha at least i will now have an excuse to stay in and grind look after the baby.
Nope never been to Greece. I heard it's a bit mental, so looking forward to it. I'm just waiting on people dropping out, because thats always what happens.

Nothing worse than getting a free flop from BB, flopping 2 pair but being out flopped Sad

SamWalker: Unlucky with the run bad man, hope it all turns around for you!

cheers, it turned around for me a bit last night. Anytime I'm running bad I stop playing cash and give SnG a shot. I always seem to do well in them. I seen your bad run turn around dramatically so i'm hoping for the same Smile Hopefully you get back to those ways too!!


Kings are my enemy at the moment, just like last time was off. I've lost a fortune with them!

Come join the fun Wink

HAHA I was actually looking for this! I wish i could use a HUD on UniBet so I could find all those KK hands. Some of them are unbelievable, one after another!! I will start saving all the hands for the discussion!
Posted 8 years ago
Does anyone who reads this use UniBet? If so, Have you got any good tips for using it? Stuff like taking notes and keeping track of the other players?
Also checking your hand history? Or any other wee things I've not thought of. Cheers.

Ps this is my first time playing since I last updated and I've lost my stack twice with KK < 100 hands Laugh
Luckily I found it more funny than anything.