Posted 8 years ago
Haha bud light lime is a great drink especially out there in the heat!

I made a really bad/epic bluff in the MGM playing 2-5. Basically the board ran out like 10d4s5s 6s 8s . No action so i pot bet KsQh on the river for like $30. He made it $100 and i went all in for $700. Obv repping that straight flush yo! He folded the As and was fuming when i showed it. "Do you know i am the only player good enough in this room to fold this hand".... "yep".

Posted 8 years ago
Haha yep that is the sort of guy! Also just silly things like bet sizing etc..............some of the really 'good' players would bet small with their made hands and pot their bluffs................ya know for dat there DECEPTION Smile

One thing I will say though is that I have never had so much fun playing poker! I was always drinking while playing and just enjoying it really as were most villains! Was great banter etc at the table!
Posted 8 years ago
Playing so much volume last week took it out of me a bit so had a day off last night! Jumped on today but still not really in the mood to grind so only played for roughly an hour at 10nl blaze! Managed to snatch a couple of buy ins!

Anyway the goal for 2016 is very simple! Get to 50nl and stay there Smile Here is an outline of the plan:

BR currently $875
Move to 20nl at $1k
Back to 10nl if drop to $800
Move to 50nl at $2.25k
Drop back to 20nl at $1.75k
Any 25bi downswing drop a further stake

Easy eh?? Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Haha yep that is the sort of guy! Also just silly things like bet sizing etc..............some of the really 'good' players would bet small with their made hands and pot their bluffs................ya know for dat there DECEPTION Smile

One thing I will say though is that I have never had so much fun playing poker! I was always drinking while playing and just enjoying it really as were most villains! Was great banter etc at the table!

Yeh in Vegas i pretty much always drink when playing...every pro just curled up in a ball with me admitting that but YOLO
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Playing so much volume last week took it out of me a bit so had a day off last night! Jumped on today but still not really in the mood to grind so only played for roughly an hour at 10nl blaze! Managed to snatch a couple of buy ins!

Anyway the goal for 2016 is very simple! Get to 50nl and stay there Smile Here is an outline of the plan:

BR currently $875
Move to 20nl at $1k
Back to 10nl if drop to $800
Move to 50nl at $2.25k
Drop back to 20nl at $1.75k
Any 25bi downswing drop a further stake

Easy eh?? :)

Confirmed easy

You can do it!!!

Yeh only play when you want to bro.
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Oh and good to see you back Kamikaze! Hope the shop etc is doing well!

Hey yeh all good business is going well thanks!

Yeh I've been floating around here appearing now and then, tired to start a new journey but don't have the time/ motivation for it although I'm still playing poker about 10 hours a week or so and always live on tuesday nights Cornwall Poker tour.

So I'm still studying and playing and loving the game...

Vegas looks epic I'd love to go some time... we'll see maybe a while now though!

Good luck with your goals...
Posted 8 years ago
Hey guys still just grinding away at 10nl blaze! It sucks not having any graphs or history especially as I think they would look very good Smile But at the same time I'm in no hurry to move up as I think the 10nl blaze is just ridiculously good! Just feel so comfortable and I literally only have 2 other players in the pool marked as good regs! I ran horrible tonight and lost about 5 stacks getting it in good every time and came out of the session -3 euros! So its just a really nice feeling playing completely in my comfort zone so the plan is to stay like that until I feel any different!

Roll is now at $895 go go go Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Hey guys still just grinding away at 10nl blaze! It sucks not having any graphs or history especially as I think they would look very good Smile But at the same time I'm in no hurry to move up as I think the 10nl blaze is just ridiculously good! Just feel so comfortable and I literally only have 2 other players in the pool marked as good regs! I ran horrible tonight and lost about 5 stacks getting it in good every time and came out of the session -3 euros! So its just a really nice feeling playing completely in my comfort zone so the plan is to stay like that until I feel any different!

Roll is now at $895 go go go :)

Solid work bro and don't worry about graphs - all about that bankroll and that is all that really matters right? haha

Posted 8 years ago
Very nice roll for 10NL! $1k not far off??
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah hopefully 1k not too far away! My deposit equated to $744 so I'm $150 up in just over a week! Mainly due to the bonuses etc but you have to count these things in! The only downside to MG network is that the reg tables are full of super nitty regs mass tabling! I just haven't got the patience to nit up for hours to pinch half a buyin Smile But when the blaze games run they are awesome and the anon tables have good action!

Yeah Jon the want for data and graphs is more just to help study and learn but that will come!
Posted 8 years ago
Just played a session on standard 10nl tables so actually have some hand histories Smile Got into some reallyyyyyy tricky spots actually! A couple of the most spew hands:
Posted 8 years ago
After a couple of super frustrating days I have bounced back today! Played a little under 2k hands and won 7 buy ins! Was nice to have a good day as the last 2 days I feel like I have been hero folding non stop! I posted the 2 hands above but there has been a load more! But these things happen especially at the micros Smile Bankroll stands at $930! I could theoretically be at 1k within a week or so but not sure I would move up as planned! I am confident in my game but my red line is still steadily pointing south! I actually know why but just don't seem to have the confidence to put it into practice ha! Would rather correct any obvious leaks first before moving up!

Away from poker my other 2 passions are fitness and playing 8 ball pool! I got back on a semi structured diet as of Sunday and back in the gym this week and I have lost 5.5 pounds in 6 days! So I'm super happy with that! I'm still about 8lb heavier than I was before Vegas in September so some work to do but I'm super motived!

The pool season hasn't started yet but it does in a fortnight so that will take me away from poker at weekends somewhat! But hey ho I really want to get back into pool just need to be organised and disciplined! I have cancelled my golf membership and a few other things to make sure I can concentrate on these 3! So hopefully I can keep on top of things Smile Think that's all for now gl at the tables folks!

Posted 8 years ago
Wow some serious weight loss there in a very short period of time WPWPWP. What main exercises have you been doing? What diet are you on?

Keep it up with the grind. Knocking on the door of 1k for sureeeeeeeee.

Posted 8 years ago
I am currently doing a push/pull/legs routine 3 days on 1 day off! So each body part gets hit twice per week! Although with me not training for a few weeks I have been too sore still after 3 days so have had to take an extra day to recover that body part haha!

Typical push day will look something like this:

Standing overhead press
Flat bench press
Lateral raises
Machine incline chest press
Front raises
Some tricep work

Typical pull day:

Tbar row or bent over row
Lat pulldowns
Face pulls
DB row
Machine pulldowns
Shrugs or upright row
Some bicep work

Legs day:

Vertical leg press
Leg extensions
Straight leg deadlift
Walking lunges
Hack squat

I follow a flexible dieting approach or what a lot of people know as IIFYM! Basically no food is good or bad! You set targets or 'ranges' for protein, carbs and fats and then make them up from roughly 70% 'clean' foods and the rest is whatever the hell you, burger, ice cream! All this crap in the media about eating clean proteins and veg six times per day! Your body only knows what carbs, protein and fats are it doesn't distinguish between 'good' and 'bad' foods! I literally hate the way the fitness industry is and the way the media portray it! I would train to be a personal trainer if I thought there was a good living in it but sadly the reality is usually long hours for little return! I would rather just help people for free tbh! I used to be almost 19 stone so I have been in the exact position most of the population is! A diet needs to be sustainable in order to keep the weight off and banning the foods you love etc is not going to be!

Sorry for the rant it is just something I feel super strongly about Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I really like that part about your body not knowing what good and bad foods are. I have never thought that way but makes complete simply put as possible. Your body knows the food groups, nutrients and how to burn all this/store it. Thats a bit of a revaluation tbh!!!
Posted 8 years ago
Exactly Jon but that is the media's doing! To emphasize further:

Most people feel if they ate a whole pizza they have ruined their diet! Yet if they ate two bags of rice, a chicken breast and 4 poached eggs they are doing great! If you break down the carbs, fats and protein in those 2 meals they will not be far apart at all! And that is all your body knows!

Don't get me wrong when I lost all my weight I did not use this method and instead did what the media told me! I once went through a period of not consuming a single carbohydrate for 4 weeks!! It was hell!! I felt like shit, was getting more colds etc but I thought that was the only way to get a 6 pack! It wasn't until I looked more closely and realised that all the well educated guys in the fitness industry were using 'flexible dieting' and all the 'meatheads' were eating chicken and broccoli 7 times per day out of Tupperware! Pretty similar to poker where you have the 'old school' of Mike the mouth and Hellmuth winning bot all and all the young 'well educated' guys using a stats based approach cleaning up! That's when it clicked for me!

Don't get me wrong I am not saying to eat nothing but junk as long as your calories are under maintenance! Like I said 70% should be 'clean' 'healthy' foods but the other 30% is the part that makes the diet sustainable and even enjoyable! With no negative effect on fat loss whatsoever!!

Like I said im more than happy to help people for free as I know how easier my life changing journey would have been if I had somebody to help even a little! So if anybody would like any help at all just give me a shout!
Posted 8 years ago
I am full of man flu at the moment so I haven't been able to go to the gym the last few days! Still sticking to structured eating etc so not the end of the world!

I have been plodding along with poker! I am up about 4-5 stacks since Sunday so with RB payment tomorrow I should be over the $1k mark! I am not just going to jump straight to 20nl for the reasons previously mentioned but I think I will play 2 tables of 10nl and 2 at 20nl and ease in gradually! I also got given a couple of 2 euro tournament tickets for no apparent reason from SJ so I played a satty last night and won a 10 euro ticket! So hopefully spin it all the way to the Irish Open in April Smile One timeeeee!!
Posted 8 years ago*
Attached Image

Goal number 1 of 2016 accomplished earlier than expected Smile
Posted 8 years ago
4 figures looks very niceeee! And good luck with the SJ tix!
Posted 8 years ago
Cheers buddy! Now time to get established at 20nl and stay there! I busted my 10 euro ticket tonight! My A8 busted by A7 with 5 left for a 200 euro ticket! Got 6 euros cash for it though so money for nothing Smile