Posted 8 years ago
Thanks Jon I'll PM you my deets... yeh no worries feel free to use and abuse any screen names!

There's more on the way!

Posted 8 years ago
Nice journey so far pal! Cool to follow one on Unibet, I did the same and signed up a while back and I must admit the site is really unique and the sea's are always full Smile I just wish they had some speed/zoom poker type games! The regular tables seemed a lot slower than normal to me. Anyway, Good Luck and I'll eagerly await the next post.
Posted 8 years ago*
Thanks @THEJNRH You're right the seas are certainly full... plenty of them last night! As far as speed or Zoom goes why don't you just open up a few more tables? I used to play 4 max at sky because they were so quick but can easily play 6 at Unibet and contemplating moving to 8 but need to get off my laptop to do that... GL

Last night was another great session, felt strong as ever and am certainly looking forward to moving up to 10nl... gotta stick to the challenge though and build this roll from 0!

Not sure when ill take a shot at 10NL - i could try super aggressive and maybe a 3 BI shot at a br of 150 ... waddaya reckon? wait till i can take a bigger shot? Or just run amuck sooner?

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Stake 4nl

BR before sessions: €101.08

Hands played: approx 1000

Current BR: €110.73

Posted 8 years ago
Chasing it all up for you bro - weekend is here so there will be an inevitable delay but yeh trying my best Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks Jon, appreciate it. I'm away for a while so may or may not respond for a while but fingers crossed its sorted for me on my return!
Posted 8 years ago*
Great final session before 2 weeks with no computer as I'm going away.

Stake 4nl

BR before sessions: €110.73

Hands played: approx 1000

Current BR: €121.48

edging closer and closer to a 10nl shot and keen as ever!

Adios folks see ya on the other side!

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Posted 8 years ago
Shot shot shotssssssss

Keep going buddy! Win it all.
Posted 8 years ago*
Hi guys I'm back in the real world now after a totally epic break. It was actually a 40th birthday pressie to myself and a quick detox before the arrival of child no. 1 this summer...

So I spent 10 days floating around the Indian Ocean on a boat with nothing to do but surf with some close friends and two of my brothers... needless to say it was just perfect.

So now I'm back at home delving into more home renovations and general work life which doesn't leave a lot of time for poker but i pick up this challenge every now and then.... Ive actually been back nearly a week so have played a few short sessions, my first session saw me down 5 buy ins! The typical 'I haven't played poker in a little while so I'm gonna get back to the felt and destroy everyone... except I don't... I just make stupid mistakes with an over inflated confidence and general non-believing'... still I have built it back up and my BR is the highest its been in this challenge.... i hear nl10 calling my name!

Which is currently:

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Stake 4nl

BR before sessions: €121.48

Hands played: approx 2000

Current BR: €129.82

I'd also like to give a shout out to @Jon-PokerVIP for getting in touch with Unibet to sort out my link issues with PokerVIP - which he promptly sorted for me Yes cheers bud!


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Posted 8 years ago
Sickkkkkkkk was reading it and was ready to reply "pics needed" then i scrolled down and you made my day lol! Looks so amazing and like the perfect lads holidays!

Congrats on the big 40 and a huge congrats on the news of having a child! Super pumped for you!

Np on the Unibet issue - glad your all hooked up and ready to crush.
Posted 8 years ago
Good to see you back dude and your holiday looked fantastic!

I feel I'm nearing 10nl on Unibet too, I think I'm ready to give it a shot now as I can't play it safe in 4nl all my life.

Don't forget the 'moving up the stakes' promo they have at the money that just requires a small number of flops seen per day!

Good luck! 😃
Posted 8 years ago*
Hey Keith,

Yeh I'm on the case with the promo for those bonus tickets ... pretty good promo really considering how little you have to play to get the tickets...

Good luck yourself! Whats your BR on unibet ATM?
Posted 8 years ago
Im at 210euros at the moment. I have been at 210 before but, like you, I had a break and returned thinking I would continue where I left off smashing the tables...only the tables smashed me and before I knew it I was back at 180euros.

I had always said I would shoot 10nl when I got to 250euros but I think I might take the shot a bit before that to see how it goes. I have no problem moving back down if I have to
Posted 8 years ago
I love these challenges. Not sure how I missed this one. I'll be following for now anyway Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Cheers Barrabod!
Posted 8 years ago*
OK.. so whats been happening here then! As usual not a lot of time for poker but i enjoy it when i can. The last few weeks I've been working with me free cash tickets on unibet with their Movin On Up promo. Basically after making sure you play a bit of poker 5 days a week you end up with a free cash ticket - one week 1nl, 4nl, one 10nl and one 25nl. The catch is that you've got to see 300 odd flops with these single buy in tickets to release the cash.... so you need lady luck on your side...

I flunked the 1nl, 4nl and 10nl ones.. then a made a major fuck up when i thought i was playing with my 25nl cash ticket when I ran my AA into KQ pre and lost the ticket... when i went to check my BR i realised i was playing with some of my actual BR which knocked my BR down from 124 euro to 99 euro .. such a ball ache, basically 6 buy ins at my current level! Spewing!

wow so luckily steered the 25nl ticket into 80 euros which gave me a a good BR boost back over and up to 180 euros approx...

NL10 here we come!

Catch ya soon...

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Posted 8 years ago
Lol I love the identities you come up with - You think Unibet hope people fuck up with the tickets and bankrolls?
Posted 8 years ago
Well done dude! it is a really good bonus to help with building bankrolls. I almost did what you did a couple of's so easy to hit cash rather than ticket when opening tables. It can be hard work at the start can't it when you only have enough to have a full stack on 1 table...especially if you don't get off to a very good start!

Good luck with the 10nl shot!!
Posted 8 years ago
Very interesting thread especially when you consider all those poker doomsayers. Turn's out you can still run it up playing micros and I'm happy you're doing well sir!
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Lol I love the identities you come up with - You think Unibet hope people fuck up with the tickets and bankrolls?

Hey Jon, hmmm i don't think it would really on their agenda... I mean they want people to be playing poker right? If they were hoping to ravage people BR's then that would be kinda dumb right? ... They're definitely making people pay for their cash tickets right.. I mean 300 flops to release the cash ticket? Thats well over 1,000 hands i wonder how much rake we pay in that time from that one ticket.... but it's free cash of you can release it so i aint complaining!
Posted 8 years ago
keithyboy198: Well done dude! it is a really good bonus to help with building bankrolls. I almost did what you did a couple of's so easy to hit cash rather than ticket when opening tables. It can be hard work at the start can't it when you only have enough to have a full stack on 1 table...especially if you don't get off to a very good start!

Good luck with the 10nl shot!!

Yeh for sure you need luck on your side to realise the ticket! Cheers... think I'm gonna have a 3 buy in shot at 10NL and see how that goes....