Posted 6 years ago
Decided to get back on the streaming grind last night for a few hours so made a wee deposit of 200 onto stars and got to it.

I can confirm now that I am a losing 10NK player but a seriously talented blackjack player so it all worked out for the best.
Posted 6 years ago
The names Fergy baby, I don't even bother playing online pokers anymore or updating on here because I just buy pieces of Legends and let them print money for me, WHAT A LIFE! Smile
Posted 6 years ago
For those unfamiliar with what @Curl-1-out is on about, Ive had some very nice success recently with buying stakes of people. Up around €1k the last month from a very minor amount of investing, and one of the binks included a PS platinum pass so I’ve got a 5% stake in the $25k next January as well Laugh

To update my poker exploits, I’ve packed it in on stars and have been grinding it out on Party. Volume has been low but solidly moving the roll in the right direction, 5k hands and +5BI plus some rakeback at 25NL. Might I even stream some? It’s all entirely possible.

Also, planning on getting on the grind hard during SCOOP as have a couple weeks off work. Have a package for sale in the marketplace for anyone that might have a bit of interest!
Posted 6 years ago
SCOOP grind happened but didn’t go amazingly. Started off fantastic with a +700/800 result by the end of day 2, ended up with a marginal loss all round though. Highlight was making an FT of the big 11, unfortunately I busted 8th in that for 500ish. Frustrated as hell that I didn’t close it out!

I deposited back onto iPoker last night so will be grinding the 20NL speed poker pool over he coming weeks. Played a miniscule amount last night to make sure everything was set up correct and what not, pool seems nice and soft just as I remember it Smile

Put in €600, and had a couple of euro in there to start with also. Let’s run it up!
Posted 6 years ago
GLGL diddly dee
Posted 5 years ago
Saw you in the pool a couple of times recently! The games are still really great Smile
Posted 5 years ago
Yeh I got my Betfair account retagged to here with my 35% rakeback so I’ve started playing back there, I much rather Betfair over other skins as A) You concert points yourself rather than getting paid into your account externally so way easier to track and Cool They accept PayPal!

Agreed the games are just as soft as I left. I fired in €600 again so will he grinding it up again, we’re going to be buying our new house in the next couple of weeks so wasn’t in a position to put in a roll for 50NL!

I’ve only played a few K hands and am around break even ATM, some highlights:

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Second hand I may or may not have been drinking....
Posted 5 years ago
Have you signed up to the 'bankjob' on Betfair too as you get an extra 10% rakeback................
Posted 5 years ago
Nope, I wasn’t aware of it. Will look into it later on now.
Posted 5 years ago
You gonna be streaming ferg? Will defo pop in if you do!