PLO Broke Me...Now Back To 2 Cards

Posted 9 years ago

Hey all,

This thread is all about bragging, but first things first.

I have been playing poker for lets say 7 years. Standart path, Poker with friedns -> Online freerolls -> 1st free 50$ deposit -> Online is rigged -> 1st live tourney -> More live tourneys -> 1st real money deposit -> 1st busto -> repeat few times and start winning.

After few years of playing poker during studies at university I knew I want to become a Poker Pro. Sounds like Same old story again, right? Don't worry it ends here. I found a Job as QA Analyst in IT industry, what a surprise. 40h/week job + live/online poker during evenings + 2 years = some savings and possibility to GO PRO and finally my dream can become a reality. So I Quit (job). It was in august of 2013 and my journey as PokerPro have started.

I was playing SNGs and live tourneys. Normal and turbo 9man sngs on up to 30$, later 6max hypers SNGs up to 50e and live turneys up to 200e. Everything was great until I started to hate poker. Because I always want to be happy, this is my rule number one, I quit (poker). It was in August of 2014.

And Here I am, after a few months break, playing poker again. I have a great 40h/week job for a great company in a nice country. Playing poker in evenings and during weekends. Finally I love playing poker again.

Because of regural job, I've decided to switch to Cash Games. I am not going to update this thread on daily basis, but I'll try to post something from time to time, lets say one or two posts per week.

And finally the main reason why I am starting this thread, my first cash game graph with more than 1K hands played :

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PS1: If you have any question, please do not hesitate.
PS2: Sorry for my noobish english, but I need to improve.

Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago*
I think, I owe you some facts about my new cashgame poker journey:

Site/network : PaddyPower/iPoker
Starting BR : 100$
1st stake : NL4 regural tables.
Number of tables : 6
BR management : more agressive than safe
Cashgame knowledge : I dont know much about CG but I saw Jon's videos at start (NL4 a NL10) and I think it was good place to start.
Graph above is only from NL4 + some PLO4 when tables are full etc.

...cca 1K hands Later,
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Today was my 1st regular session mixing NL4 and NL10 tables (3+3). Start was really nice and hot but than I was unlucky and lost 3 staks in preflop AI confrontation. Shit happens, but who cares.

I will continue with mixing stakes whole next week, 4*NL4+2*NL10 or 3*NL4+3*NL10 and hopefully with some nice run i will be able to move to NL10 only as soon as possible.

Here are my stats by stakes:
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If you can see something, whats is not "normal" or "good", please let me know.

Thanks for reading and see you later.
Posted 9 years ago
awesome intro.

how have you find the switch from sng to cash games? You look to be crushing the games given your stats, i think you will be moving up pretty quick.

what site do you play at and where do you live now?
Posted 9 years ago
lorry: awesome intro.

how have you find the switch from sng to cash games? You look to be crushing the games given your stats, i think you will be moving up pretty quick.

what site do you play at and where do you live now?


First, why I have switched to CG. I dont have a time and I dont want to play long sesns. I am sitting in front of computer 8-9 hours per day in work and I dont want to spend another 3-4 hours playing SNGs online. Thats one big reason. Session lenght between 1-2 hours suits me the best right now.
Another big reason is that I wanted to move away from PS after latest changes. But, I still think that PS is the best place for playing SNGs.

I find CG a bit different, CG is not "robotic" as SNG because every pot starts with 100bbor more, so there are no easy decisions like pushing some very clear spots etc.
Most of the decisions are made postflop and this is the biggest problem for me. I want to play every pot till the end and feeling pot-commited after I call/reis one street.

btw: I hope you are right about moving up the stakes.
Right now I am feeling very good and comfortable at NL4, but a little bit uncomfortable at NL10 for example in 3b spots when I miss:)

I play on iPoker network and I will add some pohotos later, so you can guess the place where I live.
Posted 9 years ago
What a cracking intro that is. One of the best i have ever seen. I read post 1 and had a few questions which you then had already answered by post 2...nice and efficient Smile

Your story is very familiar and it sounds like you have been down the same road that so many poker players have. Its great to hear you still have a love for the game and enjoy playing outside of work.

Was the pro life all it was cracked up to be? Would you like to get back to playing full time?

Looking forward to seeing your pictures so i can guess where you live. Many people who use this site will tell you how much i love pictures in journeys. Really brings them to life Smile

Keep up the good work buddy and will look forward to following this.
Posted 9 years ago
What a cracking intro that is. One of the best i have ever seen.


Was the pro life all it was cracked up to be? Would you like to get back to playing full time?

Life was good, Lot of time, Lot of fun, Lot of traveling. Was playing something like 80-100hours per month and study few more hours. I also think I was very lazy and not productive. I was smoking a lot of weed back in Slovakia, meybe this was one of the main reasons of my lazyness. After 7 monts of living in Slovakia, we moved to Spain for the summer (We, i mean me and my girl friend.) You know good sunny weather, country is also very cheap etc. Girlfriend was working in Bar during nights, so great oportunity for me to be productive and play lot of poker. Then I realized that only possible SNG game at are Hypers. So I need to learn new format! From start it was nice, but than, when i move up the stakes, I was sick loosing/winning 500e per day etc. I moved up very fast. Started at 5e and finished shoting 50e during 4-5 months and It was bad for my mindset and I started to hate the game. I was really unhappy last 1-2 moths and my girl friend was able to see it. At this point I was sure that I need to find regular job again and drop all the stress from playing poker.

I really love playing poker, but guys believe or not, Quit poker was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Btw, we moved again, and you can guess the city where we are living now. (unfortunately, nothing for the winner, sorry :D)

1st Clue :
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Posted 9 years ago*

...4.5K hands later
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Things have been going well this week. Solid volume with nice results and I can drop NL4 tables. From now I will play 6 tables of NL10. Will move up after reaching 25BI for NL20.


Posted 9 years ago*
Hey guys,

Any thoughts, why I am loosing so much from SB?
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Every single advice is very appriciated
Posted 9 years ago
It's normal to lose money in the blinds, I would not worry about it too much, the same is small too. How often are you calling raises out of the SB? What is your calling range against UTG? MP? Button?
Posted 9 years ago
Struggling to guess what that country is...Surely not Australia? (I know it's not Sydney btw =P)

Holland? The houses over on the left kind of look like the Amsterdam / European style. I'd say that region of Europe - Like Holland / Belgium or something?
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: It's normal to lose money in the blinds, I would not worry about it too much, the same is small too. How often are you calling raises out of the SB? What is your calling range against UTG? MP? Button?


Stats : VPIP/PFR(3B)

against EP :
SB -> 9.9/5.5
BB -> 17.9/7.5

against: MP :
SB -> 10.3/4.2
BB -> 21.6/7.2

against CO:
SB -> 15.5/7.6
BB -> 29.0/7.45

agains BU:
SB -> 16.5/9.61
BB -> 39.4/9.4

BB vs SB -> 44.2/15.7

What do you think about it?

Stewart: Struggling to guess what that country is...Surely not Australia? (I know it's not Sydney btw =P)

Holland? The houses over on the left kind of look like the Amsterdam / European style. I'd say that region of Europe - Like Holland / Belgium or something?

Well played, You are right. I am currently living in Amsterdam.
Posted 9 years ago
Runnning hot...
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Afrer 5K hands at NL10 I have winrate 24bb/100 and 20BI for NL20. Should I shot NL20 next week? or play at least 10K hands at NL10?

Posted 9 years ago
play more at 10nl- no point in moving up jsut yet, prove to yourself you can beat 10nl first. With shots it's better to look at it less as a bingo chance to make it and more the first step to moving up. Ask yourself are you ready to beat 20nl? I find after I have crushed the limit below over a longer period I am ready to move up so I would aim for 30bi at that limit its a much better number to aim at than 20!
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyCookie: play more at 10nl- no point in moving up jsut yet, prove to yourself you can beat 10nl first. With shots it's better to look at it less as a bingo chance to make it and more the first step to moving up. Ask yourself are you ready to beat 20nl? I find after I have crushed the limit below over a longer period I am ready to move up so I would aim for 30bi at that limit its a much better number to aim at than 20!

Hey, Thanks for answer

You are probably right, I don't need to rush. Will play more nl10 for sure and between 25-30bi for nl20 i'll start play 4*nl10 + 2*nl20 same way as nl4->nl10
Posted 9 years ago
Just gotta take it easy, I found reading MGOP on moving up really helpful in getting the right mindset to move up so would advise that Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Just after my last post i had a nasty 500h session where I lost 6bi...this is nothing terrible, i knew before, that 24bb/100 is unreal to sustain and i will be very hapy to have somethig like 10-12bb/100 after larger sample..

The main thing why i can move up so quick is probably the RB ,it boosts my winnings so much, receiving 5-6 bi at nl10 every week is awesome!!

For next 5k hands I will stay at nl10 no matter how much BI i will have for nl20.
I will record 30min sesn for Jon probably on Sunday, and i should start posting some hands lets say 2/week.
Than i will revaluate if i am ready to crush souls
at nl20.

Stay tuned!

Posted 9 years ago
ermmm 5-7bb/100 would be sick 10-12 is not possible pre RB after maybe but IDK what the games are like,
Posted 9 years ago
We will see, how it will look like after next 5K hands. I will post graph from NL10 with winrate. I know 10K is not a good sample to making conclusions, but better than nothing. also i am not sure if i want to stay at nl10 for lets say 50K-100K hands if my BR allow me to move up. Ofc there is always possibility that my shots wont be successfull, but i prefer to think possitive. Wink Move up and never look back, my heater must continue, this is my new approach :D:D
Posted 9 years ago
yeah not saying that you should play an excessive ammount at 10nl to prove a W/R if you can move up but I am saying that winning at 10bb/100 is not going to be a true w/r Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
Nice blog Smile will follow!