Abz’ Road to Mid stakes – No bottling it this time.

Posted 9 years agoEdited 9 years ago

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Yo guys. Some of you may know me from before, some of you don’t, however, thought id start a new a journey to give me a little bit of motivation and I see this is a very new start.

If anyone wants to read my old journey thread, that is here.

I want to keep that in this journey so i can refer back to it anyways.

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A little bit about me.

So anyways im Abz, I’m 26 and I’m a pretty big Derby County fan.

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Last year I was a season ticket holder...

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...but i decided i was going abroad to work as a Ticket Seller in Magaluf. Living the dream haha. Working on beaches, by the pools, walking the streets and the living a bit of a party lifestyle at night was awesome.

I also got talked into having this awful tattoo.
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All fun and games! Haha. There is a story behind it. Probably not the best thing to be posting on this forum, but if you wana know, you can ask :).

Unfortunately all the drinking and other shenanigans caught up with me and had to cut my trip short and get myself home.

I was previously staked before by the legends that are PokerVIP. Had a lovely little stable before and hopefully it all kicks off again in the right direction. Met some brilliant poker players and most importantly brilliant people. The experience was awesome and the aim and idea for me is to apply for the staking again. At the minute im just getting set up with HM2, reading, watching videos and anything else that can help, just to refresh my mind of the game. “Got the itch” i suppose they say.

Hobbies and interests

Football – I used to be pretty decent, i suppose i turned 18, found alcohol, women and injuries and my football just went downhill from there. Cant wait to start playing again, but now due another operation due to rupturing my anterior cruciate ligament, TWICE! Not good.

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Pool – I play a half decent game of pool. Seven balled my granddad here with just the one visit. Have a few, but not loads of break and dishes/runs to my name.

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Poker – Obviously

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Posting bollocks on Facebook – James Ablott if you wana see the shite i post.

Going out – Cant beat a good night out with ya mates.

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Short Term Goals

Move PC to more comfortable position – Yeah, havent really got a proper arrangement with seating, and i like to be comfortable. Nothing worse than playing poker for long hours (ready to bite Jon) and being uncomfortable.

Deposit – Keri sorted me out today with all the set up, so im ready to make a deposit to get playing. This is likely to be in the next week or so.

Hands – Blast out 10-20k hands so i have a decent graph to apply for the staking.

Apply – Then obviously apply and see what the boys have to say about my game.

Help Others - If i feel i can help anyone in any way, then I’m more than happy to, makes me feel good helping others and can only help me in the long run.

Keep Motivated

Long Term Goals

Improve – I want to improve, i think last time i bottled a lot of it by posting chosen hands, we all have hands we fuck up on and i need to start posting them. Gota keep myself interested too, playing, reading and watching to stay above the competition.

Mid Stakes? – Everyone wants to be the worlds best, lets start with a realistic long term target and see if we can reach mid stakes. I cant put a time zone on it yet because i have no idea where ill be next week, never mind 6 months down the line.

Enjoy the experience

Be successful

Another thing i need to sort out is my screen name. Im open to suggestions. So anything you can pick out of my journey that you think would suit an original username please let me know below. If i really like one then i’ll have it. But if i’m not keen don’t take offence, I may end up picking my own anyways .

Social Media

FacebookJames Ablott
Instagram – @Abzisaledge
Skype - Abzisaledge
Snapchat – Abzisaledge

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If anyone wants to ask any questions or add me on any of the above, feel free.

Happy grinding.


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
1. Fucking awesome post.

2. That guy in the Derby top i thought it was Jason De'Rulo and still think it is. Thought it was going to be a joke about you being single and 'Riding Solo'

3. Yep one of the worst tattoos i have ever seen. Almost as bad as mine. #postthegoddamnstory

4. TBH i am buzzing you have got the itch and it seems your head is in the right place to get back on the team. This time as well the deal is at least 5x better than last time which i think will help motivate you even more.

5. Football/Pool/Injury - do not care Dancing haha just playing bro. Sad to hear you got that injury. 3 of my mates who played football either semi pro of professionally got some bad injuries and it ended their career. It was hard to watch to say the least even just because of the enjoyment they got out of the beautiful game!

6. Nice stack bro!

7. Would love a night out with Abz. Would imagine it would be total carnage.

8. Haha no biting i am sure you can play a 2+ hour session with some solid practice. Agree with the set up - get it nice and it makes grinding way easier and more enjoyable.

9. Smash those hands out in under a week and i am sure we can make the magic happen. Just concentrate, play fewer tables than you are planning to and take your time over each decision - there is no rush at all!

10. Solid targets. I think a good target i have always had is to just make a decent living for the life i want to lead. We always want more thats human nature but as long as you can pay bills and have a fun month and do nice things thats all that really matters.

11. Fired some usernames at you earlier on FB. Mind is blank.

12. Do yourselves a favor and dont follow Abz on snapchat. Been receiving his snaps for 12months + now and seeing his face daily is not fun! However the 2 pics of some girls he is dating (lols) were the best iv seen in some time.

Lets do this bro.
Posted 9 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: ...2. That guy in the Derby top i thought it was Jason De'Rulo and still think it is. Thought it was going to be a joke about you being single and 'Riding Solo'...

Its the one and only, Darren Bent.

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Posted 9 years ago
Damn i have a rival for epic posts....was just setting my new journey up!!

Posted 9 years ago
iGoWeeWee: Damn i have a rival for epic posts....was just setting my new journey up!!

Thanks and soz bro! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
iGoWeeWee: Damn i have a rival for epic posts....was just setting my new journey up!!

haha yeh he has seriously set a bench mark here!
Posted 9 years ago
iGoWeeWee: Damn i have a rival for epic posts....was just setting my new journey up!!

haha yeh he has seriously set a bench mark here!

I started, then realised that his was toooooo epic.


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Posted 9 years ago*
Okay, so today was meant to be a little more productive.

The plan was to make a HUD, but I got a wank sleep and decided I'd watch the stream for a bit. Had a little argument with mum about poker (see thread here) and was then running late for work.

Goals for weekend

- Make a new HUD (Will post the details in here, just in case any of you may be interested in it.)

- Move the room around to cater for a more comfortable position to actually sit and grind.

I might also see if I can find an old monitor to get two screens on the go and get a naughty little set up :P. If I don't manage this, I'll see if i can incorporate my TV into it and just experiment.

Hopefully a week today (payday) I'll be deposited. All fun and games.

Much love


Posted 9 years ago
Nice first post, keep it up! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Now then. Had a mass sort out. Got myself some speakers and a headset.

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Pretty pleased with the progress I've made today. Got a little man cave for the time being and thats always good news.

Goal for tomorrow is to get myself a lead to link up to the tv too. So if I'm sweating i can sit back and watch :).

Still need to make a HUD but going to be sweating someone in the Storm after my dinner.

I'll try and keep this as up to date as possible anyways.

Cheers guys.

Abz JA
Posted 9 years ago
I like this set up a lot! Keep it clean tho bro - trust me grinding in a clean environment makes you play better!
Posted 9 years ago
Nice set up, just dont like that black and white scarf (hate Partizan Belgrade, i prefer Red and White colours :D)
Posted 9 years ago
This will do for now :). Be looking to get a better monitor in the future. But this is nice for the time being. Got myself a nice little comfy place to play. So should be fun.
Posted 9 years ago
Just had my first little cash session online since at least May last year. Think today was all about bedding in, getting all the settings correct with Holdem Manager and the client.

I'm still encountering one little problem that doesn't seem to make much sense; On the Microgaming network it seems to add what i have already in the pot to the bet size i make, i want it to be the total and i can't work out which setting it is.

Session didn't go too bad, not bothered about losing a few sessions to begin with as long as i'm reminding myself of certain spot and just playing hands. I did manage to get someone to put all their chips in preflop with AJ vs my KK.

I recorded my session and sent it over for review, because I really want to get my application in for staking as quick as possible. Don't want nothing to go with and I'm so eager to get involved all over again, hopefully some exciting times ahead for PokerVIP and I hope I can be involved yet again.



Posted 9 years ago
Yesterday was a productive day as you can see above. I've had a days grind so far and as mentioned yesterday i still think its all about bedding in and getting used to something i havent done for nearly a year now.

Heres my current graph one day in:

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Which i think is fine, its not a lot of hands so can't get a real idea of whats happening, but a small profit is always good.

In other news, I play pool every Monday for a team. We're not in the greatest league and its only over one frame, so its a bit like poker in that sense, anyone can win one hand/frame. I won my singles and lost my doubles in the two frames I played. The team lost 5-2.

Will keep updating the journey. Just trying to get to 10k hands so I have a decent enough sample size to send off to the team for staking applications.


Posted 9 years ago
Nice set up. Awesome thread. In. Yes
Posted 9 years ago
Did you aim to play 1k hands there Abz or was you playing until you got unstuck?
Posted 9 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Did you aim to play 1k hands there Abz or was you playing until you got unstuck?

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I just played 4 tables before work after I deposited. Just to get back into the swing of things. Had a nice go before work again today. I just play as much as I can outside of working hours. Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
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After celebrating St Georges day on Thursday, I decided it wouldnt be a wise idea to play on Friday. I was feeling rough.

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I also had a house warming party to attend last night, but I managed to get a few hands in yesterday.

Don't think I'm running particularly well, not winning many hands when I'm way ahead. Hopefully times will change and it will really make a difference to my graph. But ahhh well, not too bothered about that at the minute, just enjoying playing and I'm finding that, because I am enjoying it, the bad beats don't affect me as much as they used to.

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Couple of goals or advisories for me to look at over the next week or two

- Make more notes
- Think about opponent ranges a little more
- Defend the BB more (this was one in Jons video review which should be uploaded shortly, however I do feel this has improved)
- Bet sizing improvements

Cheers guys


Posted 9 years ago
Yo yo yo!

So I got into the staking group. Lovely bunch of guys and the banter is...erm....okay. Haha. Nah there's some great laughs in there. Just wish people would stop moaning about EV lol. I was terrible at this a while ago. Use to moan like a little bitch at variance, but after hearing so many bad beats and just learning to shut my ears and nod my head at them, i realised how fucking annoying bad beat stories are to listen to lol.

I started the staking on the 7th May 2015, played 3 days and have 4600 hands played. Had a big day yesterday but came off after getting a little bit of a migraine. Bedding in quite nicely and actually been smashing the tables.

Heres my current graph.

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Currently 8bi up!! PartyDancing

The only thing that has gutted me is the fact that the tables automatically go really fishy and weak at about 5pm til about 10pm. Yeah i work 4.30pm til 10pm so its pretty shit that that's the case.

As you can see from the graph it was a bit of a rocky start and it is still a small sample, but i am happy with the way im playing and how things are going of course. Ive posted some hands for line checks today too, so they're on the strat section of the forum. Have a look and see what you think.

Gl to you all and lets smash it in the group!


Abz JA