And the varience kicks in..................

Posted 7 years ago

So after running white hot for the last couple of months ....I have hit my downswing and its a cracker

Every hand seems like a set up..... every flop a tease to get my money in so I can be mullered by runner runner.

Im down over £200 and it feels like I've gone from making great decisions to the fish at the table even though I know 90% of the time when I get my money in I am in front.

i have reviewed my hands and can say the majority of the time its been AA vs KK/QQ they catch K/Q
Trip JJ lose to runner runner straight, trip anything at the moment and they catch miracle cards.

AND the all time killer...any two suited cards against any hand i have two pair, trips, straights dosen't matter they hit the flush, whereas I spend hours missing my flush's, getting nothing to play and mostly not catching a whiff when a decent hand comes around...

Oh and steal attempts just get called by every one.

They say a true test of a poker player is how they cope with downswings, I can tell you if it wasn't for you good folk doing the grinding along with me this player would not be coping at all.

Still the one thing it has done is teach me how to recognise my tilt signs and i have loads of those lol....

So on to another week - a chance to get back on the horse...see you at the tables and next week for the latest update.


Last Post 7 years ago by






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