BR Building on Stars

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

Hey all, so this is a bit of a challenge that wasn't intended at first.

I basically deposited $20 just to play some games with my girlfriend who has an account on Stars and plays the little games (some 2nl cash and small tournies).

I played some cash and just started to build up playing here and there and tracked 11k or so hands as I went along.

I played a couple of $5nl tables and won a couple of buyins, but the tracking is mostly 2nl and good table selection and solid play seems to have put in a good win rate so far (25+ BB/100 I believe) but it's 2nl mostly as I said so far and lots of free money floating around.

The number at the right (net) is of course total profit won.

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So I thought I might just see if I can make this a BR building challenge. Since there's all this 100 to 10K stuff going on. And everyone says Stars is tough. I want to prove that beating the games at Stars is still very doable at a good winrate.

The BR right now stands at $97.59 from the original $20.

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I won't be playing Zoom games as I legitimately think there is less value to be had over in those games compared to good table selection in the regular games. So feel free to join me. It's basically a bit of fun.

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Posted 7 years ago
Posted 7 years ago*
Ok well I haven't had much time to play at all in the last couple of days, been sooooooo busy with new job and music gigs etc. Just been sticking to some 2nl to keep BR management in a good place.

Played 2277 hands in the last 3 days or so. Not great I know, but as good as I could have done with the time given.

BR is now at $103.10 so that's a $5.51 profit over those hands

Again I've chosen the soft games and just played regular tables, I should probably start playing the 5nl games now though. We'll see...
Posted 7 years ago*
Played a few more hands tonight. Attempted some 5nl and forgot to turn on my Hold'em Indicator! Which caused me to cut session short. Nooooooooo, hah ahh well, I need to go to bed anyway!

Made a few dollars. And thought I should keep this real and up to date.

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So yeah... official bold type for BR.

BR is at $106.99
Posted 7 years ago
Great stuff buddy will be following with interest!
Posted 7 years ago
Nice buddy and good luck running it up.

How does all the stars coins and missions work nowadays?

Just seen they dropped supernova to 28% and you have to hit 10k vpps a month to achieve it.
Posted 7 years ago
Best of luck Grocker, will follow with interest.
Posted 7 years ago*
Yeah I had an email about all that. I'll probably grind for a while and maybe move the roll elsewhere at some point. I've been saving up hoping to get a decent deposit roll for another site and this was supposed to be a side roll to play for fun as I said in the first post but I may just use this and move it after it gets a bit bigger.

Not sure about the mission things @Jon-PokerVIP . Usually they have some Zoom mission or something which can be played from 10nl upwards, but never a tonne of value unless you get a lucky payout. But I won't be doing much Zoom, I may play fast fold variants on other sites but not Stars as there is so much easier money to be had from the other tables when you table select properly.

And thanks @nicamstereo and @Jef147 , good luck to you too in your games.

Been super busy again so not getting as much play in as I'd like but in the next few days I should get some time.
Posted 7 years ago*
Played 977 hands today, and after playing a $1 tourney over the weekend and winning a bounty it means I started with 85c less than my lass update.

I played a mix of NL2 and NL5. Mostly NL5 I think and ended up with $116.82 today.

Not the smoothest session and some weaker players hitting a few hands in 3bet pots but all is cool and I'm gonna go relax now.
Posted 7 years ago*
Played another 2016 hands in the last couple of days. Didn't really run great to be honest but a small profit.

BR stands at Attached Image

Having a ton of fun playing and hoping to keep this BR moving upwards.
Right now I'm off to play a gig, gonna be a fun night. Maybe I'll put in a few hands when I get home.
Posted 7 years ago
Got home from gig, have I little alcohol inside me, not going to lie. Played a session but still kept a solid game. A little 5nl then 2nl.

Results as follows

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I wish I had every hand in the HI stats, but I don't, so it's not 100% accurate but close.

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Going to chill out now and play The Binding of Isaac haha.
Posted 7 years ago*
Hey all.

I'm writing this as I get back from another gig. Wow... I've really had little time to play this week. I recently started a new job, and it's the same place as my other half works. I enjoy it and it's pretty social plus I occasionally work along side her. So yeah... money is money and it's more coming in which is a good thing and I know I won't have to dip into the BR which is good!

The downside is (at least for a week like this) that I sometimes get less time to play poker. Though it's coming up to Christmas which means where I work will be getting busy and so I'm in a lot more to be trained up to scratch. But also we've had a new heating system put into our house which means on two of my free days I had to have the internet off and couldn't play! Because of where the wire was passing the place they were putting new piping and such in. Crying

I did however get to go to one of the local live poker tournies in a local(ish) pub. It's a rebuy until a certain level.
16 players entered and I came 3rd to triple my buyin. Last time we went, the better half won (I taught her well Wink ) and I got sucked out on twice to get KO'd.
Oh man... live poker is such a crazy thing. I don't think I have ever witnessed a hand that made sense yet...

But yeah, so I only played a couple of thousand hands sadly, a lot of 2nl still in there. I'm really keeping a good BR management going on. I remember the days when they said 10 buyins was a good amount to have.

So here's how things stand.

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Been doing ok for the hands I managed to play. Just hope to get a few in tomorrow before gig number 2 of the week.

Good luck all!
Posted 7 years ago
So I decided to make a video where chat about the thread and what I'm doing and of course the hands that happen in the video.
Feel free to follow if you like Smile

Posted 7 years ago
Nice video there @Grocker6 ! I was expecting to see NL5, but maybe next time. Cheeky
What program did you use to record it?
I'd suggest to be more careful regarding volume since it is too low in my opinion.

I found interesting 3 hands in this video:

1. At 4:06, with AQo, I don't really like the check back on that board. I would have stabbed the turn when he checks it to me.

2. At 6:55, with AA, I would have cbet the KQx flop and not let him see a free card. They don't bluff at micros so much to expect a bet from them with air.

3. At 14:20, with K10o, is a realy ugly spot, but from what I played at micros so far, there is no doubt that you are crushed there from the flop.

Good luck! Smile
Posted 7 years ago*
Hah, yeah I'll be on NL5 next time. It was late and I was tired and I couldn't get up many good games at that time of night/morning Beer
Posted 7 years ago*
Balonas: 1. At 4:06, with AQo, I don't really like the check back on that board. I would have stabbed the turn when he checks it to me.

2. At 6:55, with AA, I would have cbet the KQx flop and not let him see a free card. They don't bluff at micros so much to expect a bet from them with air.

3. At 14:20, with K10o, is a realy ugly spot, but from what I played at micros so far, there is no doubt that you are crushed there from the flop.

1. The reason I checked with AQ there vs a tight player is because he firstly opened to 8c from MP and bet V high into a multiway flop and I felt this could be very strong. I am basically pot controlling vs a possible AK that hates the turn and plays too passively and can still get 2 decent streets from a worse A or river bluff.

2. I think a half pot would have been better than my check looking back as he can have some JTs, QJs, KTs, KJs hands however he seems a pretty tight guy so far and I think he can have a fair few PP's below the Q more often when he calls a squeeze of that size. So I am essentially hoping he turns it into a bluff. Occaisionally he shows KQs though which will hurt. But I don't think I need to go for x/r like I said in the video. I think I was blurting words there hah.

3. The KT hand is a very close spot I think between a flop call or fold. We can win a really big pot but it really just seems like we only want to see a T to do that. So I don't actually mind a fold as we just expect nutted hands all day from regular players. I think because I held the Kc that it made me want to call more in case some how we turned a flush draw and amazingly saw a cheap river. Which won't happen often at all but in these games odd things occur.
Posted 7 years ago
Hey again!

Back from another gig tonight in a fairly local area. It was fun and I had a good time.

Still not had a lot of time to play... it's bugging me a bit but hey. I do what I can.

I played a bit of 5nl anyway and made a video which you'll be able to find on my YouTube page very soon. Hopefully in the hour or two after I post this.

So here are how things stand after today.

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I've been making sure to keep to the better tables when I can. Always table selecting and not slacking where +EV is waiting.
Posted 7 years ago
Easy game there buddy! Keep it up and meh who cares if you don't play enough....gigs sound way more fun!
Posted 7 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Easy game there buddy! Keep it up and meh who cares if you don't play enough....gigs sound way more fun!

Yeah, well variance hasn't been horrible to me in this sample. But having money coming in from different avenues is much better for my mental game. I don't have any pressure and can just play well without being affected by anything. All in all it's awesome.
Posted 7 years ago*

I just watched your NL5 video and I saw some interesting hands there.

1. At around 8:30 you had AKo in D and you just called the 3bet of the BB. In my opinion you can 4bet/call shove against villain from this position even if it is an unknown.

2. At 12:10 with the A10o... what a sick river you got there 10. Smile I think that the fold is good after the villains shove. Most of the times there is a straight flush.

3. At 15:31 with Ajo on the board 27QK4 I think that I might have tried to bluff him off the hand on that river when he seemd so passive all the way.

4. At 20:10 with Q4s you 3bet preflop from D vsMP, but decide to check flop K2Q. I prefer to cbet here and check back turn if I want to see a free river. I don't like the 10c bet on the 9.

5. At 20:25 you fold 22 preflop from UTG. Are you opening 44+ from there?

6. At 25:30 you 3bet KK preflop BBvsD, 4 way. I saw this move on your NL2 movie too when you check flop OOP with nuts on a board that might connect with villains range decent enough to be interested in seeing later cards. I don't like the check since you allow him to see free cards.

I think that you have a solid game and you'll be able to move up in limits pretty fast.
I noticed something interesting though: you don't color code at all the players from the tables. It would't be easier to find the fish if you color code them? I know that the pool is very large and there is always fish at the tables, but this habit might be good later on when you advance in limits.
And one more thing: you should be more agressive when villains show weakness, like checking. Stab those pots! Smile

I hope that I wrote ok and that you can understand what I am saying.

Good luck on your journey! Smile