Can't stop, won't stop

Posted 7 years ago

Hey guys, I recently discovered this site and after reading some threads and seeing friendly atmosphere and a lot of great free content I decided to start a blog here.

Here's my poker background, feel free to skip it unless you have nothing better to do.

I'm 19 yo from Poland and I discovered poker about a year ago. Because I found out about poker I think through some article that already made me understand that it's a game of skill and in the long run people with the right skillset can win a very good money. So after watching some video series for begginers from P* and equipped with basic preflop charts from some poker school I decided it was time to hit the tables.

The battle was tough and life changing amounts of chips were changing hands but after calling it a session I checked my cashier and the result was clear. In just 2 hours I turned 1 000 into 67 000 play money chips battling the biggest play money sharks at higher and higher stakes proving my superiority over opposition.

It wasn't long before I deposited 50$ and started playing NL2. Unfortunately at that time I was unaware that the fish pond has dried up long ago and I found myself surrounded by solid agressive regs just sitting and waiting for action from unaware fishes like me.

So I ended up losing decent chunk of this money mostly by not being able to fold and not really thinking through my decisions, just clicking buttons and steaming. After that I made another small deposit and things were going a bit better and I started being BE and then winning at NL2. I played quite infrequently having some motivation swings and not really knowing what poker should be for me.

There were times when I though that maybe I should focus on poker a bit more and see if I can achieve something in the game but having some big mindset problems like fear of losing and the whole poker is dying and its impossible to make it past NL100 if you're just starting out was stopping me from playing a lot of poker even though I liked the game.

So fast forward to present day, I won a tiny bit playing mostly NL5 and on occasions NL10 but had to cashout to pay for my driving course. Now I have 50$ to my name and am starting studying IT at uni so I will play poker as much as I can and see if it brings me anywhere.

I think I have some big leaks in my game especially because until now I was not doing much work on my game except watching some random videos and I was playing quite randomly with occasional big spews and no desire to really correct the mistakes in my game and not knowing what these mistakes were exactly.
So I'm pretty happy to be a part of the community and be able to post hands that are reviewed by some players who knows their stuff and hopefully I will take some more systematic approach to improving my game and this seems like a right place to start.

So for now I'm probably going to be playing NL2 zoom looking to switch to NL5 regular on some different site once I have the roll. I dont know why but playing NL2 regular tables again has this awkward feeling to it that playing zoom doesn't so I guess I will stick to zoom for a while.

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
The very best of luck to you!