Dodging getting a job during summer!

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

Hey all!

Thought id start a blog/diary/notepad here in this community because I think its one of the best poker forums I've lurked in so far.

Short about me:
(*)24yrs old
(*)studying at university
(*)procrastinating studying for exams as I write this
(*)played poker on/off since i was 18
(*)fortunately winning since day 1
(*)building bankrolls from scratch -> getting scared/owned at NL50, rinse repeat
(*)Last time i built 100$ to about 2.5k$
(*)Dont wanna get a job this summer, wanna play poker instead.

Graph of 2015 bankroll building:
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So i will update this blog when I have something to say or a graph to brag about!

Oh and atm deposited 1k, playing 20-30NL

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Posted 7 years ago
Ah, this reminds me of when I was in Uni and didn't want to work a part-time job for £5.50 an hour somewhere.

I did pretty well and made a higher hourly than a summer job and I'm sure you can too even in today's games.

That's a nice graph, what site will you be playing on and how many hands do you expect to get in per month?
Posted 7 years ago
Winning since day 1? hOwOWOWOWOW?


Posted 7 years ago
Hey sorry for my delayed reply! I will put in as many hours as scool lets me, i guess somewhere around 30k hands a month, but hopefully more.

@Jon - yeah fortunately i didnt need to redeposit after my first free bankroll, (never deposited more than I've withdrawn) I guess in the beginning it was dumb luck but i studied alot and the games were alot softer 6 years ago as im sure you guys reckon.

At the moment im trying to study poker a bit every day, focusing on blind play post flop at the moment and i enjoy w34z3ls videos on the topic.

Sites i play at are 888, and i recently registered on coral after seeing one of your coaches playing there also seeing i get FDB and RB.
Posted 7 years ago
The fact that you didn't lose your first bankroll is actually somewhat uncommon. We hear stories of players who never lost their first 10-50 bucks, but in reality, most of the people I know that were successful at poker at some point in their lives lost their first bankroll.

I don't know where you live, or rather what's your cost of living/the amount you need to earn from poker to avoid that summer job, but judging from the graph you have a solid chance at succeeding.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah i realize i was really lucky, I have always had a pretty restrictive perspective on "gambling" in general. So when i started out i was REALLY careful, studying alot playing tight and playing fullring.

Winning since day one is maybe a overstatement. I should probably rephrase it to. I got lucky first month or so of playing until i could break even/win at the lowest micro stakes.

Anyways. Heres an update:

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Also im wondering if you guys have any tips on how to improve. Currently playing nl30. Studing w34z3ls stuff, do you have any tips about theory video series/books/good articles? Would appreciate that very much Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Good luck buddy!

There is so much material of differing quality and that appeals to different people it's hard to make recommendations, but 'the poker guys' have a youtube channel and podcast which I think is great:

Also if you want to pay some money, I found Cameron Couch's live play and review videos on Run It Once's essential programme pretty good.
Posted 7 years ago
Thank you very much! I dont mind investing money in strategy. Concidering getting a coach this summer when i have freetime. Ill make sure to check out Cameron Couch, I've heard alot of good things about him.
Posted 7 years ago
Are you in the UK? Sounds like you're in the UK.

Did you go to Uni after college or have a break? 24 and at Uni seems like suuuuch a long time of school! Couldn't wait to finish high school!
Posted 7 years ago
Im a bit further north! Im from Sweden Wink Had a break after high school for 1.5 year.
Posted 7 years ago
Did a database review and found some interesting stuff in my game that i can change given the stakes i play.

1. I cbet 53% i think i can pump that up to about 65-70% at my levels since avg. fold vs cbet in a single pot is 47%.

2. I 3bet too sparingly in the BB and OTB. Started widening my value 3b range in position aswell as bluffing some suited aces from both positions.

3. I stab but not enough vs missed cbets, and delay cbet a bit too rarely.
Posted 7 years ago
cbet is rather low, what is your turn cbet? You should start to cbet more with backdoor type hands, I assume you're not doing that already, which can pump that number up quite a bit.

What is your overall 3bet range? Feel free to post up your stats here too.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah I've started cbetting overcards on dry boards and potential backdoor draws. I played 1.5k hands and had a 70% cbet. Will post stats when I get home
Posted 7 years ago
Had a good 2 days!Attached Image

Will start taking shots on NL50 after 4 BIs more!
Posted 7 years ago
Wow a great 2 days! Super sick man wp
Posted 7 years ago
Very impressive stuff. As for the cbetting, sure in the vacuum it makes a lot of sense to bump it up from 53% to somewhere around 70% but keep in mind this change will affect other aspects of your game and change the nature of the spots you're finding yourself on the turn and river so if I were you I'd bump my flop cbet numbers gradually.
Posted 7 years ago
Had a pretty rough patch, playing bad running meh.
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I think my plan right now is to work on my play from the blinds. I have been running some filters in HEM and seeing that im losing more than 100bb when calling some parts of my raising range. Which sucks. Therefore i need too focus on postflop play from the blinds when calling. Ive seen some videos on here about blind defense. Would be awesome if someone could recommend more resources on how to play from the blinds postflop.
Posted 7 years ago
When I wanted to improve my blind game, I was told that I should never call but either fold or 3bet, that helped me a little and from then on I developed that strategy and starting adding in some hands to call etc.

How's the last week been?
Posted 7 years ago*
Last couple of days has been really shitty, basically back to 0 without rakeback, at the moment im only up 130 usd. Down 15 buyins.

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Posted 7 years ago
Ah, that reminds me of my old graphs when things weren't going my way. Last 5k hands were pretty brutal, any hands to share?