“Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do.”

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

Hey everyone,

first of all I’m not a native English speaker so I hope you will bear with me if my writing in English is not perfect and maybe even painful to read for some of you.

I signed up at PokerVIP almost a year ago but till now i was not active at all. I just came here from time to time to watch some videos, read some articles, lurked around the forum and took advantage of the great rake back deals.

As far as I can see this is a great community and I want to be part of it. This means to stop lurking around and start being an active member.

So who am I?
My name is Carlo, I’m 28 years old and I’m from Germany. Actually I got to be a very introvert person so writing about myself in public is way out of my comfort zone. Nevertheless I want to make big changes in 2016 so I think writing a Journey is a good thing to keep me motivated and to follow my progress.

Thinking about how to start and what to write I had the idea to interview myself and went through with it.
I tried to keep my answers short but as you can see by the giant wall of text, this didn’t worked out as planned

Even if no one ever is going to read all of this it was already worth doing. Just writing this down helped me a lot and was a lot of fun. I can just encourage you to start your own Poker Journey if you ever felt like this is something you want to do.


Hello Carlo you are here today to start your Poker Journey, so why don't you start with giving us some background information about your current situatuion?

To keep things short all you really need to know here is that my life was heading in the wrong direction after I left the house of my partents. What got me back on track was a Vacation in 2011 where I met the love of my life and I decided I had to change my life.

Back in Germany I moved back to house of my parents despite the fact I was already 23 years old it was the best place for me to start changing my life.

Things were going good. I had a job, started doing sport again and kept staying away from drugs and all the negative things I did when I was living by myself.
I was planning to move out again and to start a future with my girlfriend. But sadly I didnt't get the chance to do so.

It was 2013 when my father was diagnosed with dementia. The beginning of the dementia was not that bad. It was till the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 were things started to get more complicated. Up to the point where I needed to quit my job to help my mom taking care of my father cause she just couldn’t handle him by herself anymore.

After you quitted your job what did you do to have an income?

Luckily the pension of my father is good enough to support the 3 of us. We also get some kind of support by the insurance for taking care of my father and not putting him into an elder home.

So the money by the insurance is basically what I use as my income for taking care of my father.

Talking about the engagement ring what happened to the plans of getting married?
I was already planning the proposal, looked for an apartment for the both of us and started to safe money for an engagement ring.

But with the sickness of my father he was slowly getting my number one priority. And sadly the plans of our future were getting less and less important to me. Luckily my girlfriend is the best girlfriend ever and understood my situation very well and never stopped supporting me.

We are now in a long distance relationship for almost 5 years. For me it is important that I will be able to provide her a good life whenever we are getting married. Something I really dislike is to share a house with my parents where we can't have any privacy. I mean for me it’s not a problem to live with my parents but I hope you can see why that is something I don't want my future wife to go through.

Ok I guess that's all we need to know about your life for now. After all we are here for you Poker Journey, so what can you tell us about your Poker career?

I would defenitly say I was one of the whales in the golden years of online poker, just deposited for fun after I saw the story about Chris Moneymaker and tried my luck. Because I thought luck is all you need to become the next big thing in Poker you can imagine how this worked out.

I never really played much Poker besides the occasional home game where it was more about drinking and feeling bad ass while playing. Still I had no clue that Poker was a game of strategy and not only luck.

And how comes you are here now?
It was the end of 2014 when I saw an ad from 888 Poker which said something like"88$ for free! No deposit needed!" And I thought this is perfect for me why not trying to earn some money while you are at home maybe you'll get lucky this time.

And lucky i was... I somehow managed to win a 45 man SnG with one of the 1$ tournament tickets. And this how it all started. I was playing on 888 Poker for a while and it seemed like the good run will never stop.

After a while I decided to move to PokerStars cause all in knew was that PokerStars is the biggest online poker room so I transferred around 100$ to PS and started playing there. In the beginning everything went good there as well.

I got more intrested in Poker and found out that there are books you can read to get better at this game. It was a friend of mine who borrowed me the first book I've ever read about poker it happened to be the Full Tilt Poker book about tournament poker. So what I did was focusing on tournaments. It felt so good to believe that I knew what I’m doing and it even felt better after I managed to get third in a 2.20$ tournament and shipped a 650$. Of course I still had no idea of what I was doing but just to imagine it already felt so good.

This should have been a jump start for my Bankroll but it was actually the beginning of me getting way to confident…

What happened next?

I played stakes way above my limit. Bankroll management was nothing I cared about back then cause I felt like I’m the next Phil Ivey so who cares what buy ins I’m playing I will manage to win anyways. At least that’s what I thought…
After losing around 200$ in tournament buy ins the next thing I found for myself were spin’n’go’s. Trying them out was one of the worst decisions in 2015.

I don’t even know anymore exactly how it all happened but what I know is that I played them all 1$, 3$, 7$, 15$, 30$, 60$. I was addicted to play them. I think after a while the most exciting part for me was the Spin and when it was just an 2x I almost didn't care about that game anymore and already fired up the next one...

This time was just crazy and it was an up and down all the time. When ever I lost I just started a bigger one in the end my bankroll was at 50$ just were I started after I won my first SnG at 888 Poker. I finally stoped and realized what I had done.

Not the amount of money I lost but the way how I lost it just made me feel sick and I just had to stop playing poker for a while. I left the 50$ on PS and didn’t thought about playing poker for a while.

With the intention to look a PoE stream I somehow ended up watching a twitch stream of some dude playing poker. It was the way he was talking about poker which got me so interested in poker again, that I just had to do some research about the strategy behind this game and while i was doing this research I stumbled across PokerVIP.com and had to signed up.

I lurked around and absorbed as much information as I could. Started playing on PS again tried out all the different variations of poker and found out that I mostly enjoyed playing regular 6 max cash games.

After a while I found out about the rake back deals here and decided I will give another side a try. I joined William Hill using a rake back deal and started playing there. I didn’t had a tracking software back then but to make a long story short. I failed and I failed hard again. After some losing sessions I tried to win back my money with Twister SnG’s… I guess you already know how this ended…

Another side another try this time it was StanJames and for the first time I had to use my own money and deposited 200€ Sadly I was too lazy to put in the Volume after I deposited so I never got to take advantage of the first deposit bonus. The good thing about StanJames is that they don’t have anything like Spin’n’Go’s so I think that will be my poker room of my choice for a while.

But enough about my horrible Poker history… Let’s forget about it and just focus on a better future.

So it sound like you still want to belive you can be successful in Poker?

My biggest flaw was the lack of self-discipline and maybe the subconscious thought that I wanted to win back the money I once had on PS.

But I think I am finally able to leave this behind and I’m really looking forward to my Poker Journey in 2016.

Also my current situation just gives me enough time to study and play Poker so I want to use this to my advantage. Basically there is nothing better I could use my time for than studying and playing poker while I has to stay at home most of the time to take care of my father.

There are 3 things I want to mention that changed the way i will aproach poker in the future

1. The Title of my Poker Journey: “Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do.” I first read this in an article here but I cannot recall which one it was. But this quote is sticking in my head since then and I want to use PokerVIP.com to it's fullest potential from now on.

2. Watching “Mingthemerciless93” on twitch. I just love the way how he is talking about hands and also reading “Aplications of NLH” just let me think about Poker on a whole new level.

3. Another book which inspired me a lot was “The Mental Game of Poker” I can't even find the right words to describe what this book did to me.

But to get back to your question, with the correct mindset and the right work ethic I really believe that I can be successful in poker. And in the worst case scenario I just have to accept that I cannot make a living out of it. But my love for poker will still grow while I’m on this journey and it can always be a hobby for me. So learning more about this beautiful game now will never be waste of time.

I’m sure putting more effort into it was the plan every time you signed up on a new poker room, so what makes you think you will not fail again this year?

Together with my family I visited my girlfriend for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. A serious talk with my girlfriend made me realize that I’m actually just procrastinating any serious plans with her and using my father as an excuse. Last year I was never really trying to find a way to get married to my girlfriend.

I was basically just waiting for my father to die before I would start thinking about our future again. But now i know that one of my deepest wishes is to make my father happy and still being there when his son is getting married to the girl he already sees as his own daughter.

Now i have the motivation once again to change my life. I cannot just sit around at home, take care of my father and wait that something will happen. I has to take action and make this year different then 2015.

How are you planing to make this happen? What are your goals for 2016?

I would like to split this up in 2 different categories. My Life goals and my Poker goals:

Life goals:
Looking for 2 apartments in the same building and selling the house till the end of 2016.
The house we are living in right now is not ideal for my father anymore with his health conditions not getting better.

Getting engaged with my girlfriend.
If ever I will earn money in poker I want to use this money to buy an engagement ring. But if ever I will fail to earn money in Poker I can still get a plastic ring and my girlfriend would still be happy that I’m finally ready to propose to her.

Doing more sport again. To be more specific it will be mountainbiking. I already bought a bike for it last year and it's just so much more fun than jogging. So i cannot wait for better weather but while it's still cold i'm just using our hometrainer to get in shape again.

Poker goals:
I want to split up my Poker goals into long-, mid- and short term goals.

I want to spend at least 100 hours reviewing my hand history in PT4 this year
I want to accomplish this by reviewing my last day of poker for 1 hour as warmup before I will start playing poker

Crushing NL10 is what I'm aiming for this year. And as I mentioned before I want to use poker money to buy an engagement ring so what I'm planing to do is to always withdraw half of my bankroll whenever I get to have 500$ in my pokeraccount. I know that is not the best way to earn money in poker but thats just what is my plan for now.

Have a complete rest from poker one day per week.
This is to prevent burnout and also a way to keep my will up to play. I think after a one day break I really want to play again

Short term:

Start a Poker Journey on PokerVIP and update in on a daily basis and post at least 1 hand per day

Take a break every 1-2hours for a minimum of 10 minutes.
I had to realize playing more than 2 hours without a break will result in playing my B or even my C game.

It’s already February now so what have you been doing last month?

After we celebrated New Year’s Eve in Belgium with my girlfriend and stayed there for another week we came back to Germany on January 7.

What I decided to do was to play 30k till the end of January to figure out the state of my game and to observe my mental game what I haven't really done before.

If some of you really took their valuable time off the tables to read this I'm really thankful you did so and hope you enjoyed reading as much as i enjoyed writing.

I really apreciate any kind of feedback. And I'm looking forward to answer any questions you might have.

February 1 was my day off and today I didn't manage to find enough time to do a proper review of January. The main reason for this is that I had to spent way more time than I planed to write this OP but since i feel like everyone loves to see some graphs I will finish my OP with one and just give you my thoughts about it tomorrow morning as my first update. So that's all I have to say for today... Goodnight

NL10 playing 4-6 tables at a time
Attached Image


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Wow for anyone who saw a long post and thought not to read it scroll back up and enjoy. That has to be the best opening journey post I have ever seen. So much info and wow you really opened up there.

First of all ....Carlo is that a German name or are you from elsewhere? I have never known a German called Carlo which is why I ask.

Sounds like you have been through a lot in life and I am so sorry to hear about your father. My Grandma went through that and it's not easy and everyday is a struggle. Sure him and your mum seriously appreciate all your help. Mad props for that! The 2 apartment idea sounds like a perfect solution.

Good plan playing on WH - I rate the games there and actually did a crushing the micro series which you may find helpful. View them Here.

Posted 8 years ago
Thank you for the kind words @Jon-PokerVIP and I'm really happy you enjoyed reading it. I assume seeing such a long post will scare people off but once I started writing I just lost myself in it. Knowing there was at least one person who took the time to read it is already more than enough for me continue. Wink

Regarding your question to my name. You are right I'm just a half German, my mum actually is a Filipina but I'm born and raised in Germany.

Sorry to hear that you had to experience dementia in your family as well. So you know that this is an Illness which demands a lot of mental strength from the caregiver. It took me a while to accept and understand that but now I'm just doing the best i can to support my parents.

Anyways let's talk about Poker now. Smile

sitting on my home trainer and watching your videos about crushing the WH and Sky micros was what I did as my pre session warmup last month. They kept me going to do my workout, I started the video, started pedaling and just didn’t stop until the video was over.
Posted 8 years ago*
Reviewing my hand history and mental game notes from January these are the things I want to start working on.

Technical Leaks: There are way to many to fix them all at once so what i decided to work on first are my Cbet's.

My flop Cbet % is to low I'm at 45% right now and my goal for February is to get to around 60%-70%

After a Cbet I'm losing a lot of money when I call a reraise on flop with TPTK.

Mind leaks:
- When I'm running well it seems like I'm getting to confident and think I can outplay everyone in every hand. This will result in me trying fancy triple barrel bluffs or check-raises vs. the wrong opponents in the wrong spots.

Chasing loses
- After losing a couple of BI's it seems like I'm starting to add more and more speculative hands to my preflop raising/calling range. And start calling down way to much just hoping to hit a runner runner.

- Something I always struggle with is not to look at my results while in a session. And after I looked I was either playing to scared or to confident. This was extreme by the end of January because I was always getting excited when I was getting close to breakeven again.

Playing long sessions without taking a break
- It looks like after 2 hours without a break my win rate will always drop.

Auto piloting
- I noticed after a while I will start making decisions to fast. This means I'm not thinking about the hand ranges of my opponents and just looking at my own hand strength to decide if to Bet, check or fold.

Goals for today's session:

Look out for Cbet spots and mark hands you are not sure about and post them later.

Strategic reminder:
Fold TPTK vs passive opponents when your Cbet get's reraised on flop.

Quality over Quantity
- I'll start with only 2 tables and force myself to really think about every hand. Also I want to take at least 3 seconds for every post flop decision.

- To not look at my results while I'm in my session. The whiteboard behind my Desktop now says: "DON'T DO IT!" every time I'm thinking about looking at results I has to take a deep breath and read this out loud.

Take a break for at least 5 minutes after 1 hourr.



How long do you guys play before taking a break?

Are you looking at results while playing? If so does it have an impact on your game?
Posted 8 years ago*
Hallo, Carlo! Wie geht es dir?

Very nice thread opening, man. I wish you the best in this poker journey of yours.

It seems you are a strong and good guy for what I read, that will definitely help a lot when things don't go as we expect at the poker tables.

Regarding your questions:

- I used to play longer sessions a few months ago when I started to play poker full time, but now I play 1 hour sessions and rest 15 minutes between them (8 sessions a day), shorter sessions help me a lot to avoid tilt and stay fresh.

- Yeah, I can't avoid looking at results and I think that's the reason for most of my tilt either bad tilt or happy tilt xD.

Cheers, mate!
Posted 8 years ago*
Mir geht es gut, wie gehts dir? Auch deutscher?

Happy you like my OP Smile and thanks for you good wishes and kind words.

- Are you strickt with your 1 hour sessions? The way you are doing it is how I plan it to be in the future aswelll. But I still need to figure out my sweetspot maybe I will make 1-2 hour sessions depending on how I feel while playing.

How long are you playing full time already? And how are things going for you?
Posted 8 years ago*
Mir ghet es gut auch, danke. I'm chilean, but I learnt some German at Uni.

Yeah, most of the time I try to stick to my 1 hour sessions, but if there are lots of recreational players and donating I can stretch them half an hour more, but no more than that, because it is really difficult for me to start another session after a long one. Til now it works for me.

I've been playing full time for six months now, thing have been going well specially when I switched from iPoker to Unibet, man Unibet is SO soft, everyone can confirm that here! Once I started playing there I never looked back. It is quite a special room, because no HUD is allowed, you can't table select, no auto top-up and no tagging players. But you get used to it by playing less tables and paying more atention to table dynamics. I highly recommend you to make an account at Unibet with the guys here.

In which room are you playing?

Best wishes! Tschuss!
Posted 8 years ago
I can feel you there… For me it's the same after a long session I really struggle to get back to the tables after a break as well^^

I'm playing on StanJames right now, best thing for me there is that they don't have Spin'n'Go's Wink
Unibet sounds interesting but right now I feel so dependent to my HUD, need to get used to play without one from time to time. Just to train myself to pay more attention to table dynamics.
Posted 8 years ago
Dschunkz: Thank you for the kind words @Jon-PokerVIP and I'm really happy you enjoyed reading it. I assume seeing such a long post will scare people off but once I started writing I just lost myself in it. Knowing there was at least one person who took the time to read it is already more than enough for me continue. Wink

Regarding your question to my name. You are right I'm just a half German, my mum actually is a Filipina but I'm born and raised in Germany.

Sorry to hear that you had to experience dementia in your family as well. So you know that this is an Illness which demands a lot of mental strength from the caregiver. It took me a while to accept and understand that but now I'm just doing the best i can to support my parents.

Anyways let's talk about Poker now. Smile

sitting on my home trainer and watching your videos about crushing the WH and Sky micros was what I did as my pre session warmup last month. They kept me going to do my workout, I started the video, started pedaling and just didn’t stop until the video was over.

Haha what a sick way to watch videos! Love it! Please make sure you get involved with them leaving reviews and comments!
Posted 8 years ago
Loving the name of this thread!

If ever I will earn money in poker I want to use this money to buy an engagement ring. But if ever I will fail to earn money in Poker I can still get a plastic ring and my girlfriend would still be happy that I’m finally ready to propose to her.
Posted 8 years ago
Hey mates,

first of all here is my graph from yesterday
Attached Image

As planned i started with 2 tables but after a while i decided to add one more... was a good decision because I was lucky enough to get the Jesus seat on the 3rd table.

After running so good in the 1st session I started the 2nd session kinda waiting for a downswing. So i really didnt play as good as before anymore -.-
Was way to tight for a while and then overplayed QQ. Villian had an AF of 9 over 300 Hands but I don't think that is a good enough reason to shove QQ on turn.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG ranger1111 $10.37
UTG+1 smith22 $12.56
CO hektor23 $9.65
D redjohn95 $12.28
SB sorbex $10.47
BBHero $11.19
6$0.15Hero is BBQQ
ranger1111 raises to $0.30, 2 folds, redjohn95 raises to $0.90, 1 fold, Hero calls$0.80, ranger1111 folds
Hero checks, redjohn95 bets $1.45, Hero calls$1.45
Hero checks, redjohn95 bets $3.35, Hero goes all-in$8.84, redjohn95 calls $5.49
2$22.73, 1 all-in 2
Final Pot$22.73
redjohn95 shows AA
Hero shows QQ

redjohn95 wins $22.43 (net +$14.59)
Hero lost$11.09
ranger1111 lost $0.30

Even if I was a bit mad at my self because the way I played the hand I couldn't complain much about how the day went so far. Till this hand happened:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

UTG 295topman19 $4
CO midnightyell $11.10
DHero $10
SB Papapizza $10.05
BB X313R0N $18.39
5$0.15Hero is BTN89
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.30, Papapizza raises to $0.90, 1 fold, Hero calls$0.65
Papapizza bets $1.35, Hero calls$1.35
Papapizza checks, Hero bets$2.35, Papapizza goes all-in $7.75, Hero goes all-in$5.35
2$20.15, 2 all-in A
Final Pot$20.15
Papapizza shows AJ
Hero shows 89

Papapizza wins $19.80 (net +$9.80)
Hero lost$9.70

I think calling the 3bet was fine but calling the flop was quit ambitious. If a Queen comes it doesn't really help me and a 7 of spades would not be much better as well. I think i really derserved to lose this hand.

But what really makes this hand so special is the fact that I was holding my tablet when he went all in and i fking bite into it when I saw the river. Now it has a crack and the touchscreen is not working anymore -.- I actually thought it's not that big of a deal but when I went out this morning to let it fix they recommended me to just buy a new one since the repair would not be much cheaper...

I googled a bit and think that it's only the digitizer which is broken but all the repairshops want to excahnge the whole display... and to makes things worster my tablet is/was what I use as my alarm in the morning and because the touchscreen is not working anymore it will start ringing now every 10 minutes cause I can't turn off the alarm and it still thinks I just want to snooze a bit more Wink

I was thinking to just order the digitizer and repair it by my self but I can't even figure out how to open it to remove the battery... so I guess the next time the alarm will go off I will just throw it out the window Smile

My whole morning was so tiliting that I didn't played a hand yet I hope doing some sports will let me feel better and get me ready to start playing. I mean the good thing is I can't be distracted by any messages or whatever anymore Wink

Posted 8 years ago*
@Jon-PokerVIP I will do so in the future... still need to get rid of the habbit of just lurking around Smile
Posted 8 years ago
One of the worst spots in poker is holding QQ/JJ/TT OOP facing a UTG open and a 3bet before us... Flat calling defines your range so much and decent opponents will find it easy to play against you and know where they are at in the hand

I used to flat call in these spots but now I opt for the 4bet/GII with QQ.... Your play looks super strong. I just hope that AK will fold at these limits, which a lot of people would.. 99/TT/JJ/AQs/AJs might also fold.. And if all those hands call, we are still in great shape

That 89 hand is unfortunate Sad

I cover my whole room and all my possessions in bubble wrap prior to my sessions Cheeky Best thing to do! haha
Posted 8 years ago
@colly191091 Thanks for your input. I think I will try to do that in the future as well. Your reasoning makes perfect sense to me Smile

I had to learn the lesson the hard way... I'm going to buy my self some stress balls, so i can just squeeze or smash them against the wall Smile

Posted 8 years ago
WOOOOOOOOW!!!!! What an intro!!! Welcome mate and GL at tables! Subbed to this one.
Posted 8 years ago
Dschunkz: @colly191091 I'm going to buy my self some stress balls, so i can just squeeze or smash them against the wall Smile

I actually have one in my room somewhere Surprised I gotta go find it! Thanks for reminding me! haha
Posted 8 years ago
Happy that more and more people took their time to read my post and enjoyed it Smile

Could have needed my stress balls yesterday already cause I had quite a nightmare session... but at least I managed to not break anything yesterday Wink

First of all here is the graph:

Attached Image

I guess I shouldn't have played yesterday at all.. was still to upset that I broke my tablet after a bad hand and being the mental fish I am I was kind of telling my self I can't manage to handle a bad day.

So here is how it all started.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG Ivangennaro $9.95
UTG+1 Molesterx $12.70
CO Papapizza $10.88
D jokker30ultr $4.93
SB Ilian777 $9.12
BBHero $10
6$0.15Hero is BBAA
Ivangennaro raises to $0.30, 4 folds, Hero raises to $0.90, Ivangennaro calls $0.70
Hero checks, Ivangennaro checks
Hero bets$1.35, Ivangennaro calls $1.35
Hero goes all-in$7.65, Ivangennaro goes all-in $7.60
Final Pot$20
Hero shows AA
Ivangennaro shows TT

Ivangennaro wins $19.65 (net +$10)
Hero lost$9.90

Don't like my check here on the flop but no way I'm not getting it in anyways. Just the fact that I was not 100% satisfied with how I played the hand was fuel for my anger.

For the next hand I will also open a line check thread to get more input because I don't really know how to think about it.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG Molesterx $12.75
UTG+1 Papapizza $11.65
CO salvaje69 $9.85
D Ilian777 $10
SBHero $10.30
BB Ivangennaro $28.50
6$0.15Hero is SBKA
1 fold, Papapizza raises to $0.30, 1 fold, Ilian777 calls $0.30, Hero raises to $1.25, 1 fold, Papapizza calls $1, Ilian777 calls $1
Hero bets$2, Papapizza calls $2, Ilian777 calls $2
Hero goes all-in$7, Papapizza folds, Ilian777 goes all-in $6.70
2$23.70, 2 all-in K
Final Pot$23.70
Ilian777 shows 9A
Hero shows KA

Ilian777 wins $23.10 (net +$13.40)
Papapizza lost $3
Hero lost$10.25

not much later this happened.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
4 Players

CO Player 3 $6.79
D Player 4 $12.40
SB Player 5 $10
BBHero $11.78
4$0.15Hero is BBKA
Player 3 raises to $0.20, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.50, Player 3 raises to $0.80, Hero raises to $1.40, Player 3 raises to $2, Hero goes all-in$9.78, Player 3 goes all-in $3.79
2$18.62, 2 all-in K56
2$18.62, 2 all-in T
2$18.62, 2 all-in A
Final Pot$18.62
Hero shows KA
Player 3 shows 55

Player 3 wins $13.43 (net +$7.64)
Hero lost$11.18

Can't really explain my betsizings, maybe this are signs that I'm already tilted and it's time to take a break... but nevertheless I tried to keep going and not getting hands for a while or at least not getting action whenever I got a playable hand I somehow thought that 4bet bluffing and then calling a 5bet with T8s is a good idea -.-

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG jyrioo $10
UTG+1Hero $10
CO Ivangennaro $26.73
D Ahara $35.93
SB ivanova1987 $10
BB Kreshina $10
6$0.15Hero is UTG+18T
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.30, 2 folds, ivanova1987 raises to $0.85, 1 fold, Hero raises to $1.90, ivanova1987 raises to $2.60, Hero calls$1.30
ivanova1987 bets $1.75, Hero goes all-in$6.50, ivanova1987 goes all-in $4.75
2$20.10, 2 all-in 5
2$20.10, 2 all-in 4
Final Pot$20.10
ivanova1987 shows AA
Hero shows 8T

ivanova1987 wins $19.80 (net +$10.70)
Hero lost$7.80

after this hand I knew for sure it's time for a break so I took one and tried to gather my self again...

Next session started good and I played solid waiting for the right spots to get it in and folding if I felt like I'm beat.

After a while I took a break since it was time to chat with my girlfriend. Telling her the story of what happened to my tablet brought back up the emotions I had earlier this day. So somehow we didn't had the best chat and started arguing...

After chatting I was not yet sleepy so I decided I could play another session disregarding the fact that I was not in my best mood anymore... So all I want to say about the last session of the day is that I should really not play if I'm feeling anger or any other sort of tilt before I even sat down.

The moves I did were even more embarrassing than the T8s so I really don't want to show off how retarded I played...

To prevent days like yesterday I decided to work on my mental game today and to take time of the tables to research meditation and reread some chapters of "The Mental Game of Poker"

So I'm going to have my first mediation now and hope my mental game will be better today... Writing this all down helped already and I really look forward to my session Smile

Some questions for you guy:

-Do you guys meditate? And how is your experience with it?
-What else helps you to stay cool, calm and collected while you are playing?

Posted 8 years ago
Gogogogogo Carlo, tilt is a beast we must tame! It will always be there... lurking from the dark xD. Sad to hear you had a loosing day because of tilt, it's no easy task to play poker and be completely separated from reality, and of course arguing with others and self hatred doesn't help at all, I think you eventually learn how to deal with all these distraction, maybe players that have been around longer can shed some light into this issue. I struggle a lot with that too.

- I used to meditate but years ago, I did'nt even know poker at that time, it's somehing you need to be disciplined in order to achieve what you are looking for, I just couldn't stop the fucking self-talk and gave up XD
- Rocky Balboa and his speeches help me to stay collected! And I always play some music while playing... nothing especial.

Cheers, mate!
Posted 8 years ago
Thx mate I'll gonna write an update tomorrow... yesterday was great but today I fked it up again -.- Tilt has won today but I'll do my best to tame the beast in the future Wink

For now I'm just going to get really drunk while watching the superbowl with my friends Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Nice thread, I'll be following with interest. Good luck on and off tables, sounds like you deserve some run-good.