I'll be disciplined this time(i hope)

Posted 8 years ago

Hi guys, Gaston here, im from chile.(Sorry for my english is not that good). A little background from me, i play poker from 8 years, like 6 full time, i started on mtt freerolls, went through cash from nl5 to nl25, i had really good results on nl25 this was like from 2010 to 2012, i played on partypoker, azartiapoker that was a partypoker skin for europe. Then on 2013 a good friend of mine started to play mtts, and he had good results, so i thought why dont give it a try?

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That happened, 2013 was a great year for me, i was playing in a couple of more sites and had good results there, then 2014 and 15 were almost break even years, i didnt play for a big part of 2014 like 8 months. I was backed for a part of 2013 and all of 2014-15, i was let go by my stable at november of 2015. I was let go cause of my results i wasnt winning any money, i had good runs, but nothing big. I had mental coach, coaching, posting hands, watching videos.

Most of my winning i spended on stupid stuff, like going out to dinner, travel, i dont do drugs or alcohol so i didnt spend any money there. I was never the hardest worker of all, 2013 i played very little, then on 2015 i grinded a lot, and try to put more effort, but didnt work out. I had friends on the stable that were crushing the tables, and they were studying and working so much more than me.

Now im back to nl10, i was playing nl25, but i got destroyed, got destroyed on nl10, and still getting crushed almost every day. I went back to cash, cause i didnt have the bankroll to go back to mtts now, and also mtt life was like 5 days without going out of the house, because i started playing like 14:00 and ended at 03:00am.

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I have been working on my game, watching videos here, reading almost all of the hands on the forum, checking my stats, my hands after the session, but still nothing has changed.

I think i have some issues with my mental game, and mental health right now, i breakdown really easy, some days when i had a bad session start to cry, just cause i dont see what i can do to change this, its been really frustrating for the last year like dont having good results, i was breakeven on mtt but that also gave me such a hard time, some days i was deep on some big mtts and bust out like in the f2t, and i just went to full depresion mode.
Its really hard thinking of results in other years, and now getting the results that i have now.
I could go longer on like how has been for me this journey, and the last year, but i believe u get the picture.

I will keep trying, i think that in poker if u put the effort u can do it, i saw guys going from playing $2 mtts to $500 mtts in like 2 years or less. My girlfriend has been a the best support i can ask for now, she always tells me that is going to get better, that i have to conitue, put 2x or 3x the effort that i have given to poker.

So that guys, i will try to use the forum,videos, and every tool available here to get better.


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Posted 8 years ago
A super honest intro there buddy and I really hope you can get out of that mindset and power on and crush!

What is it that makes you cry? I know it is easy to say 'losses' but what specifically?
Posted 8 years ago
I think its a mix of all @Jon-PokerVIP, its not all days after bad sessions, or even like every week, but happens some times, i start to remmeber how i did in the past, the amount of money that i spended, probably is not that much, but here it was good money, i could have done way better things with it. The feeling of also being like the last year without making a good profit on any month, on cash i have been back for like 1 month? almost 2? and probably i have to learn and get better, but the last months of mtts were brutal to me mentally, it was almost breakeven, but that feeling of getting close to big prizes, going out almost every day on the final 2 tables of 2 or more mtts, having coaching, mental coach, and seeing that nothing is changing. And that has happen a little at cash too, like reviewing my game, watching videos, going to play, losing 3bi, losing 4bi, next session losing again. I would love to get like a good coach and work, but i ended up with so little money, that i have to wait to do some well on tables first.