Zero to hero... my £0 starting BR challenge

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

So this blog is going to accompany me as I set out on a new challenge... from literally zero to ?...

Over the last couple of years I've had a couple of journeys on here charting my 25nl and 50nl struggles. And that is what they were... struggles! So much so that I often became frustrated with poker no matter how much I was learning, and in that time I learnt a heck of a lot and continue to do so! However due to my current break even 2 year patch at 25nl - 100nl (sky and stars) I have decided to withdraw my bankroll to enjoy IRL (leaving £100 on sky as a restart BR in case this challenge will fail, which it may well do seeing as i only have 3.5 buy ins to start with!

I enjoy poker, I love the game with all its complexities and idiosyncrasies. I want to make sure I am enjoying the game rather than just feeling like I'm banging my head against a brick wall (which honestly the last 2 years have felt like!)

So here it is...

I've signed up with Unibet through PokerVIP and am starting with my £10 free ticket. Which has given me 14.50 euros in my balance, so 3.5 buy ins at 4nl. So i feel as if I play tight, slightly aggressive ABC poker to begin with and with lady luck on my side I may be able to build a bankroll. For this challenge I will play with a slightly aggressive bankroll management. I'm not sure exactly when I'll move up, I need to suss out the games first, never played on Unibet before.

So I have a feeling this challenge will either take off and head towards a great challenge or fail pretty quickly... I just need that initial boost, so wish me luck!

I'm a hobby player, always have been as I have my own business which pays the bills. I play live once a week locally here in Newquay. I am a surfer, I ride and build motorcycles in my spare time, yup, I keep myself busy! I have a lovely wife who is currently carrying out first child... you could say I'm pretty lucky, however sometimes when playing poker it certainly doesn't feel that way!

I'll be back with an update after my first session...

... lets hope its not my last!

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Posted 8 years ago*
Starting BR £0

Unibet Signup bonus £10

Site currency conversion: €14.50

Current BR: €28.28

So I'm super happy that I got out of the gate ok and managed to get past the first hurdle, the dreaded off -the-bat run bad. However it wasn't without it's hiccups!

I played two 4nl 2 table sessions totalling probably 800 hands to start just to get to grips with the software which is pretty straight forward but perhaps not as black and white was I'm used to. Also sitting on 3 tables with my entire BR is probably not the best idea! My main mistake is hitting min raise on the BTN (my default for BTN) when i haven't noticed that some one else has raised, its prob cost me 25 bigs getting into hands i shouldn't have been involved in.

My biggest mistake was just a simple misclick dammit! I lost a full stack hitting call instead of fold after 2 guys had gone all in and i was messing around looking in the lobby working things out and not concentrating... ouch! Well at least it didn't bring this challenge to a grinding halt right away. I ended up over 3 buy ins up so I couldn't have asked for a better start considering I am actually playing quite conservative.

So wow, yeh there are plenty of maniacs going AI pre and also on random flops, but unfortunately I can't cash in on this currently as my BR is too meagre to play a high variance game so for the moment I'm staying out of these spots unless I have nuts of course...

I'm trying to work out what percentage of my hole cards i should be calling AI with vs the maniacs pre with such a delicate BR... any tips? So far i haven't had a hand higher than AQ when they've shoved so i haven't got involved. The big problem is though that it completely kills the action for me on the table and i actually have to move... never thought I'd be doing that!

Another thing is i have to remember to change alias before each session, I forgot this morning. I'm sure it'll come second nature soon.

Anyone got any Unibet and / or super micro tips?

thats it for now


Attached Image

Here's a pic of the beach I grew up near, 15 miles up the coast from where I live now, Newquay. I grew up on this beach, everyday in the holidays and in the evening after school, surfing and chasing girls... I'm definitely lucky to live here. The beach parties in the dunes (just out of shot) back in the 90's were just unbelievable, a golden era!
Posted 8 years ago
Ooooh this makes me excited for sureeeeeeeeeee

Very rarely do i hear of someone starting from zero and very rarely do i see someone achieve it. Time for you to break the mold and make shit happen!

As for the micros it will just come down to making sure you do nothing dumb and also making sure you get the max out of every situation. Everytime you value bet make sure you are getting the max. This does not mean bet pot but once you put villain on a range and understand how much they will call bet that amount. Sounds so simple but people seem to take no notice of this point.

Check out my crushing the micros on unibet series Here
Posted 8 years ago*
Thanks Jon, yeh I already checked out your two first vids at 4nl in the series and it gave me a good heads up of what to expect...

I kept in mind your tip on getting max value and it definitely made me stop and think about bet sizes a bit more this last session, for sure gave me a few extra nuggets in a couple spots!

So quick update after another relatively short session, maybe 500 hands and up nearly 5 buy ins.

I'm definitely letting a couple of hands go where I would usually continue due to my BR but perhaps this is good for my game here at 4nl. To be honest I am really enjoying feeling like the captain at the tables, especially after playing so many regs over the last couple of years at higher levels it's quite refreshing to be in full control down here, I'm ending up in so many more spots where I am just super confident and villains are just much more predictable and obvious, most of my decision making so far has been second nature. At least thats how it feels but I am aware that I am running pretty good too so need to keep a level head. I'm nearly out of the danger zone and starting to build a comfortable roll. I've definitely run good: for example running my A high flushes into villains K high flushes twice for full stacks... lets hope the run good continues for a couple more sessions just to give me that solid 20 buy in roll.

Starting BR £0

Stake 4nl

BR before session: €28.28

Hands played: approx 500

Current BR: €47.40

Posted 8 years ago
Excellent start there dude! I have done exactly the same as you. I am yet to deposit any cash into my Unibet account and it now stands at €207 - that was helped largely by me winning one of them €500 Unibet Uk open packages so that added about €160 into my bankroll. Ever since then Iv been treading water on there with regards my bankroll.

For the past week or so I have been trying BetVictor just to see if I can get used to using a HUD. I still intend to play a lot of poker on Unibet because of its softness. It just gets a bit frustrating when I'm losing money to players that I believe I am a lot better than. I keep telling myself that in the long run my efforts will pay off...they won't always beat my AA with KJ!!

I love Newquay, we often used to visit there growing up as we have family in Padstow, Fistral beach was my favourite!
Posted 8 years ago
Sickoooooo this is unstoppable imo!

If you want a review lmk and can sort it for you. Keep crushing
Posted 8 years ago*
Thanks Keith - and congrats on the brink in the freeroll - gotta love a BR boost like that - and the bonus of the tour event too - GL

Yeh I grew up near Padstow, in St Merryn, the beach above is Constantine... check it out next time you're down although maybe you know all about it. If you're down again visiting Padstow give me a shout and keep tuesday nights free - theres a £10 rebuy tourney every week and a super juicey £1 / £1 cash game here in Newquay. Yeh, I've played Hud assisted before and glad I did it improved my game no end, however the majority of my poker has been at Sky and live so I just feel like I have an edge playing sites with no huds... Im definitely enjoying Unibet so far!

Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Sickoooooo this is unstoppable imo!

If you want a review lmk and can sort it for you. Keep crushing

Cheers Jon I may well do its been a while since my last review, I'll wait till I get a solid BR so its not affecting my play and swing one over... Yes
Posted 8 years ago
Im here now too, Going to be interesting to follow your journey, we have some bits in common here... not only our Swedish wives Wink

Soo great that you good a good start on your challenge as of course I did when starting with 10euros but I try to play a bit more low variance than when I play with a hud, you can surely get away with folding more mariginal spots when playing low rolled because your image is so insignificant when you are changing identity all the time anyway. I would be really weary of my image folding to all the 3bets I am now.. like probably 80-85% but it is not exploitable of course as it is the last time they see me do it under that identy. I kind of like this hide and seek poker dynamics.. its quite fun. Playing against all the eastern european regs at pokerstars always trying really hard to exploit your weaknesses statswise at first opportunity ruined the game for me.. Unibet is much more fun at this time for me anyway. Smile

When deciding what hands you should call pushes with..well.. I played a fun hand today when I made probably a pretty mariginal play but it worked out fine :).

I raise in the co with TT with 120bbs. button calls with 120bbs behind and then bb jams for 50bbs. I rejam and get instacalled by the button. bb had KK and won the main pot but btn had 88 and I won a large sidepot and made some money on the hand anyway :). I think I would rejam with AK and TT+ here. If he jammed 100bb my Range would probably be QQ+ but Im not sure.. It is really important to pay attention to who does this for the first time, playing tight earlier and to the guys pushing every hand.. then of course you could loosen up that range quite a bit counting in number of people left to act behind you of course.. Quite a bit of babbling but these decisions are kind of important because these situations happens all the time at nl4.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh I agree with you about the hide and seek poker dynamics. I am enjoying it at the moment and am also playing more conservatively as you with certain stats I'm sure would be super exploitable by regs with a hud but we don't ned to worry about that here... Im enjoying picking up on short term dynamics and am actually going to start to write down quick notes about the guys at my tables just to keep in mind during these sessions and obviously start from scratch each session...

Yeh interesting hand there for sure with the side pot... i think i would do the same now with my roll but perhaps not back when it was only a few buy ins for variance sake!

Well I'd say see yah at the tables but i guess we just won't know! GL

I played my weekly live game last night and ran terrible... it actually astonishes me that the 100nl live game here in Newquay plays nearly the same as 4nl online... its incredible... last night I mustve had AK or AQ 5-6 times and raising pre obv to get always called by 2-3 players and and super low connect flops everytime with no BD equity and i just can't continue... Also had my AA crushed by 47suited after raising pre... etc etc... its a lucrative game for me, just not last night!

Posted 8 years ago
My friends keep telling me about how easy it is at casino what with all the recreational players. I keep meaning to try it out sometime but as of yet just haven't managed to do so. I bet you were fuming to lose AA to 47 but you just need to remember that overall your play is way more profitable...just not that day!

If I go back down to Cornwall anytime soon il be sure to try out the poker tournament there...and constantine beach too, it looks fantastic!!
Posted 8 years ago*
Yeh I'm pretty good at keeping a level head at the live tables... I definielty showed my frustration with the AA hand as it was the same woman who kept calling my raises and hitting the low flops showing me her junk after I folded. It was fine though, I didn't tilt... just expressed my disdain at her ha!

Its all good... I know in the long run I'm golden...

Played a quick session for this challenge today. Im definitely starting to loosen up now my BR is building and I definitely made a couple of mistakes calling down to light although not in large pots. I definitely found myself in a couple of tricky spots but overall happy with my play. Also 4 tabling now which keeps things moving a little better. I'm definitely enjoying the longer time bank compared to Sky... makes me realise how short it is over there! Can be way to short at times...

Not really sure how the points system works over there, I've completed a few challenges for points but then what? Do we receive cash for our points at the end of each quarter? If so does this happen automatically? or do I need to make sure i cash them in a the right time?

Starting BR £0

Stake 4nl

BR before session: €47.40

Hands played: approx 1000

Current BR: €53.87

Posted 8 years ago
You are flying at the moment on Unibet. I got off to a great start, built my br up to about €56 euros and then got really confident. I started to loosen up a bit, called more often with mediocre hands and ended up dropping back down to around €28 so tightened back up again.

With regards them points challenges, when you get to certain amounts you will unlock goodies. For example when you get to 3000 points that will automatically give you 5 €1 sit n go tickets. The higher up to go, the more lucrative the gifts. Apparently you can exchange the tickets to tickets of your choice over on the twoplustwo forum (Unibet thread), so if you would rather change all of your sit n go tickets to 4nl cash tickets they will do that for you.

Posted 8 years ago*
Cheers Keith, yeh I've done a bit of reading on the points system now and kinda get how it works... they've kinda over done it with all these 'challenges, missions and achievements' and all this nonsense its kinda hard to work out what the rake back actually is eh!

So over the past few days Ive played 3 sessions and on my last one moved up to 6 tables and feel confident with that amount of tables open... things happen fairly slowly compared to Sky where i was happy at 4 tables. I could do more but i really like to keep my eye on all the villains, esp without a hud its pretty important for max value...

one of my sessions was my first losing session since this challenge began... but my other two were great so overall over the 3 sessions I'm up 5 buy ins!

Well suns out surfs pumping today so I'm outahere! Maybe I'll come back with a pic... first surf since I had my appendix out 2 weeks ago so hopefully I won't drown!

Starting BR £0

Stake 4nl

BR before sessions: €53.87

Hands played: approx 1500

Current BR: €73.94
Posted 8 years ago*
Ahoy pards, I'm still here!

Just haven't had much time for Poker lately, been at the felt sporadically over the last 2 weeks and probably amassed around 7,000 hands. I had one particularly bad session where I lost 3 buy ins in around 10 hands and ended up 4 BI's in the muck... I have however powered myself back up and still moving forward in this mission.

As far as rewards go by the end of this week I'll have received 3 x €1 MTT tickets and 5 x €1 SnG tickets which I'll use soon to hopefully boost my BR a little more...

I'm currently in Sweden visiting my wife family and generally taking a break from my super busy life. I haven't surfed much at all since having my appendix out. I've tried twice but its super uncomfortable lying on my stomache. And generally been feeling pretty shit in the stomach on and off. That'll hopefully clear now and I'll be back to normal...

Stake 4nl

BR before sessions: €53.87

Hands played: approx 7000

Current BR: €81.14

Posted 8 years ago
Nice going buddy great thread , look forward to the next update.
Posted 8 years ago
Always wanted to go to Sweden - Any pics?
Posted 8 years ago*
Thanks guys... noticed a mistake in my above post - BR before sessions: shoulda been €73.94

just played another quick session this AM:

Stake 4nl

BR before sessions: €81.14

Hands played: approx 700

Current BR: €90.53

Yeh I'll sort out a few pics for another post Jon!
Posted 8 years ago*
Quick update...

Finally hit the €100 mark!

Played sporadically over the last 3 weeks since my last post but also been super busy in real life... lots going on so not a lot of time for this challenge

Still enjoying the unibet site, thought I'd start posting images of my screen names, latest one:

Attached Image

Stake 4nl

BR before sessions: €90.53

Hands played: approx 5000

Current BR: €101.08

Onwards and upwards!

Am having one little gripe with PokerVIP though, I signed up to Unibet through PokerVIP, even did it alongside one of the team through the chat box to make sure i did it right... I've played 1,000's of hands in about 6 - 8 weeks... and they can't seem to confirm my screen name and show my rake data etc... do you know about this Jon? I've tried in the chat box 3 times over the last few weeks to get someone to sort it out and they keep saying they are emailing Unibet... but they and/or I never get an answer...

Would be great to get it sorted...
Posted 8 years ago
hahaha man i Love that avatar and name! Might steal it one day Wink

WP on hitting the 3 figure br - must feel just incredible!

PM me your email address (one you use to login to PokerVIP with) and username (log in name) for Unibet please and I will take care of it for you buddy. Sorry our support has not solved this for you yet