Live £1/1 Angle?

Posted 7 years ago

Preflop action £2 straddle 3 limps and the straddle checks. (£8 pot)

Flop 2s,4s,5d

Straddler leads for £5 (£250 stack)
EP calls (£19 stack)
Suspected angler check raises to £18 (£300+ stack)
Straddler quickly calls
EP shoves for £19 both players call the £1 (£65 pot)

Turn 2s,4s,5d,[8h]

Check raiser bets £30 into the dead pot, straddler quickly shoves.

Check raiser and suspected angler tanks for around a minute and is cutting out his chips. He then slides a stack of £100 to the edge of the line and say what I'm 95% sure to be "call". I burn, and I am about to pull the river and ask again to confirm he said call, he then claims to of said "count" my instant reaction was that this was an angle but as I wasn't 100% sure I didn't want to commit.

I had seen the turn card but I was fairly certain that no one else could of and most importantly the suspected angler was sat in seat 8 and it would of been impossible for him to of seen. I deliberated shuffling the deck again to produce another river to make sure he couldn't gain an unfair advantage. However, as it hadn't been established that he had called yet and the river being the [7c] which would not complete any hand he could be angling with be it flush draws/sets although as I believed this was an angle I was almost certain he had a set, and was trying to get a reaction as to whether the straddler had a straight. I was also extremely confident that the reg straddler had exclusively 67 in this spot so I was happy for the safe river to remain out of fairness of the game.

The reaction from the straddler was extremely calm and was completely fine with the situation and the suspected angler ended up calling. The only reason I am not certain this was an angle is that if he had done this for a reaction, he got his information, and that was that the straddler was super strong, maybe he calls because of the heat of the situation? [7c] remains the river and the straddler has 67o and scooped the side pot and the main pot was chopped with the short stack against his 56o.

The potential angler mucked and left shortly after. Some information on him is that I had him classed as a pretty solid player and I'm fairly confident he would never call the turn with any draw as he would never of been getting the price so I'm pretty sure he had a set.

How do you feel this situation was dealt with and do you believe this was an angle? My opinion is that this was without question an angle as you just don't cut out a stack and move it towards the line and then ask for a count by using a single word for fear it could be interpreted as a call. He also did not stop me dealing the river it was only when I asked a second time he corrected me. Luckily the river wasn't dealt but if it had he could be in a spot where he could free roll a pair up and if it pairs carry on as if it was a call and deny if it didn't.

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
Hmmm sounds like he may have just been trying to be a bit to clever for his own good. I am not sure if an angle as it's a minor offense as such compared to every other angle I have ever witnessed!