88 dry board

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

I like my c bet as it keeps my range uncapped! Was torn on the turn............ decided to check so I could get value from A highs etc on blank rivers plus he can def have a 9! River is just yack as population very rarely bluff this river!

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

UTG Player 3 $32.04
CO Player 4 $20
D Player 6 $45.89
SBHero $41.59
BB Player 2 $20
5$0.50Hero is SB88
[Player 4 posts $0.20]
Player 3 calls $0.20, Player 4 checks, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.80, Player 2 calls $0.70, Player 3 calls $0.70, Player folds
Hero bets$1.50, Player folds, Player 3 calls $1.50
Hero checks, Player 3 bets $1.48, Hero calls$1.48
Hero checks, Player 3 bets $4.43, Hero folds
Final Pot$13.29

Player 3 wins $12.85 (net +$4.74)
Hero lost$3.78
Player 2 lost $0.70
Player 4 lost $0.20


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
Had this been HU I don't think we have to give a free turn card. I'd probably bet the turn again as we get floated wide all day on the flop by a reg.
But multiway we could actually make a nit river fold after this guys sneaky small turn bet then half pot river just raises alarm bells to me. Also there can be more 9s out there in this spot than HU.
Posted 7 years ago
Any reads on player 3? I'm folding unless we have some, I expect them to check back Ax all day and only bet value hands. Hard to see them reach the river with total air (KA/KQ), more times than not it's value.
Posted 7 years ago
If I'm iso-ing here I'm making it at least 5x, even given a limper range from utg is sometimes stronger. Don't worry about 'standard' sizes against limpers, punish them, they'll play anyway and if not woohoo free money.

I'd fold the turn quite often with little info except villain limp/calls which generally indicates passivity. Yes, even to a small bet like that.
If I do call turn why would I fold that river, it changes nothing for me imo.
Posted 7 years ago
I think we can go for 3 streets of value here. Dont know the limpers stats which could make it easier but as a standard trying to get him to call 3 with Ax and 33-77 is the best imo. There is way more Ax in his range than 9x not sure about overpairs since I dont know hos stats.
Posted 7 years ago
Think it is important to note that the guy left in the pot by the turn was not a limper! He cold called my iso from the btn! Yeah it was anon so no stats but he is one of the better players in the pool! Raises to 2.2x from all positions so obviously watches far too much Twitch haha!
Posted 7 years ago
ohh okay looks like from the HH that it was player 3 (the limper)

I think we can go for value on the turn he should be calling lighter then he VB's (Ahigh and underpair). So I would bet flop bet turn and then the river will be interesting. Im not sure if betting or c/f is the best. c/c doesnt accomlish much at all since he shoudlnt float when he is in between you and the fish on the flop. Im leaning towards betting since he can have more underpairs than overpairs and more Ax than 9x.
Posted 7 years ago
Cheers boss! Yeah I knew I should have bet turn pretty much straight after I clicked check! I missed value and gave him free reign to barrel his bluffs! River is still tricky but I quite like the idea of a blocker style bet as he is only going to raise nutted hands!
Posted 7 years ago
Not a flop texture I would c bet multiway. Once you decide to go for value I would probably continue betting on the turn expecting many Ax floats to peel once more. It also makes the river an easier check fold once you bet twice. I never expect villain to try and value bet worse.

Your idea about a blocker bet might be +EV, but it's not a line I would usually take.