Posted 8 years ago

is this a fold or should I just be getting this in:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG PleaseDeposit $12.68
UTG+1 slambang19 $10.32
CO parrotbrah $10.56
DHero $15.27
SB rhinovic $14.79
BB paskuda1 $10
6$0.15Hero is BTNAA
PleaseDeposit raises to $0.30, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.90, 2 folds, PleaseDeposit calls $0.60
PleaseDeposit checks, Hero bets$1.05, PleaseDeposit calls $1.05
PleaseDeposit checks, Hero bets$2.50, PleaseDeposit raises to $7.40, Hero folds
Final Pot$13.65

PleaseDeposit wins $13.65 (net +$4.60)
Hero lost$4.45

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago*
yeah is a fold but you can save some money on flop and turn . if this is a fish i bet a liitle under pot flop and turn and stak. if is a reg i bet like 1/2 flop and 1/2 turn
Posted 8 years ago
i have 247 hands on him and only been playing for a little over week so I would say he is reggish. I don't think he is a good reg, but I am not a good reg yet either. Workin on it but have a ways to go
Posted 8 years ago*
Weird why he would raise that turn. He hardly ever has T9. And for the price you gave on flop.

Unless you have any reason to think he plays KK or QQ this way then is just a bit weird. Hardly ever see this line as a bluff on this run out from any reggish player.
I think this is a decent fold.

Specifically I think JJ or maybe 88 occasionally.
Posted 8 years ago
Good fold as raises on turn like this often just mean the nuts or near enough and we have no outs vs that. Even a lot of rivers make our hand strength worse.
Posted 8 years ago
Raise on the turn down in the trenches is very nearly always for value and a nutted range, unless I have specific info about villain.
My standard move here is tank/fold/kick dog. Sad

Posted 8 years ago
3 bet bigger pre.
Posted 8 years ago
Joshk81: 3 bet bigger pre.

3x to 90 in position is standard here...
Posted 8 years ago
Perhaps the idea of 3 betting larger pre here is becasue utg will have an assumed tighter range and is a little deeper, so we can extract more value from that by pushing it a bit more?
Just thought.
Posted 8 years ago
Well I just don't think it's a mistake. Not really worth too much talk unless we make a separate strategy thread on this topic in general.
Posted 8 years ago
If you can 3 b bigger you widen the range of hands that you can get stacks in with post that don't 4 b. If the spr is high the stack off range is tighter. Lower spr wider stack off ranges. With an spr of 20 qj will be harder to stack on qxxxx. Spr of1 qj is rarely folding a qxx flop. By 3 b bigger you can still get three streets of action and having position you can decide in most situations how action closes. You also increase the betsizes you will be generally choosing as you should have the lead as people tend to play in flow in 3 b pots.

There may be an argument to cbet slightly bigger also. I personally think people lose a lot longterm using smaller 3 bets, not betting their hands, and betting them smaller than they should.